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Bensin, Diesel, Biodiesel,

Etanol bensin blandinger. Samme produktet for alle drivstoffblandingene.

Se nyhetskanal (video 1) som skeptisk tester ut dette og får seg en overraskelse

Flere nyhetsinnslag i den 3 videoen under

Hvordan virker dette:


In this new video,Jerry Lang shows you exactly how MPG-CAPS™ work.

Jerry Lang har mer en 40 års erfaring og betydelig bakgrunn innen forbrennings- og raffineringsprosesser og selv 17 patenter.

Produktet har nå fått positive tester fra Tuv (Tyskland)

Bosch  og fra Intertek Belgia. Disse er nå kommet oss forhandlere i hende.

Kort oppsummert:

Garantier og tester lenger ned på denne siden

FFI på NBC - World Business Review

Programleder General Normann Schwarzkopf

Bli forhandler ? Se denne videoen

Kontakt forhandler: e-mail:


This is not an official FFI or Fuel Freedom International, LLC website.  I’m  an Independent FFI Distributor



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FFI tilfreds- garanti sier:

Integritet er vårt viktigste produkt. Vi bryr oss om for våre Kunders fornøydhet, og støtter opp om alle våre påstander. FFI tilbyr en 100% 30dagers penger tilbake fornøydhets- garanti (fratrukket forsendelses gebyrer) til alle foretrukkede kunder, online-kunder,  detalj-kunder og distributører på deres første anskaffelse av våre spesielle produkter fra FFI's produkt-spekter.
[påfølgene produkter/ anskaffelser kan ikke bli returnert/reklamert under denne garantien)

FFI Forsikring:

Attest fra eierne i FFI på at de er forsikret på skader beviselig påført av FFI sine produkter


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Noen linker kan bli ute av virksomhet pga at kilde blir flyttet eller slettet.

Hvordan virker dette? Se videoen under for forklaring.

Hvordan produktet virker fra oppfinneren

SE DENNE VIDEOEN OGSÅ ! Viktig vekker for oss ALLE!!! 

(Overføres til annet nettsted. Trykk tilbake etter å ha sett videotraileren)

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Vi har nettverk i over hundre land nå og bygger opp et sterkt eget nettverk uavhengig av alle andre forhandlere enn de som er våre egne medlemmer. Egne testresultater skaffer vi selv, referanser har vi selv så her har vi et sterkt nettverk sammen.

MPG-CAPS™ og MPG-BOOST drivstoffsupplement

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FFI_presentation Powerpoint presentasjon (Helst last den ned da den vises raskere på din data da.)

7% til 15 % besparelse p.r. liter drivstoff.

10 % til 20 % p.r. drivstofftank. 30 % til 80 % mindre skadelige avgasser. Bedre ytelse og lengre levetid på motoren.

Join Now! Bli medlem NÅ!


Dette er et unikt produkt, registrert hos det amerikanske miljøverndepartementet: EPA som sier at dette ikke påvirker eller innvirker på selve drivstoffet.

Brukt av offentlige innstanser og Nasa i mange år. Derfor må dette ikke forveksles med andre såkalte "bensin" "diesel" piller uten seriøse testresultater. Dette produkter er godt mottatt av større transportselskaper her i Norge som har testet dette ut og sett at dette virker og er trygt. Større rederier bruker dette nå etter testing. Dette blir vår garanti hver dag nå. Flere ser og får bevis om at dette er et unikt produkt.

Dette er et nytt drivstoff besparende produkt som er på full fart inn blant Norske drivstoff forbrukere Store og små forbrukere. I korte trekk 7% til 15 % besparelse p.r. liter drivstoff. 10 til 20 % p.r. drivstofftank. 30 til 75 % mindre skadelige avgasser. Bedre ytelse og lengre levetid på motoren. Godt uttestet med garantier og gode referanser

Nytt nå i Norge men allerede sterke tilbakemeldinger fra brukere og forhandlere her i landet. Er virkelig i fart inn i markedet dette produktet, og det kommer gode referanser og testresultater nå. Fra privatpersoner med personbiler, transportselskap med 20 biler som sparer 800 000 Norske kroner i året på grunn av bruk av vårt produkt og fra rederier som sparer enorme summer.

Hvordan virker dette Hva er dette?

Send en e-mail Da får du tilsendt e-mail med adressen til mer informasjon eller innmelding.


Dette er en 100 % ren organisk motor behandling, den reduserer drivstoff forbruket og øker motorkraften ved å danne ett meget tynt katalytisk overflatesjikt inne i forbrenningskammeret til motoren. Dette gir en mer effektiv forbrenning med vesentlig lavere utslipp av miljø og helseskadelige stoffer.

Det katalytiske sjiktet legger seg på stempler, sylindrer, hele forbrenningskammeret, ventiler og ventiltopp. Sjiktet stopper pågående nedbryting og gir en ren og effektiv overflate som forsterker effekten i forbrenningen. Belegget hindrer fastbrenning av karbon partikler og hydrokarbonoksidering ved temperaturer høyere enn 450 °C. Produktet erstatter til fulle blyet i det tidligere blyholdige drivstoffet og nå når svovel blir tatt ut av drivstoffet vil dette erstatte dette så du slipper å kjøpe erstatningsprodukt til svovelet.

Dette er et unikt produkt, registrert hos det amerikanske miljøverndepartementet:
EPA  som sier at dette ikke påvirker eller innvirker på selve drivstoffet. Produktet er ikke tilsatt noe former for rensemidler eller kjemikalier som skal gi en såkalt høyere forbrenningsgrad enn de 99,5 %, som er normalt for dagens motorer.

Et ”drivstoffsupplement" som først blir "aktivisert" i selve forbrenningskammeret og i forbrenningsøyeblikket. Produktet løses opp i drivstoffet uten å blande seg med det, deretter fraktes det i drivstoff kanalene frem til forbrenningskammeret. Her dannes ett katalytisk nano-fase belegg som skaper en "energi økende" reaksjon, ca. 30 % forbedring ved forbrenning. Forbrenningen skjer hurtigere, energien i forbrenningen forsterkes og forurensningen reduseres

Resultatet er 10-20 %  drivstoff forbruk, bedre energiutnyttelse og høyere motorkraft. Mindre motorslitasje, langt lavere forurensning og eksosutslipp. Du vil kunne kjøre 10 til 20 % lenger pr. tank, få lavere drivstofforbruk, redusere utslippsvolumet tilsvarende, og du får en mer driftssikker og kostnadseffektiv motor.

Informasjon, kjøp av produktet eller bli medlem/ kunde send en e-mail til :


Vi har nettverk i over hundre land nå og bygger opp et sterkt eget nettverk uavhengig av alle andre forhandlere enn de som er våre egne medlemmer. Egne testresultater skaffer vi selv, referanser har vi selv så her har vi et sterkt nettverk sammen.



 MPG-BOOST - Påstander underbygget av mange undersøkelser:


1. Teknologien for å spare drivstoff er blitt bevist gjennom mer enn 32,000,000 km med statistisk gjennomført doble blindtester.

 2. Nylig ble en 2005 modell Nissan Altima laboratorietestet og viste en 11.1 % reduksjon av drivstoff-forbruket og testingen viste at utslippene ble redusert over lang tid ved bruk av MPG-BOOST.



Avgasstest MPG-CAPS™ med forbløffende resultat

 Jeg fikk tatt en avgasstest på min Ford F150 og denne karen ble helt stum. Han var forbløffet over at utslippene var NULL. Siden det var en 1999-modell så skulle det i alle fall vært noe der. Enda et fint eksempel på hvorfor du bør kjøpe og selge FFI MPG-CAPS™. The proof is in the pudding! Dennis Nickles, CA

 Klikk her for å se testresultatene



Ny! ECO-Sheen ™, Vannfritt bil vask. Du kan se videoen  HER

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Informasjon, kjøp av produktet eller bli medlem/ kunde send en e-mail til :


Vi har nettverk i over hundre land nå og bygger opp et sterkt eget nettverk uavhengig av alle andre forhandlere enn de som er våre egne medlemmer. Egne testresultater skaffer vi selv, referanser har vi selv så her har vi et sterkt nettverk sammen.



   Tuv test


Intertek test

Er dette noe å lure på ?

FFI in the news

Testing Proves MPG-CAPS(TM) Effektive - Auto News from September 13, 2006


theautochannel news about FFI

The Auto Channel

Jerry Lang pressemelding NY!!

WTMJ rapport om MPG-CAPS™

FFi Returns to Nascar

Tom Eaton radiointervju

Auto Channel sin nyhetsdekning om MPG-CAPS™

FFi forbruker-pressemeldinger

news channel 9



FFI MPG-CAPS on World Business Review



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The number one topic that people are discussing around the world is the high price for gasoline and diesel. A primary factor affecting the economy of a nation, a state, a city, or even a family, is the price of fuel. Families cut back on shopping for new products because their budgets are impacted by the rising gas prices. It costs more to fly because a “fuel surcharge” is added to the ticket cost, thereby causing some people to postpone their trip to grandma’s, or delay their vacation. Businesses are also impacted because the cost of sales rises with the cost of fuel… Municipalities are adversely affected as well. These actions are not limited to the United States, but are global in scope.

In Europe, drivers are paying $7 to $8 a gallon for gas. In Australia, they’re paying $5 per gallon, and so are our neighbors to the north, Canada. Experts predict that within two to three years, drivers in the United States will be paying $3, $4, and even $5 per gallon! Fuel Freedom International has scored a triple play – finding a way to keep soaring fuel costs in check by making the gas in your tank go further, helping you make money by selling this concept to others, and reducing pollution in the environment – all at the same time!

NEW! ECO-Sheen ™, Waterless Car Wash.

Waterless Car Wash A new revolutionary way to clean, seal, polish and protect your vehicles.

This special proprietary formula was environmentally designed to allow for maximum protection, without using earth’s most precious resource – water. FFi is pleased to announce the newest, quickest, and safest way to wash and wax your car, while allowing your paint to breathe. Try our 20 minute wash and polish!












EPA Registered!

Click here for more information.

What does EPA Registeret Mean?

The EPA registration process for fuel and engine additives requires that the manufacturer present evidence of the chemical description of the product. Based on that information, the EPA decides whether the product has any side effects that can be harmful to your engine. Basically, you know that if a product has received EPA registration, using that product won't kill your car, void the warranty, or significantly increase its emissions.


MPG-CAPS™ is a 100% organic engine conditioner that simultaneously improves fuel economy and power by creating a micro-thin coating on the combustion chamber in your engine allowing your fuel to burn more efficiently.

MPG-CAPS™ helps beat the high price of gas!

MPG-CAPS™ comes in a new, revolutionary engine treatment caplet perfect for gasoline, diesel, biodiesel and gasoline-ethanol powered engines.

Now you can combat the high price of gas with a simple caplet you add to your tank when you fill up.

MPG-CAPS™ will actually help your engine by decreasing wear on combustion chamber components and as an added benefit it helps your engine burn cleaner, reducing harmful emissions.

Click here for an excellent explanation on the MPG-CAPS™ and how it helps an engine.

Emission's Check - MPG-CAPS™ Checks Out BIG:

I took my 1999 Ford F150 for a smog check and I had this guy talking in tongues. He was amazed that my smog emissions were Zero. Since it was a 1999 there should have been something there. Another fine example of why you should be buying and selling the FFI MPG-CAPS™. The proof is in the pudding! Dennis Nickles, CA

Click here to see the test results.

MPG-CAP™ is an engine conditioner that simultaneously improves fuel economy and power by creating a micro-thin coating on the combustion chamber in your engine allowing your fuel to burn more efficiently. Now you can combat the high price of gas with a simple caplet you add to your tank when you fill up. And you've got an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a company that can free you from the fear or high gas prices and let you help others do the same thing.

MPG-CAP™ will help you save your money while delivering greater efficiency and performance results at the same time. MPG-CAP™ will condition your engine and help your engine last longer, too!

Help the environment: MPG-CAP™ has been scientifically proven to help reduce fuel consumption, improve performance, and reduce emissions. They contain 100% active ingredients, which means that unlike bottled fuel additives, MPG-CAPS™ are consumed completely without harming your engine. With MPG-CAPS™, your vehicle will burn fuel more completely and cleanly, reducing environmentally harmful emissions and the carbon deposits in your engine.

MPG-CAP™ is fully EPA registered. The fuel economy technology has been proven in more than 20,000,000 miles of double blind statistically designed tests. In the most recent test, a 2005 Nissan Altima was laboratory confirmed to show an 11.1% increase in miles per gallon and testing confirmed a long term emissions benefit with MPG-CAP™ use. The boost in energy means that your vehicle will burn fuel more efficiently, leading to more miles per gallon and a noticeable increase in power and performance.

The teflon comparison: Here's an easy way to explain MPG-CAPS™ to first time customers. Ask them if they know how a non-stick frying pan works. They'll be familiar with the way the coating keeps stuff from sticking to the surface of the pan. That's how MPG-CAPS™ work too, by coating the combustion chamber of your engine with sacrificial catalytic coating. This micro-thin coating acts to catalyze pump fuels and dramatically improve your performance. As long as you continue to use the MPG-CAP™, the catalyst will continue to inhibit detrimental effects of sulfur molecules and other impurities found in pump fuels, retarding the formation of sludge, varnish and acids that are harmful to your engine. Your engine runs smoother, cleaner has more pep and you get the benefit of better gas mileage.

MPG-CAPS™ will actually help your engine by decreasing wear on combustion chamber components and as an added benefit it helps your engine burn cleaner, reducing harmful emissions.

   You can Increase Your Gas Mileage by 7% to 15% 
   And Build Your Fortune too…



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10% Increase in MPG = 100% R.O.I. in MPG-CAPS™

They work, not by pseudo science of magnetism, green wax magic or allusion to rocket science but by proven catalytic action, the same principle used in every car's catalytic converter.


A fleet of 262 cars were used to test MPG-CAPS™ effectiveness. All drivers were told they received the effective additive. In fact 1/received repackaged gasoline and their cars (purple line) showedchange in MPG. A second third of the fleet (brown line) received a detergent (similar to the red bottle product which is the largest sellinfuel additive). The detergent cars showed no improvement. The last third (orange=2X2 CAP™ conditioninred= 1 CAP™ to 17 gallons normal usproduced a 10.7 % increaAll these cars were older with carbureted engines and using leaded gasoline so the MPG-CAPS™ effectiveness is strong enough to overcome even the inefficient combustion of these large old cars (baseline MPG was 11). A second larger demonstration with modern port fuel injected vehicles was conducted to prove the MPG-CAPS™ effectiveness with newer carA fleet of 2500 cars and trucks was used. The full 2500 unit fleet and the350 units using detergent showed no change in MPG during the 4 month test from September thru December.The 300 units using MPG-CAPS™ technology produced a 10.1 % increase in MPG (red data line)went away completely as soon as the additive use was stopped. This constitutes 73 million miles of highway proof of effectiveness.


You should ask your FFI representative to explain the 10-2-10 demonstration procedure to you so you can see the improvement in your car. Unfortunately, this demonstration requires you drive 75miles recording fuel used and miles traveled in 60 days to avoid weather effects on MPG. A more direct measure of effectiveness is to pull a spark plug from your engine after completing the consumption of 50 gallons of fuel treated with two MPG-CAPS™ in each 17 gallon fill. MPG-Cworks, as proven above, by producing a 1/100 micron coating of a red catalyst in your engine. Thiscoating is catalytic which causes increased rate of burning of the fuel early in the power stroke increasing the efficiency of your engine, reducing operating temperature and pressure, and remfuel residue deposits that deteriorate performance. This unique catalyst coating is RED so, if your spark plug is RED after the conditioning 50 gallons, you have correctly used the MPG-CAPS™ and yowill be receiving the full proven 10 % MPG improvement. Contact your FFI representative today for the MPG-CAPS™ so you can save money and help the environment (10 % less fuel consumed is 10% less global warming gas emissions).



Click Here For Directions of Use:










MPG-BOOST™ combustion catalyst technology has been developed and proven with over 20 years of landmark research and 302 million miles of highway/city testing.

MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE WITH CATALYTIC TECHNOLOGY MPG-BOOST™ utilizes a unique combustion catalyst developed from aerospace technology. Found only in
MPG-BOOST™ the catalyst accelerates the actual rate at which fuel combines with air in the combustion chamber. This results in a significant increase in the burn-rate of the fuel.

IMPROVED PERFORMANCE is achieved through the increased rate of combustion. The process intensifies the pressure on the pistons and directly increases power output.

REDUCED FUEL CONSUMPTION can result when the catalytic effect is not used by the driver for extra power. In scientifically controlled laboratory and highway /city testing, a 10% improvement in fuel economy has been consistently documented.  

IMPROVED OCTANE RATING is a significant benefit to users with high-performance or older cars. Laboratory tests have shown that 2 or 3 ounces of MPG-BOOST™ in 20 gallons of regular unleaded gasoline raised the octane rating by one full point.

REDUCED CARBON DEPOSITS on the spark plugs, piston face, rings and valves, are also a result of the combustion catalyst. By reducing the ignition temperature of the carbon, the catalyst causes it to be consumed in combustion, thereby extending plug life and reducing engine wear

REDUCED KNOCKING, PINGING AND DIESELING are achieved through the reduction of the carbon deposits and the increased octane rating, both caused by the consistent application of the catalyst.

REDUCED EXCESSIVE EMISSIONS result from the accelerated combustion process, which allows more of the fuel to be consumed prior to the exhaust valves opening.

MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE WITH PETROCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY MPG-BOOST™ combines the technology of an aerospace catalyst with additional petrochemical elements. These essential elements include: a detergent; gum; varnish and water dispersants; antirust agents; upper cylinder lubricants; and fuel stabilizing components. These combine to enhance the purity and stability of all grades of gasoline. This translates into improved fuel system performance, extended time between tune-ups, and reduced frequency of expensive carburetor overhauls.

IMPROVED VALVE LUBRICATION is accomplished through the overall lubricity of the carrier, used in the formula. Combined with the reduction in carbon deposits in the upper cylinder, this property promotes smoother engine operation and extended life.

IMPROVED MOISTURE MANAGEMENT is achieved by maintaining a proper delicate balance of moisture to fuel. Condensation already present is suspended in small particles, allowing it to pass safely through the system where it can be utilized to enhance the combustion process. Conversely, MPG-BOOST™ effectively releases excess water present in bulk storage, so that it drops harmlessly to the bottom of the tank.


Use 4 ounces of MPG-BOOST™ per each 12-20 gallons of fuel for the first 120 gallons of the total fuel used.

CONTINUED USE: Continue using 1 oz of MPG-BOOST™ per each 12-22 gallons of fuel used.

WARNING: Do not exceed Directions for use or over use product.  

  • FFI Opened for Business on November 2, 2005
  • The first FFI Order shipped on November 3, 2005
  • FFI is NOT A START-UP, but a NEW DIVISION of a 15 year old company.
  • The MPG-CAPS are Non-Toxic (No Naphthalene or Detergent)
  • Our EPA Registration number is: 201220001 MPG-CAPS
  • Our Product is EPA Registered (Test Data available upon request)
  • MPG-CAPS will NOT harm your vehicle or void your current warranty
  • No waiting for checks in the mail, GET PAID ON PAYDAY
  • Use your card at ATM's or points of purchase WORLDWIDE
  • Transfer balances from one account to another
We have Independent Sales Reps in:

Product Packages

Forbehold på endringer på priser da disse varierer etter kurs mm så viser til forhandlere og forhandlersidene

Regular Package $105.95 100 CV
6 Blister Packs of 10-MPG-CAPSTM

Premium Package $211.95 200 CV
12 Blister Packs of 10-MPG-CAPSTM

Business Builder Pack $370.95: 200 BV
210 MPG-CAPSTM (7 bottles or 21 blister packs)

Silver for 30 days
$50 Fast Start to sponsor and an additional $50 Retail Customer Aquisition Bonus if sponsor is Retail Sales Qualified.

Trucker's Package $354.95: 200 BV
5 Blister Packs MPG-CAPSTM

Silver for 30 days
$50 Fast Start to sponsor and an additional $50 Retail Customer Aquisition Bonus if sponsor is Retail Sales Qualified.

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Independent Distributor

Building Your Business

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This is not an official FFI or Fuel Freedom International, LLC website.
 I’m  an Independent FFI Distributor
