Session Start: Wed Oct 24 17:53:33 2007 Session Ident: #tatchat * Now talking in #tatchat * Tatter891 has joined #tatchat Good evening ladies, glad to see you here! * Tatter891 is now known as Stephanie 12pant, pant....just got i late? * Tatter is now known as Cathy No worries Stephanie, class hasn't even started yet Hi Cathy 04Hello, al. 12hi everyone 04Glad you made it Stephanie. * Tatter has joined #tatchat Shauna 12heheheh...poor Katia. I've sort of halfway decided that I'll drag out my needles after Christmas adn learn to use them. Hi everyone Good Evening all! Hi Shauna - glad you could make it. Have we trained you on changing your "nick" yet? * Tatter is now known as Shauna We did! Thank you! * Tatter has joined #tatchat Yes, and I did it and then it flipped me back to tatter * Tatter is now known as Linda 06Mimi, did you get my last email? Where you clarified times? 06yes,and the clasas vs special * Tatter has joined #tatchat 06Oh, and I forgot to tell you -the center I made with #30 thread. 04c * Tatter is now known as Katia 04Hello, Katia good evening ladies! 12Cathy - Needles & Threads got tons of stuff - some books, thread....even a few "different" shuttles. (I bought one) 12Left the books there for now.... 04Will there be any left when I get home:) 12to let other people see them 04Is it stuff for this weekend? * Cynthia has joined #tatchat 12she got it for this weekend, which is mostly why I left it there for now. * Cynthia has left #tatchat 04What shuttle did you buy? 12but I got 6 balls of thread (size 30) and she has some fantastic colors in the size 80 12variegated. the Handy Hands catalog, look for one that's a sort of weird shape and it says * Cynthia has joined #tatchat 12metalicized. 06What is Needles and Thread? 12I got a red one...sort of metallic looking but it's plastic. 0480 is probably too small for me right now. 12Store downtown where we live. k 12Books are really good - they got 3 I liked.... 04Stephanie's second home--hahah 12maybe....yeah....I go there just to "visit" sometiems. 06Oh, must be nice to actually see and touch threads and shuttles. I have to order everything. 04Where do you live Elizabeth? 12They don't have much because not many people around here tat. 12They have mostly needlepoint and cross stitch stuff. 06I do have two of David Reed Smiths shuttles, and have three more ordered. 06Whats up this weekend? 06In West Virginia 04I love David's shuttles. 12The Atlanta chapter of IOLI is having a "field trip" = they're coming to Athens to visit cool needlework and bead stores. 04I have 3 and would like a couple more. 12So the local shop got a bunch of tatting stuff 12I like the Clover shuttles. 06I do also. and the bad part is I also do woodworking. I have made my own bobbins for the bobbin lace I make. 12THey're light to hold, and they're cheap so if I break one I don't feel bad. 04WOW! Can you make shuttles? Hi good evening Cynthia Hi Cynthia 04My borther is a woodworker and I'm thinking about asking him to make me some. 06I am going to try his method. We have been chatting for over a year about my lathe work. His methods I need to practice more on. 04Hi Cynthia Ifound a pattern for some inexpensive shuttles--haven't tried them but will 06Again, HI all! Katia, is it time to start? yes Mimi i was wondering if you were there 06Cynthis, are they the ones you use the shrinking plastic to make? you make bobbins often? A friend may be looking for a supply of bobbins for next March - a "convention favor" or something... Yes 06Almost as often as the pens and pencils. I'm here but my computer is chattering up a storm. Liz please dont' send a .png file again, it kills my old aged processor :) 12hmmm....I'll have to check with Carolina and see if she has found someone to make the bobbins for next March. 06Let us know how they work out, okay? 12If she hasn't, are you interested? 06Yes, just so long as I get enough leeway. 12ok...i'll see her Saturday. 06sorry Mimi, I forgot to change the file extension on that one. 12Make sure I have your e-mail address in case she needs to contact you.... 12;-) LET'S SIGN IN MIMI DILLMAN, SNOHOMISH, WA USA Katia Vallée Sherbrooke, Quéebec, Canada, 04Cathy, Georgia, USA 12Stephanie Wilson Athens, Georgia, USA Shauna Vick-Corsicana, TX. 06Elizabeth Posey, Exchange, WV USA Cynthia Stevenson, Stillwater, OK USA GREAT! SORRY I MISSED LAST WEEK. Linda Mageske, Tucumcari, New Mexico USA I THINK MARGUARET WILL BE IN A BIT LATER RIGHT, SHE HAS CHOIR ON WEDNESDAYS I THINK 06Not your fault SINCE I MISSED LAST WEEK, KATIA WOULD YOU LIKE TO TAKE OVER THIS EVENING WITH WHERE THE CLASS SHOULD BE FOR LESSON 3? AND SORRY I HAD TROUBLE WITH MY CONECTION LOL AT THE BEGINNING OF LESSON 3 ACTUALLY Are we skipping over lesson 2?? * Tatter has joined #tatchat I WAS NT ABLE TO START CLASS LAST WEEK * Tatter is now known as Debbie WELCOME DEBBIE PLEASE SIGN IN SO WE SHOULD START AT THE BEGINNING, WITH JOINS? LESSON 2 WAS WEEK BEFORE LAST YES MIMI 04c Deborah Strickland Smoaks, SC THANKS DEBBIE OK, JOINS EVERYONE BY NOW HAS EXPERIENCED THE REGULAR JOIN that is right the hens and chicks which I have a nice edging started.. WHERE YOU JOIN RING TO RING, OR RING TO CHAIN sorry late, finishing up supper. Margaret will be late too, church PULLING UP A LOOP OF BALL THREAD THROUGH A PICOT AND THEN PASSING THE SHUTTLE THROUGH THE SHUTTLE THREAD STILL SLIDES, AND YOU CAN CLOSE YOUR RING LATER, OR TENSION YOUR CHAIN LATER BUT SOMETIMES THE THREADS ARE OUT OF POSITION TO DO THAT Katia, Hens and chicks with a needle, I got 2 threads between instead of one help SOMETIMES THE PATTERN WILL CALL FOR JOINING TO A PICOT below THE WORK INSTEAD OF BESIDE OR ABOVE EEK SO WHEN YOU HAVE TO MAKE A JOIN BELOW THE KNOTS, YOUR BALL THREAD IS OUT OF POSITION IT WOULD HAVE TO PASS OVER THE SHUTTLE THREAD TO REACH THE PICOT] c THAT'S A NO-NO HAS SOME PHOTOS OF PLACES WHERE THIS KIND OF JOIN MIGHT HAPPEN DEBBIE ILL ANSWER THAT QUESTION AFTER THIS LESSON OK ? ok FOR INSTANCE, A ROUND OF CHAINS may I listen in as well? FOLLOWED BY ANOTHER ROUND OF CHAINS OF COURSE YOU MAY SO HOW DOES ONE GET THAT JOIN DONE? SURE CYNTHIA PULL UP A LOOP OF SHUTTLE THREAD THROUGH THE PICOT, THEN PULL THE SHUTTLE THROUGH THIS IS CALLED A SHUTTLE JOIN, OR MORE CORRECTLY, A LOCK JOIN LOCK JOIN IS VERY APT BECAUSE THIS JOIN IS A KNOT THAT LOCKS THE WORK IN PLACE SO BEFORE YOU TIGHTEN THIS KIND OF JOIN, YOU MUST ALWAYS TENSION THE WORK BEFORE THE JOIN AND GET THE CHAIN TO CURVE LIKE YOU WANT IT TO BECAUSE IT'S NOT GOING TO CHANGE SHAPE AFTER :) THAT PART IS ALSO VERY IMPORTANTE FOR NEEDLE TATTER RIGHT, SUBSTITUTE NEEDLE FOR SHUTTLE IN THE EXPLANATION (SORRY NEEDLE TATTERS) NEEDLE TATTERS WILL NEED THIS JOIN TOO THE TEMPTATION IS TO JUST PUT YOUR NEEDLE THROUGH THE PICOT BELOW THAT'S ALL WELL AND GOOD, IT DOES WORK BUT NOT AS PRETTY THE CORE THREAD OF THE CHAIN IS STILL SLIDING, NOT KNOTTED SO WHEN YOU TENSION ON A LATER CHAIN SECTION, YOU CAN PULL OTHER CHAINS OUT OF SHAPE RIGHT KATIA, NOT AS PRETTY AND KIND OF FRUSTRATING TOO WHILE YOU TRY RE-TENSIONING ALL THOSE CHAINS (BEEN THERE DONE THAT) 12and double check to make sure everything is as it should be BEFORE you do that lock join because it's a HORRIBLE thing to have to try to pick out once it's done. HAS EVERYONE TRIED A LOCK JOIN YET AND ITS NOT FUN RIGHT STEPHANIE 12been there done THAT, too. I have not 04yes, I have 06Yes, lock join is pkay here. do have a question about the fold-over type of join though. I REALLY ENCOUAGE NEEDLE TATTER TO TRY TO LEARN TRUE STYLE TATTING WITH THE NEEDLE ( SHHUTTLE TECHNICS) LINDA, ONCE YOU FIND A PATTERN YOU LIKE WITH THIS KIND OF JOIN IN IT, YOU'LL SEE WHY YOU NEED IT. i'VE ALWAYS LIKED THIS SHOWS WHAT GEORGIA CALLS "THE CLASSIC ROSETTE" (IGNORE THE BEADS FOR NOW PLEASE) c THIS KIND OF MOTIF IS A COMMON DOILY CENTER IT'S ALSO A PRETTY FLOWER ON ITS OWN BUT GUESS WHAT - IT'S TOTALLY LOCK JOINS IF THERE ARE NO MORE QUESTIONS ON THE LOCK JOIN, I'LL GO TO THE FOLD-OVER JOIN WHAT WAS YOUR QUESTION ELIZABETH? Yes to doing the lock join. I'm learning needle tatting after years of shuttle tatting NEEDLE TATTER DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION? not right now no it makes sense so far but the fold over join is not working well. my problem too I don't know what Im doing wrong 06how do you know which way to fold the work over? 04I can't get it to come out either. I don't THE FOLD OVER JOIN IS TRICKY BECAUSE OF THE NEED TO TWIST AND YET UNTWIST THE PICOT 06I have checked photos on this and most of the time I get mixed-up. AND MY USUAL PROP, TAMMY'S WONDERFUL DIAGRAM, IS NOT COMING UP!! IS THERE A PROBLEM WITH GEORGIA'S WEBSITE? AYE I HAD TROUBLE EARLIER TO GO THERE I just left there and no problem THANKS, NOW I'M IN THE DIAGRAM IS AT 12The diagram confused me when I was working on this. The description of what to do in "words" was what helped me. PROBABLY ALL OF US TRYING TO GET THERE. I FOLLOW HER WORDS TOO I get about every third one wrong 12Took me 20 years...almost 21 years...before I finally found an explanation taht was clear enough for me to DO it.... WHERE WAS THAT STEPHANIE 12Cathy has seen my weird way of doing that join without actually folding.... 12Georgia's site....FINALLY got an explanation that I could understand. 04Yes, but I can't seem to do it now. 12You don't want to know how I did it for all those years before.... IT COMES AND GOES FOR ME TOO. I TEND TO AVOID PATTERNS WITH THIS KIND OF START :) BUT I'LL TRY HERE FOLD THE FINISHED MOTIF PORTION UNDER SO THAT THE FIRST RING IS UNDER THE LAST I THINK THE THING TO REMEMBER IS THAT YOU NEED TO ALSO TWISTE THE PICOT YOUR JOINING 12and be careful which directioh you are twisting that picot or you make the twist worse instead of removing it. I get the fold and forget the twist most of the time THE BOTTOM PART OF THE PICOT NEED TO BE TWISTED OVER THE UPPER PART * Tatter has joined #tatchat * Tatter is now known as Margaret 12easier for me to do this using a hook instead of the pick on my shuttle, too. 12hi Margaret! I think I see what I'm doing wrong I made it! wELCOME mARGARET PLEASE SING IN MARGARET 04Hello, Margaret GREAT, WELCOME, WE'RE COMMISERATING OVER THE FOLD-OVER JOIN IT'S MIND-BENDING * Linda has quit IRC (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) Margret, pattern in your email MIND-FOLDING? Margaret I Boos, London, Ontario, Canada, shuttle, 12a finger twister * Tatter has joined #tatchat AS KATIA SAYS, THE KEY IS COUNTERACTING THE FOLD WITH A TWIST IN THE JOIN. UNFOLD, AND THE TWIST IS UNTWISTED AT LEAST THAT IS THE GOAL * Tatter is now known as Linda WE ALL NEED TO UDERSTAND THAT THE FOLDED JOIN IS VERY TRICKY AND WE NEED TO PRACTICE ALOT OF THEM TO UNDERSTAND HOW TO DO EASELY 07is the fold-over join any different from laying two pieces of thread one beside the other and tatting over them at once? YES I don't get it right more than I get it right so I have started using beads where possible FOLD OVER JOIN OCCURS WHEN YOU HAVE SEVERAL INWARD FACING RINGS THAT NEED TO BE JOINED ONE TO THE LAST AS IN: FOLD THE FINISHED MOTIF PORTION UNDER SO THAT THE PICOT TO BE JOINED FINALLY GOOD ONE DEBBIE OOPS DIDN'T HAVE THE LINK c SHOWS THE SITUATION 07I think I understand 12for practice, look for snowflake patterns where the chains are on the inside of the circle and the rings face towards the outside RIGHT STEPHANIE 12I used to avoid those patterns.... 07the snowman I did had the chains on the outside BUT THE SNOWMAN DIDN'T HAVE A CETNER OF RINGS ONLY LIKE IN WHEN YOU MAKE 5 RING JOIN TO EACH OTHER AND YOU NEED TO JOIN THE LAST RING TO THE FIRST RING , THAT IS WHERE WE USULLY GET A TWISTED JOIN , SO TO AVOID THIS WE DO THE FOLDED JOIN MARGARET WHERE ALL THE RINGS START AT THE SAME PLACE IN THE CENTER OF THE RING 07thank you beads ONE PLACE TO PRACTICE: WITH SOME PRACTICE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO DO THOSE JOIN WITHOUT BEAD DBBIE I know get off the beads and learn the join LIZ HAS ALREADY ATTEMPTED THIS ONE ONCE IT STARTS WITH A CENTER OF 6 RINGS WITH RING STARTS TOGETHER I did do a set of 6 coasters and managed to get them right BUT DON'T DO ROUND 2 UNTIL WE TALK ABOUT ANOTHER TOPIC: RINGS OFF CHAINS GOOD JOB DEBBIE! KATIA HOW DO NEEDLE TATTERS COPE WTIH THIS JOIN? ILL TRANSLATE PART OF MY TEACHING CLASS OF THE FOLDED JOIN THIS WEEK END AND SEND IT TO EVERYONE THE SAME WAY AS THE SHUTTLE That would be nice I'm not telling how many picks I had to do Hee Hee THAT WOULD BE GREAT, KATIA! 04c THE FOLDED JOINIS ACTUALLY DONE THE SAME WAY FOR NEEDLE AND SHUTTLE TATTER Just as hard either way 07are we supposed to be tatting a centre of 6 rings right now? MIND-BENDING FOR NEEDLE TATTERS TOO THEN. SHUCKS, EVERYTHING IS USUYALLY EASIER ON A NEEDLE :) NOT HARD JUST A BIT MORE CONCENTRATION NOT NECESSARY RIGHT NOW MARGARET, YOU MAY WANT TO DO SO LATER TO DO THE PATTERN. JUST IMAGINE FOR NOW A bit, try a lot I find shuttle easier but am learning needle SO SHOULD WE PROGRESS TO THAT STRANGE THING GOING ON IN ROUND 2 OF THE SNOWFLAKE AT HMMM HANGING RING FOR THE NEEDLE IS A BIT HARDER THEN SHUTTLE BUT THAT IS NEXT WEEK I'M HAVING THE WORST LUCK WITH PASTING TRY ACTUALLY IT'S NOW KATIA THIS PATTERN NOT ONLY HAS THE CENTER THAT MUST BE COMPLETED WITH A FOLDED RING JOIN HANGING RING IS TONIGHT ..... HMMM WRONG LESSON FOR ME .....FRANCH CLASS IS NEXT WEEK ... SORRY GUYS BUT THE 2ND ROUND HAS 6 CHAINS WITH 3 RINGS COMING OFF THE TOP OF THE CHAINS OFF THE top OF THE CHAINS??? HOW DO YOU DO THAT? My center rings of the RR want to jump on each I pulling my rings up to tight maybe ITS GOING TO LAY MORE FLAT WITH THE SECOND RUND DEBBIE OUPS ROUND I hope 12I have found that when there are more than 5 rings in the center like that they don't lay flat for me until after I do the next round. I usually have to press them RIGHT, THE NEXT ROUND WILL PULL HTEM INTO SHAPE BETTER MEANTIME: RINGS OFF CHAINS TO DO THESE, YOU WILL NEED A 2ND SHUTTLE - FOR NEEDLE TATTERS DO YOU NEED A 2ND NEEDLE? no NEEDLE TATTER NEED TO CUT THE THREAD FROM THE BALL AND WORK WITH 2 NEEDLES I THOUGHT SO DEBBIE, THE REASON FOR THE 2ND NEEDLE IS TO KEEP THE FIRST NEEDLE'S THREAD IN THE *CORE* OF THE STITCHES OF THE ORIGINAL CHAIN ITS EASIER TO WORK WITH 2 NEDDLE THEN TO UNTHREAD AND RE THREAD THE NEEDLE THAT'S ALSO WHY THE SHUTTLE TATTERS HAVE TO USE A 2ND SHUTTLE - OTHERWISE THEY WOULD HAVE TO TAT WITH THE BALL, AND THAT'S HARD why not just do the chain in sections 07k YOU WILL STILL DO THE CHAIN IN SECTIONS BUT EACH RING ON THE TOP OF THE CHAIN WILL BE WITH THE 2ND THREAD c 04c 06Mimi, that center is orig written for shuttle and ball, the option B for CWT is at the bottom of the page. THE ONLY OTHER WAY TO DO THE CHAIN AND HANGING RING IN SECTION WOULD BE TO USE THE SLT 06I found this out after the fact. WITH THE NEDDLE NOT FOR THE SUTTLE Ok that's what I have been doing CORRECT, THE PATTERN IS DONE 2 DIFFERENT WAYS. THIS WEEK WE WILL LOOK AT THE FIRST WAY ; NEXT WEEK THE 2ND ONCE WE LEARN SPLIT RINGS FOR THE SHUTTLE TATTER, I'LL CALL THE ORIGINAL SHUTTLE - SHUTTLE 1 THE SHUTTLE WOUND WITH BALL THREAD WILL BE SHUTTLE 2 TO START THE CHAIN, SHUTTLE 2'S THREAD WILL BE OVER THE TOP OF YOUR LEFT HAND LIKE THE BALL THREAD WOULD NORMALLY BE FOR THE NEEDLE THE SHUTTLE 1 = THE CORE NEDDLE AND SHUTTLE 2 = THE BALL YOU WILL HAVE SHUTTLE 1 IN YOUR RIGHT HAND AND FLIP THE FIRST 3, P, 4 AS USUAL THEN, IT'S TIME TO PUT DOWN SHUTTLE 1 (CORE NEEDLE) 07which way does the shuttle point in the left hand? AND TAKE UP SHUTTLE 2 07hook up? SHUTTLE 2, WHEN OVER THE LEFT HAND, WAS ACTUALLY DANGLING OUT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR LEFT HAND LIKE THE BALL WOULD BE WHEN YOU MAKE THE FIRST PART OF THE CHAIN THAT IS YOU'LL TAKE THAT SHUTTLE OUT OF BALL POSITION, TAKE IT UP AS USUAL IN YOUR RIGHT HAND AND MAKE A RIGN WITH THE RING'S BASE TIGHT TO THE TOP OF THE LAST DS OF THE CHAIN MADE YOU WILL not REVERSE WORK TO GO FROM THIS CHAIN TO THIS RING NEEDLE TATTER YOU NEED TO TAKE THE NEEDLE YOU THREAD ON THE BALL AND POSITION IT OVER THE CORE NEEDLE TO MAKE A CROSS THE CORE THREAD IS NOT IN USE, YOU'RE USING THE OTHER THREAD. THE RING IS 3 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 3 close ring AND DO NOT REVERSE THEN START YOUR DS WITH THE BALL THREAD OVER THE SECOND NEDDLE INSTEAD PUT THE SHUTTLE 2 THREAD BACK INTO RING POSITION WITH SHUTTLE 2 DANGLING 07k PICK UP SHUTTLE 1 AGAIN TO MAKE THE NEXT SECTION OF CHAIN SO SHUTTLE 1'S THREAD IS STILL INSIDE THE CORE FO THE CHAIN. Means I need another set of needles NEXT SECTION OF CHAIN IS 5DS IT WOULD HELP DEBBIE AFTER FINISHING, DO NOT REVERSE WORK c 04c PUT DOWN SHUTTLE 1 AGAIN, TAKE SHUTTLE 2 OUT OF BALL POSITION, AND BEGIN ANOTHER RING SNUG TO THE TOP OF THE 2ND SECTION OF CHAIN 3 + 2 - 2 - 2 - 3 close ring. Do not reverse work. Knew I should have bought another set at Tat Days OOPS WRONG RING - HIT ENTER WHILE i WAS STILL CHECKING CORRECT RING 2: 3 + (join to last picot of previous ring) 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 3 close ring. Do not reverse work. 12check out Handy Hands online. They've got needles and shuttles if you need them. NEDDLE TATTER WHEN YOU FINISH THE RING ONE THE SECOND NEDDLE PULL ON THAT NEEDLE TO CLOSE THE RING AND OVER THE CORE NEEDLE DO THE DS WITH THE BALL IT'S BIGER THAN THE RING BEFORE IT RIGHT KATIA, THAT HELPS AVOID THE DREAD GAPSOSIS AFTER THIS BIG RING, IT'S TIME FOR ANOTHER SECTION OF THAT SAME CHAIN - 5 DS WITH SHUTTLE 2 THREAD IN BALL POSITION AND SHUTTLE 1 FLIPPING STITCHES. Tat Days were cheeper..kick my but for not buying then THEN PUT DOWN SHUTTLE 1 AGAIN AND BACK TO MAKING A RING WITH SHUTTLE 2 - SAME SIZE AS THE FIRST RING ONLY JOINING IT'S FIRST PICOT TO THE LAST OF THE PREVIOUS RING R 3 + 2 - 2 - 2 - 3 close ring. Do not reverse work. 07I am lost. when we started with shuttle 1, were we making a ring or chain? I made a ring LAST, COMPLETE THE CHAIN WITH SHUTTLE 1 (SHUTTEL 2 IN BALL POSITION) WTIH CH 4 - (very small picot) 3. tENSION THEY ARE MANY COMPANY THAT MAKE NEEDLE FOR TATTING AND I TRIED ALL OF THEM AND FOUND OUT THAT THE NEEDLE FROM HANDY HAND ARE THE BEST TO WORK WITH CHAIN MARGARET THE 2ND ROUND OF HTE MOTIF BEGINS WITH A CHAIN I have the ones from Handy Hands WHEN YOU PULL ON SHUTTLE 1, IT SHOULD MAKE A SINGLE NICE ARC OF ALL THOSE CHAINS, WITH THE RINGS POPPING OFF THE TOP c ONCE TENSIONED, LOCK JOIN THAT CHAIN TO THE TOP PICOT OF THE NEXT RING IN THE FIRST ROUND I did get the big one from Reit, but it has a sharp point YOU'LL DO THIS ALL THE WAY AROUND, JOINING THE FIRST PORTION OF THE NEXT CHAIN TO THE LAST PORTION OF THE LAST CHAIN EACH TIME WHEN YOU PULL THE CORE NEEDLE FROM THE CHAIN EVERYTHING WILL COME INTO SHAPE 07I think I need to wait until Nov. 8 and start over DEBBIE YOU CAN USE SAND PAPER TO DULL THE POINT 04Me too, Margaret. Let's just practice, practice, practice. 07I missed Lock Join I made the snowflake but didn't know I was doing the lock join but it comes in handy when you have to pick stitches out BOTH OF YOU CAN TRY THE PATTER WHEN IT'S QUIET - LOCK JOIN EXPLAINED AT THE BEGINNING. I'LL POST THE LOG MARGARET ILL SEND YOU MY PHONE # AND ILL TRY TO TALK YOU TROUGH IT Good thank you Mimi LINDA, THAT MEANS YOU INTUIT SOME OF THE LITTLE RULES OF TATTING 07I invited those two ladies to start on Nov. 8. even offered about 4 women to come to my home to learn ONE OF THEM IS NOT TO CROSS YOUR THREADS WHEN JOINING GOODNESS IS IT 10PM ALREADY WE DIDN'T EVEN GET TO THREAD ENDS 07thank you Katia SHOULD WE STAY A FEW MORE MINUTES AND TALK ENDS? 12do you and katia have time? that would be nice IT WOULD NICE FOR THEM IF THEY WISH TO FINISH A PROJECT OR DID EVERYONE UNDERSTANAD THE LESSON DISCUSSION ABOUT ENDS? if you have time EASIEST WAY TO AVOID THREAD ENDS: DON'T CUT THE THREAD AFTER WINDING YOUR SHUTTLE 07I have waited two weeks for ends AND I NEED TO TALK ABOUT THEN HENS AND CHICK FOR NEEDLE ON WHY THEY ENDED UP WITH 2 THREAD IF YOU HAVE TO WIND A 2ND SHUTTLE, AFTER WINDING THE FIRST ONE DON'T CUT, BUT PULL ENOUGH OFF THE BALL FOR THE 2ND SHUTTLE (YOU CAN WIND ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE 1ST SHUTTLE TO KEEP THAT THREAD FROM TANGLING) 07if you don't cut your thread, can you just wind more on your bobbin when you need it? 12how can you tell when you have "enough" for the 2nd shuttel? THEN WIND THE 2ND SHUTTLE FROM THE CUT THREAD IN COMES WITH EXPERIENCE, STEPHANIE 12oh... PRACTICE AND EYE BALL IF YOU'RE USING A BALL ONLY, DON'T CUT THE SHUTTLE THREAD FROM THE BALL (NOR NEEDLE THREAD FROM THE BALL) 07I find that I don't get very much thread on a bobbin at one time 07or I use a lot of thread up quickly JUST START TATTING IT'S EASIEST TO DO THIS WHEN THE FIRST ELEMENT IS A RING AT LESAT FOR SHUTTLE TATTERS BUT YOU AVOID 2 THREAD ENDS FOR SEWIGN IN LATER NEXT CONCEPT: TAT OVER TAILS THE WAY I LIKE TO WIND MY SHUTTLE WHEN WORKING WITH 2 OF THEM IS LOADING ONE SHUTTLE FULL AND CUTTING THE THREAD THEN LOADING THE SECOND SHUTTLE FOR THE AMOUNT I THINK ILL NEED 07maybe now would be a good time to ask --- how are you supposed to start the very first ds in a project? Do you unwind a yard of thread and wind on to shuttle so your thread is never cut? THAT'S THE IDEA LINDA BUT YOU MAY FIUND THAT YOUR SHUTTLE HOLDS MORE THAN A YARD OR TWO I love the areo PROJECT STARTING WITH WHAT ELEMENT MARGARET, RING, CHAIN, ? 07ring TAKE THE SHUTTEL THREAD AROUND THE LEFT HAND AS USUAL TO MAKE A RING 04:) ONLY YOU'RE PINCHING JUST OEN THREAD INSTEAD OF A KNOT YOU CAN STILL FLIP THE KNOT AS USUAL TAT OVER TAILS - YOU CAN PULL THE TAIL OF THREAD THROUGH THE INSIDE OF YOUR DS'S 07is it any different for a chain, then? 07forget that question WITH A CHAIN YOU MAY FIND THAT YOU NEED A PAPERCLIP OR SOME KIND OF HELPER TO KEEP THE CORE THREAD FROM DISAPPEARING INSIDE THAT'S PRETTY ADVANCED TO TAT OVER THE TAIL, MAKE THE FIRST HALF OF THE DOUBLE STITCH I find if I tape the loose thread to the core it doesn't get tangled and will flip better ITS A GOOD WAY TO HIDE ENDS LINDA BUT BEFORE YOU PULL IT TIGHT, USE THE POINT OF YOUR SHUTTLE TO GUIDE THE TAIL SO THAT IT LAYS ALONG THE TOP OF THE CORE THREAD AND THEN TENSION THE HALF STITCH. THE TAILAND SHUTTLE 1 THREAD WILL BE TOGEHTER IN THE MIDDLE SAME APPLIES FOR THE 2ND HALF OF THE STITCH I use a smaller needle and thread it back through the ring or chain BUT YOU WILL NEED TO GUIDE THE THREAD END FROM THE OTHER SIDE 07but then I have a big loop at the left of the first ds ALSO, IF YOU CAN LEAVE YOUR TAIL VERY LONG, A VERY BRIGHT LADY BY THE NAME OF JUDI BANASHEK SHOWED ME HOW TO USE TAPE 12i leave the end sort of long and tape it to the outside of the shuttle FOR NEDDLE TATTER YOU WILL NEED TO USE A HOOK TO PASS THE TAIL IN THE DS BEFORE YOU TIGHTED THEM RIGHT STEPHANIE 07I pulled the tail end and the loop disappeared TAPE THAT THREAD END TO SHUTTLE 1 IT WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE IN TEH CORE WITH SHUTTLE 1 THREAD! DO THAT FOR ABOUT 5-6 STITCHES, THEN YOU CAN DROP THE DAIL TAIL DO NOT DROP THE TAIL OUT OF THE WORK INSIDE A PICOT YOU RISK CUTTING THE PICOT WHEN YOU TRIM THE END AND THE FINISH NEVER LOOKS AS NICE AS BETWEEN 2 REGULAR STITCHES LAST done that incredible way to avoid ends--I keep learning after 20 years of tatting! STRATEGY THINK AHEAD WHEN YOU'RE RUNNING LOW ON THREAD YOU'LL FIND THAT YOU LIKE TO HIDE ONE END IN A CHAIN AND ONE IN A RING RATHER THAN BOTH TAILS AT ONCE YOU CAN PULL HARD OVER THE TOP OF 2 THREADS AND MAKE IT LOOK REASONABLE, BUT WITH 3 THREADS INT HE CORE (2 TAILS, ONE CORE) IT IS TOUGH 07sort of -- one in each direction? EXACTLY MARGARET YES MARGARET it also looks better done in two different places FOR EXAMPLE, IN THE SNOWMAN HEAD I'D JOIN A NEW SHUTTLE THREAD AT THE END OF A CHAIN 04c (THAT PATTERN IS RING-CHAIN-RING-CHAIN IN A CIRCLE) But if you are doing the hens and chicks there will be 2 loops when joining the hen to the rw ring?? THEN I TAT A RING NEXT, TATTING OVER 1 TAIL THEN I TAT THE NEXT CHAIN NEXT, TATTING OVER TTHE OTHER TAIL 07I see TRUE LINDA I'M AFRAID SO LINDA SO YOU LL NEED TO HAVE ONE THREAD ON ONE SIDE OF THE RING AND THE OTHER ONE ON THE OTHER SIDE LUCKILY but that is the correct way WHILE DEBBBIE'S OWN WEBSITE IS DOWN, A LESSON SHE DID FOR HIDING ENDS IS STILL ON GEORGIA'S SITE: HAVE A LOOK AT THIS ONE, IT DEALS WITH ADDING IN A NEW THREAD AND CAMOFLAGING IT WELL so there is no way to avoid the 2 threads in the hen and chick needle way WHEN TATTING WITH ONLY 1 THREAD THAT'S CORRECT DEBBIE. TWO MORE TIPS 1. MAGIC THREAD TRICK THIS IS A NIFTY IDEA - NOT SURE WHO POPULARIZED IT - BUT IF YOU TAT OVER A THREAD LOOPER (OR DENTAL FLOSS THREADER, MY FAVE) YOU CAN LATER PUT THE TAIL THROUGH THAT LOOP, THEN PULL OUT THE OTHER END, TAKING THE TAIL INSIDE THE CORE OF THE STITCHES WAY COOL ACTUALLY DEBBIE IF YOU USE THE TRUE RING TEACHNIC WITH THE NEEDLE YOU LL ONLY HAVE 1 THREAD AT THE END THIS IS REALLY HANDY WHEN FINISHING A ROUND I haven't been able to find the floss things I must tat very tight and cann't get the looper to work... TRY THE DENTAL SUPPLIES SECTION. THEY HAVE THEM IN GROCERY STORES AND PHARMACIES HERE with the dental care section LIKELY OTHER PALMETTOS HAVE SEEN THEM 07the floss threaders come out at the end too? 04c AT THE BEGINNING, YOU CAN TAT OVER A COUPLE OF THREAD LOOPERS 12I can't get the floss loop to work, either unless I am tatting with REALLY REALLY small thread. POSITIONING THEM SO THAT THEY CAN PULL THROUGH THE ENDS YOU WILL HAVE WHEN YOU finish THE ROUND SELF FINISHING WONDERFUL STUFF 12I have to make a loop of whatever size thread I am tatting with (try to use a different color so I can see it easily) and do it that way. NOT EVERYONE IS SUCCESSFUL WITH THE LOOPERS TENSION PLAYS A LOT INTO IT 12I think I tat too tight for teh loopers AGAIN, DEBBIE DRAKE TO THE RESCUE AND REMEMBERING TO HAD THOSE LOOP BEFORE YOU HAVE TO ADD THREAD SHE STARTS WITH A THICKER THREAD LOOP, PULLS THROUGH A LOOP OF SMALLER THREAD, THEN PULLS THROUGH THE TAIL WHEW BUT IT WORKS FOR HER BEST ILLUSTRATION I'VE SEEN OF THE MTT AT WORK IS ON SHARON BRIGG'S SITE CLICK MAGIC THREAD LINK ON THE LEFT LAST TIP SEWING IN ENDS LILY'S WAY AS LONG ASYOU USE A TAPESTRY (BLUNT) NEEDLE 07what size? DON'T SPLIT THE THREADS WHEN YOU PASS THE NEEDLE BETWEEN YOU'LL DO FINE. 07I have tapestry needles from size 13 to 28 I ALSO FIND THAT I HAVE TO FLIP THE OWRK OVER EACH TIME DEPNDS ON THE SIZE OF THREAD YOUR USUING TO MOST ACCURATELY GUIDE THE NEEDLE (I ALWAYS POKE THE NEEDLE THROUGH THE WORK AWAY FROM ME) I KEEP 24, 26 AND 28'S ON HAND FOR MY WORK WITH SIZES 20 THROUGH 80 THREADS SAME HERE BECUASE I ALMOST ALWAYS FORGET TO PLACE MY MAGIC THREADS WHEN I START A ROUND!!! ARGH!! OK WHEW MY KEYBOARD IS SMOKING 07is there a right side and wrong side to a finished piece of tatting? definately SO MUCH TYPING ;) LOL YOUR DOING GREAT MIMI FRONT SIDE BACK SIDE TATTING IS AN ONGOING DEBATE IT'S A MATTER OF TASTE AND A MATTER OF TEACHINE TEACHING both sides work when making the snowflake what size thread to make it stiff THAT'S MY OPINION CYNTHIA 07Katia don't forget to email me your phone number and tell me when it is the best time for me to phone I TEACH ALL MY BEGINNER WITH THE FRONT AND BACK SIDE I'M SELF TAUGHT, AND I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT FRONT-SIDE BACK-SIDE FOR YEARS 07some reading will tell me no difference, some definite front - back SAME HERE MIMI BUT THERE WAS ALWAYS SOMETHING IN MY PROJECT THAT WAS BOTHERING ME THE TATTING WILL LOOK CRISPER IF YOU DO FRONT-SIDE BACK-SIDE I always thought the front was the top of the first ring or chain 04c 07how do you tell 'top'? or by which side has the prefered look the part facing you 12my teacher told me one side would look different from the other, and the "top" was the side I liked the way it looked the best. THAT'S WHAT I USED TO USE, DEBBIE BUT SOME TATTERS MAKE THEIR TATTING SO THAT ALL THE STITCH CAPS/PICOTS ARE THE SAME SIDE UP SO WHEN THEY REVERSE WORK, THEY REVERSE THE ORDER OF THE HALF-STITCHES TOO LIKE ME 12I lose count on the chains when I try to do it that way. me too 12of my age that isn't the ONLY thing I forget.... 07I am too new to comprehend that NAMELY, RINGS WITH 1ST HALF 2ND HALF DOUBLE STITCHES, REVERSE WORK, CHAINS WITH 2ND HALF FIRST, 1ST HALF 2ND COUNT ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE STEPHANIE I'd never done them in reverse order WHEN I'M WITH A TATTER AND CAN POINT OUT THE DIFFERENCE, THEN I'M HAPPY TO TEACH FRONT SIDE BACK SIDE REMOTE IT'S VERY DIFFICULT THE STUDENT HAS TO PAY A GREAT DEAL OF ATTENTION NOT EASILY DONE AT 10PM :) you are doing a great job of the difficult--you are making it easier IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN READING MORE ABOUT IT, I GOOGLED A FEW SITES 07actually 10:22 pm i saw a web pge someplace about that TRUE BUT IN MY OPINION IT LOOK ALOT BETTER THENTRADITIONAL I LIKE BETTY'S EXPLANATION: 07I did my first ds with Betty's book THAT'S GREAT, IT'S THE SAME BETTY, BETTY ALDERSON SO KEEP FOLLOWING HER BOOK, I BELIEVE SHE TALKS ABOUT DOING TATTIGN THIS WAY IT SEEMS A BIT MIND-BENDING 12oh, she's the one who wrote the book Shuttle Tatting without a Teacher. BUT WITH A LITTLE ATTENTION AND PRACTICE, IT BECOMES 2ND NATURE EXACTLY STEPHANIE 07that is the book I was referring to 12I wish that book was available when I learned.... SNOWGOOSE IS THE COMPANY THAT SHE AND HER HUSBAND STARTED. PETE RUNS IT ON HIS OWN NOW. IT'S A GREAT BOOK FOR BEGINNERS LEARNING ON THEIR OWN 12cool! I'll check it out after class! 07Pete sent it to me before I even mailed the money order. great service HE'S A GREAT GUY. COME TO SPOKANE TAT DAYS AND MEET HIM (I HOPE HE COMES THAT IS, HE'S COME TO THE PAST 10 OF THEM) HE KNOWS A LOT ABOUT TATTING, DON'T HOLD HIS "GUY" NESS AGAINST HIM :)) I learned from Needle Tat Two with a doll needle 12doll needle? OK IT'S LATE, I NEED TO START DINNER AND FINISH PACKING FOR MY TRIP I WON'T BE AROUND TO ANSWER EMAILS THIS WEEK 12oh! You mean one of those long things to make soft dolls with! 07enjoy your business trip long pointed used for sewing doll joints SO I HOPE YOU CAN WRITE TO KATIA IF YOU NEED HELP YES STEPHHANIE Thanks for the great lessons...I will put them to good use this week GIVE HER A BREAK TOO, SHE'S KIND OF BUSY WITH TEACHING AND KIDS AYE ILL BE LOOKING AT THE MAIL THIS WEEK ANYWAY PLEASE DIGEST LESSON 3 IT'S A BIG LESSON WITH LOTS IN IT AND DONT FORGET I HAVE A FAIR ON NOV 3 BUT ALSO SAVE SOME TIME TO READ OVER LESSON 4 07I will talk to her if need be. thanks to both of you. glad I was able to come, even though late 12Thanks Mimi and Katia! 04Have a great trip! THIS IS THE LESSON WHERE WE FINALLY LOOK AT SPLIT RINGS, A VERY COMMON PART OF MODERN TATTING thanks so much. Be safe! HAVE A NICE WEEK ALL AND SEE YOU NEXT *THURSDAY* 9PM IS THERE ANY QUESTION FOR NEEDLE THAT I CAN ANSWER ? * Margaret has left #tatchat Thank you peace and be safe DON'T FORGET TO COME TO GEORGIA'S SPECIAL CLASS TOMORROW NIGHT 8:30 PM NY TIME RIGHT HERE * Shauna has quit IRC (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) THANKS MIMII I DON'T KNOW WHAT SHE'S GOT UP HER SLEEVE BUT IT SHOULD BE GOOD not really I guess I need to go practice the true ring thing I'LL POST THE LOG BEFORE I GO AND IF MY COMPUTER WILL DIGEST LIZ'S HOMEWORK I'LL GET HERS AND MARGARETS UP TOO THANKS AGAIN KATIA, COULDN'T DO IT WITHOUT YOU NIGHTERS * Disconnected Session Close: Wed Oct 24 19:27:00 2007