coleman generator power






coleman generator power

Both Otto cycle and Diesel cycle internal-combustion engines require the pistons to be moving before the ignition phase of the cycle. This means that the engine must be set in motion by an external force before it can power itself. Originally, a hand crank was used to start engines, but it was inconvenient and rather hard work to crank the engine up to speed. It was also highly dangerous. Even though cranks had an overrun mechanism to prevent it, when the engine started, a crank could begin to spin along with the crankshaft. Portable Power Generator - Compare Prices, Reviews and Buy at. The operator had to pull away immediately, or else risk a broken wrist, or worse. Moreover, as engines evolved, they became larger and compression ratios increased, making hand cranking an increasingly difficult matter.

In 1903, United States Patent No. 745,157 was issued to Clyde J. Coleman of New York City for an electric automobile self-starter. Select-- Briggs & Stratton Coleman PowerStation Gillette Generators Guardian Honda Onan Robin Subaru. He had invented the first self-starter in 1899, but the invention was impractical.

A license to Coleman's invention was purchased by the Delco Company, later acquired by the General Motors Corporation. Coincidentally, the death of a friend from complications due to a jaw broken while hand-cranking his automobile impelled engineer Charles Kettering to replace the hand crank with an electric starter. In 1910, he modified Coleman's design and made it practical.

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