Real Name:
Legal Status:
Exiled Citizen of Celestial Dilmun
Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Ullikummis except as a mythological deity.
Other Aliases:
Place of Birth:
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives:
Enlil (father), Upelluri (mother), Alalu (maternal grandfather, deceased),
Ninlil (step-mother, alias Kamrusepas), Hadad
(alias Teshub),
Ninurta, Martu (uncles),
(grandfather), Shamash,
Nanna, Ninazu,
Upelluri, Namtar,
Reshef, Horon (half-brothers), Anu
(paternal grandfather), Asherah (paternal grandmother)
Group Affiliations: The Gods of Mesopotamia
Base of Operations:
First Appearance: Ullikummis has not appeared in the Marvel or DC Universes.
History: Ullikummis is a member of an extra-dimensional race of beings known as the Anunnaki, who were worshipped as gods by the Ancient Sumerians and Babylonians. The Anunnaki were ruled over by the god, Anu, who became chieftain of the Mesopotamian gods. (Anunnaki means alternatively "People of Anu" or "Children of Anu.") In ancient times, the Anunnaki resided on Earth with mortal man, but Anu was overthrown by his son, Enlil, who usurped rule of the gods for himself. Fleeing Earth, Anu cursed Enlil to father three miserable children; Enlil then seduced the goddess Asherah and sired Reshef, god of pestilence, Horon, god of famine and Mot, known to the Sumerians as Namtar, the god of death.
Enlil was in turn deposed by his brother, Hadad, who later took the name Baal, (known to the Hurrians as Teshub). Hadad was guided and protected by their uncle, Ea (Oannes), the sea-god. In order to retrieve his throne, Enlil retreated far to the shore of the Black Sea and pounded upon the Black sea to call upon the sea-goddess, Upelluri, whose own father had been deposed by Anu several millennia before. She bore a son named Ullikummis. (According to later myths, Enlil conceived Ullikummis from the rock, and Upelluri merely presented him to Enlil.)
Ullikummis was delivered as an infant to the Isirru, demonic entities in the underworld, to conceal him until he was strong enough. They raised him to gigantic stature, but his step-mother, Ninlil, the wife of Enlil, tried to disuade him from war, but he ignored her wishes and followed Enlil into war along with the Isirru against the Anunnaki. Several of the Mesopotamian gods retreated to the safety of Mount Saphon to watch the battle from afar between Enlil and Hadad, who was forced to abdicate the throne on behalf of Enlil. Hadad eventually returned to Ea for advice on how to slay Ullikummis and to reclaim the throne. Ea gave him a saw to slice through the sinews of Ullikummis' ankles to cripple him. Tragically wounded in war, Ullikummis was slain by Hadad who then reclaimed the throne after ousting Enlil and exiling him to Kurnugi, the extra-dimensional realm reserved for imprisoning the enemies of the Anunnaki.
Eventually, worship of the Anunnaki or Mesopotamian gods waned in the presence of invasions to Mesopotamia by armies bringing their native deities with them. Those gods faithful to Anu departed Earth over the years for Celestial Dilmun, the other-dimensional realm he had created since his departure from Earth. Those gods who joined him became known as the Igigi or "heavenly ones" while the Anunnaki who remained on Earth and the underworld remained known as the Anunnaki.
In recent years, several entities from unknown realms have
appeared on Earth claiming to be the forgotten Mesopotamian gods. Mephista, the
daughter of Mephisto, impersonated a demon called Ullikummis in order to possess
the mortal mystic Topaz and lure Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange into battling
her father on her behalf.
Height: 9' 0"
Weight: 725 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Strength Level: Ullikummis possesses superhuman strength to an unknown
extent. He possibly possesses Class 100 level strength enabling him to lift
(press) over 100 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Ullikummis possessed the conventional physical
attributes of the Anunnaki or Mesopotamian gods. Like all of the Anunnaki, he
was potentially long-lived, but he is not immortal like the Olympian gods. He has aged
at am exceptionally slow rate since reaching adulthood and cannot die by any
conventional means. He is immune to all Earthly diseases and is resistant to
conventional injury. If he were somehow wounded, his godly life force would
enable him to recover with superhuman speed. It would take an injury of such
magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of his bodily molecules to cause him
a physical death. Even then, it might be possible for a god of significant
power, such as Anu, Ea or Enlil or for a number of Mesopotamian gods of equal
power working together to revive him. Ullikummis also possesses superhuman strength
and his Anunnaki metabolism provides him with far greater than human endurance
in all physical activities. (Anunnaki flesh and bone is about three times as
dense as similar human tissue, contributing to the superhuman strength and
weight of the Mesopotamian gods.)
Ullikummis had greater strength, stamina, endurance and resistance to injury than the majority of the Anunnaki. Even if he were somehow wounded, rain could help revive him due to his relationship to the sea-goddess, Upelluri. He was not completely invincible. Certain mystical objects such as Ea's saw could rend through his flesh, weakening him to fall prey to other injuries.
Abilities: Ullikummis is an exceptional warrior trained
in combat.
Weapons: Ullikummis carries a sword and a dagger.
Comments: Ullikummis has not yet appeared in the
Marvel or DC Universe. In the DC Universe, the Anunnaki were sometimes
impersonated by members of an extra-terrestrial race of beings known as the Oans.
Several of the mystical and cosmic beings of the Marvel
Universe have oft times been purposely named after mythological beings, usually
using a mythological resource as a lazy venue for naming their characters.
Whether the writers have purposely intended these beings to be the gods or
deities they are named after is undetermined, but until then, this profile will
treat them as separate beings, especially where the traits of the deity conflict
with the traits of the namesake.
There is some confusion in the actual myth. Enlil reportedly deposes his father, Anu, as King of the Gods, and Anu escapes by retreating to Heaven (named in a few later texts to Dilmun, a rest for the spirits of the dead, like Utnapishtim). Now, if Enlil is deposing his father to rule Dilmun, it leaves to question why Anu would escape TO the Heavens. It might be theorized that these stories, which have been pieced together and even possibly mistranslated from broken hieroglyphics, some even missing parts to the stories, might actually be describing ancient lineages and succession rites of forgotten kings predating the Sumerian Empire. If that is the case, then Anu, Enlil and Hadad ruled the gods from Earth and Anu created Celestial Dilmun upon retiring from Earth. This scenario fits very well within the Marvel Universe which describes the Egyptian gods living on Earth before departing as well as Zeus creating Olympus after the end of worship of the Olympian gods.
According to Sumerian myth, Ninurta is the son rather than the brother of Enlil (Kumarbis), but this may be a way of denoting his importance to him. In the Hittite, Hurrian and Hattic texts, they are brothers. This scenario agrees with the general mythological pattern in accordance with their assignments of the cardinal points of the compass: Ninurta (south), Enlil (north), Hadad (east) and Martu (west). (Hadad is also often merged with Iskur, son of Nanna or Shamash.)
Elements of Ullikummis' story obviously parallel Zeus dethroning Cronus, the Olympians' retreat from Typhon, Jason slaying the giant Talos by his ankles as well as the weakness of Achilles and his ankles. Of course, there is some debate the Greeks stole all their myths from the Hittites. Uranus, Cronus and Zeus could very well actually have been Anu, Kumarbis (Enlil) and Hadad.
Ullikummis is not to be confused with Telepinu,
also sometimes called the son of Enlil.
Clarifications: Ullikummis is probably not to be
confused with:
Last updated: 06/08/08