Session Start: Wed May 23 17:46:25 2007 Session Ident: #tatchat * Now talking in #tatchat Good evening BJ 06Hello - Sorry, was completing an e-bay buy. lol 06I bought Jane E's extra book by Lyn Morton and I've been playing with her "Pansy" edging. 06Do you know what they mean by Turkish Thread? Congratulations on the book. Lyn's books have nice patterns There are 2 different threads coming out of Turkey that I know of Orem Bayan and Altin Basak Both are nice 06Anyway, I'm feeling confident enough now to 'experiment' with my different threads, and found I have to add ds to the pattern to get around picots with my thread. Lyn's website is so you can see the threads there 06oh thank you! smiling They should also be available from tatting suppliers in the USA. Not every one, though. * Tatter has joined #tatchat 06Just curious - I have so much thread now and so many projects lined up that poor daughter's table runner is getting the short end of the stick. That's my problem too. Too many projects and not enough time to finish them all! 06well, I do have the time - God willing. * Tatter is now known as Katia 06 Hi Katia! I'm anxious to learn onion and now working on 'alligator' joins Welcome Katia hello ladies 06How did the 'meet and greet go' Katia??? it was alright i guess not many came btw on hbt they dont seam to have the time for the beginner class we had 3 ladies at the meet and greet last week one from germany and 2 from the US 06their loss. 06It is so helpful - I hate to see people miss out 06Guess you are just stuck with me! LOL mimi did you get georga`s email today? Haven't checked email yet she sent 2 info for the beginner class ut with no starting time I just checked. I see what you mean. Did my reminder not go through on Tuesday morning? I sent one with a time it alright BJ your always welcome with us and beside if your alone you have the 2 of us all for yourself ;) 06true true Georgia did include a link so if anyone checked the link, they would find a time yours did came thanks * Tatter has joined #tatchat 06I like some of the new things added to the beginner's page. 06the extra info/patterns * Tatter is now known as Sara-S 06Hi Sara! Hi! :) Hello Sara 05Small class tonight. indeed Hello Sara, glad you could make it 05I'm taking this class again so I can get everything down pat. sweet 05I was looking at today's lesson, and looked at the Dive pattern. I don't think I saw that before. It's so sweet! 05It would be a snap to make. :) I think so too. It's a amazing what a few well placed picots can do to a couple of rings. 05The very first pattern I ever did was the four-ring butterfly 05Lets see... 05I think it was 8 3p 8 cl R 054lp 4 cl R 054 lp 4 cl R it the best patern for a beginner to do in the needle class i teach in 3 hours they make the butterfly and the dove 058 3p 8 cl R 05The two ends are the antenna A classis er, classic mimi did anyone ever told you that typo are allowed ;0 05would be very pretty on tea towels or something simular as an embellishment 05lol my 2 boys do the butterfly and the dove and glue them on greeting cards Sure typos allowed but when no one can tell what you meant, they're a bit annoying :) 05awww. that would make very nice cards! :) 05That's great Katia that your boys can tat! 06I made the doves into earrings using differnt colores of threads for each, and everyone liked them. Beverly June Davis, Silver City, NM shuttle tatter i have 3 boys and the little one already started to try tatting you can see him on georgia homework page under Zachary 05the more the merrier! 06It is a humbling experience to see the children's work. lol 05we need more tatters in this world That's right BJ we should all sign in and get to class Mimi Dillman,, M Snohomish, WA USA 06I'm such a nag LOL Katia Vallée Sherbrooke QC Canada 05Sara Randall, Maine, GREAT! OK, SARA, IT SOUNDS TO ME LIKE YOU'RE ALL THROUGH WITH LESSON #1 05yeah BJ IS WELL PAST IT TOO 06y SO IF YOU HAVE NO QUESTIONS ON IT, SHOULD WE LOOK AT LESSON 2? 05I'm more than willing to help others if they need help through this lesson 06sure if you want to see a 2 and half years old boy try to tat here is the link Im not mimi what is a ds ;) 05lol SUCH A CUTIE HE IS AND IS THAT A PICOT GAUGE IN HIS HAND?? I WON'T TELL YOU WHAT DS STANDS FOR LOL no its the cat shuttle from georgia its favoite THINGS LIKE THAT WILL REALLY ATTRACT KIDS HERE'S LESSON 2 IF YOU HAVEN'T LOOKED YET MAIN SUBJECT IS TRUE RINGS AND SINGLE SHUTTLE (OR THREAD) TATTING HENS AND CHICKS PATTERN IS ALWAYS A MIND BENDER BUT AFTER YOU "GET" THE IDEA YOU WONDER WHY IT CONFUSED YOU (BUT IT IS CONFUSING AT FIRST, NOT TO WORRY) 06yes it is the first time through ALL THOSE FLOPPY RINGS AT THE START 06wonder where it is headed! EXACTLY 05I love Hens and chicks, but I've never done them before. 06I like the plant called hens n chicks lol WHY IS THAT SARA, NOT TATTING LONG ENOUGH YET? (SORRY IF i KNEW YOUR LEVEL I'VE FORGOTTEN :-((( 05Here in maine, there isn't a whole lot for vintage tatting. But whenI do find some tatted hankies, A LOT of them are in the hens and chicks pattern 05Oh, I can do it. I just never took the time to try that pattern. :P OK THEN, SO YOU'RE WAY PAST LESSON 2 THEN? 05I guess so. :P 06I think we are some advanced from beginners but at the first steps of intermediate. UNTIL YOU TRY h&C ANYWAY! 05It's things like lock joings, split chains, etc that get me. this class will get to the bonus lesson in no time :) 06I agree w Sara - I have the split chains need alligator and Onions AH, LESSON 3 HAS LOCK JOINS OOPS 05What are onions? * Tatter has joined #tatchat hello is anyone here 06I don't know = LOL there are patterns that are in onion rings (?) on Jane E's site! 05Never seen them. online class about onion joins is here 06Well I have a little elephant I'd like to try and it is the onion thingy hello tatter please type /nick yourname Trish 06Hi Trish hello trish , try : /nick Trish and hit enter 05Ah, I see now. These onions are found in some vintage patterns and some new designs too :/nick Trish but if you're having difficulty with lock joins, we ought to sort that out first I came for lessons, is that what is going on here 06k /nick Trish * Tatter is now known as Trish the two are similar in function - namely, a join below the core of the tatting instead of above but the lock join will "lock" the core thread in place there you go 06yes we are beginning a lesson - the onion ring join still allows the thread to slide core thread to slide that is Trish are you a beginner tatter and do you do shuttle or needle tatting ? I am a brand brand brand new newbie needle Another name for the lock join is "shuttle join" That's the terminology that got used in lesson 3 In lesson 3 we refer to another on-line class lesson in joins, hopefully that will help you Sara unless you have a specific question? Trish what do you know so far in needle tatting ? 05Tip- Place a S (shuttle), N (needle), or B (both) to indicate what you want to learn 06And I'll thrash out the onions smile The onion join is kind of fun Trish type /nick Trish-N 05I just need to conquer the lock join! lol * Trish is now known as Trish-N because you pull through the thread over your hand downwards It will look a tiny bit different than a normal join Trish do you think you can follow 2 discution at the same time ? but that's ok as long as your core thread still slides I just learned how to do the basic double stitch and the picot, woo hoo I'll stop now :) Good job Trish you have to start somewhere that is nice I have been trying for a long time 06well we all started with ds and picots somewhere and you have about 65% of base for needle tatting learn but got it on Mon. 05Yay Trish! :D 06Yeah! thx That's like 90% of lesson 1, too! true 06so we are back to a simple join/lock join/ and those alligators The only other concept in the lesson was picot gauges I came today to learn how to read patterns oh, and some beginning pattern reading LOL we both got it at the same time did you try any of hte patterns with the lesson Trish no, I couldn't get to them I am having trouble finding them 05You came to the right place Trish! All the links included in the lesson are in the left-hand sidebar of each page 05Reading patterns is quite simple. You may need to enable popups to see them 06once you do find them, be sure to book mark them and then they are easy breezy to find okay The simplest one is the Dove, it only has 2 rings: 05P or - means picot 05DS, or a number means a double stitch 05J or + means a join This pattern is written in the most modern of notation 05Ch means a chain 05RW means reverse work it assumes you know that the numbers all refer to number of double stitches 05cl or clr means close ring okay 05 and R means ring and that the dashes mean a picot (the more dashes the longer the picot, she doesn't mean make another one :)) you can use a gauge if you like to measure the picots as you make them. Did you see the part of the lesson about gauges? 05as you prgress... 05SCMR means a self-closing mock rig I will try again 05***ring 05Sr mean split ring There are also some butterfly patterns These are written in a more long-hand style 05SC means a split chain with more words to help you understand what the numbers mean :) 05SJ means a shuttle join or LJ which means lock join and for the very ambitious who can do a chain, there's the awareness ribbon 06Mimi - you are forgetting your TEACHER caps lol OOPS SORRY lol i was thinking the samething but did nt say it AND TRISH IF YOU CAN DO A NEEDLE TATTED RING I BELIEVE YOU CAN DO A CHAIN TOO 06Trish might thing we are leaderless ha 06think NO JUST BRAINLESS (ME, AFTER A LONG DAY'S WORK!!) 06me too THE AWARENESS RIBBON IS ALTERNATING RINGS AND CHAINS most likely tonight after spending 5 hours in the er with the little one so the leader uses CAPS 06y RIGHT TRISH, IT HELPS WHEN YOU READ THE LOG LATER YES WE USUALLY DO YOU CAN FOLLOWT HE TEACHER'S COMMENTS ONLY THAT WAY IF YOU LIKE thx CAN'T USE COLOR AS IT DOESN'T REPRODUCE IN THE ASCII LOG 06i'm not a teacher i'm a follower/learner lol bj WOULD BE A NICE SUMMER TEACHER FOR THE BEGINNER CLASS KATIA, DON'T NEEDLE TATTERS HAVE TO REVERSE WORK BETWEEN RINGS AND CHAINS LIKE SHUTTLE TATTERS DO? 05same here YES WE DO 06tnk U Katia SO THAT'S ONE OF THE KEY'S TO THE AWARENESS RIBBON. ANOTHER KEY IS TO FOLLOW THE PATTERN CLOSELY 06I'm up to 50 pink ones for the fundraiser! yeah LENORE GETS THE LINE OF WORK TO CURVE BY MAKING THE CHAINS SHORTER AND THE RINGS BIGGER ASYOU GO, THEN MAKING THEM SMALLER TOWARD THE END SO I HOPE TRISH WILL LIKE IT TOO, BUT SHE DOESN'T HAVE TO MAKE QUITE SO MANY AS BJ (BJ'S VERY AMBITIOUS AND HAS A GOOD CAUSE TOO) 06my radiology and chemo nurses love theirs EXCELLENT IDEA FOR GIFTS FOR THEM BJ SO ANY OTHER QUESTIONS, TRISH? well for some reason I am overwhelmed? 05Mimi- The ribbon page isn't available. :( How long does the class last * BJs has quit IRC (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) ITS OK TRISH JUST TAKE YOUR TIME CLASS WILL GO UNTIL THE TOP OF THE HOUR I am only 37 so I hope I am not doing something that only older more mature women do OR IF WE FINISH WE CAN LEAVE EARLIER (BUT i'LL BET SARA AND BJ WILL KEEP US HERE ANSWERING ABOUT OINION RINGS!) HEAVENS NO TRISH!! I LEARNED AT 18 AND KATIA'S 2.5 YEAR OLD SON TATS ok I STARTED AT 10 05I learned when I was 16, and I'm 18 now. LUCKY YOU KATIA, YOU MUST HAVE KNOWN SOMEONE WHO TATTED. I HAD TO LEARN FROM A BOOK AND MY 14 AND 0 AND 2 AND HALF ALSO TAT that is really neat SO DON'T WORRY ABOUT AGE * Tatter has joined #tatchat MY MOM ALWAYS WANTED TO LEARN TO TAT BUT FOR SOME PHYSICAL REASON SHE COULD NT DO IT SO SHE GAVE ME THE ENGLISH BOOK AND I HAD TO LEARNWITH IT WHOA IN ENGLISH WHEN YOU WERE 10!? WOW 05I tried to learn from The Learn How book DID I MENTION IM FRENCH ? 05It was a nightmare! /nick BJS darn - SOME BOOKS ARE GOOD AND SOME LESS SO 05I found eTatters, and they helped me learn to tat. THE INTERNET IS A GREAT RESOURCE MOVING PICTURES FOR ONE yes it is NEARLY IMMEDIATE Q&A AVAILABLE FOR ANOTHER WHEN YOU'RE ALONE WITH A BOOK THERE'S NOT MUCH RECOURSE! AND ALOT OF NICE PEOPLE WHO LIKE TO HELP AND SHARE THEIR KNOWLEDGE ON TATTING (BUT MUCH MUTTERING AND IMPOLITE LANGUAGE) 05And then I found Tammy's class! But I wasn't able to finish the class when she was teaching because I became really busy. 05lol TOO BUSY TO TAT? THAT'S BUSY LOL I was cut off and now can't get back crying POOR BJ AT LEAST YOU HAVEN'T DROPPED OFF AGAIN LIKE MONDAY ;0 WAS IT BAD ON MONDAY? 05Anyway I FOUND awareness ribbon on lesson 1 in Beginners site on angelfire 05well, at least too busy to go to her class. :p * Tatter is now known as BJs BJ HAD IT BAD ON MONDAY SHE WAS NT ABLE TO STAY PUT WE GOTTA GET HER A SEAT BELT :) 05I was so late! Thunder and lightening I thank you for everything 02Hey Mimi- what are some good books to aquire if we want to advance our skills even more? I WOULD SAY MORE LIKE CRAZY GLUE but I need to move on along YOU'RE WELCOME TRISH, PLEASE CONTINUE WITH LESSON 1 AND READ LESSON 2 TOO IF YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY WE'LL BE BACK HHERE SAME TIME NEXT WEEK BIG QUESTION SARA DO YOU LIKE TO LEARN TECHNIQUES OR DO YOU WANT LOTS OF PATTERNS? thx :-) TRISH YOU CAN ALSO SEND US QUESTION DURING THE WEEK IF YOU NEED MORE HELP I DON'T KNOW IF LILY QUALLS MORALES' BOOK IS STILL AVAILABLE I will "A LABOR OF LOVE" IT'S GOT GOOD PATTERNS AND SOME TECHNIQUES. LILY IS THE "LOOPY LACER" 02More on techniques than patterns thx again bye 05g'nite all - see you nxt wk at 6:30 YOUR time SHE'S CURRENTLY TRAVELING IN ENGLAND BUT WILL BE BACK 05she is a hoot FOR JUST PLAIN TECHNIQUES I LIKE JUDI BANASHEK'S BOOKS * Trish-N has quit IRC (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) * Tatter has joined #tatchat PARTICULARLY ADVANCED TATTING PATTERNS + * Tatter has quit IRC (Quit: Tatter) NO MIMI LILY `S BOOK IS OUT OF PRINT 05I don't remember the name of the book I learned from - it is packed away somewhere 02bummah 05check with for out of print bks reasonably priced BUT YOU CAN ALWAYS SEND HER A EMAIL IF SHE GET ENOUGH SHE MIGHT REPRINT THEM BUT ALSO IMPECCABLE TATTING BY JUDI BANASHEK THAT A GOOD BOOK 05Handy Hands has at least one of her books THERE'S ALSO FANCY PANTS AND ADVANCED FANCY PANTS BY DONNA EDWARDS 02yeah, HH has Impeccable Tatting I LIKE JUDI, VERY TECHNICAL AND VERY CLEAR IN HER EXPLANATIONS 05I found the fancy pnts books good because there are photos NOT TO MENTION 4 DIFFERENT WAYS TO DO A SPLIT CHAIN!! 02WOW! 05Writing good instructions is an art AND SHE HAS GOOD DIAGRAMS SHE WROTE THE BOOKS BEFORE COMPUTER GRAPHICS PROGRAMS WERE EASILY AVAILABLE 02How about Where No Shuttle Has Gone Before? (I may be mixed up on the title.) 05I'm learning to read diagrams from Lyn Morton's books BUT SHE'S STILL ABLE TO CONVEY WHICH THREADS ARE ON TOP OF WHICH * Tatter has joined #tatchat I HAVE SEEN ANN DYERS BOOK BUT IT'S NOT THE DIRECTION I LIKED TO GO * Tatter has quit IRC (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) IT COULD BE TO YOUR TASTE, THOUGH A LOT OF EXPERIMENTAL TATTING AND SHE TAKES FARTHER SOME OF ELGIVA NICHOLS' IDEAS 02interesting 02Myself I really like the traditional patterns ELGIVA'S BOOKS ARE LONG OUT OF PRINT EXCEPT FOR THE DOVER EDITIONS ANN DYER'S BOOK IS NOT JUST R&C THAT'S FOR SURE. 05there is one for sale on e-bay but I don't know item # 02i LOVE the Dover Editions! PRICE IS RIGHT WITH DOVER 02I recently bought on eBay Tatting with Ann Orr (which is now out of print) SO WHEN I LOSE MY RITA WEISS TATTING BOOK AGAIN (HAVE DONE SO 3 TIMES ALREADY SO I'M SURE I WILL AGAIN) I CAN REPLACE 02I have Elgiva's Tatting Technique and History THAT'S THE DOVER ONE 02very interesting THERE'S A HARDBACK NICHOLS BOOK WITH A GREEN COVER IT'S VERY INTERESTING IMO WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT THE TIME FRAME IN WHICH SHE WROTE IT * Tatter has joined #tatchat SHE WAS VERY FAR AHEAD OF HER TIME 02Yes, she was. SO TRUE 05With some of my more prized books I use my copier and work from my paper copy to conserve the book! RING OF TATTERS STILL ORGANIZE TOURS TO SEE HER NOTEBOOKS AT THE VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM 02She explained how to do a flase picot to climb out of a ring THAT'S A GOOD IDE BJ 02That's neat 05I can also make marks on the pattern to keep me straight as to where I left off! I NEVER WORK WITH MY BOOKS I ALWAYS HAVE A COPY OF WHAT IM MAKING 02Same here. ME TOO - I HATE CHASING A BOOK THAT WON'T STAY CLOSED AND JUGGLE A BALL TOO! 02I want my books to last a while, so I write the patterns down to save wear and tear on the book SO ON THE COPY I CAN WRITE THE CHANGE I MAKE AND KEEP IT IN A BINDER AFTER 05Plus some of the older books (c 40's) are fragile I WRITE STRAIGHT INTO THE BOOK IF I FIND AN ERROR 02definetly 02I have an old Lily pamphlet, and that is very fragile 05The pattern that has the runner I'm working on for the daughter is old and I was afraid the stapled binding would break. Old Coats & Clark DON'T FORGET FOR OLD PATTERNS TOO 05Acutally, one can get a lot of patterns on line. And the Gutenberg site too. NO BINDINGS TO BREAK OR PAGES TO CRUMBLE THERE :) (NOR MOLD TO INHALE LOL) WELL THAT'S ABOUT IT FOR CLASS, ANY LAST QUESTIONS BEFORE WE WRAP IT UP? 05just print it out - I'm lucky to have a printer 02thanks for the link Mimi I HAVE THERESE DILMON NEEDLE CRAFT HARD COVER BOOK WITH IT ORIGINAL BOX Ifinally made it in somehow....katheryn WELCOME KATHERYN hi HELLO KATHERYNE I couldn't get here sooner it wouldn't let me in GLAD YOU COULD MAKE IT - YOU SAID YOU WERE BUSY 05no thank you Mimi and Katia see you next wk thanks for links * BJs has quit IRC (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) yes, but I have been trying since 8 O'clock trying to get in. SOMETIMES THE WEB PAGE IS A BIT TEMPERMENTAL, SORRY YOUR PLEASURE BJ THE OTHER WAY WHICH MAY BE BETTER IS TO INSTALL AND USE MIRC ok THE ONLY TIME I HAVE PROBLEMS WITH MIRC IS WHEN THE CLASSROOM IS DOWN AND SOMETIMES IT IS DOWN - WE GET IT FOR FREE, SO IT'S TOUGH TO COMPLAIN I FEEL BADLY WHEN STUDENTS GET FRUSTRATED BY IT, EVEN THOUGH I CAN'T HELP IT AT LEAST YOU MADE IT THIS TIME yes, and it has given me a little hope AND IF YOU'RE THAT PERSISTENT YOU'LL GET TATTING DOWN PAT TOO!! KATHERYN MAKE SURE YOUR JAVA APLET IS UPDATED AND MAKE SURE YOU ACCEPT THE POPUP a girl helped me all day last sat and I made 4 rings connected by chains GREAT! THAT IS WONDERFULL THEN YOU'RE WELL ON YOUR WAY FOR LESSON 1 ARE YOU NEEDLE TATTING OR SHUTTLE TATTING YOU SHUTTLE TAT KATHRYN RIGHT ? I used size 3 thread because I could see how the thread was flipping better. shuttle tatting, I can cro tat well. I haven't tried needle tatting yet IF YOU CAN CRO TAT YOU CAN NEEDLE TAT IT'S LIKE CRO TAT EXCEPT YOU PULL THE THREAD THROUGH FROM THE EYE END OF THE NEEDLE INSTEAD OF PULLING BACK TO THE BEGINNING WITH A HOOK yes, I'm trying to learn shuttle tat DID YOU HAD TIME TO READ THE LESSON 1 ? I've heard needle tatting is the easiest technique no, I've been busy testing a pattern WICH PATERN ARE YOU TESTING ? a cro tat pattern, I am not allowed to give details, I'm under contract AHHHH SO FAR IN SHUTTLE TATTING YOU CAN DO THE FLIP , THE RING , THE CHAIN AND THE BASIC JOIN ? AND YOU CAN READ THE PATERN yes, no I haven't mastered that yet I learned a - is a picot 02I g2g 02I have school in the moring 02***morning OK SARA NIGHT AND SEE YOU NEXT WEEK 02bye * Sara-S has quit IRC (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) ok thanks for taking the extra time bye DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION KATHRYN? I don't know exactually what to ask I will go over the lesson 1 though and see what is there OK WELL READ LESSON 1 AND 2 FOR NEXT WEEK ok is there anything I am to do besides read the lesson? AND TAKE NOTE OF ANY QUESTION YOU MIGHT HAVE ok YOU CAN TRY THE PATERN ok AND NEXT WEEK WE WILL GO OVER THE LESSON AND ANSWER THE QUESTION ok IN THE MEAN TIME YOU CAN ASK YOUR QUESTION ON HBT AND ILL ANSWER YOU THERE IF YOU NEED HELP ? what is HBT hERE BE TATTER ITS A MSGBOARD HERE-BE-TATTERS IS AN EMAIL MAILING LIST IT'S A YAHOO GROUP THANKS MIMI MY ENGLISH IS FALLING ME TONIGHT PLEASE IT'S AFTER 10 YOU CAN BE EXCUSED :) I CAN'T EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH THAT LATE AT NIGHT AND IT'S MY NATIVE LANGUAGE (THAT IS, IF YOU THINK TEXANS SPEAK ENGLISH... ....) LOL NOT REALLY I STILL HAVE WORK TO DO AFTER ... THIS IS THE THIME OF THE DAY I CAN THINK WITHOUT ANY DISTURBANCE INFO ON HBT IS FOUND AT IF YOU WANT TO JOIN, TELL SUE THAT YOU'RE IN THE BEGINNING TATTERS CLASS I HAVE A FLYER TO WRITE EXLANING WHAT IS TATTING FOR WHAT AUDIENCE KATIA ok got it all down THERE A HISTORICAL HOUSE NEAR MY PLACE WHO HELD ONCE A YEAR A LACE EVENT AND ITS THERE FIRST YEAR THAT THEY WILL HAVE TATTERS THERE May I be excused? YES YOU CAN kATHRYN thank you, goodnight ladies NIGHT AND SEE YOU NEXT WEEK * Tatter has quit IRC (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR FLYER KATIA. SEE YOU EITHER TUESDAY OR WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK THANKS MIMI SEE YOU NEXT WEEK NIGHT GOOD NIGHT! * Disconnected Session Close: Wed May 23 19:17:44 2007