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Milpitas Community Chiropractic Center is committed to relieve your pain using the true principles of chiropractic method. If you are looking for a safe and comprehensive approach to regain your health, our center will provide the best services for families in Bay area. With modern chiropractic equipment and technology, we have helped over 10,000 people overcome their pain and disabilities.

Our doctor is not only well educated and continue to update with the newest advancements in chiropractic, but he also explain each procedure and expect everything is perfectly done to improve your health.

Milpitas Community Chiropractic Center is close to freeway 680 and has a flexible schedule for you to see doctor. We are open Monday through Saturday and have morning and evening appointments available for new patients.

Because of sharing a genuine concern for your well being, our doctor and staffs assure patients of receiving only the finest quality care as they are seeking treatment at Milpitas Community Chiropractic Center.

We look forward to helping you and your family. So make appointment with us today and experience the Milpitas Community Chiropractic Center difference.

MCC Center
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"The doctor of future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the case of human frame, in diet and the cause of prevention of desease" Thomas Alva Edision.