Real Name: Jehovah

Occupation: Supreme Guiding Force of the Universe

Legal Status: Citizen of Elysium

Identity: Well-Known in Judeo-Christian religion

Other Aliases: Eternity, Aton (Egyptian) , Allah (Arabic), Gimle (Norse), Ulgen (Altaic), et al

Place of Birth: Unrevealed, possibly, inapplicable

Marital Status: Unrevealed

Known Relatives: Jesus Christ (son), Adam (son, deceased), Eve (daughter, deceased), Cain, Abel, Seth (grand-sons, deceased), extended descendants

Group Affiliations: Sovereign of the Elohim and the Seraphim

Base of Operations: Elysium (The Hereafter)

First Appearance: (historical) Genesis, Book One, Chapter One, (modern) Oh God! - Motion Picture (1979)

History: God is one of the most divine mysteries of the universe. He is omniscient and omnipotent, having been credited in Judo-Christian religion with the creation of the universe and the direction of life on Earth. His origins are unknown, but he is credited with reigning over all of creation and everything within it. He is served by a number of beings known as the Elohim and Seraphim, otherwise known as "angels" in Judeo-Christian religion, who serve him and represent his will on Earth. At some uncertain point in history, one of the angels, Iblis, fell from grace by trying to conquer the heavens. He was imprisoned by God in the other-dimensional realm of Hell where he and his followers became demonic entities constantly at war with the forces of God and His angels. In Judeo-Christian religion, Iblis became known as "Satan," a word which means "adversary." Several demons have used the name or claimed to be the one true Satan; among them Mephistopheles, Beelzebub and Lucifer.

According to Judeo-Christian religion, God created the first man from the dust of the Earth and named him Adam, giving him command of Eden, once located at the conjunction of the Tigris, Euphrates, Pishon and the Gihon rivers in Mesopotamia. Jewish legend claims that Adam was created with a mate named Lilith, who refused to be subservient to Adam, and she was cast from Eden. Lilith is otherwise identified as one of the Anunnaki, an extra-dimensional race of beings who were worshipped as gods by the various tribes of Mesopotamia. The relation between gods and angels is cloudy, but it is believed they share similar physical characteristics. God created another mate for Adam named Eve, and they became progenitors of the leaders of the Hebrew people. Eve was tempted by Satan not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge which grew in Eden, sharing the fruit she picked with Adam, mystically opening their eyes to personal awareness. God cast Adam and Eve from Eden for eating from the Tree of Knowledge, barring their way that they could not return. The region of Eden today is not clear, but geological upheavals since may have forced it to the bottom of the Persian Gulf; the later warrior Gilgamesh dived for the Tree of Knowledge in order to learn the secrets of life and death.

On Earth, Adam's descendants were often tormented by demonic entities and were often defended by angels and by other extra-dimensional beings such as the Anunnaki, the Ogdoad and other races which collectively were known as Immortals, but instead splintered into groups or pantheons. Several of these beings became worshipped as gods, even long after they departed Earth. Angered by these false idols, God sought one righteous man to rescue before He punished mortal man for turning away from Him. The man He chose was a wine-maker named Noah. God told him to create a great ark to save his family before flooding the Earth with a great flood, later known as the Deluge. After the waters receded, Noah and his sons are said to have repopulated the Earth. The accuracy and veracity of this account cannot be confirmed. The story has numerous parallels with the story of Utnapishtim which occurred several hundred years before Noah's time as well as with several other flood stories from China, the Native Americans and the Ancient Mayans. It is possible that the Hebrew scholars who originally transcribed the account may have actually been describing or adding details of the older tales to the original story of Noah. Whether Noah and Utnapishtim were actually the same person is unrevealed. Even after the flood, there were still people existing in lands beyond Mesopotamia who worshipped other gods. (The relationship between these "gods" and God himself is uncertain, but several of these beings have even credited God as a greater power over even themselves.) Whether God's flood was truly global or just a regional purge of Mesopotamia is unrevealed.

Throughout history, the Hebrews used the name of God to conquer much of Mesopotamia, now modern Iraq. One of His greatest champions was Moses who broke the control of the Egyptians over the Hebrews and guided his people into Canaan to found Judea. Moses granted his people from God twelve great laws known as commandments; these great laws became the foundation of law and justice through Western Civilization and much of the known world. After Moses died, he named the Hebrew patriarch Joshua as his successor. Joshua went to to try and conquer Canaan, now modern Palestine, with his greatest victory at Jericho.

On Earth, God was revered by numerous names, usually by races that possessed some providence with the Ancient Hebrew. In Islam, He was known as Allah, and spoke to the prophet Mohammed. The Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaton tried to spread knowledge of God under the name Aton, but his priests refused to break from their religion of the Egyptian gods.  In Canaan, God had a special covenant for Abraham and his descendants, even insuring that Abraham had several descendants. Among them was Kind David of Canaan whose son, King Solomon, was credited as one of the wisest in the world. Canaan was eventually split into the modern kingdoms of Israel and Judea (modern Palestine), still getting invaded by foreign armies from other lands. The Hebrew warrior, Samson, defended Canaan from the Philistine armies in God's name. Other prophets guided by God's voice were Elijah, Ezekiel, Jonah, Job and John the Baptist, who created the ritual of baptism ,but His greatest prophet was Jesus Christ, the son of Mary, a descendant of Abraham and contemporary of John, his cousin. Jesus Christ was the son of God and imbued with much of His power and wisdom, taught the word of God throughout Judea and Palestine, then under control of the Roman Empire. Surrounded by followers or disciples, His teachings gave rise to Christianity and gradually overcame the older worships of the much older pagan gods, His power was so great that he could cure the sick, raise the dead and convert sinners to propriety. When Jesus became angry over His father's church being used by merchants, forces were released that lead to His capture and crucifixion by the Romans. The exact antagonists to lead to His death have never been identified, but after death, Jesus rose from the dead, His mortal remains vanishing from his tomb. His disciples departed His homeland to teach his word beyond Judea and Palestine, but some unconfirmed legends not recognized by the Early Christian Church documenting his life and created the Bible, the sacred text of Christianity, claim He traveled as far as China and North America spreading his word of God.  Historically, the life of Jesus Christ was used as the central point of the calendar.

During the Middle Ages, European armies used the word of God to lead invasions known as the Crusades into Canaan and Judea, now conquered by the Turks after the decline of the Roman Empire. Christianity spread through Europe, often replacing the worships of the gods already worshipped there or getting merged into their native beliefs. Several of the later Roman Emperors even embraced Christianity, most notably Constantine, and embraced it over religion of the Olympian gods. Even the legendary King Arthur in the Fifth Century AD embraced Christianity over the worship of the Celtic Gods. Not all the efforts of Christianity were used in noble means. The Spanish Inquisition occurred as part of the efforts to force Christianity on captives from other countries. The Holy Roman Church also became indirectly responsible for inciting its priests into prosecuting witches and sorcerers invoking much older pagan practices. Some but not all of these witches invoked demonic entities, but witch hunts occurred all over Europe, the most notorious occurring in Salem, Massachusetts in the Seventeen Century. Religious persecution even between Christian sects resulted in discoveries of other lands and even newer beliefs. King Henry the VIII founded the Protestant Church in order to have the power to divorce his wives, Pilgrims departing England out of religious freedom founded the city of Providence in America and much later, Joseph Smith formed the Church of Latter Day Saints in 1830. Even the Voodoo religion was loosely based on Catholic beliefs. Despite variations in their practices, all these beliefs worshipped God and His son, Jesus Christ. While these churches were based on nurture and benevolence, other individuals and groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan and others, warped and twisted God's word to give them permission or fuel their personal agendas to incite hatred and violence, to persecute various ethnic and cultural races and to engage their terrorist acts against African-Americans in the United States. In the Twentieth Century, the German dictator Adolf Hitler spoke out over the superiority of the German race over the Jews, many of his generals and supporters executing thousands of innocents during the Holocaust.

In the later half of the Twentieth Century, separation of church and state affairs and the removal of prayer from schools resulted not so much as to decrease the presence of God from the public eye but to honor all religions and beliefs in the public. In order to prove His presence on Earth, God appeared to a simple grocery manager named Jerry Landers. In doing so, He took a form that Landers could accept, not such much the bearded persona established by the artists of the Middles Ages, but that of a simple eccentric old man wearing glasses. Later believing that humanity was becoming decadent once more, He began mulling the decision to recreate the Deluge, but four of his angels delayed Him until they could inspire noble intentions from Zack Brewster, a hold-up man, and Debbie Wilder, a bank teller turned thief. Brewster risked his life to save Debbie's life, sparing them both and proving humanity was worth saving.

In recent years, God took the form of a jovial black man to confront Bruce Nolan, a newscaster who blamed him for all the problems in his life. God revealed to him that mankind had the power to fix their own problems and that He had no power over the whim of fate or free will. Bruce discovered this much more eloquently after being imbued with a portion of God's power for a period of time. God resumed this same form to confront Evan Baxter, Bruce's friend, a newscaster turned senator. Evan wanted to change the world, and God gave him the duty of building an ark, turning him into a clone of Noah for effect. Instead of creating a flood, God used Ethan to save the inhabitants of a suburban sub-division in the path of a collapsing reservoir.

On Earth, God travels among humanity in humble attire, living among mortals and working from behind the scenes to preserve His memory. Contrary to the mortal idea of Him as a wrathful, unforgiving deity, he loves humanity with the compassion and delight of a father still impressed with mankind and their efforts, but displeased at times with their actions. His angels have also appeared on Earth as well; one angel named Michael revealed himself to tabloid reporters Frank Quinlan and Dorothy Winters, while another named Earl is trying to restore the faith of an Albuquerque detective named Grace Hanadarko.

Height: Various
Weight: Various
Eyes: Various
Hair: Various

Unusual Physical Features: God is known to take several forms, sometimes appearing either male or female to various individuals.

Strength Level: Unknown

Known Superhuman Powers: God is omnipotent and omniscient, capable of creating and affecting matter, reality and creation at will.

Comments: God has portrayed by George Burns (Oh God!), Gene Hackman (Twist of Fate) and Morgan Freeman (Bruce Almighty, Ethan Almighty).

Jerry Landers (John Denver) from Oh God! (1976). Debbie Wilder (Olivia Newton-John) and Zack Brewster (John Travolta) from Twist of Fate (1983). Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey) and Ethan Baxter (Steve Carell) from Bruce Almighty (2005). Michael (John Travolta), Frank Quinlan (William Hurt) and Dorothy Winters (Andie McDowell)from Michael (2000) and Earl (Leon Rippy) and Grace Hanadarko (Holly Hunter) from Saving Grace (2008)

Clarifications: This bio is meant for strictly entertainment purposes; the views and depictions within it are not meant as a serious study of religious belief.

Last updated: 04/02/09


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