Session Start: Wed May 10 17:45:11 2006 Session Ident: #tatchat * Now talking in #tatchat Good evening hi mimi Hi mimi kate was asking why so many doccuments are in adobe pdf.... any ideas? I have a tatting question pdf=portable document format go ahead kate it was created to allow users on different platforms share documents and to preserve most aspects of their formatting When reading a pattern that calls for 2 shuttles, what does that mean to a needle tatter like me * Tatter has joined #tatchat Adobe has made it easy for all to look at pdf documents you will have to re thread your needle for each shuttle change or have 2 needles going thank you about the adobe info does that mean 2 colors? and you will likely be adding new lengths of thread often as you cant work of a ball it can be but does not have to okay * Tatter is now known as Carmen you can use one color but 2 shuttle/needle work is great for 2 colors hi carmen hi carmen! i got your messages carmen i got your pics!!! those dolls are so beautiful!!!! Hi Mimi, Anita and Kate very beautiful indeed Hi Carmen carmen if you have pics of the glass beads you make i would love to see them too Thank you, it is a lot of fun to make them I am still confused if it does not mean 2 colors why would I rethread my needle if you would normally have 2 shuttles then without useing a second needle you would have to move the ball as though it were a shuttle could be hard for some motifs okay, I have to think about that you would have to re-trhead the needle on the other thread if the other thread has to be the core of what you next tat Glass beads I make are like the ones you can see on "lampwork beads" web pages though i have seen some patterns calling for 2 shuttles which can be worked out with minor changes to fit with one needle okay Rings off chains is a good example of that Anita - no need to rethread for that. but shuttle tatters would need 2 threads. i mean 2 shuttles :) exactly.... just have to look at the pattern kate.... sometimes you would need the second needle other times not depends on why the shuttle tatters needed the second shuttle So is it true that a needle tatter can use a shuttle tatting pattern? yes deffinatly you just have to look it over start to finish first and make sure you can picture all the movements ahead of time so you know what you will be doing and if you will need to rethread or not okay Does it really matter to know in advance for that, Anita? I figure I can just cut the ball off whenever and rethread then when I need it, not before true Are we going to learn split rings using needles tonight? i tend to like to know ahead of time though.... if you are using more than one color the planning helps yes carmen Very true Anita sr is on our agenda tonight :) So is it the top of the hour and time to sign in? MIMI DILLMAN,, SNOHOMISH, WA USA anita hobden,, london ontario canada Kate Davis,, St.Louis, Missouri Carmen - Peru - Anita, woudl you like to lecture tonight, or should I? either way think both are needle tatters right? That's right Lesson 4 is kind of shuttle oriented but maybe you can talk to that? * Tatter has joined #tatchat mostly ya And did Kate say she understood lesson3? hi tatter i never asked kate? Welcome tatter, please sign in? Not me, I need to learn needle tatting * Tatter is now known as Nita sorry i have trouble remembering names so i get lost as to who was here when Hello all Kate came for lesson 2 Yes, I was writing down your email addresses np It's been awhile Nita! Remind me, are you a shuttle or needle tatter? 06I do both, but right now am doing Shuttle, started shuttle 2 weeks ago 06I work with Polly Womack if you know her i know the first name :) I *do* know Polly - I met her last year in SCal lol that has to count for something lol 06She is a doll, and I met her several years ago and took a short class then lost track of her then Any questions left on lesson 3 then? Should we start at the top on lesson 4? No questions Polly is very nice, and a talented tatter and teacher. 06Jane Eberoll found her for me , and she is only 4 miles from me must be nice to have someone close so much easier when you can watch someone work 06I have done split rings in needle tatting , but not in shuttle 06ya it is great, and she is just super OK SO LETS START WITH SR'S THEN AND IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE JUMP IN NEEDLE TATTER WILL FIND THIS SUPER EASY AS YOU DONT HAVE MUCH TO CHANGE.... SR NOTATION WILL SHOW THE NUMBER OF STITCHES ON EACH SIDE WITH A "/" BETWEEN Yes I am good with sr EG 4-4/4-4 YOU WOULD GO 4 DS P 4 DS AS NORMAL 06oh ok FOR YOUR SECOND SIDE YOU WOULD UNTHREAD YOUR NEEDLE AND USE THAT END TO DO THE OTHER 4 DS P 4DS BUT!!! DO THOSE IN REVERSE ORDER IE SECOND HALF OF DOUBLE STITCH THEN THE FIRST DOES THIS MAKE SENSE? No EACH DS IS DONE IN 2 HALVES 06You are explaining split ring in needle tatting right? YES NORMALLY YOUR FIRST AND SECOND MOVEMENTS WOULD MAKE 1 DS CORRECT? Yes OK SO FOR THE SECOND HALF... DONE WITH THE THREAD YOU JUST UNTHREADED FROM YOUR NEEDLE DO THE SECOND MOVEMENT THEN THE FIRST MOVEMENT THIS WILL MAKE 1 DS UNDERSTAND? yes OK 06II understand exactly AFTER THESE ARE ALL DONE YOU SIMPLY RETHREAD YOUR NEEDLE AND CLOSE THE RING SAME AS YOU NORMALLY WOULD NOW SHUTTLE TATTERS..... YOU HAVE THE HARD PART 06UH OH * Tatter has joined #tatchat LOL START YOUR RING AS YOU NORMALLY WOULD DOING THE DS LISTED BEFORE THE "/" Hello Tatter, please sign in THEN YOU WILL TURN YOUR PALM UP AND PUT DOWN YOUR WORKING SHUTTLE HAS A GOOD PHOTO TO SHOW THIS Emilia buenas noches a todas FROM THIS POSITION YOU WILL PICK UP YOUR SECOND SHUTTLE AND DO THE SECOND SET OF DS, AS LIKE THE NEEDLE TATTERS YOU WANT TO DO THE Hola Emilia! Hola Emilia SECOND MOVEMENT THEN THE FIRST HI EMILIA! BUT!!!!!! DO NOT FLIP THE STITCHES Hi Emilia (I was waiting for the "but...") IF YOU ARE USING 2 COLORS THE SECOND SIDE WILL BE A DIFFERENT COLOR AS YOU ARE JUST WRAPPING * Tatter is now known as Emilia THE THREAD NOT FLIPPING THE STITCHES DOES THIS MAKE SENSE? Carmen cuentame que hacen 06I think I am lost, will go to that site and look, and Polly will help me too Estamos aprendiendo a hacer "split rings" o sea un anillo que se hace en dos partes ya gracias NITA YOU WILL DEFINATLY UNDERSTAND WHEN POLLY SHOWS YOU 06ok good IT IS HARDER TO UNDERSTAND WRITTEN THEN WHEN YOU SEE WHAT SHE IS DOING 06I think that is in her next class LOL GREAT NOW FOR BEADS THERE ARE PHOTOS AND VIDEOS ON THE WEB OF FORMING SPLIT RINGS BY SHUTTLE AND NOT FLIPPING THE STITCH THERE ARE 2 POSITIONS TO USE BEADS IN FOR MOST TATTING PATTERNS 06Great GOOD POINT MIMI SOME PATTERNS WILL SHOW A BEAD PLACED INSIDE A PICOT OTHERS WILL SHOW IT OVER A JOINING PICOT 06Is there an easy way to string seed beads onto your thread Hola chicas ya estoy trabajando What size beads are usually used? hola chicas ya estoy trabajando click "Split Ring 2" THIS DEPENDS ON WHAT EFFECT YOU WANT KATE I HAVE USED ANYTHING FROM SMALL SEED BEADS TO PONY BEADS okay AS LONG AS YOUR THREAD FITS IT WILL WORK :) and as long as the needle goes through the middle : ) ANY BEADS YOU WILL WANT OVER THE JOINING PICOTS CAN BE ADDED TO YOUR DESIGN AS YOU WORK I found this sitE: needle tat a bridal necklace and bracelet with beads by Esther Trusler 06I think that would be easier than stringing I THREAD MINE FIRST NORMALLY SO I DONT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THAT LATER :) 06I am definitely interested in doing beaded tatting no veo quesalen los mensajes BEADS YOU WOULD LIKE ON OR INSIDE YOUR PICOTS HAVE TO BE STRUNG ON YOUR THREAD FIRST which thread Anita, needle or ball? No puedes leer los mensajes? MIMI HAD TURNED ME ONTO DENTAL FLOSS THREADERS THEY WORK GREAT FOR THIS 06what are they BEADS ON THE NEEDLE THREAD WILL END UP ON THE CORE THREAD, AND THOSE ON THE BALL WILL BE ON THE PICOTS I talked about dental floss threaders in lesson 3: Carmen cuando cambien me avisa por favor scroll most of the way down THANKS MIMI very handy for your basic tattign kit 06Ok I will look at lesson 3 thanks for the explanation of bead stringing strategy anita MOST OF THE TIME BEADS WOULD BE ADDED TO THE PICOT(BALL THREAD) RATHER THAN THE CORE THREAD THOUGH THERE IS ALWAYS EXCEPTIONS NP :) How can I look at lesson 3 BEADS CAN CHANGE THE LOOK OF A PATTERN QUITE A BIT El tema es el uso de cuentas (beads) en frivolie hay alguna pagina Kate, hopefully you can just click the link and the window will start up for you? COPY AND PAST THE LINK INTO A BROWSER KATE okay In mIRC I can click TAT CHAT MAKES US COPY AND PASTE Oops, sorry :) 06What time is the class over? AS YOU WORK THROUGH THE PATTERN YOU SIMPLY SLIP THE BEADS INTO POSITOIN AS YOU WORK En la leccion No. 4 DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT BEADS? 10 NITA NO 06ok thanks I haven't had dinner yet 06I am in Calif 7pm out here on the west coast nita THIS SITE HAS GOOD PICS OF HOW TO ADD BEADS TO A JOIN Beads on needle tatting? IE OVER A PICOT BETWEEN 2 RINGS YOU CAN ADD BEADS TO BOTH NEEDLE AND SHUTTLE TATTING CARMEN Nothing different for needle? THE CLASS PAGE HAS A COUPLE PATTERNS FOR YOU TO TRY NOT REALLY CARMEN BEADS ARE PRETTY BASIC.... JUST THREAD THEM ON AND MOVE THEM UP AS YOU WANT THEM IN THE PATTERN THEY LOOK MORE COMPLECATED THAN THEY REALLY ARE DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? No 06will we get this in e mail? the text I mean THE LOG WILL BE POSTED ON THE CLASS WEBSITE 06ok thanks on the same page as the lesson YOU ARE ALL FREE TO PRINT IT OFF OR JUST GO BACK TO IT ANYTIME THE LAST THING MIMI AND I WANTED TO SHOW YOU WAS AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT IN THE MONDAY NIGHT CLASS IF YOU LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING PAGE YOU WILL SEE ONE OF G'S CLASSES SHE DID ON AN EDGING SHE HAD US WORK THROUGH Emilia, Pagina Web para la clase del lunes THOUGH THE PATTERN MAY LOOK A BIT TOUGH LOOK AT THE CLASS NOTES: IF YOU READ THROUGH IT YOU WILL FIND THAT GEORGIA HAS WALKED US THROUGH EVERY STAGE OF THE PATTERN la que escribio Anita GOING OVER ANY QUESTION WE MAY HAVE BEEN ABLE TO THROW AT HER Revisar tambien las notas de la clase de Georgia (Log) CARMEN??? DOES EMILIA UNDERSTAND THIS? What is the class on Monday night, I guess I missed something I am translating the info THE MONDAY NIGHT CLASS IS A TATTING CLASS IN THIS CHAT ROOM WHICH COVERS MORE ADVANCED TOPICS AND VARIOUS TECHNIQUES WE HAVE NOT COVERED HERE okay Anita y Mimigracias AS YOU FEEL MORE COMFORTABLE WITH WHAT WE HAVE DONE HERE YOU WILL FIND I like the weekly classes because there are new patterns to see, and frequently someone will ask a question that makes me see what I thought I knew in a different light THERE IS ALOT MORE THAT GEORGIA BRINGS UP THAT WE HAVENT GEORGIA HAS ALOT OF GUEST TEACHERS TOO WHO WILL SHOW US THEIR OWN STYLE OF TATTING FOR EXAMPLE THE BEANILE TATTING WITH ALL THE BEADS NO PROBLEM EMILIA :) de nada emilia, we thank Carmen for helping you DEFINATLY! CARMEN IT IS NICE TO KNOW WE HAVE YOU HERE FOR EMILIA :) 06I have a bad left hand arthritis, and have to limit my tatting any suggestions to help the pain?? si hay alguna duda se las tengo para ante de la clase HAVE YOU TRIED THE GLOVES SOLD IN QUILTING STORES? THEY ARE MADE OF ALMOST A TENSURE TYPE MATERIAL AND HOLD IN A BIT OF WARMTH muchas gracias por su buena voluntad 06I have some of those with the fingers out, they help some but not a lot 06Needle tatting is easier on my hands, but I like the look of shuttle better Thank you both for all of your help But shuttle will be harder on that left hand I'm afraid. You're welcome Kate Do needle and shuttle tatting look different? YOU MAY FIND GETTING YOURSELF LARGER SHUTTLES MAY HELP TOO I hope we managed to find something new for you... you seemed to have come to us with a lot of knowledge already NEEDLE TATTING IS SLIGHTLY LOOSER THAN SHUTTLE TATTING Do you mean a Tatsy Anita? Emilia said thank you both for your help YES 06ya you are right the shuttle is harder on my hand. I mostly use the red boye shuttles I bought a book by Barbara Foster and learned from that THE TATSY SHUTTLES WOULD BE EASIER TO HOLD WHEN YOUR HANDS ARE SORE That's because of Polly, the world's biggest fan of Red Boye Shuttles (did you see her box?)) Tatsys also hold tons of thread - or lots of beads needle tatting can be more tight if the needle is correctly matched to the thread 06I have two of the big tatsy shuttles, I will try and see what happens 06ya polly likes the red boyes It does take some deterination though to make the needle tatting tension equal to that which comes easily with the shuttle OTS WORTH A SHOT NITA..... GEE I CAN TYPE LOL typos ALWAYS allowed 06Thank you ladies, I will now go and fix my dinner. cu later LOL I WOULD HOPE SO 06bye bye good night Nita, thanks for coming! * Nita has quit IRC (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) SO DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? NO I have learned that on the hard way (needle matched thread) YOU ARE ALL WELCOME TO COME BACK FOR ANOTHER SET OF CLASSES IF NECESSARY It's one of the more difficult parts, Carmen THOUGH WE HOPE WE WILL SEE YOU IN THE MONDAY NIGHT CLASSES AS WELL :) I think that I will log off now. Thank you, I'll probably be back Thanks for coming Kate, hope to see you later NIGHT KATE I will be at the Mon. night class see you then :) * Kate has quit IRC (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) Thanks for teaching tonight Anita! I hope your cold is finally gone and you're feeling better? carmen has emilia understood everything? ala compaņera de la artritis no ha probado el cloruro de magnecio yes finnally!!!!!! only lasted 5 weeks I haven't tried Esther Trusler set yet, lok like Nina's beaded pieces but with needle though i found out it was whooping cough I thought the same Carmen Whooping Cough! Yikes! was told an inhailer would have worked but didnt get it in time oh well just glad my kids didnt get it no kidding their innoculations probably helped keep them free of it most likely my youngest just had a bunch that the dr said he likes to give to kids in school despite that he pays for them not ohip (our gov. health plan) that is very nice of him! agreed Do you still have the link Carmen? Do you have any questions? mind you i would have paid for them myself if i had to What link? Esther's? YEs that one do either of you have the link to esther trusler's set? i havnt seen it and would love to look at it I have printed but the link is missing brb I'll go upstairs for my mag Carmen les puedes preguntar sobre como ensartar una cuenta en la mitad del anillo found it thanks mimi Hay muchos ejemplos en las paginas Web de la clase No. 4 ok... now that i am looking at it, i think i have seen it before :) Thanks Mimi Lots of words in that pattern. I'd like a diagram :) gracias It's very similar to one that Nina LIbin published on Georgia's website Thanks Mimi y Anita i would love to find a program to use to make diagraming easier your welcome emilia!!!! main thing is to remember to use lock joins to make the chain switch directions. and not change size :) Anita I have seen a software for crochet tHat I think it ca work for tatting that is a beautiful pattern cool carmen do you know the names? We could ask the Company to make one for tatting I've done the beanile one as a lanyard to hang my work badge from My mom liked it so much I had to make her one, too :) thats great :) carmen i agree if we cant find something we like the company just has to know how many of us want it and they will be more likely to produce it Anita I will send the info to you by E-mail thanks carmen ok ladies i have to go..... see you on monday... :) I'm interested in drawing software too... Yes see all Monday! mimi are we going to do a meet and greet next week? Thanks for dropping by We should, Anita, ok maby on monday or tues we can send out a note to the list so everyone knows good idea and i will add it to the website as well Thanks! anyway.... thanks for comeing everyone :) Is Emilia on your list? see you next week! has she emailed georgia? We send it out to the OnLine Class mailing list that Georgia maintains If she has registered with Georgia, then she will receive the notices que estoy en la lista para la clse del lunes as long as georgia has had an email from her she is on the list For this class and the weekly class Emilia, did you get the notice about tonight's class too? by email I mean ya le mande el correo a Georgia Then you did receive the message from me (reminder for tonight's class) Emilia said she has registered with Georgia today Then she will get future notices ok then she will get all emails we send out ok night all!!!! see you on monday :) * AnitaH has quit IRC (Quit: Tatters 4 forever!) Thanks again everyone - good night! I'll go post the log Buenos Noches * Disconnected Session Close: Wed May 10 19:07:31 2006