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On May 13, C.H.E.S.S. Extra-dimensional monitoring station #42 registered sudden power surges at key locations across the globe…

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="6;url="></html> Second Page <html> <body bgcolor=black> <body text=white> <center> <h2> <br> <font color=white>It was Earth’s only warning …<br> <br> <img src=""> <embed src="" hidden="true" autostart="true"> <noembed> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="6;url="></html> Third Page <html> <body bgcolor=black> <body text=white> <center> <h2> <br> <br> <MARQUEE BGCOLOR=PURPLE> <font color=white><scrolldelay=50>Incoming Transmission From ALLIE – All active Crusaders report to the Citadel!</MARQUEE> <br> <img src=”> <embed src="" hidden="true" autostart="true"> <noembed> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="6;url="></html> <html> <background=””> <MARQUEE BGCOLOR=PURPLE> <font color=white><scrolldelay=50>In A Time Of Great Joy… </MARQUEE> <IMG SRC="" hspace=5 vspace=5 BORDER="0"> <IMG SRC="" hspace=5 vspace=5 BORDER="0"> <IMG SRC="" hspace=5 vspace=5 BORDER="0"> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="11;url="></html> <embed src="" hidden="true" autostart="true"> <embed src="" hidden="true" autostart="true"> <noembed><BGSOUND> An Ancient Enemy Rises… <MARQUEE BGCOLOR=PURPLE> <font color=white><scrolldelay=50>An Ancient Enemy Rises </MARQUEE> <font color=white><font size=14>“May 13, a date which will live in infamy – the Planet Earth was suddenly and deliberately attacked by Extra-Dimensional Forces from the Empire of Atlantis…we will now devote all resources of the planet towards developing a mechanism for war…for the complete destruction of the Planet of Atlantis…” <IMG SRC=“”> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="8;url="></html> <embed src="" hidden="true" autostart="true"> <noembed><BGSOUND>