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The Sailor Senshi

Sailor Moon/Usagi(Serena) Tsukino: The leader of the Sailor Senshi. Tends to be a klutzy whiny crybaby.

Sailor Jupiter/Makoto(Lita) Kino: The senshi of Thunder.She loves to bake and cook.

Sailor Mars/Rei(Raye) Hino: The firey-tempered Senshi of Fire.

Sailor Venus/Minako(Mina) Aino: A good friend to the other Senshi.

Sailor Mercury/Ami(Amy) Mizuno: The intelligent Senshi of Water/Ice. Her voice was absolutely horribly squeaky in the Japanese series,but had a nice soft British accent in the US dub.

Sailor Mini-Moon/Rini: Serena and Darien's future daughter.

Sailor Uranus/Haruka(Amara)Tenoh: The butch and brash Senshi of Wind. Her lesbian lover is Michiru.

Sailor Neptune/Michiru(Michelle) Kaioh: The calm and elegant Senshi of Water. Haruka is her lesbian lover.

Sailor Pluto/Setsuna( Trista) Meioh: The senshi who guards the Gates of time.

Sailor Saturn/Hotaru Tomoe: The Senshi of Destruction.