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filing supplies

Example of a French Manicure

A manicure is a cosmetic beauty treatment for the fingernails and hands enjoyed by both sexes. A manicure can treat just the hands, just the nails, or both. A standard manicure usually includes filing and shaping of the nails and the application of polish. Some specialty manicures, such as the French Manicure, may also be offered. Treatments for hands usually include soaking in a softening substance and application of hand lotion. Filing Supplies. A similar treatment performed on the feet is a pedicure. The word "manicure" comes from the Latin manus, meaning "hand," and cura meaning "care".

Various services for nails can be provided, such as the application of artificial nails such as nail tips, acrylics and artificial nail gels. A manicurist can also apply treatments to real nails, such as filing, polishing, and painting. Fancier manicures include painting pictures or designs on the nails or applying small decals or imitation jewels. Filing Supplies.

In many areas, manicurists are regulated and must be licensed. Because the skin is being manipulated and sometimes trimmed, and because there is a risk of infection when tools are used on multiple people, proper sanitation is critical.


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It began 5000 years ago. Electronic Filing Supplies, File Labels, File Supplies, Electronic Filing Supplies. In India, henna was used for manicure.

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