Session Start: Thu Jan 10 18:03:48 2008 Session Ident: #tatchat * Now talking in #tatchat 12hi Mimi and Katia! 07Katia we have another Canadian 10Hello, Katia and Mimi Good evening, sorry I'm late Good Evening ladies ijust log also mimi 07Good Evening, Mimi 12yeah, but she's in the west....Mimi, is Saskechewan close to you? Ok..I get it. 07it is only four minutes after did everyone had a nice holiday? Sorry, Saskatchwan is a long distance awway 12oh, yes, it was lovely. 07Stephanie, Katia lives in the province of Quebec which is east of Ontario's a long distance away from here, too. I'm just south of BC, then there's Alberta before Saskatechwan 12Yes! Wonderful! We celebrated for two weeks Yes very nice Christmas 12Oh, yes, I know where Quebec is...I have friends from there. Why do you ask? 12Norma is from Saskatchewan 12;-) 07yes for my Christmas present, my family gave me a digital camera so now I can take and upload pictues of my needlearts that is nice Margaret 12I'm not much of a photographer, but for the first time, I actually would LIKE to have a camera 12so I could put pictures of my tatting online 12Margaret - thanks so much for sharing the beautiful cross and snowmen If you have a scanner you can scan flat tatting to put the images on line 07much easier than scanning each piece, especially if it is a large crocheted item (if the item is not larger than the bed of your scanner that is) 12I've been playing with 3-D stuff lately, and the scanner lid smashes it flat.... 07did you see the dove and butterfly (first page)? 12Margaret, that cross bookmark is my all-time favorite bookmark pattern! 10c 07it is from Monica Hahn's book, Christmas Angels and other Tatting Patterns, I think page 18 Mimi did you notice we have some new name in tonight ? 07hi, Mrs. John, I have seen your name on the yahoo groups too I was just now trying to figure out who was new and who's continuing Hi all, just sitting here reading, Margaret's blog, and class lessons! :) 02@Desiree Ah, Desiree you made it! It is nice to see whateveryone is doing! 02yeah thanks I was wondering who the mystery "Tatter" was. Did someone tell Desiree how to change her nick? 02I can't figure it out well we have Mrs John and NormaB new and i think the rest are those who want to encourage us so that why they are with us still :) Desiree is new too. Let's help her change her nick * Tatter270 has joined #tatchat 12Desiree, see the white space, bottom right corner, under where it says Change Nick To? 07type your name into the white box underneath 'Change nick to' and hit the enter button sweet 12click in the white space, then type your name and hit the Enter key Sherree10 02Desiree 07Hi, Sherree10 It's a little bit strange, changing your nick - we're so used to clicking to change it that we forget the "Enter" button you could also type /nick (yourname) and hit enter True Katia. 12You did it - much faster than some of us figured out how to do! Good job 02Ok I don't see the box that says change nick name to I can change my nick to "Cluny" by typing /Cluny on the long white line where I typed this text 12Wow, we have a lot of people here tonight! 02desiree * Mimi is now known as Cluny See? * Cluny is now known as Mimi but I typed /nick Cluny oops 07how many are here from the yahoo group entitled Tatting? * Tatter is now known as desiree Yay Desiree! 12cool, you did it! Me well done Desiree 02thanks! How about Sherree? Can you change your nick, too? yse Changing your nick is the first thing to do on entering the classroom That way the rest of us know who you are. yes lol I tried 12I joined the yahoo tatting not long ago, but have been fairly quiet Mimi note to self we need to put a list of basic commande somewhere on the page like the /nick ;) type the following where you type your chat /nick Sherree 07I tried typing /nick(Isobel) and hitting enter and it didn't work 12brb, i'm gonna go pour a cup of tea. Full pot here if anyone wants a cup.... No parenthesis Margaret 07I'll drink some, Stephanie, is it green? 12you type /nick, leave 1 space, then type your name 12black and a space after /nick and your name I'll take honey in mine! :) 12decaf mint green tea with honey! * Tatter270 is now known as Sherree10 Yay Sherree!! you did it! hey it worked 12Now we're cookin' 07still not working nicely done Sherree10 Once everyone has got their nicks correctly, and it's after class start time (like now) it's time to sign in ty tyvm Mimi Dillman, Snohomish, WA USA, ntrop at 07I will do it in the white box. I know how to do it that way AND THE TEACHERS TURN ON "ALL CAPS" SO THAT THEIR REMARKS ARE VISIBLE IN THE LOG AND ON SCREEN :) Katia Vallée Sherbrooke, Québec , Canada lady_elhasa at 12Nancy Clemmons, Birmingham, Alabama USA bookjazz at What and where do you sign in? 12i'm back. 10Cathy q, lucie296 at, south Georgia JUST LIKE TYPING A COMMENT NORMAB 07Margaret I. Boos, maggiep54 at, London, Ontario, Canada, shuttle 02Snellville, Georgia 12Stephanie Wilson trompete at Athens, GA USA Mrs. John Stout, Harlem, Montana Sherree Givens, Hesperia Ca, sherree10 at AND PLEASE IF YOU CAN ADD YOUR EMAIL LOTS OF GEORGIANS HERE TONIGHT! stoutdebbie at 12Stephanie - I thought you had moved? 12Wow, someone else from GA!!! COL Norma Betz normabetz at Saskatchewan Canada 12not yet. Roof needed replacing, rain delayed it a couple months. AH NOW I KNOW THE SASKATCHEWAN QUESTION. PROBABLY MRSJOHN IS THE CLOSEST OK ONCE EVERYONE HAS SIGNED IN, WE FIND OUT IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS FROM THE LAST LESSON yes, close to the border! ONLY, THERE WAS NO LAST LESSON :) UNLESS THERE'S REMAINING QUESTIONS ABOUT THE SPLIT CHAIN DISCUSSION FROM LAST WEEK'S BONUS LESSON? 12Unless you count the bonus lesson! EVIDENTLY NO QUESTIONS 12I can do the stitches aaround the cabone ring 07I now have a bone ring GREAT, NANCY! DID YOU GET THE PATTERN CD FROM PALMETTOS? 12but I'm still struggling with the "real" ones 07found it tonight looking for saftey pins THERE'S A PATTERN ON THAT CD TOO (CHECK MY FOLDER) DID YOU TAT ON IT MARGARET? 12Yes I did get the Palmettos CD so I can look back at that 07no, phone rang and she talked until lesson time WELL I DO HAVE A QUESTION WHAT EVERYONE ARE LEARNING NEEDLE OR SHUTTLE? 07shuttle 02shuttle 10shuttle 12shuttle needle and shuttle Shuttle... 12both needle WOOT I HAVE SOME STUDENTS THIS SESSION :) HEY YOU CAN DO SHUTTLE TOO KATIA, I KNOW YOU CAN I was gonna try needle, but couldn't find any needles that would work. we did it just to oblige! ME, I'M A BIT CLUELESS IWTH NEEDLE, I USE IT LIKE MY SHUTTLE MOST TIMES UNTIL YOU TELL ME THE SIMPLER WAY 07Mrs. John , you only have to DO one WELL THAT QUESTION FROM NORMA LEADS US INTO THE LESSON CONTENT: SUPPLIES :) I find easier to hold suhttle, my hands don't work well all the time. SO I DON'T NEED TO ASK FOR SUGGESTIONS FOR WHERE TO FIND TATTING NEEDLES IN SASKATCHEWAN? DOES EVERYONE HAVE AT LEAST ONE OF THEIR TATTING IMPLEMENTS OF CHOICE? (NEEDLE OR SHUTTLE) AND 2 COLORS OF THREAD? 12 All set okeydokey 10yes ready to go. 02sure yep 07I have plenty of part bobbins from those snowmen (two parts each) Well if someone knows where to find needles in Saskatchewan, i'm willing to give it a try. SOUNDS LIKE YOU HAVE A LOT OF DOVES/BUTTERFLIES IN YOUR FUTURE MARGARET (FOR PARTIAL BOBBINS OF THREAD) KATIA, DO YOU GET NEEDLES AT A STORE? MARY MAXIM OR? Yes I have everything. 07but they are all white HMMMM HANDY HAND DOVES ARE WHITE :) OH YOU BUY NEEDLES MAIL ORDER THEN KATIA 12I ordered something from Handy Hands today and they have many sizes of tatting needles. TATTING NEEDLES ARE SIZED TO MATCH THREADS that's where I get mine has needle also Are they in Canada? 07what is the proper way to wind a shuttle? I read the article on that women's internt site and was confused. I jsut wind I GET EVERYTHING MAIL ORDER WE DONT HAVE ANYTHING DOWN MY PLACE NO, SORRY, HANDY HANDS IS AMERICAN THERE ARE A COUPLE OF CANADIAN VENDORS 07Rita TATS ALL COMES TO MIND - IS GALE STILL VENDING DOES ANYONE KNOW? 07her husband is very ill SHE IS BUT ONLY AS THE SHORT NEEDLE NOT THE LONG ONES DO YOU HAVE RITA'S DETAILS HANDY MARGARET? SHORT NEEDLES WORK, THOUGH 07threads at I have tapistry needles, but very short. LET ME GET THE LINK FOR HER STORE 07Rita - Threads Plus Canada THANKS MARGARET - THREADS AT EXECULINK IS RITA COCHRANE'S ADDRESS. SHE CARRIES NEEDLES AND ALSO LOTS OF THREADS! THEY WOULD WORK NORMA 12You can still get stuff from Handy Hands even if you live in Canada, right? SURE, IT'S JUST A MATTER OF INTERNATIONAL POSTAGE AND THE EXCHANGE RATE (THESE DAYS AMERICAN PRICES MUST LOOK PRETTY GOOD TO CANADIANS) 07someone was talking about Altin Basak when I joined in. Rita carries it. I have some yellow #50 but haven't tried it yet YES HANDY HAND IS A GREAT PLACE TO BUY EVERYTHING FOR TATTING 12 If they ship to Canada? 12I've done lots of business with Handy Hands - threads, gadgets, books, etc. 12(that was handy Hands) I hate to 'sit and then run'... but I have to go... :( Tonight was full of things, but I had to stop in... I;ll be back next week! 07Rita is Canadian, Norma 12see you next week! sorry... bye 12Bye for now 07in Princeton, near me, (London, Ontario) * MrsJohn has quit IRC (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) see you nancy NEEE YOU NEXT WEEK mRS jOHN 12I like Altin Basak thread. bye IS GALE MARSHALL, SHE'S IN OTTAWA I THINK? YES MIMI Where in Canada? address or number? 12No, I'm staying, I was just saying bye to Mrs. John Sorry for confusion ONTARIO SORRY I WAS LOOKING UP GALE'S WEBSITE SO I MISSED THAT PART GALE AS A WBSITE YOU CAN ORDER FROM THERE 07and Norma, Rita will ship by Canada Post as cheaply as possible SO NORMA NOW YOU HAVE 2 CANADIAN CHOICES PLUS ONE IN THE US ANY OTHER QUESTIONS ABOUT SUPPLIES? ONE THING I DIDN'T ADD WAS BOOKS FOR BEGINNERS It's going by so fast I missed them. NORMA I ALSO USE BEADING NEEDLE FOR FINE THREAD AND IT WORK WELL I ONLY THOUGHT ABOUT IT JUST NOW BUT SOME PEOPLE MIGHT ACTUALLY LIKE A BOOK INSTEAD OF WEBSITES PROBABLY THE BEST BOOK I'VE SEEN IN RECENT TIMES IS TATTING WITHOUT A TEACHER BY BETTY ALDERSON 12Mimi will post a log after class, so if you miss anything you can check the log and get the information. IT'S A SHUTTLE TATTING BOOK 12You WILL post the log for this week, right? Ok good enouph. LOG = TRANSCRIPT 12yeah. YES BOTH KATIA AND I ARE LOGGING 12I've seen Betty ALderson's book. It's really good. WE DO THAT, NORMA, SO THAT YOU CAN CONCENTRATE ON KEEPING UP AND NOT HAVING TO TAKE NOTES JUST A NOT MIMI I NEED 15 MIN OF YOUR TIME AFTER CLASS OK KATIA 07I used Betty's book to make my first ds by myself before I saw anyone in person THE BOOK IS AVAILABLE FROM SNOWGOOSE IN COLORADO USA. OTHERS MAY HAVE IT 10:) 10:) PETE ALDERSON IS A GREAT GUY TO DEAL WITH HE TRAVELS A LOT IN WINTER, KIND OF A SNOWBIRD FOR NEEDLE LEARNING NEEDLE TATTING BARBRA FOSTER IS A NICE BOOK.. AND GALE MARSHAL DID DO A SMALL BOOKLET WITH THE TRUE RING TECHNIC 07Norma, he ships really quickly to Canada. even before I had purchased the money order 07It was $8.00 US I LIKE BARBARA FOSTER'S BOOK (SHE'S HANDY HANDS) 12 I haven't seen it but it sounds like a good thing to send home with someone after a lesson also. I taught a woman to do a double stitch yesterday. I HAVEN'T SEEN GALES YET, SOME DAY GOOD JOB NANCY SO THERE YOU GO, ANY OTHER SUPPLIES QUESTIONS? 12Barbara Foster explains needle tatting very well. She is almost as good as Katia. I HAVE SEEN GALE AND EVEN GOT A PICTURE WUTH HER ...EVEN IF SHE DOES NT LIKE HER PICTURE TAKEN REALLY KATIA? WOW 07Sharon Briggs has some teaching items too. Canadain. Toronto AND SHARON'S A TV STAR NOW :) I STARTED NEEDLE TATTING WITH BARBARA'S BOOK AND TOOK OFF FROM THERE 12oh, I forgot about Sharon Briggs. SORRY SNOWGOOSE LINK ABOVE IS INCORRECT: 07Sharon was on CBC - TV on Wednesday for a spot on tatting 07national show * Stephanie has quit IRC (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) * Tatter has joined #tatchat AND SHE TATS ON THAT SPOT, SO YOU CAN SEE SOMEONE USING A SHUTTLE IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY * Tatter is now known as Stephanie SHE DOES THE 2ND HALF OF THE STITCH A LITTLE BIT DIFFERENTLY THAN I'VE SEEN OTHERS, BUT 12sorry...don't know what happened, the screen went nuts and everyone was gone. 12;-) Yes I saw her on TV...She looks like she can tat with her eyes closed. THERE'S A LOT OF WAYS TO MOVE A SHUTTLE AND STILL MAKE NICE DOUBLE STITCHES 07and Mary Ito said she was a slow learner and did on the show what took me 10 months and this first class to do WITH TIME NORMA YOU WILL ALSO BE ABLETO TATT YOUR EYES CLOSE ;0 OK, WE'RE FINISHED BUYING OUR SUPPLIES, IT'S TIME TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO USE THEM NEEDLE TATTERS HAVE IT EASY: THREAD THE NEEDLE :) MOST NEEDLES COME WITH A NEEDLE THREADER, TOO IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION ON SUPPLIES PLEASEEMAIL US WE WILL US I FIND NEEDLE THREADERS HELPFUL BECUASE I'M ALWAYS USING THE LARGEST THREAD POSSIBLE WITH THE NEEDLE SO THE THREAD DESON'T ALWAYS GO EASILY THROUGH THE EYE 12I find them helpful because I can't always see the eye in the needle SHUTTLE TATTERS AHVE IT A BIT MORE HARD THEY HAVE TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO WIND THEIR SHUTTLE! AND SHUTTLES COME IN MANY SHAPES AND FORMS DOES EVERYONE KNOW HOW TO WIND THEIR SHUTTLE? 12i do 07no yes 10yes WHAT TYPEOF SHUTTLE DOES EVERYONE HAVE? 12 yes I think I wound it right. MARGARET, DOES SOMEONE WIND YOUR SHUTTLES FOR YOU? 02I think so, it's wound 07in knitting class on Tues. I learned an easy way to make a slip knot so now I cna do that part 12Mostly clovers and Aeros I have a plastic on with a hook on iy and a bobbin that comes out. POST SHUTTLE OR BOBBINE? 10Clove 07no. I just wind them, I don't walk them up the thread 07like that site said to do 12mostly clovers, a few red plastic Boye, and an Aero. Mostly post, 1 or 2 bobbin shuttles WALKING HELPS AVOID OVERTWISTING, BUT IF YOU DON'T HAVE A TWISTING PROBLEM, THAT'S FINE MARGARET lots of both 07aero 07a couple of post cloveers 12and if you have a twisting problem, Margaret, let the shuttle dangle for a bit and it will untwist 12Is the twisting also related to the thread type/brand? CAN BE, NANCY 12I don't have the patience to walk the shuttle down the thread 12;-) MOST 6 STRAND THREAD ARE NANCY 12Any recommendations about least "twisty" kinds 07I wind very slowly by hand, If I was in a hurry or wanted a tightly wound shuttle, I would use my sewing machine WINDING IS KIND OF A SLOW PROCESS - BUT THEN, ANYTHING THAT PREVENTS ME FROM JUST GETTING STARTED SEEMS SLOW! * Tatter has joined #tatchat 07does tatting thread come in six strands like embroidery floss? 07or is it just wound tightly so you can't see the six strands? 12Nancy - the motions of tatting seem to add or subtract "twist" to the thread. 12Katia - do you mean the 3 ply are less twisty than 6? * Tatter is now known as Cynthia 07Hi, Cynthia 06Hi everyone 10Hi, Cynthia 12Hey Cynthia 12hi Cynthia YOU CAN T SEE THE 6STRANDS WELCOME CYNTHIA 12if you use a magnifying glass (or have very good eyes) WELCOME CYNTHIA Hello Cynthia 12you can sort of see the twist in the thread 6-STRAND CROCHET CORD = CORDONNET PARTS NOT SEPARABLE LIKE EMBROIDERY FLOSS 12Look at a strand of tatting thread. 07I can see the twist on crochet cotton # 10 PLEASESIGN CYNTHIA hi 12If it twists the way the diagonal line on the letter Z does, it's called a Z-twist (I think) 12I'll pull out my big lighted manifier later 06Cynthia Stevenson brasthatfit at Stillwater Oklahoma lefthanded needle tatting 12The motion of tatting seems to make that twist tighter, so once in a while you let your shuttle dangle and it will unwind the "extra" twist. 07Norma, if you just hit one letter every once in while, you will not be bumped THEY ARE THE z TWIST AND S - TWIST Ok THANK YOU CYNTHIA ;) 12If you look at the thread and the twist goes in the direction of the diagonal in the middle of the letter S, the motion of tatting tends to untwist the thread, and some brands can fray or even come apart if you forget to let the shuttle dangle and untwist. Cynthia your a lefty like me 12Pearl cotton (Coton perle?) is an S-twist, but tats pretty well. 06Sorry I had trouble finding the site. I usually just click on the link but couldn't find it 07why is it important to know if it is a Z or S twist? 12All of the cordonnet threads I've tried have been a Z-twist, which I really prefer. AYE ITS NOT ON THE PAGE ANYMORE PERLE COTTON IS KIND OF SURPRISING - IT DOES TAT WELL BUT THE PICTOS ARE KIND OF FUZZY 12I prefer using the Z-twist kind of thread. GEORGIA ASKED US TO REMOVE THE LINKS TO THE CLASSROOM PLEASE ADD TO YOUR FAVORITES THIS PLACE 12it seems to hold its shape better and it seems firmer. 12 Cynthia - yes, I didn't see the classroom link on the beginners' page tonight. 06Sherree10 I've been shuttle tatting for 20 yrs but the arthritis makes my right wrist too stiff so I changed to needle and left handed SHE FEARS -AS SHE SHOULD - NON-AUTHORIZED (POSSIBLY UNDESIRABLE) FOLKS GETTING ACCESS good thing I had it bookmarked or i wouldn't have found it 07how do I do that (add a favourite)? 12I had it bookmarked, too. SO PLEASE KEEP THE LINK REFERENCED IN YOUR BOOKMARKS OR SOME OTHER SAFE PLACE FAVORITES=BOOKMARK 06my daughter found it for me and now it is bookmarked! FOR IM STILL IN FRENCH MODE II was here way to early...didn't know what the difference in time was. 12Katia, I don't have enough experience with the needle to know this yet - does tatting with the needle twist the thread? 12Do you have to let the needle untwist sometimes? 12Another thing I discovered: a google search of my email address came up with the transcript of one of these sessions... YES STEPHANIE IT DOES EVEN IF YOU DONT THINK YOU DO YOUR ARE 06I don't find it is necessary with the needle 12hmmm...can we remove our e-mail addresses and stuff from the transcripts from now on so we don't show up on Google? 12I'm not sure I want just "anybody" to have access to how and where to find me. 07I just clicked on Favourites. Up came Add. then a box with "Welcome to the Tat Chat" Is it now bookmarked? 12Made me think twice about any personal info WELL YOU NEED TO LET IT UNTWIST LESS OFTEN THEN SHUTTLE BUT WE STILL NEED TO DO IT REMOVING EMAIL ADDRESSES IS KIND OF A BIG PROJECT BUT WE CAN DO IT 12I think you're bookmarked now, Margaret 06Maybe we should leave out our e-mails when we sign in I'M SURRPISED THOUGH BECAUSE NANCY ALWASY PUTS IN "AT" INSTEAD OF THE @ SIGN SO THEN IT SHOUDLN'T COME UP 12or we could get a freebie yahoo address x 12I just search the part before the @ 12I thought about using a fake name for a while.... 10c 12if anybody with a crazy name like ...oh, "winkerbill" shows up, it might be me. ;-) and are free NO NEED FOR THAT MIMI .... I HAVE A SUPRISED FORYOU AFTER CLASS AND IN THE NEAR FUTURE FOR OTHERS 12I think I'll let Georgia know with example AH, DOES A BOT LOOK FOR SOMETHING AT OR SOMETHING@ YES MIMI OH REALLY KATIA, YOU ASKED ME FOR SOMETHING FREE WITH NO ADDS YES... YOU LL SEE EEK :) MEANTIME HOW ABOUT BACK TO THE LAST PART OF THE LESSON? LAST QUESTION IS: 12i can hardly stand the suspense! CAN EVERYONE MAKE A DOUBLE STITCH RELIABLY? 07yes 10Yes Yes yes 12yes 02no 12YES 06yes 12with my eyes closed! 07with the method of the slip knot I learned Tues night at knitting class, I can undo it from the bobbin when it is almost empty 07and then it comes undone DID YOU TRY DESIREE? DESIREE WAS IT THE WORD RELIABLY? OR IS IT THAT YOU NEED HELP? 02I tried tonight before class began WHAT DIDNT WORK WHEN YOU TRIED? 02not really sure 02it just didn't look like the picture 02on the lesson 02maybe my thread is too small DO YOU HAVE 2COLOR OF THREAD? 02i have blue and ecru #20 Why 2 colors of thread? or is it just for learning? 07if you want to see the clip of Sharon Briggs it is on the CBC website. brb get the addy DONT WORRY TO MUCH ON THE THREAD SIZE JUST TO LEARN THE FLIP NORMA OK OK TAKE BOTH END OF THREAD AND KNOT IT TOGETHER 02ok WHAT COLOR IS ON YOUR SHUTTLE DESIREE? 02the ecru GREAT OLD THE KNOT BETWEEN YOUR THUMB AND INDEX I SEE BLUE STITCHES IN DESIREE'S FUTURE TAKE THE BLUE THREAD AND PASS THE THREAD COMMING FROMTHE ALL OVER YOUR OTHER FINGERS AND ROLLIT ON YOUR PINKY 02ok * Sherree10 has quit IRC (Ping timeout) z THEN IN YOUR OTHER HAND YOUR OLDING YOUR SHUTTLE 06c NOT TO GET BOOTED OFF THE CHAT PLEASE TYPE K TOPREVENT YOU TO GO 07k 10c m How long does it give before timeing out? NOW WITH YOUR SHUTTLE YOU ROLL YOUR HAND UNDER THE THREAD SO THERE A LOOPOF THREAD ON YOUR HAND 12Norma I think it depends on your ISP 06Iusually "K" when my last enty gets toward the top of the page ok 02k THEN YOU TAKE YOUR SHUTTLE BRING IT UNDER THE THREAD THAT IS BETWEEN YOUR PINCH AND PINKY ON THE OTHER HAND k THAN OVER AND IN THE LOOP THAT IS ON YOUR HAND 07k * Tatter has joined #tatchat WHN THOSE ARE DONE YOU LL SEE YOUR LOOP ECRU OVER THE BLUE THREAD...NOW YOU NEED TO FLIP THAT LOOP SO IT BECOMEBLUE OVER ECRU * Tatter is now known as sherree k 12wb sherree sorry i was kicked off 07glad to see you remembered how to change nick lol yep 06make sure the blue thread has some slack and it will be easier to flip IF SHE CAN DO THAT, THEN SHE CAN TAT :) 12Sherree, if you type a letter (like k) every once in a while, it won't kick you off. counting on it 02yeh it worked ok thanks 06WOW :) TO FLIP THE LOOP JUST LOWER THE PINKY AND PULL RIGHT SIDE WITH THE SHUTTLE AND THE LOOP WILL TRANSFER FROMECRU TO BLUE 06doesn't success feel good k 10c another tatter is made Do you pull the loop right up to the knot made or leave space? 07congrats, Desiree 06up tight unless you are making a picot RIGHT UP TO THE KNOT k 07a picot is just a space between two ds WELL DONE DESIREE 02I had to use my finger nails to move it down towards the knot PLEASEDONT CONFUED HER ...PICOT NEXT WEEK ;) 02is that ok? 07k 06yes but it will get easier... congratulations Desiree YAY 12Desiree it all feels a little strange to you right now, but once you get used to doing the DS it will become easy.... ITS ALRIGHT DESIREE WITH TIME YOU WONT NEED TO DO THAT 12With practice you probably could do it in your sleep. ;-) 06OK I just thought she might need the info 06Eventually it will become as easy as breathing 07my first teacher had us make sure we straightened the shuttle thread out to the back (side) to ensure the knot flipped k 02thanks so much for the encouragement everybody! 07you are very welcom ITS OK CYNTHIA knew you could do it SO THAT'S YOUR HOMEWORK DESIREE, PRACTICE FLIPPING YOUR DS'S 12 Desiree - you are FAST learner! 02will do 06you are welcome we all managed to get the hang of it no matter how long it took us WE ARE ALL HERE TO SUPPORT EACH OTHER AND SHE LEARNED WITH ONLY WORDS, NO PHOTOS! 07and not in person 12Isn't there somewhere online - maybe someplace on Georgia's vast storehouse of information - that shows step-by-step how to do a DS 06awesome.... k SURE, LINKS ON THE LESSON 07Desiree, if all your stitches are blue, they are flipped 12somebody using round shoelace-type stuff to show how to do a DS? 10c THAT'S RAT-TAIL CORD STEPHANIE * Ellen-B has joined #tatchat ELLEN, WELCOME 12oh....(blush) knew what I meant, at least. ;-) WELCOME ELLEN 12hi Ellen 12 Hey Ellen ALL THE WAY FROM SEOUL? hi E 07welcome, Ellen, are you the surprise? Hi Ellen 06Hi Ellen 10Hello, Ellen 02Hi Ellen Hello, sorry I'm late. Bad weather in my parts. WE WERE JUST CELEBRATING DESIREE'S HAVING FLIPPED HER FIRST DS WE ARE GLADE THAT YOU ARE HERE LOL AND WITH THAT, WE COME TO THE END OF THE CONTENT FOR THIS EVENING, OTHER THAN REMAINING Q&a NOW MIMI YOU GOT MY 15 MIN OF THE FIRSTCLASS I TEACH UP HERE ;) 12Sorry bout the weather. We also had dozens of tornado warning here all afternoon 12tornado warning? Where ARE you??? 07I have that address for the clip of Sharon Briggs. It will be on for a few days Way too early for tornadoes 12Bham AL 06we've all struggled getting the first few stitches to flip and know how furstrating it can be That was just half a double stitch? I still have tread wrapped around my fingers holding tight. 12we got a t-storm last night, more forecast for today/tonight, but no tornado warnings. 07 did I miss the addy to the clip of Sharon? Yes, I have been trying for 12 years so I changed to needle tatting lol never mind 07it is above in orange ANOTHER NEEDLE :) YES THERE ARE 2 HAVLES TO HE DOUBLE STITCH DID WE MISS THE 2ND HALF KATIA? DESIREEAREYOU READY TO DO THE SECOND NOPE DID NT DO IT YET 12Wow, katia you ahve a LOT of needle tatters this time arouND! 02yes k AYE AND IM DANCING ON MY CHAIR...SOOOO HAPPY 06k 07Mimi and Katia, I am going to try to tat lots of pineapples from a pattern in a booklet, "Tatting Times" from Hector, NY, that I was given at Ayr Tat Day OK DESIREE WHEN YOU HAVEDONE THE FIRST HALFYOU NEED TO DO THE SECOND ONE ... THAT ONE IS ALOT EASIER THE THEN FIRST ONE YOU TAKE YOUR SHUTTLE BRING IT OVER THE BLUE THREAD , THEN UNDER AND IN THE LOOP THAT WAS MADE UNDERYOUR HAND 07question -- are there separate directions for needle tatted and shuttle tatted patterns? k NOPE NEEDLE CAN DO ANYTHING SHUTTLE CAN WITH TRUE RING THAT IS THEN YOU DO THE SAMETHING YOU DID TO FLIP THE LOOP STILL FOLLOWING DESIREE? 02yes 06There are a few other techniques but they look the same y DID IT WORK DESIREE? 07I will wait until I conquer the whole beginner course in shuttle before I start needle. This is only my third time through. how mnay times do you think it will take? 06it is mostly terminology differences AYE IM FRENCH CYNTHIA AND MY TERMS ARE VERY BASIC NOT SOPHITICATED;) 02not this time what do I do after I bring the shuttle over the blue thread then under the loop k 07I know needle can do anything but are the patterns written differently for needle than shuttle? 12Margaret from what I've read in Barbara Foster's book, anything written for the shuttle can be doen wiht the needle. 06I don't know I tool tai chi 6 times before I got the hang of it and I managed to get needle tatting in a week. 07have to tell Deborah Strickland that. 12I have 2 or 3 books of hers, one is a beginnign needle tatting book, the others are patterns. 06not so much sophisticated, Katia, just different words to accomplish the same look INTO THE LOOP DESIREE, NOT UNDER THERE IS A LOOP HANGING UNDER YOUR HAND PASS THE SHUTTLE IN THERE BETWEEN THE BLUE THREAD AND THE ECRU ONE DANGLING SSORRY TRANSLATING AS I TYPE 12in one of her pattern books, there are 1 or 2 patterns (bookmarks) that have different directions for the needle in 1 row of teh pattern, but usually they are all the same. k 07k hmmmm TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION MARGARET YESSOME NEEDLEPATERN ARE WRTITEN DIFFERENTLY THEN SHUTTLE 07next question, in needle tatting does one have to tie a knot after every round? 06Katia you do a remarkable job...I type bad in 1 language 02ok it worked NO NOT WITH TRUE RING TECHNIC 06Awesome, Desiree, :) 07congratulations, Desiree woohoo you go girl OK DESIREE NOWYOU NEED TO TRY THE FIRST PART OF THE HALF STITCH AND DO THE SECOND ONE If I keep doing this continuous this Under/over this is a chain? YES NORMA ok A FULL DOUBLE STITCH, GREAT! BUT FOR BEGINNER ITS EASIER TO LEARN THE DS LIKE THAT 07I am going to sign off now as I must be at my corner to cross the children for school at 8:20 am and have already slept in twice this week. Have a cold to boot GET WELL SOON MARGARET, SEE YOU SOON 12goodnight margaret. Get well soon. I NEED TO SIGN OFF SOON TOO, ARE THERE ANY OTHER QUESTIONS? OK MARGARET TAKECARESEE YOU NEXT WEEK byr Margret 06See you soon Margaret, take care and get well 12Wow, it's late! TIME FLIES :) 06when you're having fun 12yeah, when you're tatting and sipping hot tea, time goes fast! 07bye to all. enjoyed the session * Margaret has left #tatchat k * Tatter has joined #tatchat HOW IS EVERYONE DOING WITH THE DS? 06Mimi, thank you for all your help and consideration of our bumbling BUMBLING??? 06You too Katia 12Mimi and Katia - thanks for all your selfless help! You know lots of folks get big bucks for helping tatters learn 06Our bumbling thru the stitches until we get it right and then you cheer and make us feel great 12I just want to learn to teach better so I can teach enough people to form a tatting group where we'll be living soon.... I forgot what half I did last. 12Or does Georgia send you big checks at the end of each month? I didn't think so THAT IS THE FUN PARTCYNTHIA 12It's exciting when someone starts tatting in class. NORMA, THE STITCH HAS A DEFINITE LOOK WHEN FINISHED TO ME, IT LOOKS LIKE SLACKS OR PANTS THERE'S 2 LEGS, AND A BELT ON TOP 10c I can't tell right now, i'm sure I will in time. IT ALSO MIGHT LOOK LIKE A STONEHENGE-LIKE STRUCTURE :0 that's right 02good description YOU KNOW YOU'VE DONE THE 2ND HALF IF YOU HAVE 2 LEGS AND THE BELT ON TOP 06 I like the analagy 12sometimes I need a magnifying glass to see if I have both legs and the belt.... IF THERE'S NO BELT, YOU NEED TO DO THE 2ND HALF YOU GET A FEEL FOR IT AFTER AWHILE 12I had my first lesson with someone in my Sunday School class yesterday and we went crazy with giddiness when she flipped her first stitch I see what I did. I turned it upsidedown. BELT ON TOP :) PANTS UP NOT DOWN ;) LOL 12Stonehenge, eh? I thought it looked like know, like we used in algebra class At first I called tham A and B and used numbers to count stitches A NEEDLE TATTER'S DS WILL LOOK THE SAME - 2 LEGS AND A BELT ON TOP 06Stephanie where are you moving? 12North Carolina YEP, PI TOO 12western 1/3 of teh state ACTUALLYTHE PANTS ARE UPSIDE DOWN WITH THE NEEDLE 06darn too far from OK oh well I could hope! 12nearest group is 1 1/2 to 2 hours away...i'll be in the middle of 3 lace groups.... SO LOOK AT SOME OF THE TATTING ON LINE, YOU'LL SEE THE PANTS OOPS, THAT'S RIGHT, I FORGOT 12Well if you stand on your head you can still see the pants with the needle. SO WHAT DO YOU TELL STUDENTS NEEDLE DS'S LOOK LIKE k UPSIDE DOWN PANTS (i'm so embarrassed) 06pants hanging on a line?? 12hehehehehehe.... 12 circus performers THERE YOU GO CYNTHIA, WITH THE PEGS AT THE LEG-HOLES :) * Tatter has quit IRC (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) I'm laughing so much I can't do it now. 12pi fell on teh floor? LOL 06Don't be Mimi we allthink easier in our own method I THINK I'M NATURALLY UPSIDE DOWN 06I have trouble doing both as they look just a bit different one up one down BOTH CYNTHIA? 12 whatever works for you 06yes I shuttle tat and have been for 20 years but just started needle tatting HMMMM THAT IS CONFUSING TIMES ...I KNOW 12I think I convinced myself that shuttle tatting and needle tatting are somehow 2 different things k 06and on top of that I've changed from right handed to left 12and I approached needle tatting as something completely "new" 12it seemed easy to learn.... 10c 12don't know if I could change hands that easily, though.... TO SOME POINT STEPHANIE I AGREE STEPHANIE THEY ARE VERY DIFFERENT WHY DID YOU CHANGE HAND CYNTHIA? BUT THE RESULTS LOOK VERY MUCH THE SAME WHEN DONE RIGHT 12and i discovered I like needle tatting. 12i prefer the shuttle, but the needle is fun, too. me too k I CONVERTED STEPHAINE 12Is it easier to keep picots the same size with needle tatting 12i think you did convert me Katia 12;-) yes and count stitches too 06The arthritis in my right wrist makes it too hard to tat with the shuttle some days I KNOW YOU WONT LEAVE YOUR SUTTLESTEPHANIE BUT NOW YOU CAN CHANGE WHAT YOU USE TO TAT 06I just don't want to quit tatting so began to needle tat lefty 12I was thinking of tatting a scarf.... 10Cool. Do you have a pattern? 12i'm trying to decide if I should use one of those giant "tatsy" shuttles or buy a huge tatting needle. YOU CAN STILL NEEDLE TAT WITH YOUR RIGHT HAND CYNTHIA 12Anything flat should work, Cathy.... k 12what size thread Stephanie? YOU OLD YOUR NEEDLE WITH YOUR RIGHT HAND ANDDO YOUR MOVEMENT WITH THE LEFT ONE 12knitting worsted. 12but those tatsy shuttles are gigantic. 06yes but it seems awkward so I stick with shuttle righty and needle lefty 12they'd hold quite a bit of yarn, I think. IF KNITTING WORSTED THREADDO IT WITH NEEDLE ACUTALLY I LIKE TATTING WITH TATSYS 10I have plenty of yarn if you want some. I HAVE SHORT FINGERS 12Oh! will the stitches slide? BUT YOU FIGURE OUT HOW TO PASS IT ANYWAY 12really? i'll have to go back to the Handy Hands site and find a needle for yarn then.... TATSYS HOLD TONS OF BEADS k Love me tatsy's AND THEY COME IN COLORS THAT ARE *CLEAR* SO YOU CAN SEE HOW MCUH THREAD IS LEFT YES THE DS WILL SLIDE 12I've got plenty of yarn.... 06yes but they must be looser than with a firmer thread--experience BUT IF IT WERE ME, I'D USE TATTING NEEDLES WITH YARN They have the needles for yarn. LESS TROUBLE THAN FLIPPING YOU GOT THE SET OF 4 NEEDLE STAPHANIE ? 06yes and they are easy 12have a set of 4 needles that came with the beginner book.... I never used yarn t tat with ACTUALLY THE JAPANESE TATTING NEEDLES WOULD BE MY CHOICE BUT THAT'S BECAUSE I LEARNED TO NEEDLE TAT FROM THE OK THEN TAKE THE BIGGER NEEDLE IN THAT SET.... 12Please share photo of scarf when you finish... 06it works with the needle but is harder with a shuttle LADY WHO HAS PUBLISHED THE JAPANESE NEEDLE TATTING BOOKS WITH THE SPECIAL HOOKS CRO-TATTING MIMI? SHE TAUGHT ME WITH YARN TOO, AND I'VE MADE A LARGISH COASTER FROM IT k IT'S NOT LIKE CRO-TATTING CORE THREAD IS DOUBLED SO IT'S MORE PADDED CHAINS ARE TRUE CHAINS OK 02what is cro-tatting? BUT YOU HAVE TO MAKE THE DOUBLED CORE FIRST (MEASURE WITH GAUGE LIKE A PICOT) 12Mimi - I'd laike to see your coasters also CAST ON THE STITCHES THEN PULL THAT PICOT THROUGH 12biggest needle in the set says it's #3-0. 12that will work with knitting yarn? IT TAKES SOME PRACTICE TO GET THE LENGTH RIGHT AYE AND ITE VERYBIG I'LL SEE IF I CAN SCAN IT HH has special yarn needles #2-0 & #1-0 JAPANESE CRO-TATTING MAKES NICE BIG PADDED STUFF 12thanks THE LADIES WORE LOVELY VESTS THEY HAD BABY BLANKETS k AND MACHINE KNITTING MIXED WITH TATTED TRIMS DONE RIGHT ON THE MACHINE BEFORE YOU BUY #2 AND #1 TRY THE #3 WITH YOUR THREAD WAY COOL tatted vests? 06I've used the 3-0 but have ordered the 2-0 and 1-0 12i'll try it.... 12something else to get excited about today. OR YOU COULD ALSO USE THOSE YARD NEEDLE TO HIDE END 12I ordered some things from Handy Hands today....they will be shipped tomorrow. 06definately and we all just keep learning 12and i've been excited all day. 12Not enouch days on this earth to do all the cool things out there! 12then I found out a friend's daughter is expecting twins, and booties are funto tat... SO TRUE NANCY k 06definately we need 14 days in a week not 7 and 48 hours not 24 12but lots of things to get excited about! ;-) 06yes:) 12 eating and sleeping just take up too much time I REALLY MUST GO AND START DINNER 12i'd rather tat than eat. KATIA DID YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE FOR ME 06me too 12hehehe...go get dinner started, Mimi. OK IS THERE ANYMORE QUESTION ON THIS EVENING LESSON? 12i'm fine with the lesson, thanks. no questions THANKS EVERYONE FOR COMING 02when is the lesson posted so I can continue to practice? Ok time. I am not sure if you are 1 or 2 hours ahead of me? WE WILL POST THE LOG ON THE MEET-AND-GREET LESSON PAGE 12Thanks again and goodnight everybody! THANK YOU EVERYONE AND SEE YOU ALL NEXT WEEK .... NEXT LESSON PICOT RINGS AND MORE ;) 10no questions here. Thanks. 06I try to print it out the day before nice to meet you all. Thanks for the lesson 06Thank you both Katia and Mimi and everyone else as well we can all learn from each other. 12Norma, are you on "California" time? * Nancy has quit IRC (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) WE'LL LET YOU KNOW WHEN THE REVISED LESSON 1 IS POSTED 02Thanks for everything! Saskatchewan time.. it's 9:36 right now. YOU'RE 1 HOUR BEHIND NORMA CLASS STARTS AT 8 PM FOR YOU OK so 8 PM 12Wow, I've GOT to look at a map... it's 6 for me 12you're closer to me than I thought. class starts at 9 for me. 10S--go do your geography lesson 06Eastern 9, Central 8, Mountain 7, Pacific 6 Thank You ladies for all your help. * Disconnected