Stacy from x.x.x.252 joined the chat 65 minutes ago Stacy from x.x.x.252 joined the chat 64 minutes ago Stacy: Today is my first online class,so hello to all! Flupigirl from x.x.x.7 joined the chat 61 minutes ago Flupigirl: Hi everyone. Linda-S from x.x.x.7 joined the chat 60 minutes ago Linda-S: hi Cynthia from x.x.x.211 joined the chat 60 minutes ago Cynthia: Hi Stacy I see you got here before I did Cynthia: Welcome Stacy: Thank you! Glad I'm in the right place. Mimi from x.x.x.11 joined the chat 58 minutes ago Cynthia: Hi Mimi I just got here...late... Mimi: Sorry so late... microwave was taken and the wireless network isn't working so I have to use the office PC Cynthia: We have Stacy who is new to our class Mimi: Welcome Stacy! LearaB from x.x.x.1 left this message 57 minutes ago: Hi everyone - Happy early Valentine's Day. Cynthia: Stacy no good way for me to ask so,,,,what can you do in tatting? Linda-S: Welcome Stacy Linda-S: Happy early Valentine's Day to you, too ! Stacy: Thankyou every body, nice to be here. I can do rings and picots. Linda-S: that's great Cynthia: Do you know the ds, picot, join? Just asking so I know where to work from...I read 5 e mails in 10 minutes and answered membory LearaB from x.x.x.1 joined the chat 56 minutes ago Stacy: Yes Cynthia: awesome. we can open chat for a couple more minutes Cynthia: Leara do you know how to get into the room? Mimi: Good BRB soup isn't completely cooked LearaB: Yes - I think I did . . . LearaB: sorry so slow Cynthia: Great you are here LearaB: thanks Cynthia: we are doing a couple more minutes of open chat...we have a first timer here Stacy LearaB: How's everyone today? Linda-S: OK LearaB: Hi Stacy - welcome to our group! Linda-S: how are you? Stacy: Fine Thank yu. Stacy: Oops, not that great on computers Cynthia: I hope those in the east aren't getting blown away by the storm that hit us on Tuesday and left 9 dead that I;'ve heard of in Lone Grove, OK Stacy: Thats terrible! Cynthia: we don't worry about typos...look at all mine...if we can figure it out we just go on.... LearaB: I've been tatting since the late 1960's. So, I'm not quite a beginner. Thought I would see if I could help in anyway. Plus I tried a couple of the hearts on paperclips and they are so cute! Cynthia: Yes it is terrible about the tornaodes and they are early this year...we usually don't see them until March-April Linda-S: It's windy but not as bad as I thought it would be. Cynthia: Thanks Leara I can always use the help.... LearaB: Yucky storms - and the wildfires in Australia - that took all those lives - so tragic and devastating Cynthia: Shall we sign and location... Cynthia: Cynthia Stevenson Stillwater OK Stacy: here? LearaB: I'm out of Salt Lake City UT Cynthia: you can add your e-mail if you want to Mimi: MIMI DILLMAN, EVERETT WA, LearaB: Stacy: Stacy, Florida LearaB: How's Mimi today - I didn't get you mixed up today! I still feel bad about that! Cynthia: The teachers use all caps...I just haven't hit that key yet Linda-S: I haven't tried the hearts on paperclips yet but I made my first split ring today. Hurray! LearaB: OK - THANKS LearaB: YEA Cynthia: NOW ON TO CLASS LearaB: GOOD Cynthia: DOES ANYONE HAVE QUESTIONS FROM THE LAST CLASS THAT GOT MISSED OR YOU DISCOVERED AFTER CLASS LAST WEEK? Cynthia: DID I SCARE EVERYONE OFF? Mimi: STILL HERE NO QUESTIONS MAYBE? LearaB: NO Stacy: I started lesson 3, should I just cut & start fresh? BJ from x.x.x.141 joined the chat 47 minutes ago Cynthia: WOW WE DID BETTER THAN WE THOUGHT WE WOULD Linda-S: no questions but making larger picots did help to keep my edging flat BJ: beverlyjune Silver City New Mexico Mimi: THAT'S GOOD NEWS LINDA, THANKS FOR THE UPDATE. I'M ALWAYS CURIOUS WHAT SOLUTIONS WORK BJ: Hi Mimi and all Linda-S: You are welcome Cynthia: YES STACY BUT YOU MIGHT WANT TO JUST LISTEN IN AND TRY THE SKILLS AFTER. i'M ALWAYS AVAILABLE FOR QUESTIONS VIA E-MAIL Stacy: Hi Mimi: WELCOME BJ WE'RE JUST GETTING STARTED Stacy: Okay:) BJ: :>) LearaB: I AM ALSO WILLING TO HELP ANYONE - IF YOU CAN'T GET HOLD OF ANYONE ELSE . . .. Cynthia: TODAY WE TACKLE LESSON 4 AND SPLIT RINGS IS THE START BJ: me too! Flupigirl: Patty Baranski Soddy-Daisy, TN Linda-S: Thanks!! Cynthia: LETS LOOK AT SORRY DROPPED MY NOTEBOOK Linda-S: Linda Harrington, Largo, MD Cynthia: DO WE HAVE ANY NEEDLE TATTERS TODAY? Flupigirl: I'm a shuttle. Linda-S: shuttle BJ: Cynthia...why don't we put N or S after our sign in and that way you would know automatically :>) BJ: shuttle Cynthia: GOOD IDEA BUT i MAY BE A SPACE CADET....AND FORGET BJ: lol Cynthia: LETS GO TO THE SHUTTLE DIRECTIONS FOR SPLIT RING THEN Stacy: I'd like to learne both,but shuttle for now Cynthia: DOES ANYONE KNOW WHY WE USE A SPLIT RING? Flupigirl: Isn't it to get to a part of a ring in a place different from the beginning and end? BJ: a bridge Linda-S: to bridge Stacy: yay BJ! Cynthia: GOOD ANSWER...YES TO MOVE WHERE THE RING ENDS Cynthia: MAKES IT EASIER TO GO TO THE NEXT ROUND...DOES ANYONE ENJOY CUT, TIE HIDE ENDS? Cynthia: NOT ME... BJ: n Linda-S: no Cynthia: USING THE SPLIT RING YOU CAN BEGIN THE MOVE FROM ONE ROUND TO THE MEXT LearaB from x.x.x.1 joined the chat 39 minutes ago Cynthia: wb LearaB: SORRY - GOT KICKED OUT FOR A MINUTE - BACK AGAIN Mimi: IT'S ALSO A NICE DESIGN ELEMENT (DESIGNERS MIGHT USE IT JUST BECAUSE IT'S PRETTY) LearaB: IT'S SOMETIMES ALSO CALLED "CLIMB OUT" Cynthia: AND CAN BE IN 2 COLORS... BJ: true, like for Jan's crucifix pattern Linda-S: It's pretty in 2 colors Cynthia: WE START TO MAKE A REGULAR RING LearaB: YUP Cynthia: BUT AT THE POINT WE WANT TO END OR CLIMB OUT WE STOP. Flupigirl: I just checked my email and somebody named Dawn T. is trying to get on. Cynthia: CAN YOU HELP HER? Mimi: I'LL GO CHECK MY EMAIL Cynthia: THANKS MIMI Flupigirl: I'm sorry I don't know how. Flupigirl: Thanks Mimi. Cynthia: DOES EVERYONE HAVE THE INFORMATION ON LESSON 4? Flupigirl: Yes. LearaB: YES Stacy: just how to get here Linda-S: The link for the "Instructions for Split Rings by Jane Eborall" didn't work for me so I had to use the picotnet link. Yes, I have the info for Lesson 4. BJ: y Flupigirl: Picotnet worked great for me. Cynthia: STACY HTTP://WWW.ANGELFIRE.COM/PLANET/NEWTATTERS LearaB: IT LIKED ME ALSO Flupigirl: The link didn't work for me either. Stacy: Thanks Cynthia: SORRY LET ME LINK IT FOR YOU,,, BJ: Have Jane's bookmarked... LearaB: PICOTNET THAT IS Cynthia: then click on lesson 4 Mimi: i SENT A MESSAGE TO DAWN WE'LL SEE IF IT WORKS LearaB: GREAT Mimi: I'LL CHECK LINKS BRB Linda-S: ok, thanks Flupigirl: I hope so. I remember that happening to me. Cynthia: YOU CAN HAVE 2 WINDOWS OPEN AT THE SAME TIME BY MAKING THEM BOTH SMALLER Cynthia: THAT WAY YOU CAN LOOK AT BOTH SETS OF INFORMATION Mimi: IT APPEARS JANE'S LINK IS INDEED BROKEN. PROBABLY DUE TO HER HOUSECLEANING. NOW I'VE GOT TO HOUSECLEAN LOL Stacy: I'll try Mimi: HER LINK IS NOW: Mimi: I WILL FIX THE LESSON FOR THIS NOW AND HUNT FOR OTHERS WHEN I CAN Cynthia: IN LESSON 4 IT SHOWS THE "DEAD SPIDER" TECHNIQUE. IT IS JUST 1 WAY Linda-S: That worked fine. Thanks!! Cynthia: IF YOU HAVE TOO MUCH DIFFICULTY WITH THIS METHOD Cynthia: LET ME KNOW AND I'LL GO OVER THE OTHER METHODS WITH YOU... Cynthia: BASICALLY AFTER YOU FINISH THE FIRST HALF OF THE SPLIT RING YOU TURN YOUR Cynthia: HAND FINGERS UP AND USING THE WRAP DOING THE SECOND HALF OF THE DS FIRST THEN THE FIRST HALF ON THE THREAD FROM YOUR PINCH TO YOUR LITTLE FINGER Cynthia: ARE YOU ALL FAMILIAR WITH THE WRAP? BJ: unflipped stitches Stacy: yes Cynthia: YES Flupigirl: A wrap is unflipped stitches? Cynthia: YES PATTY, UNFLIPPED Cynthia: AFTER ALL THE WORK OF LEARNING THE FLIP AND HAVING THEM NOT FLIP YOU LEARN THERE IS A USE FOR THEM.... Flupigirl: You use unflipped stitches in the second half of your split ring, right? BJ: also called wraping Cynthia: YES AND START WITH THE SECOND HALF OF THE DOUBLE STITCH FIRST THEN THE FIRST HALF Linda-S: At first, I just had a little problem trying to keep the stitches from flipping. Mimi: IT'S TOUGH TO TRAIN ONESELF NOT TO FLIP AFTER TRYING SO HARD TO LEARN TO FLIP!! Cynthia: WE ALL DID...AS FAR AS I'VE HEARD...LOL....FINALLY GOT THE STITCHES TO FLIP AND NOW TRYING TO KEEP THEM FROM FLIPPING IS A CHALLENGE Linda-S: yes!! BJ: but fun in the end Flupigirl: I had a little trouble with that too. Stacy: Agreed Flupigirl: Can I ask about the mock picot? There were no links to it and no practice, so I do not understand it. BJ: it is a useful technique Cynthia: THE SECOND HALF OF THE SPLIT RING DOES REQUIRE A SECOND SHUTTLE Cynthia: THAT IS NEXT PATTY Flupigirl: Thanks! Cynthia: WHEN YOU GET THE 2 HALVES OF THE SPLIT RING TOGETHER BJ: close the split ring slowly so it keeps the same shape as your other rings...hint Cynthia: THANKS BJ GOOD HINT Flupigirl: My split rings don't look like a circle. Flupigirl: Maybe like a tear drop. BJ: you can manipulate them with your fingers...into shape Cynthia: DO THEY LOOK MORE LIKE AN OVAL OR TEARDROP BJ: as you slowly close Flupigirl: Yes, like a tear drop. Cynthia: IT TAKES PRACTICE AND SOME OF MINE STILL MAKE A TEARDROP IF I'M NOT REAL CAREFUL BJ: they tend to be 'pointy' thus the extra care closing Flupigirl: I'll try to close slower. Cynthia: YOU TAKE THE NEXT ELEMENT OF THE PATTERN...LOOK AT GILLIAN'S SPLIT RING FLOWER Cynthia: SHE THROWS THE CORE THREAD JOIN IN AS WELL...BUT SHE EXPLAINS IT VERY WELL Stacy: Thats pretty, will try it! Cynthia: I DID HER PATTERN WITH LEAVING OFF THE JOINS IN THE FRIST ROUND AND IT WORKS LearaB: YES SHE DOES BJ: it is a bit tricky for a learning piece BJ: just my humble opinion LOL Cynthia: I AGREE THAT'S WHY I DID IT WITHOUT THE JOINS TO SEE HOW IT WORKS BJ: a visual would be great Cynthia: AND IT CAME OUT REASONABLY WELL...SO IF THE CORE THREAD JOIN IS TOO MUCH OF A CHALLENGE --OR YOU THINK IT WILL BE Mimi: WATCH OUT ON GILLIAN'S PATTERN, I THINK THERE MAY BE ANE RROR IN IT STILL Linda-S: I'm working on that now. I have 5 of the 8 inner rings done. Mimi: STITCH COUNT ON THE OUTER CHAINS BJ: however, that said, once you get the first element going it works very well Mimi: CHAINS SHOULD BE SYMMETRICAL Mimi: BUT IIRC THERE'S A TYOP Cynthia: JUST OMIT THE JOINS IN THE FIRST ROUND. NOT HER EXACT PATTERN BUT IT STILL WORKS. Mimi: SORRY I'M STILL FIXING LESSON 5'S BROKEN LINKS Cynthia: THE OUTER RING IS EASY Cynthia: THANKS MIMI I APPRECIATE THAT. Flupigirl: How do you know what the first round is? Cynthia: LETS READ THE PATTERN TOGETHER AND SEE HOW IT COMES TOGETHER Cynthia: STARTING AT 2--ONE IS WIND THE SHUTTLES...LOL Cynthia: IT SAYS WITH SH1...RING OF 6 DS, P 4 DS, P, 6 DS,CLR DO NOT RW Mimi: LESSON 5 FIXED. Mimi: TYPO IN SPLIT RING FLOWER IS IN STEP 8 Cynthia: DOES THAT MAKE SENSE? Flupigirl: Thanks mimi. Flupigirl: That makes sense to me. Cynthia: DID I LOSE EVERYONE? Mimi: STEP 8 SHOULD START OUT SH2 C 6 DS, tiny P, *4* DS (NOT 6) Mimi: I'LL GO BACK INTO LESSON 4 AND POST THE CORRECTION - THIS PAGE IS NO LONGER ON BELLA AND YOU CAN'T FIX THE WAYBACK MACHINE LOL BJ: yeah, caught that last night >O) Linda-S: thanks Cynthia: OR DID THE SPLIT RING SCARE EVERYONE OFF? Flupigirl: I don't think you lost me. LearaB: NO Cynthia: STACY? Linda-S: no Stacy: Im listening Cynthia: GOOD I WAS THINKING i HAD LOST EVERYONE... BJ: n Stacy: nope! LearaB: SORRY i HAVEN'T BEEN MUCH HELP Linda-S: n Cynthia: THE FIRST SPLIT RING IS ON THE 8TH RING ON THE CENTER Stacy: I dont know what Sh2 C is though....... Margaret from x.x.x.108 joined the chat 2 minutes ago Cynthia: PATTY DOES THAT MAKE SENSE NOW TO SEE WHERE THE FIRST ROUND ENDS? LearaB: SH2 IS YOUR SECOND SHUTTLE - SOMETIMES IT HELP TO MARK EACH SHUTTLE Cynthia: ON NUMBER 6 IT SAYS SHUTTLE 2 C=CHAIN Flupigirl: Maybe. Stacy: Oh! I feel stupid now, thanx Cynthia: MP DPM Mimi from x.x.x.11 left the chat 59 seconds ago Margaret: hello Mimi from x.x.x.11 joined the chat 56 seconds ago Cynthia: NO NO NO QUESTION IS EVER STUPID....IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND SOMETHING WE NEED TO MAKE IT CLEAR... Linda-S: When you first started tatting did it seem like it took forever to tat a motif? That is what is happening to me with this motif. Mimi: SORRY I MEANT TO SAY I HAVE TO LEAVE SINCE LUNCH HOUR IS UP Mimi: I DID ADD THE CORRECTION TO LESSON 4 PAGE LISTING FOR THIS PATTERN Mimi: SEE Cynthia: BYE MIMI SEE YOU TONIGHT Mimi: THAT WAY IF YOU LOSE THE LOG YOU CAN STILL FIND THE CORRECTION TO MAKE ON YOUR PATTERN Margaret: will I see you tonight, Mimi? Mimi: SEE YOU LATER! Linda-S: thanks!! Bye Mimi. Mimi from x.x.x.11 left the chat 13 seconds ago Flupigirl: I usually understand how to practice the techniques but when it comes to a motif, I can't do it. LearaB: IS THE ADVANCED CLASS STILL GOING ON? Cynthia: YES A NEW SKILL OR PATTERN CAN TAKE FOREVER TO FIGURE OUT Flupigirl: scissors are getting a lot of use. Cynthia: YES THE ADVANCED CLASS MEETS ON mONDAYS Linda-S: mine too. losl Stacy: Hi Margaret! LearaB: I DIDN'T SEE IT THIS LAST MONDAY LearaB: I'LL CHECK NEXT MONDAY Margaret: Cynthia, if you have a few minutes after class, I would like to IM Cynthia: HI MARGARET, WE ARE FINISHING UP THE CLASS FOR THIS AFTERNOON BJ: yes, they're workiing on conserving and older book Flupigirl: I also have lots of pices of thread in sections when I unwind my shuttle to try again. LearaB: SEE YOU ALL LATER . . . . Flupigirl: Cynthia, can you explain mock picot? Cynthia: WE ALL KNOW HOW THAT GOES Stacy: Bye Linda-S: bye Cynthia: BYE LEARA LearaB: BYE ALL Margaret: I need to ask questions about Rosemarie Peel's heart pattern. I did it with shuttle but am having difficulty with needle Flupigirl: I have to take my daughters to dance shortly. Cynthia: YES THE MOCK PICOT IS VERY EASY... Flupigirl: I can aemail you privately if you want. Cynthia: WHEN YOU GO UP TO THE NEXT RING FROM A SPLIT RING YOU Flupigirl: Thanks. Cynthia: KEEP THE 2 RINGS THE SAME DISTANCE AS IF THERE WERE A PICOT THERE BJ: Flupigirl if you can get to Jane E pattern site, it has an explanation of mock picot BJ: which is a bare piece of thread Cynthia: THAT IS A SPLIT RING....JANE EBORALL HAS A LOT OF GOOD HELPS Flupigirl: Where is that? BJ: also mock picots Cynthia: BRB Flupigirl: So two rings with no picot. BJ: I'll have to look up Jane's regular url. Flupigirl: Then what do I do? Flupigirl: Thank you. Cynthia: BUT A SPACE BETWEEN THEM THAT IS THE SAME SIZE AND IS USED AS A PICOT IS THE MOCK PICOT BJ: made by what stitches Cynthia? Cynthia: LET ME TRY AGAIN... Cynthia: TO DO THE MOCK PICOT....IT IS THE BARE THREAD THE SAME LENGHT Cynthia: AS A PICOT BUT BETWEEN 2 SPLIT RINGS....I NEED TO DO SOME TATTED PICTURES Flupigirl: That would be wonderful. Stacy: : ) Cynthia: DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE PATTY? BJ: let's see as I recall you do the first stitch of a ds flipped and the second part of the ds is unflipped...which makes a non sliding piece ofn the chain, but leaves the bare "mock" picot. Flupigirl: So a mock picot is between two split rings? BJ: no Margaret: or after a split ring to go to the next round Cynthia: YES PATTY AND NO BJ BJ: yes BJ: Margaret said what I meant BJ: thus a bridge Cynthia: WHEN YOU ARE GOING TO THE NEXT ROUND IS CORRECT...YES Flupigirl: In between two split rings you leave a little space and that is the mock picot? Margaret: when I tatted the graduation cap, it involved only one split ring and it was followed by a mock picot BJ: or sometimes it become a join as with the basic rosette Cynthia: I NEED TO GO PICK UP A KID FROM SCHOOL....CAN YOU CHAT AMONG YOURSELVES TIL I GET BACK OR ARE WE READY TO CALL IT A DAY? Flupigirl: I have to go. Cynthia: WE CAN ALSO WORK ON THIS NEXT WEEK AS WELL Margaret: Cynthia, can I work on the round robin for beginners to learn rings off chains without being able to do a lock join? Flupigirl: I have a better understanding of mock picot. BJ: yeah! Margaret: good, Flupigril Flupigirl: I will check out Jane's site. Cynthia: MARGARET CAN WE CHAT IN A FEW MINUTES? I NEED TO RUN AN ERRAND BJ: if you contact me, I'll e-mail you a visual Flupigirl: t get so excited. I have to trey it. BJ: for the mock picot Stacy: I'm sorry , I have to go. Will do my homework and many thanks Cynthia, and every one else! Cynthia: BJ THAT WOULD BE NICE COULD YOU PUT IT IN THE LINKS OR FILES? Margaret: I do need to make a couple of phone calls, etc. Buzz me when you get back Flupigirl: My email is Linda-S: bye BJ: I suppose Margaret: bye Margaret from x.x.x.108 left the chat 4 hours ago BJ: or at lest the source Cynthia: BYE EVERYONE....THANK ALL OF YOU BJ: least Flupigirl: BVye everyone Thank you. Linda-S: bye BJ: bye