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The scene cuts to inside of The Dinucci Empire office. The fans boo as The CEO of Pure Pain Wrestling John Dinucci comes into view standing behind his desk; in front of his is his Empire, The Dinucci Empire. James Caspian, Slayne Demonio, "The Nightmare" Jared McClaine, and Sid Griffith all stand tall. Dinucci has a smirk on his face as he looks at all of his cohorts. He then starts to speak.

JD: Men, tonight, we're going to continue to take care of business around here and run this federation. We're the law; we're going to show them all that we are the law. Team Impact, they don't run things around here. On the last Mutilation, Sid Griffith…

The fans boo as Sid smirks and nods his head, with the PPV Television Championship proudly on his shoulder.

JD: Jonathan Willis became another victim to the Empire. The man thought he could oppose us on his own. His mistake, his downfall, and his loss...Sid, congratulations. Tonight, take care of Harmony Taylor. She's becoming a nuisance.

SG: My pleasure. I'm going to have fun with that little broad.

The Empire laughs, all besides Nightmare.

SG: Under that bitch armor she's wearing, she's really just a timid child lost in the mall. It's like I've said before, she's only a bitch because guys like me have yanked the red carpet right out from under her for ourselves.

SG: Oh and she says she's got the best rack in the business... I'll let you guys know after the match if it's true or not.

They all laugh again, Nightmare however shakes his head.

SG: Hold off on that, I'll be sure to let you all know in the morning!

The laughter continues and then James jumps in.

JC: And check and see if the carpets match the drapes.

SD: But what if there is no carpet?

Sid, Slayne, and James all look at each other then look at Dinucci.

JD: Perfect.

They all laugh. Nightmare rolls his eyes. Sid spots this and stops laughing.

SG: Got something to say "Dream boy?"

Nightmare looks at Sid.

JM: How about having more respect for women hm?

Everyone in the room laughs.

JC: Check out Mr. Self Righteous over here.

SG: No no, I know what it is. He used to bang her!

Slayne eyes get open.

SD: Yeeeeaaaa. I remember that. I heard about that. What was that like?

Nightmare stares at the both of them.

JM: How sad....

SG: What is?

Nightmare looks at Sid and Slayne and smirks. Dinucci still stands at his desk, silently.

JM: You guys have such bad game; you have to ask another man what another woman is like in bed.

The fans cheer at that and Dinucci looks wide eyed at Nightmare and Sid looks pissed.

SG: I've had just about enough of you.

JM: Just about enough of me? haven't gotten any of anyone, that's probably why you're so angry and frustrated.

Sid gets very angry as Nightmare smirks.

SG: You know what...fuck this guy.

Sid lunges at Nightmare and Caspian and Slayne hold him back. Dinucci looks irate.

JD: You...knock it off.

Nightmare shrugs his shoulders. Sid calms down and he stares at Nightmare. Slayne smirks.

SD: Don't waste your time with that Sid. He's nothing. He's nothing more then our puppet.

Slayne stares at Nightmare and smiles.

JD: I’m a busy man. What do you want ?

The messenger shows no reaction to the rude reception and just holds out his electronic signing board for Mr. Dinucci to sign.

M: I have a package here for you sir, if you could just sign here with this electronic pen please.

Mr. Dinucci lets out a disgusted grunt and yanks the pen out of the man’s hand rudely before quickly scribbling his name on the electronic register and shoving it back into the man’s chest. He yanks the envelope from his hands and turns on his heel, slamming the door in his face loudly. The messenger shakes his head in disgust and leaves as the scene goes back to the inside of Mr. Dinucci’s office.

JD: Now, as I was about to say…

Someone knocks on the door once again and Dinucci yells "Come in" once again. This time its Daryl and Adrienne as the fans boo at their appearance. Daryl and Adrienne stand there with a smile on their faces and Dinucci smirks.

JD: Mr. Cranfill, nice of you to join us.

DC: Nice to be in the presence of y’all round here. Sid, James, Slayne...

Daryl looks at Nightmare and smirks.

DC: Mr. McClaine...

Nightmare looks at Daryl.

JD: What brings you here my friend?

DC: Well, I come to ask a favor of you. As you know, tonight, I'm going to host a very special edition of the Spotlight. My guest for tonight is the one and only… DGNR8.

The fans cheer at the mention of DGNR8. Dinucci smirks.

JD: Yes, of course... my old friend DGNR8. What is this favor?

DC: Well, we both know what he's capable of. You've seen how much of a nuisance Pulse can get. But thanks to Mr. McClaine, we won’t have to worry about him. But take that, and times that about ten and you got DGNR8.

Dinucci nods his head.

DC: So I ask tonight, you guys all come out there on the set and kinda...I don’t security so to speak.

Dinucci thinks for a second and looks at everyone else around. Slayne smirks.

SD: DGNR8 eh? Heh...the so called legend; I read about him. A six- time World Heavyweight Champion, just like his buddy Pulse. He ends a man's career in his first match and won a title to boot. He did this, he did that. I'm not impressed. If he gets out of line, I'll make sure it's the last thing he does.

Daryl and Adrienne look at each other then Daryl looks at Slayne.

DC: I don’t doubt that, but...that's easier said then done.

SD: Believe me, nothing is easier said then done when it comes to me and the Empire.

The Empire, besides Nightmare, applauds in agreement. Daryl looks at Nightmare.

DC: However, I know one thing, you are going to be obedient and take care of DGNR8 if he gets out of line. But we're not going to worry about that.

JD: By the way...umm...I thought his house burned down and he left the country or something?[/COLOR]

Daryl smirks.

DC: Dinucci, trust me, he'll be there tonight. Matter fact, he's already here.

Dinucci looks surprised.

DC: Anyways boys, I'll see you later on tonight.

Daryl nods at the both of them and Adrienne curtsies and they both walk out the door. Slayne shakes his head.

SD: I wonder if her drapes match the carpet.

The Empire laughs once again (except Nightmare once again) as the scene fades and the PPV Mutilation opening begins as the camera moves out to the announcers table.

DM: Hello PPW fans and welcome to Pure Pain Wrestling Mutilation ! We had an incredible show last week that saw a ton of things happen and I know we’re going to see the same thing this week too !

JG: You bet we are dorky, because this week Sid Griffith is going to come one step close to rescuing the Paramount Championship from the current thief of the Title when he takes the Number One Contendership from Harmony Taylor ! I can’t wait !

DM: What ? No cheap, degrading comment about how much you’re going to hate to see Harmony and her "lovely body" get hurt ? Are you feeling ok Bomb ?

JG: Well of course I feel that way Donnie...but I’m just so happy about Sid becoming Number One Contender to the Paramount Championship that Barnes currently pollutes with his touch that it just doesn’t’t seem as important by comparison !

DM: How chivalrous of you.

JG: Isn’t it though ?

DM: Not really, no...but I just don’t feel like engaging in another idiotic conversation with you about it because it would waste too much air time and there’s just way too much happening tonight for me to bother. Speaking of those things that are happening we also have the return of former PPW World Champion Johnny Pyro tonight ! I want to see which side of this Team Impact- Dinucci Empire war that he’s going to fall on...although I fear that I already know.

JG: We’re so going to run this place from top to bottom after tonight ! This is great ! Team Impact loses that insufferable fool Caiden Williams and we gain a former World Champion ! How much more perfect could this get ?!

DM: Don’t count Pyro as your ally before he even walks through the door and it could get more perfect if James Spyder and Colin Zale walked through the front door, down to the ring and then proceeded to deliver their style of justice onto you snakes for what you did to Zale. THAT would be perfect Grande.

JG: Well that isn’t going to happen because Zale is a vegetable right now and Spyder is too damned scared of Sid to even step foot in PPW again.

DM: I’m not sure where you get this whole "fear" myth from, but if I were you I’d stop counting on it.

JG: Has he shown up yet ? It’s been almost three months since we took his butt buddy out of action and he hasn’t shown his ugly head yet. What does that tell you ? He’s scared.

DM: First of all Grande refrain from using phrases like “butt buddy” on this show. It’s crass and unnecessary. Secondly what Spyder’s absence tells me is that when he does come back that you are all in very deep trouble. That point aside there’s too much happening in this show to dwell on that question.

JG: For once you’re right. I have to say that Mr. Dinucci is a genius for booking Caspian against Saorse so fast after Caiden Williams chickened out on PPW like he did. I’m just as impressed that Saorse accepted it, knowing full well that he’s going to get demolished.

DM: Don’t count on that. Saorse was impressive in his first run with the company and the man is talented. In addition to that Caspian has hardly been rock solid lately. I think we could see an upset there. Besides, in Caiden’s defense no one knows what happened to him that made him have to take a leave of absence. I’d hardly call that "chickening out".

JG: Whatever Donnie. We also get the pleasure of watching "The Malevolent Superbeast" destroys that obnoxious turncoat Shane Kast. I can’t wait to see that.

DM: Once again Bomb I have to question your interpretation of events. Kast has shown himself to be very resilient and he survived a long feud with Colin Zale so we know he’s tough too. He also played that symphony on Slayne’s hide with that steel chair last week. Don’t forget that.

JG: That was a cowardly sucker punch because he knew he couldn’t drop him on his own !

DM: I call it "strategy", just like you do whenever one of Dinucci’s cronies does something like that to someone else. You got beaten by Shane, suck it up and deal with it. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Shane defeat Slayne tonight. Either way this show is going to be superb.

JG: I agree. We’ll get to see a new Bloodgames Champion crowned tonight too because there’s just no way that Jared McClaine can possibly beat "The One Man Wrecking Crew" in the mental state that he’s in. He’s just far too mixed up for it to happen.

DM: I hate agreeing with you on anything Bomb, but I find that I have to agree with you this time. McClaine is just way too torn up inside his own head to concentrate enough on this match. I fear that he’ll end up like he was last week…a victim of that vicious "Casanoized" suplex again. God that move is frightening.

JG: Yeah, but it’s really effective. It might just be the most dangerous finishing move in PPW now. Well, maybe not as devastating as "The Colin Killer", but its close.

DM: Stop referring to that by that repulsive title. It’s disgusting enough that Sid ripped off Spyder’s finishing move and almost killed his best friend with it. It’s disgusting that you keep encouraging that crap by referring to it by that misnomer. The move is "The Spyder’s Bite" and we both know it. As far as Casano’s move goes Bomb I don’t know about it being the most dangerous move in PPW Bomb, but it is right up there. There is no doubt about that at all.

JG: Well, whatever the case is McClaine is in for a bad night.

DM: Speaking of bad nights, Sid had a pretty bad one at the end of our last Mutilation. I wonder if that delivery was from that man who demolished Sid last week. As usual Mr. Dinucci greeted it with the same class and good manners that he always displays.

JG: The man was interrupting him. He deserved that. He should have just slid the envelope under the door and left. As far as the guy who jumped Sid goes we’ll get him. I guarantee it. We’ll take him out.

DM: Sure Bomb, never mind the fact that Dinucci had to sign for it and as far as “we” goes in taking that man out he’d leave you in a broken heap and we both know it.

JG: Eh. Whatever. He should have just slid it under the door or something. He could have handed it to Sid and let him take it in.

DM: You’re impossible. Thankfully it’s time for the first match of the evening and it pits two of our newest signings against each other.


Bryan Harbor vs. Alex Knight

JG: Jeez, you make it sound as if it’s a fight to the death!

DM: One of these days...

JG: What?!

DM: Just remember the Pay Per View Grande, that’s all I’m saying.

The epic sounds of "Parade of The Charioteers" by Miklós Rózsa play over the speakers causing the crowd to immediately boo.

The lights dim and the entryway becomes illuminated in yellow and white light. Jerelle Banks comes into view, wearing his traditional three piece suit and sunglasses with diamonds sparkling in both ears. He's smiling and being energetic. He stops several steps from the entrance and points back with both of his hands, and as he does this, a man in a full length leather robe steps into view.

RA: Making his way to ring, hailing from Portland, Maine... He stands at 6'2" tall and weighs in at 240 lbs., Alex Knight!

The robe is black with yellow trim and a coat of arms on the back. Alex Knight walks with a cocky smirk and somehow manages to ignore the insane booing of the crowd as he walks towards the ring where Jerelle is waiting with the ropes parted for Alex. Alex steps between the ropes and enters the ring.

Once inside, Jerelle quickly moves behind him and Alex slowly outstretches him arms so that Jerelle can remove the robe. With the rope hanging over one arm, Jerelle enthusiastically claps for Knight while the crowd boos.

DM: The crowd doesn’t seem to like him Jim; do you think it’s because of his obnoxiously long entrance?

JG: What has gotten into you tonight Don? I think it’s just because these fans are morons.

DM: How original...

"Ole!" by The Bouncing Souls hits the speakers and the crowd begins to chant and clap in rhythm with the song. Bryan Harbor comes out energetically from behind the curtain and is met by cheers. He jives his head to the clapping, and dances his way down the ramp. He takes a moment to hop up onto the barricade and sing and clap along with the fans, slapping hands in the process. He then slides under the bottom rope and jumps to a turnbuckle, where he proceeds to sing with the crowd with a big smile on his face.

RA: And from Santa Monica, California… Weighing in at 203 lbs… BRYYYYAAAAN HAAAAARRRBORRRRR

DM: Now he certainly seems like a fun individual, huh Jim?

The bell sounds as the two men circle each other. Bryan starts getting the fans to clap their hands, and as he turns around, he’s met by a big clothesline from Knight! The crowd boos as Knight raises his arm towards the crowd, receiving even more booing. Knight picks Bryan up and hits him with a type of suplex rarely seen.

DM: Nicely executed Saito suplex there

JG: Saito? What the Hell... do you have a name for EVERY move?!

DM: Yes.

JG: ...I see...

Alex picks Bryan up and looks to go for a dropping neckbreaker, but Bryan spins out of it and nails a Mexican armdrag. Knight gets up and gets another Mexican armdrag! Knight gets up a little bit slowly, just to take a step up enziguri from Harbor. Bryan screams at the crowd who roar in approval as he steps onto the apron and hits a springboard leg drop. He goes for the cover.


…2… and a kick out from Knight.

DM: Bryan really starting to take the offensive now... OLE!!!

JG: Y’know, sometimes I wonder what you smoke before we go on air... Was it all that time with Jesy Blue?!

Bryan picks Knight up and drags him in the corner looking for a tornado DDT, but Knight holds on as Bryan spins around and counters with a Fisherman’s buster!

JG: YES!! RIGHT ON HIS HEAD!! Maybe he should wrestle with a helmet on !

Knight picks Bryan up and sends him straight back down with a big European uppercut. Knight then locks in the wakigatame!!

DM: Wakigatame!! This one could be over!!

JG: As much as I’d like it to be Don, I don’t think it will, he hasn’t been working that arm at all, and I don’t see Bryan Harbor giving in to a Fujiwara arm bar JUST yet...

Sure enough, Harbor gets a foot on the rope, causing Knight to unleash the hole. Knight begins stomping Bryan on the arm he’s just been working on when Bryan grabs his foot and sweeps his other leg from under him. Bryan gets up and runs to the corner with his arm in the air… The crowd begins to “oooooooooooooooooooooooooo” as Harbour runs at the standing Knight and kicks him exactly 3 and 3/8 below the kneecap. Right in the shin!


Bryan takes a moment after the Ole! kick to "shine" the stars pink stars on the knees of his baggy pleather pants. He spins in a bonafide "aero-plane" circle and runs at Knight. He jumps and smashes both of his knees into Knight’s face, unfortunately, the sheer momentum and the fact Knight was near the ropes sends both men tumbling to the outside.

DM: And the referee’s begun counting... Knight isn’t getting up after that.

JG: But Harbor needs to get back in that ring to collect the win... Although it looked like he took one HELL of a nasty fall...

The referee finishes the ten count, calling for the bell with both men still out on the floor. The referee notes this and signals to the back, being the last image on screen before it suddenly goes black. A quick succession of advertisements runs, totaling about three minutes before the show comes back on to show a moving shot of the arena that focuses on various fans before going back to the announcers table where Donovan Morgan and Jim "The Bomb" Grande are seated. Donovan looks at Bomb and begins speaking.



Fusion vs. Raine Austin

DM: Now our next match will not be one for the light hearted.

JG: Really? Why?

DM: Well Jim this Is Raine Austin’s return match and...

JG: Ahh crap, not that guy!

DM: ...And he’s going one on one with Fusion who...

JG: Fusion? Not that arrogant swine. I thought you said this one was not going to be one for the light hearted?

DM: What are you talking about Bomb! Raine and Fusion are both fantastic athletes, athletes with a lot to prove.

JG: I’m just waiting for them to prove to me that they deserve to be here!

DM: Must you talk out of your rectum twenty four- seven ? These guys know how to get it done in the ring and these fans know that and deep down Mr. Dinucci knows that. That’s why he put them in this match up.

JG: Well Mr. Dinucci is the "god" of PPW, so I trust his judgment... Let’s watch these to sissies beat the snot out of each other.

A deep sigh is heard from on the part of Donovan before the camera switches from the broadcasting duo to the ring announcer.

RA: Ladies and gentleman, this match is scheduled for one fall!

"Self Medicate" by 40 Below Summer plays as blue and white flickering lights fill the stage, as the rest of the lights dim in the arena. A figure appears in the entrance way as the heavy guitar riff cuts in and blue and white pyro's explode on each side of the stage.

RA: Making his way to the ring, from Raleigh, North Carolina...

Fusion explodes onto the top of the ramp and pulls his hood of his hoody down looking around the crowd.

RA: Weighing in at 225 lbs... FFFUUSSIIIOOON!!!!

He runs down the ramp and slides into the ring, taunting on each turnbuckle to the fans.

DM: Fusion looks ready to go Jim.

JG: Yeah well why wouldn’t he?

DM: What I’m getting at is that he seems focused, ready to bounce back from that defeat last Mutilation.

JG: And what a better way to bounce back than kick some royal Canadian butt in the likes of Raine Austin.

DM: You’re a real piece of work you know that Grande!

Fusion hops down from the turnbuckle to a mixed reaction from the crowd as "Self Medicate" by 40 Below Summer slowly fades out. He removes his hoody before retreating into his corner.

DM: Fusion certainly looks ready to go !

There’s a brief moment of silence as the crowd begins to murmur among themselves.

As the first cord of “Whatever” by Our Lady Peace is hit, the arena fans scream with cheers as the yellow and orange blue lights bring to flash around.

RA: And his opponent…

Then just as before the first line of the song is sung, the blue flamed Pyro goes of off in front of the entrance on the ramp. Then the fans erupt again as Raine Austin makes his way out from behind the curtain walks to the ring in his trademark black leather coat and black shades.

RA: Making his Return to PPW. Weighing in at 205 lbs and hailing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada… RAAAIIIINNNEE AUUUSSSTTTIINN!!!!

After he slides into the ring he slides his coat down to his elbows and puts his hands out posing in the middle of the ropes at each of the four sides of the ring showing off as he feels he is a rock star.

DM: Listen to this crowd... They’re welcoming Raine back with surprising enthusiasm !

JG: Well I suppose somebody has to.

Finally he places his shades on his head as he jumps down to give them to a fan.

JG: If he gives them to me I would tell him to stick it where the sun don’t shine.

DM: Come on Bomb, love him or hate him, he gives these fans what they want to see. And we all know that with Raine Austin, the impossible is nothing.

Raine heads back into the ring as his music comes to a slow faded halt. He loosens up as the two stare through each other, both waiting for the bell to sound so they can begin. Finally after a brief moment or two the bell sounds and this one is underway.

DM: Here we go; this one is going to be too close to call.

JG: I tell you what would be fun to watch.

DM: And what’s that Jim?

JG: If Sid Griffith came down and destroyed both of these competitors.

DM: You’re a disgrace to PPW Jim.

The two men square up to each other as the fans rise, waiting to see who will draw first blood and they don’t have to wait long before Raine pushes Fusion in the chest, sending him back a few steps. Raine seems to be talking trash, and the faint phrase of “I’m still the number 1 hit” can be picked upon the cameras microphone located just outside the ring. Raine grins as Fusion looks on a sense of anger across his face. He lifts both hands in the air as if to apologize for something before nailing Raine straight between the eyes with a solid jab. As Raine stumbles back Fusion lunges at him with a super kick but Austin hit’s the deck and rolls out of the ring for safety.

DM: Raine doesn’t know how lucky he was there Jim. If Fusion hit that kick it could have been over.

JG: Are you stupid ? I know Raine’s a clown but that kick wouldn’t have kept him down !

DM: Hey its not the kick he should be overly concerned with, it’s the move that follows... The Fusion Fold.

JG: Oh that move, fair point Donnie.

Bomb seems to see Don’s point of view, due to the Fusion Fold being extremely deadly. With Raine on the outside collecting his thoughts and catching some air, it’s only a matter of time before Fusion catapults himself over the top rope, knocking him down hard with a slingshot cross body. Fusion is automatically back to his feet, hyping himself up with fifty percent of the fans getting behind him and fifty percent of the crowd not really reacting.

DM: Fusion loves to speak his mind and whatever he says it wrestling ability speaks for itself.

JG: Fusion is a good wrestler no questions asked, I just think he talks too much. Stop talking and pummel that Raine Austin into the floor.

After saying what he has to say to the fans, as he seems to be winning them over, he turns to Raine, helping him up by his long hair and thrusting him into the ring. With Raine lying helplessly on the mat Fusion climbs up to the apron. He sorts his position out momentarily before spring boarding bag into the ring dropping a leg drop across the throat of Austin. Austin rives in pain as Fusion once again picks him up by his hair. With Austin now on his feet Fusion produces a skin disintegrating chop that sends chills throughout the arena before Irish whipping him off towards the ring ropes. On his return back in the direction Fusion spins him around in the air landing hard on the mat with a tremendous tilt-a-whirl slam.

DM: Wow, what power and anger in that slam there from Fusion.

JG: Haha this isn’t the return Austin had in mind... It’s sheer class.

DM: See Bomb, I told you would enjoy it...even is in the most dislikeable manor imaginable.

With Raine taking a boat load of punishment, and Fusion being on the canvas as well he hooks his leg and attempts to pull off a quick victory.

The referees hand begins to hit the mat, as the crowd chant along with him.

Crowd: One!!! Two!!

Straight after the two count Raine wriggles free causing the pin to be broken up. Fusion slowly makes his way to his feet, almost stalking his victim as Raine gets up rather gingerly. Fusion brings his arm back and keeps it there, as if it was a cocked and loaded gun ready to strike as Raine stumbles spinning so now he is head on with Fusion. Fusion sends the blow in the direction of Austin but it is thwarted as Raine manages to block. As he does he cruses his own blow right back into the face of fusion sending him rocking back in surprise. Again he hits him before downing him to the mat with a running shoulder charge. Fusion is straight back up to his feet but is again knocked down with another shoulder charge.

DM: That’s the Raine Austin we know, he’s not just going to lie there and take it!

JG: And so he shouldn’t... I want to see blood sweat and tears!

DM: Why do you want to see tears?

JG: Basically because I wouldn’t mind if either of these two guys cried. That would be hilarious.

The fans seem to be swinging back in the favour of Raine Austin now. There seems to be no clear fan favourite, all they want to do is watch an interesting and highly entertaining match, which is exactly what they will receive. Again Raine flattens Fusion with a third successive shoulder charge, again Fusion instantly back to his feet before laying him down on the mat for a decent amount of time with a cruel step up Enziguri. Raine flips back to his feet, in the way the rock use to feeling on top of the world as the fans show there respect.

DM: Finally Raine has managed to swing the momentum, stringing a few moves together , building his confidence as he goes.

JG: Confidence is one thing but he needs to put him away not do tricks that a gymnast would be proud of.

DM: Why cut these men down Jim ? Is it just because they like to put on a show and fight fair?

JG: Fighting fair won’t always help you reach the top of the ladder. You need to be ruthless in this business, that’s how the Empire does it, and look at them… they’re flying.

Speaking of flying Raine mounts the turnbuckle, waiting to pounce on Fusion who makes his way to his feet a little cautiously. Not even letting Fusion turn around Raine dives off the top rope hitting a fantastic Hurricanrana that sends Fusion all the way to the other side of the ring. Again not letting Fusion catch his breath he dashers over to him and rolls him over for the cover.

DM: Here we go, there’s the ONE!!!

JG: Yes this match could be over, TWO!!!

DM: No! Not this time Jim, Fusion still has more fight left in him.

Raine climbs back to his feet after the strong kick out, clearly thinking of what he is going to do next. It’s been a very physical and fast paced encounter and Raine seems to be showing a little ring rust and fatigue, which is common as he has been out for some time. As he lets his guard down for a split second Fusion exploits it by dragging him down to the matt with a snapping head scissors take down. With Raine on the floor, now close to the centre of the ring Fusion bounces off the ropes for extra power before leaping in the air and spinning around executing an out of this world standing shooting star Press.

DM: What athleticism there from Fusion

JG: Hey that was pretty neat.

DM: The fans obviously though so too. Listen to them cheer.

Like Don said the crowd burst in to a wash of cheers for the athletic move. Again it seems the tables have turned. Fusion stays on his man trying to end the match with another pinfall.

DM: Fusion is going for it here, ONE!

JG: Please, put him out oh his misery, TWO!

DM: Surely... no! Again Raine showed his heart and has refused to stay down.

Fusion picks himself up starting to get a little pissed off that he can’t quite seem to put Austin away who is showing great character tonight. Fusion goes to drag Austin up but is met by a swift poke into the eye. This causes him to retreat back a little allowing Raine to move out of the corner of the ring. He begins bad mouthing Fusion, who is still holding his eye from the last devious tactic. As Raine Austin approaches him, fists clenched tightly, out of nowhere Fusion smacks the taste out of Raine’s mouth with a splendid super kick. Raine falls to the floor as the “wows” circulate around the Metro Centre. Rain falls as if he had been hot, heretically parallel to the turnbuckle which Fusion is already heading towards.

DM: Unbelievable Superkick there! And yes, we all know what follows this move.

With Fusion perched high on the turnbuckle, he gives a sly wink, stabilizes his balance before flipping in the air twice before hailing a beautiful senton finish right into the ribcage of Raine Austin. Fusion immediately jumps on board going for the pin after pulling off the spectacular.

DM: FUSION FOLD!!! And he goes for the pin, this must be over. ONE!!!

JG: Wow… that was cool. Especially when he broke Raine Austin in half, TWO!!!

Crowd: THREE!!!!

The crowd applaud the mind blowing match, clearly enjoying the thrills andspills of a fantastic contest. “Self Medicate" by 40 Below Summer blasts over the PA system as Fusion rolls out of the ring, tapping is head towards the cameras direction, indicating that he is one smart guy after that fantastic counter and quick thinking to wrap up the match.

RA: Ladies and gentleman, your winner... FUUUSSIONNN!!!

Fusion stands up to a mixed reaction as the referee raises his hand. He celebrates the moment for a few moments before turning from the referee and walking from the ring. He flips over the top rope and lands on his feet on the floor before standing up and walking up the ramp before disappearing backstage.

DM: Raine is back to his feet and he looks really disappointed. I’m sure this wasn’t how he wanted to make his return to PPW.

JG: I’m not necessarily a fan of Fusion, but anyone who makes Raine Austin look more stupid than he himself does isn’t bad by me.

DM: I’m sure he’ll sleep better knowing that Bomb.

Raine walks up the ramp after his hard de-moralizing loss when “Fire” by Alice Cooper kicks into the speaker system. The crowd gets to their feet, knowing whose coming.

DM: Jim!! We knew Johnny Pyro would be back tonight, but this is the first we’ve heard or seen of him!!

JG: Yeah yeah, we haven’t seen him yet... he’s probably quit already...

Just then, the fans explode with cheering as former PPW World Champion Johnny Pyro steps out onto the stage. He has a microphone in one hand, and his trusty laptop under his other arm as he looks around with a slight smile at the fans cheering his name.

RA: Ladies and Gentlemen, from Chicagooooo Illinois.... Former PPW World Champion... “Mr. Sexuality”... JOHNNYYYYYYY PYYYYYROOOOO

Pyro shoots the hand with the mic into the air as a wall of fire goes off behind him. All the time, Raine is standing at the bottom of the ramp, not quite sure what to make of all this.

Pyro: You know something guys? I hate to be cheesy and everything... But it really is great to be back!!!

More cheering from the crowd as Raine motions for Pyro to get on with it.

Pyro: I won’t bore you with why I’m back, not just yet anyway, as I’m sure you’re all wondering why I picked this moment to come back. Or more importantly, Mr. Austin in front of me is wondering… Why now?

Austin nods his head, awaiting Pyro’s reply.

Pyro: It’s simple really... You see, I haven’t been away from PPW entirely; I’ve remained in contact, getting myself to my peak physical fitness, just waiting for my chance... And Raine… Now is the chance for you, too... See, there’s been all this hype surrounding my return… Which way will I ally myself with the "war of PPW"...?

Raine looks confused as Pyro puts the microphone in his back pocket, and begins walking down the ramp towards Raine. Raine readies himself for a fight as Pyro begins unbuttoning his shirt, the crowd letting off a huge pop when the shirt is finally off!


JG: Be quiet or you’ll have another stroke...

Raine looks at Pyro quizzically for roughly one second before Pyro pulls the microphone out of his pocket, a scowl on his face.

Pyro: FINE! I see how it is… Is this not good enough for you? Is having friends not your style? Are you yet another Raven cop-out who loves to be alone, well FAWK YOU!

Pyro then hits Raine over the head with his laptop, the laptop making a sickening crack onto Raine’s skull as Raine falls to the ground, a slight trickle of blood coming from his forehead.

DM: What the hell is Pyro doing?!

JG: I don’t know, Don, but I like it and the crowd doesn’t...

Pyro carefully places the laptop down as he looks down on Raine.

Pyro: AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU BOY?!?! Is a former World Champion not good enough to fawking guide you?! I’ve been to the top of the damn mountain here, and that’s where you think you’re going to go… Well believe you me, boy, while I’m back... You’re going nowhere, and you’re going nowhere fast!

Pyro then takes off his Team Impact shirt…


JG: Haha! This is great!! How can he steal him Don? They were in cahoots just before Pyro got injured! This is great! The numbers have finally evened up, and... and... this is just great!

DM: No Jim, it’s sickening. It sickens me to the stomach how ANYBODY could be motivated to work for somebody like Dinucci, direct.

Pyro looks around at the fans who are booing him with a smirk as Raine stumbles to his feet. Pyro is still looking at the crowd when he suddenly delivers a devastating superkick to Raine.


DM: Ah, give me a damn break!!

Pyro laughs as rubbish begins to get thrown at Pyro who cockily walks over to Raine and shoves his foot into the face of Raine. Raine gets angry and suddenly low blows Pyro. Pyro drops to his knees looking up at Raine who grabs Pyro’s laptop. The crowd begins to cheer for Pyro to get his head smashed in, but Raine takes one second too long as a midget comes out from under the ring and performs a diving headbutt to the groin of Raine.

DM: Have I seen him before?

JG: It’s Baby Bob!!! He’s finally ditched about 500lbs of lard called Big Bob to help out Johnny Pyro! The night just gets better and better!

Pyro gets to his feet gingerly as Baby Bob carries Pyro’s laptop for him. They get halfway up the ramp before Pyro comes back down the ramp and picks Raine Austin up.

DM: We don’t know what your point is Johnny, just leave the man alone!!

Pyro smiles as he knees Raine in the groin before delivering the Disco Of Fire onto the steel ramp. The boos reach a deafening sound as Pyro and Baby Bob walk to the back, very pleased with themselves.

DM: Well be right back. We need some time to get medical attention out here for Raine. Don’t go away.

The program cuts to commercial and a video montage of the events that have lead up to the upcoming Pay-Per-View. The montage is voiced by a man with a deep and dramatic voice, who builds up the drama of the conflict that’s been raging in PPW since Impact aired in March. The video plays as the man described most of what has happened between now and then. He finally reaches the end of the commercial and says:

"Remember one famous saying... "Every action has a Consequence "! Order PPW on Pay-Per-View !

The commercial ends and the image returns back to the announcers table where Donovan sits quietly waiting for the cue. When he gets it he resumes the show.


Lightning vs. Siren

DM: There’s no need to mess around with a card like this, so here we go with the next match.

The lights dim as the echo of thunder goes though out the arena.

JG: Oh god not this guy!

Suddenly a bolt of lightning hits the entrance and the music picks up, a figure steps out wear lightning designed wrestling gear.

RA: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 235lbs.... LIIIIGGGHHHHTTTTNNNNIIIINNNGGG!!!!

You can hear a good section of the crowd starting to cheer.

As the figure steps through the ropes he acknowledges the crowd before warming up, waiting Siren as "Determined" by Mudvayne dies down.

DM: Lightning looks ready.

JG: Yeah...ready to get demolished again.

There’s a brief moment of silence before the first chords of the song begin to play. The arena goes dark, then white strobes pulsate to the beat of the drums. As the song picks up, lights rise from the stage, illuminating the fans, moving to the ceiling then settling on the stage when the lyrics start, while Siren walks out and looks at the people. Throwing her black hair behind her she punches the air once, her followers doing the same.

JG: A fine entrance for a fine woman Donnie boy, I think I’m in love!!!

DM: Give it a rest... for once will ya

She points to the ring and walks down towards it, a look of seriousness and passion ablaze in her face as the song reaches its chorus.

RA: And his opponent. From Neverwinter Falls, ND, tipping the scales at 125 lbs…

The lights move around the crowd, eerily and she looks at her army.


The few that support her would follow her into hell if she asked. As the song cuts to the bridge, she enters the ring slowly, making her way towards the centre, the lights changing from red to white to violet and revolving around the arena. Pacing the ring, she stands ready to fight and awaits the match to start. The music fades as the roar from the crowd increase, all expecting a good match.

DM: Look at Siren Jim; she looks like a maniac, ready for war.

JG: I am looking at Siren Don, and what a beautiful maniac she is.

As the referee seems happy with everything he signals for the bell to get the match underway. The two superstars slowly circle each other waiting for the exact moment to strike. After a few seconds of pacing the ring the pair ties up for the first grapple of the match. The jostle for possession as Lightning gains an early advantage clearly over powering Siren. He uses his sheer weight advantage to muscle Siren all the way to the floor with her head on the mat but feet on the floor in a perfect arch like position.

JG: Ohhh, what a lovely position...

DM: Settle down Jim! I feel uncomfortable sitting beside you when you’re in one of these moods.

JG: Hey I’m talking about a great position for Lightning; he clearly has the advantage at the moment.

DM: Sure, that’s what you were on about.

Siren manages to fight back using phenomenal heart, strength and spirit to force her way back up to her normal standing posture. With the sudden momentum switch she manages to apply the pressure to force lightning into a bridge of his own. Again it’s another expertly and athletic bridge, showing the class of both individuals. After being in the hold for a few seconds Lightning regains his mind set and begins to power out. It’s a short while, only a matter of seconds before the two are facing each other, grappling hard standing dead centre of the ring.

DM: This has started off as an even encounter so far Jim.

JG: I disagree...

DM: Well you would, why do you disagree, please enlighten me?

JG: Well it’s simple Donovan. Siren is hot where as Lightning is a schmuck. Siren can hold her own where Lightning needs his pack of guys who weren’t good enough or smart enough to work for Mr. Dinucci to back him up.

DM: Ok ok, Jim seems to have be sniffing glue before we came on air, I apologies to the viewers at home for his wayward comments.

JG: I speak the truth, no questions asked.

DM: Listen Lightning is a great athlete, as so is Siren. This has all the hall markings of a classic fight, maybe an early match of the year candidate so please, don’t bring it down more any more.

Bomb lets out a chuckle, happy that he is slowly getting under Donovan’s skin. Meanwhile back in the ring Siren lays a solid boot into the mid section of Lightning . This breaks the grapple and allows Siren the time to spin behind Lightning locking in an arm bar in the process. She tighten her grip, wrenching the arm as she does as the look on Lightning’s face clearly shows us what sort of pain he is in. He shifts his weight between both feet trying to find a position that he can control the pain that he is receiving to a certain degree before spinning around to his left, reversing the hold into an arm bar of his own.

DM: Good standing switch by Lightning.

JG: He spun around Siren, there’s nothing good about that, any rookie in the business knows that one. That’s all Lightning is... a glorified amateur.

DM: A glorified amateur! Have you been living in a cave for the past six months! Lightning has achieved great things in PPW and has been a key ingredient in making sure that all hell doesn’t break lose from them hired mercenaries I.E the so called Dinucci Empire.

JG: Hired mercenaries? The Empire is the cream of the crop, the best in the business... It’s just a matter of time.

DM: It’s a matter of time before I slap you again Bomb.

With Siren facing the effects of the arm bar she learns forward and somehow, using her tremendous ability manages to knock out a surprising kick to the back of Lightning’s head, over her own. It’s a fantastic martial arts based moved as well as the element of surprise, that the crowd seem to love. With the hold being broken Siren grabs Lightning as if she is going to hit him with a snapmare takedown yet Lightning seems to be one step a head of Siren and refuses to go anywhere. Instead he again uses his weight advantage this time picking Siren high in the air. As she hangs vertical in the air she pushes her legs forward to topple over Lightning in fantastic style so how she is behind him. On the way down she manages to spin her body and attempts to nail a dropkick into the back of his head. She seems to be unsuccessful as Lightning manages to dip his head just enough to Miss Siren’s feet.

DM: Fantastic stuff we are seeing here, unbelievable ability from both parties.

With both Siren and Lightning on the mat, Lightning being on his knees he spins quickly at the blink of an eye with the intent of decapitating Siren with a vicious kick. Again only inches away Siren manages to duck, lying flat on the floor to the amazement of the crowd that seems to be loving the display so far. With Siren knowing how close she was she shuffles across the floor and trips Lightning up with a drop toe hold. She almost instantly dives to top of him attempting to ground him with a side headlock.

JG: Siren is really making people stand up and take note of her.

DM: I would agree, and with Lightning playing his part this one will be almost impossible to call.

JG: Impossible is nothing my friend…especially when Siren is on top form.

DM: For one I’m not your friend. And two I’m not disputing the fact that Siren is a fantastic superstar. We know that by what we have seen previously and tonight so far. All I’m saying is Siren versus Lightning is a perfect recipe for a jaw dropping match.

JG: The only thing that will be dropping is Lightning, like a sack of coal, after Siren is done ripping him limb from limb.

DM: You believe what you want. Lightning likes a fight, this this is what he does, don’t be so judgmental because the man has pride and dignity.

After being in the headlock for about five seconds he manages to thrust a punch deep into the kidney region of Siren that loosens the hold just enough for Lightning to get his head out over before capturing Siren in a head scissors. He locks it in tight as she squirms attempting to break free. After slowing the pace down momentarily Siren springs to life flipping up to her feet from her back, in the same way the rock use to do. However a millisecond behind her Lightning is doing the same thing before the both turn, facing each other staring deep into each other eyes. This draws a massive cheer from the crowd showing the respect for both characters, ignoring the fact that they both align themselves at different ends of the spectrum.

DM: What a fantastic serious of events there! Not one backing down an inch and there fans no it!

JG: I have to agree, Siren is running the show.

DM: And Lightning is backing it up being the co superstar of this show tonight!

The pair pace around each other, not flinching one bit, aware of what each other are capable of. Siren darts towards Lightning yet he side steps it and begins to unload some vicious right hands to the jaw of Siren this rocks her back before lightning grasps a hold of her wrist and Irish whips her off the ropes opposite there location. On the return he attempts to bring her back down to planet earth with a clothes line but un-Lightning like he telegraphs the move. Siren ducks the clothes line and on the return she leaps in the air hooking in a standing Fujiwara Arm bar. Somehow Lightning manages to remain on his feet. In one swift movement he flips Siren back to her standing position before latching on with a suplex. After the impact of the suplex is made, he remains tightly gripped to Siren and with a shuffle of the hips he manages to swing her around ready for another one.

DM: We all know this move folks, the triple German Suplex... Can he hit the third ? He can !!

Like on the commentary, Lightning follows the move only releasing on the third suplex The impact is immense, Siren gripping her lower back tightly as Lightning gets to his feet. He checks on the position of Siren before pointing to the turnbuckle. The fans let out there cheers and support with some “Eddie” chants as well. Catching his breath he sufficiently makes his way up the turnbuckle from the inside and spins around to set his focus on the downed Siren. After a moment of catching his bearings he leaps off and nails a thunderous frog splash sending the crowd into a further state of ecstasy. It impact is monstrous but without letting anymore time slip by Lightning makes the cover.

DM: I don’t think Siren will be able to kick out of that! One!!!

JG: Come on honey!

DM: No!! Siren managed to get the shoulder up at the last minute... wait a minute, did you say honey?

JG: must be losing it with your old age?

DM: Hmmmm

Lightning’s face tells it all. He can’t believe that somehow, Siren managed to kick out. He picks the wounded superstar off the mat who is clearly starting to show the effects from some physical abuse. As lightning picks her up she swiftly manages to clip Lightning with a double slap to both ears. A smart move that makes momentarily makes lightning lose his focus in a sharp and painful way. With Lightning clutching his head in agony Siren takes the opt unity to plant a lovely shuffle side kick right in his kisser. The force echoes around the arena and it actually caused Lightning to tumble out of the ring to the mat below.

JG: Ha-ha the Siren strikes again, just when everyone thought she was out for the count.

DM: As much as I hate to say it your right. It’s going to take a lot more to keep Siren on the mat.

Lightning slowly makes his way back up to his feet on the outside before he is met by a charging drop kick that Siren pulled off, diving through the ropes. The force of the drop kick sends him over the announcers table squashing the Bomb up against the barrier. The crackle and crunch of his microphone is heard as it tangles between the bodies and the safety railing. There’s a few laughs from the members of the crowd that are trying desperately to get there 5minutes of fame by looking at the camera as it surveys the carnage. Siren flicks her hair back, somewhat amused by the destruction that she has created.

DM: I do apologize for the sound deficiency there. But on a good note Jim has been squashed so that will momentarily stop his highly annoying points of view.

That last sentence was said through a smile, you can just tell, as Lightning stumbles back out from the wreckage onto the shot. He is met by a skin tearing chop that sends the crowd nuts, "Ohhh"ing as they like to do. She follows that chop up with another one, and another one causing Lightning’s chest to swell with the force of each blow.

DM: Haha how do you like Siren now Jimbo?

JG: That wasn’t Siren’s fault! That little hooligan Lightning just assaulted me!

DM: What?! You got what was coming to you, end of story !

JG: Mr. Dinucci will be hearing about this one, I guarantee it!

After the fourth and final chop Siren uses the announcers table that is somehow still intact for extra leverage before nailing an impressive swinging DDT that again picks the crowd up a notch or two. The referees count is drawing close to eight, and wanting to win this match by her in ring ability she rolls Lightning into the ring and quickly follows. With lightning not looking to clever at the moment Siren Irish whips him in the corner with great force. Keeping to her game plan, not allowing Lightning anytime to breath she pounces on him with a huge splash that cause his whole body to rock back. After that she obviously sees its time to end this one. She lets out a shriek with her followers call back to her before getting him in a suplex maneuver and hooking him onto the top turnbuckle.

DM: If Siren hits this it’s over. I’m not sure how much more punishment Lightning can withstand.

JG: Ohh I’ve waited a long time to see this.

As Siren also mounts the turnbuckle she is met by some desperation fists that strike her mid section. She absorbs about three or for before a solid head but knocks her off her perch down to the canvass inside the ring. Lightning shakes his head to clear the cobwebs before leaping off landing onto Siren which is kneeling facing the turnbuckle that lightning has just leaped off. He kind of has her hooked in what looks like a powerbomb/Piledriver position before, out of nowhere nailing the phenomenal...


JG: Oh Crud!

The fans scream there lungs out as Lightning slides over to make the pinfall on the motionless Siren. The referee begins the count.

Crowd: ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE!!!

There’s a blaze of cheers that circulate the arena as determined booms over the PA system. Every single member of the crowd are on their feet as Lightning celebrates. After a few seconds Siren comes to her sense as she rolls out the ring. The reception for these two athletes is unbelievable. Siren heads up the ramp and out of sight as Lightning takes his celebrations to the outside.

JG: I’d normally comment on the repulsiveness of this moment, but something much more important is happening in Mr. Dinucci’s office right now.

DM: Sure Jim...everything revolves around our power mad boss.

JG: Of course it does. He pays the bills. Besides, if I had to bear this any longer I might vomit.

DM: Don’t worry about vomiting Bomb...I might beat you to it. You’re making me sick.

The camera jumps back to Mr. Dinucci’s office where he sits with the envelope that had been delivered to him earlier in his hands. A knock is heard on the door and Mr. Dinucci gestures towards the door with his head. Slayne Demonio looks at him and shakes his head before walking over to the door and opening it an inch. He smiles and steps back, revealing the person at the other side to be none other than Mr. Dinucci’s personal assassin, Sid Griffith. Slayne waits until Sid steps through the door and starts to walk over to Mr. Dinucci’s desk before he closes the door and follows him. Mr. Dinucci gestures Sid over to his desk with a flick of his right hand and waits silently as his monster strides over and comes to stand over at his right, leaning over him and looking down at the envelope.

SG: What’s that ?

Dinucci sits silently for a moment before lifting the envelope and unceremoniously dumping it out onto his desk. There is a quick sliding sound in the envelope for a moment before a playing card drops out and flutters down to the desk before landing face first. Sid turns and looks at Mr. Dinucci with an expression of pure confusion on his face.

SG: Yeah ? And ? What did you call me in here for John ?

Mr. Dinucci gives him an exasperated look before gesturing for him to pick it up. Sid picks it up and turns it over in his hands before disdainfully flicking it back onto the desk.

SG: It’s a playing card with writing on it. So what ?

Mr. Dinucci lets out an irritated sigh before picking the card back up.

JD: What card is it Sid ?

Sid shrugs arrogantly before answering the question.

SG: It’s an Ace of Spades and it has "DIV" written on it. Big deal ? What the hell does it mean ? Is it some kind of stupid joke ?

Dinucci shakes his head angrily for a moment before looking up at Sid and explaining it to him like he’s a stubborn child.

JD: No’s not a joke. It is far from a joke in fact. I’d be willing to wager most of my money that it came from the guy who left you laid out a couple of weeks ago.

Sid shrugs again, his face covered by an arrogant look.

SG: Yeah ? So ? He got lucky by sucker punching me. In a stand up fight I’d kill him.

At this point it is clear that Mr. Dinucci is getting very angry at Sid for his attitude.

JD: Listen to me bonehead, normally I think your arrogance and confidence are great and I encourage them. In this case though they’re only going to get your ass kicked. I don’t know who that guy was, but he clearly knew what he was doing to take you apart so easily. For once shelve your ego and listen to me. Assume for a few seconds that I might happen to know just a little more than you do.

A scowl comes over Sid’s face but he doesn’t respond. Mr. Dinucci sits quietly as Sid turns this over in his head. He dismisses the remark with another arrogant flick of his hand.

SG: He only beat me because he hit me from behind. Had I been ready it would have been a different story.

Mr. Dinucci reacts to the response by balling up his right hand and slamming his fist into the table hard, this time he’s clearly angry at Sid’s attitude.

JD: No Sid, he didn’t just beat you because he hit you from behind. He kicked your ass because he knew what he was doing and it was clearly personal for him. In a stand up fight it might take a little longer, but he’d still destroy you. He has one thing that you don’t.

Sid’s response comes out as more of a growl than a question.

SG: What’s that ?

Mr. Dinucci looks up at Sid and gives him the type of smile that would get anyone else’s face ripped off by the monster.

SG: I have experience John.

JD: Not like he does Sid. I can see it in the way he carries himself, in the way he moved in the ring…in how he totally dismantled you like it was the easiest thing that he’d ever done. He moved like Zale and Spyder did and how Quentin Barnes does now. He’s been at this for a long time and he knows a lot more than you do Sid, even if your pride won’t allow you to admit it. That card is not a party favor, it’s not a joke and it’s not meant as a way to rub in your ass kicking. It is one thing and one thing only.

SG: What’s that John ? You mentioned it already...what is it ?

Mr. Dinucci stands up and looks up into Sid’s face with a rock hard expression on his face and his voice comes out ice cold.

JD: It’s a warning Sid. Be smart and heed it until we figure out who this guy is. I don’t pay you to be stupid so knock it off. Shelve your pride and behave like you normally do.

Sid looks absolutely livid at being spoken to in such a manner, but his reply comes out short and to the point.

SG: Fine John, you’re the boss.

Mr. Dinucci smiles at the answer and slaps Sid on the arm.

JD: Don’t you forget it Sid. Now go get Caspian for me, I have to talk to him.

Sid glares angrily at the boss before shaking his head and turning on his heel. He gestures for Slayne to follow him, but Mr. Dinucci shakes his head no, gesturing for Slayne to stay put. Sid notes it with a slight gesture of aggravation but doesn’t comment on it, he just walks to the door, pulls the door open and walks out of the office without another word. A second later the camera shot jumps back to the announcers table.

DM: Wow...that was tense. It seems like the attack on Sid last week has left some cracks in the foundation of the Empire.

JG: Nah, it’ll be fine once Sid listens to Mr. Dinucci. Sid is a great talent, but he does show his inexperience sometimes. It’ll be fine. Trust me.

DM: I’ve never trusted you before and I’m not going to start now. As far as the whole thing with Sid is concerned he’s still smarting because his ego got so badly bruised. He’ll get over it. Speaking of “over” though, the next match between Jonathan Willis and Reign involves two men who are both very “over” with the fans. It really stinks that Willis had to be screwed out of the Television Title last week. It was typical Dinucci nonsense.

JG: He had it coming. He shouldn’t have aligned with Barnes and he’d still have it now. He chose the wrong side in the fight and that was one of his consequences.

DM: Listen Grande, if you’re done being the official Minister of Propaganda for Dinucci and his slimy doings why don’t we get to the match ?

JG: Reign will demolish him and we’ll clean up the mess. This is going to be great.

DM: Easy there’re getting a little too happy for my comfort. Let’s get to the ring.

MATCH 4 REGULAR SINGLES MATCH Jonathan Willis (Team Impact) vs. Reign

"Pieces" slowly begins to take volume allowing each and every ear within hearing distance to take in it's effect… As quickly as it begins a flash of brilliant white light eclipses the eyes leaving all light to cut downward to a lowlit dim grey dull...

JG: Haha you know what this means…

Red and Silver Spotlights begin panning over the crowd surrounding the ring, as the music picks up even more a crescendo of fireworks and pyro shoot from the stage leaving Reign to step out from the back through the curtain into direct view of the crowd, a reaction without appearance overtakes the scene as Reign begins to slowly make his way down the ramp towards the ring.

DM: These fans are pretty mixed out here. Whatever the outcome Reign is making peoples heads turn.

JG: I think he‘s pretty cool Don.

]DM: You would Jim… You would

Reign slides under the bottom rope Reign waits in a corner for his opponent.

DM: Love him or hate him Reign looks like he is ready to destroy.

JG: And I hope he destroys his opponent tonight.

The lights slowly dim out of the arena, and the opening chords of "Open Your Eyes" by Guano Apes begin to play out. Multi-coloured strobe lights begin to flash everywhere, and a huge multi-coloured pyro goes off, washing the arena back into light as the fans cheer widely.

DM: Listen to this reaction Jim, these people love him!

JG: And that’s why these people are morons

Jonathan Willis emerges from the curtain. Jon walks towards the ring, taking a few quick moments to slap a few hands along the way. Jon hops onto the apron, grabs the ropes, and somersaults into the ring. He begins warming up, staring straight at Reign who gladly returns the favor. The music dies as the two men approach each other. The bell rings before they get toe to toe signaling the start of the match.

DM: And here we go.

Reign lands the first blow, a vicious left hand that knocks Willis back a few inches. He follows it up with a chop that stings the body of Jon Willis sending a hard slapping noise into the arena, closely followed by the “ohh” comment let out by the on hand capacity crowd. If the hard chop wasn’t bad enough Reign decides to turn it up a notch by unleashing a hard knee to the mid section of Willis, thus causing him to crease over. As he does he plants a stiff boot to the side of Jon’s head that sends him through the middle rope and crashing to the protective mats to the outside.

JG: Whoa, Reign is like a hungry junk yard dog that can smell a nice juicy steak.

DM: Umm… Well he definitely seems to be the aggressor here.

Reign wastes no time following Willis to the outside. He drops to the ground fast and in one swift movement rolls under the bottom rope. He lands perfectly on his feet as Willis is starting to get back up to his. Reign darts over, bringing his arm up parallel to the floor, tensing it as he does and almost dismantles Willis’s head from his body with a mean looking clothesline. As Willis falls to the ground faster than a sack of coal, Reign descends towards him as well nailing a stern elbow straight to his heart.

DM: Reign is very impressive here tonight, as he always is.

JG: Yeah I have to agree with you there Donnie. It’s just that much sweeter that he is expressing all his rage and anger in the general direction of that piece of trash Jon Willis.

DM: Piece of trash, was that justified?

JG: Oh I have my reasons Don… I have my reasons.

DM: (under his breath) … Ass…

After delivering the hard elbow to Jon Willis Reign continues the assault. After laying in a few boots on his downed opponent Reign lends an aggressive hand helps Willis to his feet by the base of his mask. As he does he almost instantly hooks him in a DDT and drops to the concrete floor at the start of the entrance ramp. The impact is fantastic in a brutal way leaving Willis in a vertical position for a good two seconds before slumping to the floor practically unconscious. The fans let out a concerned yelp as the hardcore extremists in the crowd cheer for the impact of that brutal DDT.

DM: Oh my god! Reign just executed Jon Willis with that insane DDT!

JG: Haha I think your right. I hope Mr. Dinucci is watching…

DM: You’re sick Bomb; Willis might have a fractured skull.

JG: It’s quite possible; we can only pray he has.

DM: I wish something awful would happen to you Bomb.

Reign sits up looking around at the concerned faces of the fans that surround him. He grins evilly, very pleased with his work so far. There’s a few boos and jeers but they seem to be bouncing off Reign. After sitting for a short while he gets back to his feet and throws Willis under the rope back into the ring due to the referees count hitting seven. He also enters the ring but to his surprise Willis is back to his feet darting back from the opposite ropes. Willis wastes no time in straining Reign with a double foot dropkick to the temple.

DM: Willis was playing possum and forged Reign into thinking he was in total control. That’s why Jon Willis is a multiple title holder here in PPW and an essential part of Team impact.

JG: Yeah yeah he hit a drop kick… that was desperation more than quick wits !

DM: Oh I believe Jonathan Willis is only just beginning.

There’s a sense of urgency from the crowd as this match may not be as one sided as we all once thought. With Reign grounded Willis drags him away from the ropes by his head before locking in a dragon sleeper. The referee gets in position to see if Reign wants to tap, and although he seems to be riving in pain from the perfectly executed submission hold there’s a glint in his eye that somehow seems to show that he enjoys the pain. The referee keeps an eye talking to Reign who replies no each time, while his foot slowly etches towards the bottom set of ring ropes.

JG: What is Willis Doing? Reign seems to enjoy this sort of punishment?

DM: Love it or hate it, this hold will take its toll on you, especially if it’s applied by Jon Willis.

JG: Can I come to your wedding?

DM: Excuse me?

JG: You and Jon tying the knot? So can I come?

DM: Hey there’s nothing wrong with respecting an individual who has a lot of respect for other people and who has achieved a great deal here in PPW. And correct me if I’m wrong Jim but aren’t you a little one sided towards the Dinucci empire?

JG: No I’m just an innocent bystander with the correct opinion.

DM: Correct opinion? You wouldn’t know the correct opinion if it smacked you in the face with a two by four. Anyway getting back to the match…

Reign somehow manages to dig deep and stretch his legs out long enough to wrap around the bottom rope. The referee signals the rope break and Jon Willis quickly breaks the hold. Willis is first to his feet and before Reign can put two and two together he is met by some solid stiff kicks to his upper body, to the delight of the crowd. As Reign manages to get back to his standing position out of nowhere Willis nails him with a standing hurricanrana. As Reign bounces off the mat Jon Willis is already halfway up the turnbuckle. He turns and without thinking he nails a double foot stomp right to the rib cage of Reign. This forces him to clutch his ribs tight and Willis applies the pin.

DM: And just like that Willis is back in control.

The referees hand only slaps the mat twice before Reign manages to muscle his way out. Reign is helped back to his feet by Willis before being drove back first into the opposite corner. He lets out a shout as the fans seem to be swarming in numbers to the corner of Jon Willis. After executing a nasty looking kick into the mid section of Reign, Willis hooks him in a powerbomb position before driving him into the turnbuckle with his patented Lyger bomb. The impact is immense causing Reign to bounce off the turnbuckle as if he was thrown out of a car, crumpling in a heap on the canvass. Wills lets out a shout and the fans respond showing him who they side with.

DM: What a response for Willis, he real is all that its cracked up to be.

JG: There’s no doubt about it the man knows how to fight. He just puts his faith in the wrong people.

DM: The wrong people?

JG: Sure… for example the fans… and don’t get me started on his low life running buddies.

DM: Would you stop that!

Willis turns round to keep his focus on his opponent and in realizing that he is on the mat he falls to the floor hooking the leg. The referee slides over to him and begins to count.

Crowd: ONE!!!! TWO!!!!

As the count of two takes place again Reign managers to kick out.

JG: Reign is showing drive and ambition here, all the signs of a great wrestler. Maybe I should inform Dinucci.

DM: What ? Inform him that you’re a jackass?

Jim remains silent as Willis picks himself up. Again he goes to help Reign up but Reign counters it with a sneaky thumb to the eye.

JG: Haha nice move, I really like this guy

As Willis stumbles back Reign seizes the opportunity to silence the buzzing crowd by nailing Willis with a fisherman suplex. He keeps the bridge and manages to keep it locked in long enough to start a pinfall.

DM: Great move on behalf of Reign here.

Crowd: ONE!

JG: He’s surely got him here…

Crowd: TWO!

DM: And we have a win…no we don’t, fantastic kick out by Willis!

There’s a cheer from the fans, followed by the sigh of Jim Grande. Reign can’t quite believe it as he even convinced himself that he snuck a cheap victory but it wouldn’t be like him to complain. He picks himself up and latches a hold of Willis by his throat, before throwing him in the general direction of the ropes. As Willis bounces back Reign flips him up in a fantastic tilt-a-whirl maneuver. Both men crash to the matt, obviously Willis coming off worse. As Willis lies almost dead on the mat Reign skips over him hooking him in the STF. He rives back in pain as Reign applies more pressure.

JG: Look at Willis; he is dead centre with nowhere to run!

DM: Willis doesn’t run he fights.

JG: He looks out of fight to me Donnie boy.

Willis fights the pain clawing towards the ropes to break the hold. The crowd claps simultaneously to urge Willis on. He seems to absorbing the response from the crowd pushing the extra mile. He manages to shuffle forward a few feet as the claps become more and more prominent. It seems to be make or break time for Willis but in one final stretch he reaches out and grabs the rope. The referee once again intervenes as Reign reluctantly breaks the hold. Reign signals to the crowd that he is ready to end this one now as he is met by a mixed by a mixed reaction.

JG: Haha I feel this one coming to an end…

DM: I hate to say it but I think your right.

Willis somehow manages to pick to get to his feet after that painful submission oblivious that Reign is waiting to put the final nail in the coffin. Willis turns, un-a where of his location and walks straight into the boot of Reign.

JG: Haha, here we go, Faded Glory!!! Hey…

Some how Willis manages to wriggle out of the attempted hold and out of nowhere he manages to execute…


As Reign hit’s the mat Willis leans over for the cover.

Crowd: ONE!!

DM: This has to be it… TWO!

JG: Ohh crap!! Three !!

DM: After a grueling match Jon Willis has put Reign away !

Jon Willis stands up and gets his hand raised by the referee, then walks over to the ropes and climbs out of the ring. He starts to walk up the ramp as “Open Your Eyes” blares throughout the arena. As he gets half way up the ramp a small army of Police comes storming down the ramp towards the ring. We head backstage where Johnny Dinucci is sat at his desk. At this moment he is currently signing some papers. Suddenly, without warning, the door to his office flies open. Kate Barnes storms into the office.

KB: Where the hell is he!?

JD: What the hell are you doing in here?

KB: I asked you a question...

JD: Ditto...

She is followed into the room by Riddick Andrews...

RA: I suggest you answer her question... Before I forgo all rights to be here.

Dinucci’s jaw clentches.

JD: What do you want from me?

KB: I want to know where Quentin is...

Dinucci snorts with laughter.

JD: You and me both!

Kate and Riddick look at each other briefly, then at Dinucci looking confused.

KB: What do you mean you and me both?

JD: I mean, he walked past me at the end of last weeks show, I told him that he wouldn’t be on the card because I had a surprise for him this week. Does he show up? Does he fuck... Santimonious son of a bitch...

KB: I’m warning you Dinucci, if you’re lying to me...

JD: What? What are you gunna do? Fact is, you’re husband is AWOL. I don’t care if he’s missing, I don’t care if he’s gone nuts. The son of a bitch is PPW Paramount Champion and he’s fucking AWOL. He needs to remember where he works...

KB: But...

JD: No buts... Get out of my office before I get security to escort you out of the building.

Kate stands, with a tear in her eye. Riddick places his hand on Kate’s shoulder. Dinucci returns to looking at contracts as Kate turns and leaves the office.

MATCH 5 PPW BLOODGAMES TITLE MATCH "The Nightmare" Jared McClaine © vs "The One Man Wrecking Crew" Casano

DM: That was an intense exchange in what has been nothing short of a historic night so far, and the top half of the show kicks off with a bang when Jared McClaine takes on Casano, this time for the Bloodgames Championship!

JG: If their last match is anything to go on, Casano has this one in the bag. It's just a formality at this point.

DM: I think any match against Jared McClaine is far from formal.

JG: Yeah, but Casano wasn't the one left bloody, brutalized, beaten, and on fire last week.

DM: Yes, that's true, but Casano WAS left bloody, brutalized, and beaten at the end of last week's match, even though he won.

JG: He still wasn't set on fire, though.

DM: No, that was a couple weeks back.

The announcers continue to bicker back and forth as "Here Comes the Boom" by DMX blares over the loudspeaker. Out from the curtains walks Casano. Not paying any attention to the crowd, he is wearing a half gold, half green singlet. His black t-shirt reads "Casanoizing Mother F*ckers For Years" in green and gold. Casano quickly makes his way to the ring as Rat, Jah G, and Chubz file out behind him, quickly in tow and slightly taunting the crowd. Casano slides in to the ring, takes off his shirt, and throws it to the ground. He leans on the ropes, stretching his back out, as the referee introduces both him and the match while his cohorts stand outside the ring.

RA: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is a Bloodgames match scheduled for one fall, and is for the BLOODGAMES CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first, the challenger, standing at 6'3'' and weighing in at 221 pounds, being accompanied to the ring by Rat, Jah G, and Chubz… CASANO!!

All three men on the outside focus on the entrance ramp, while Casano warms up in the center of the ring. The lights go out of the arena and "Crimson Red" by Stigmurder begins to play as the lights start to flicker and fog starts to rise on the ramp. "The Nightmare" Jared McClaine emerges from the fog, standing tall even though he has several burn marks still marking parts of his body. Jared walks towards the ring fiercely defiant as he is introduced.

RA: And his opponent, standing at 6'2'' and weighing in at 245 pounds…the CURRENT AND DEFENDING BLOODGAMES CHAMPION….JARRRRRED MCCLAINE!!!!

Jared quickly slides into the ring and charges Casano, bringing him down and nailing a flurry of punches. The bell quickly rings, and both men brawl across the ring before eventually rolling right out of it. Jared and Casano continue to trade blows until Casano shoves Jared off of him. Jared maintains the offensive and begins booting Casano multiple times, only stopping when Rat advances. Rat is quickly scared off by Jared, and Jah G and Chubz look on almost amused. Jared eagerly lifts up the ring apron and digs under the ring, producing a Kendo stick. Jared wastes no time in nailing a flurry of snapping strikes to Casano with the stick, producing a ringing "thwack" sound. Jared quickly turns around and runs at Rat, nailing a surprise, ringing blow that sends Rat crashing to the mat. Jared screams something about payback for last week before he turns around, only to be met with a ringing chair shot by Casano. Jah G and Chubz attend to Rat as Casano begins laying into Jared. Jared is quickly bleeding from his head, but manages to deflect a particularly brutal shot by picking up his Kendo stick in time to intercept it, causing the stick to break in two. Jared uses his snap-second of surprise to grab whatever's left of the Kendo stick and ram it into Casano's thigh. Casano tries to nail Jared again with the chair, but again has the stick forcibly shoved into his gut. Casano eventually drops the chair, and Jared soon uses the splintered wooden wreckage of his former Kendo stick to lay into Casano's head, quickly busting him open. Jared manages to roll Casano into the ring, and then begins choking him with the Kendo stick.

DM: It seems as if both men are going for broke!

JG: Both bleeding and brutalized, not even five minutes in! For whatever reason, both men are wrestling as if their life depended on it. Just goes to show how idiotic and sadomasochistic these freaks are.

Casano squirms in Jared's grip, but eventually manages to get out of it by scraping Jared's face, bloodying him even more. Both men slowly get to their feet, almost oozing blood, and begin trading punches. Again, both men brawl all across the ring, and eventually Casano grabs Jared and forcefully shoves him onto the apron. Both men continue to lay into each other on the apron, but Casano eventually catches Jared and gives him a gigantic belly-to-belly suplex, sending both to the outside mats. Jared winces and breathes hard while Casano looks under the ring, his vision now largely obscured due to all the blood caking his face. He manages to pull out a ladder, which gets a massive response from the cheering crowd. He slams the ladder against Jared a few times before sliding it into the ring and setting it up slanted in a corner. Casano waits for Jared to slowly crawl into the ring before grabbing him and forcefully pushing him up. Casano whips Jared towards the ladder, only for Jared to reverse it and whip Casano towards the ladder as hard as he can before falling down. Casano collides back-first with the top of the slanted ladder, which causes it to see-saw over the top rope, carrying Casano with it. Casano crashes into Rat, Jah G, and Chubz as the crowd roars and Jared tries to regain his composure even though he is soon lying in a pool of his own blood.

DM: I can't believe this! Both men have lost a ton of blood, and every moment they spend inside and outside the ring are becoming more and more of a hazard to their career. I have a bad feeling that this will be all over soon, whether either man wins or not.

JG: That's what defines the Bloodgames Division, Donovan, especially the Championship. If they're not risking their lives on a match-by-match basis, they're doing something wrong.

Jared eventually digs out Casano from the pile of bodies, and slides the ladder back into the ring. Jared sets it up in the middle of the ring, and slowly begins climbing it. Casano grudgingly gets to his feet, trying his best to shake off the cobwebs, and slowly climbs the ladder as well. On the outside, Rat, Jah G, and Chubz all manage to pry themselves off of each other and get to their feet. Both Casano and Jared McClaine meet each other near the top rungs and again trade blows. The ladder is soon wobbling as both men struggle to keep their balance. Jared soon juts his hand out, choking Casano. Casano fights back by digging his nails into Jared's eyes and face,but Jared's grip is vice-like. Jared soon wows the crowd and shocks the announcers when he chokeslams Casano off the ladder to the outside of the ring, and right back into Chubz, Jah G, and Rat. The crowd starts a gigantic "Holy Shit" chant as Jared barely manages to descend a few rungs down the ladder before falling off it and collapsing onto the mat.

DM: This is absolute insanity. I doubt both men are able to continue after something like that.

JG: I doubt I'd care. If they're both spent, that means both don't deserve the championship. It's simple logic.

DM: You know, unless I'm mistaken, you yourself are a retired wrestler. You're not one to talk about champions being unworthy.

The announcers continue to bicker at one another while Jared slowly gets to his feet, as does Casano on the outside. Chubz and Jah G try to help Casano up, but Casano quickly shoves them away and yells at them to back off. Meanwhile, Rat looks completely out of it, as he absorbed the brunt of Casano's weight both times he collided with the group. Casano rolls into the ring cautiously, even though both his and Jared's eyes are developing a somewhat far-off, glossed over look. Both men's bodies are almost soaked in blood, and they waste no time at going at each other, perhaps for the last time they'll be able to do so without passing out. Both men end up backing off and have to lean up against opposite ropes simply to stand. Jared and Casano stare at each other fiercely despite themselves, and Jared quickly points to the still-standing ladder. Casano nods in agreement, and both men make a beeline for the object. Casano and Jared McClaine try to quickly scale the ladder again, but both men have trouble doing so. Eventually, they meet each other high atop the ladder once more. This time, Casano is able to win the battle of punches between the two, and Jared falls back…but without any energy to guide himself, Jared's legs become entangled in the upper-most rung of the ladder, and he dangles upside-down as his blood slowly drips to the mat. Casano, seeing this, slowly manages to slide himself over the ladder and on to Jared's side, just above him. Casano is able to shove his feet on the rung below the one Jared's feet are dangling from, and Jared spends the last amount of effort he possesses to lift his torso up. Casano, thinking on a whim, lets his legs go out from him, causing them to become entangled in the same way and position Jared's legs are. Casano drives himself down, crashing into Jared, and hooks on a dragon sleeper. Jared screams and flails his arms weakly, trying to get out of the hold. He stays in it for a good twenty seconds, with no chance of escape at all, before the referee has no choice but to ring the bell.

DM: He did it! Casano forced a referee stoppage! Casano beat Jared McClaine again!

JG: Clever bastard, I'll give him that. Not the most astounding way to beat a man, but I'll be damned if it's not effective.

RA: Ladies and gentlemen, due to referee stoppage, here is your winner…AND NEW BLOODGAMES CHAMPION!!!! CASANO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Here Comes the Boom" by DMX blares over the sound system as Rat, Jah G, and Chubz rush the ring. Rat manages to unlock Casano from the ladder, but pays no attention to Jared. Meanwhile, the ring announcer brings the Bloodgames Championship into the ring, which is quickly snatched up by Chubz and Jah G, who lift it high over their heads and eventually give it to Casano after Rat helps him to his feet. Casano blinks heavily before grabbing his belt and letting the referee raise his hand. All four men walk up the ramp victoriously as Jared McClaine manages to pry himself off the ladder. Despite his injuries, he begins cursing loudly and arguing with the referee. Jared lets out one last burst of anger before rolling out of the ring and defiantly walking back up the ramp despite the hellacious match.

DM: Things just keep getting worse for Jared McClaine. You have to feel sorry for him. It just isn’t fair to see one man suffer so much.

JG: Why should I feel sorry for him ? He’s a loser, plain and simple.

DM: No, you’re a loser Grande. At least he has the guts to keep fighting in spite of the odds being so against him week after week. Whenever anyone threatens you all you do is run and hide behind Dinucci.

“Slither” By Velvet Revolver blasts over the speakers, drawing instantaneous hate filled boos. The PPW Owner struts out onto the ramp confidently, pausing long enough to put up his arms and take an exaggerated bow. He holds this for a few seconds before straightening back up and sauntering confidently down to the ring.

DM: Speaking of our head snake and un-esteemed boss…here he is.

He ascends the ring steps and walks into the center of the ring. He waits for a microphone to be handed to him and raises it gleefully.

JD: I don’t care how much you slugs boo me; my mood is far too good to be ruined by it. A couple of weeks ago the Dinucci Empire struck another blow for the forces of decency in Pure Pain Wrestler. My right hand man, the single greatest talent and future Paramount Champion of this company, Sid Griffith, liberated the Television Title from Jonathan Willis.

Dinucci is interrupted by a massive cheer at the mention of the name of the former Television Champion, current Ascension Champion and Team Impact member. Dinucci doesn’t miss a beat, dismissing the cheer with a flick of his hand while continuing his speech.

JD: Mr. Willis made a choice, and it was the wrong one. He chose Quentin Barnes and that force of suckers who have this delusion that they have to avenge the encouraged retirement of the former fraud Champion, Colin Zale.

The fans boo furiously at the verbal assault on their fallen hero but burst into a deafening cheer at the mention of his name. Again Mr. Dinucci refuses to acknowledge the booing and just continues as if they had never happened.

JD: With that said it is now time to introduce the man of the hour, the man who liberated the Television Title from the slimy clutches of anyone who isn’t allied with me…the man himself and future Pure Pain Wrestling Champion…SID GRIFFITH !!!!!

Before the music even hits, the entire arena releases a thunderous and deafening ocean of protest against the mere image of Sid onstage. The music begins, though it's hard to hear it over the angry fans watching around the arena. Sid makes his way out from the curtain and grins as he pauses with his Television Championship dragging the floor. Beside him stands his sister, Fonda, and the two make their way down the ramp to the ring.

Once they get there, Sid ignores his sister and climbs inside the ring. Fonda manages to slide in, as well, and Sid throws the Television Title across his shoulder and waits as both his music and the fans die down slowly. Dinucci hands him the mic and the fans finally die down enough for Sid to speak.

Sid: You know, John... At the last Mutilation, I earned this strap of gold lying across my shoulder right here.

He taps the title with the palm of his hand as he speaks.

Sid: You've set your goals up in front of me, and I've knocked them down easily.

The arena surrounds the two men with displeased murmuring, clusters of booing throughout the arena. In response, Sid simply pauses and takes a moment to grin at some of the fans.

Sid: And much to everyone's dismay, I've done it with style. So each and every one of you people in this arena can watch me... and envy me. Envy me; because not one of you, whether you're back in the locker room, or drinking a beer in the front row, has the dominant presence that I have. Especially this bald piece of shit right here.

Sid points his finger at a man in his mid-forties maybe, sitting in the second or third row. The man is tall and lankey, and while drinking a beer, looks up at Sid with raised eyebrows, then challenges Sid to come outside the ring and do something. Sid merely grins and stalks closer, leaning against the top rope as he speaks.

Sid: You know, people like you make me sick. You want to come out here and frown out your face when I step out here, and throw trash at me, and entertain yourself with lies that make you somehow believe that if you were standing face to face with me, you could kick my ass. Well, bring your scrawny old ass up here and do something about it...

The man shouts drunkenly at Sid, wobbling from side to side as he does so. Sid only chuckles as he turns away.

Sid: That's what I thought. This man is a prime example of the rest of you people sitting in these seats... Every last one of you... are pussies!

The arena erupts in protest, as beer cups and popcorn bags still half full of popcorn are thrown into the ring. Sid begins laughing and shrugs his shoulders as he turns and faces Dinucci. He brings the mic up to his lips again as trash continues being hurled into the ring.

Sid: Believe it or not, I did come out here for a reason other than to talk down to you pissants... As I was saying before I was sidetracked by these imbeciles... Mr. Dinucci, as you've requested, I've ended careers for you, I've uttered the word 'destruction' into the ears of your hated rivals like no one else could, and I've won gold for you.

Dinucci nods with a satisfied smile as Sid approaches him and towers over him. He takes the Television Championship off his shoulder and extends it to Dinucci.

Sid: And all of those... were YOUR goals. This Television Championship... it's YOUR goal, not mine. I've brought it back to you. You can do with it as you please, boss. But, I don't need nor want it. I've accomplished the goals that you've valued most. It's time that I move on to my own goal: The PPW Paramount Championship!

At the mere mention of his own goal, the fans boo loudly. Sid simply responds by handing the mic to Dinucci, as well as the Television Championship, then thundering over to one of the turnbuckles, climbing it, and shouting obscenities as he throws two very large middle fingers in the air. By this time, the arena is thundering, pulsating with angry fans. Dinucci simply stands in the middle of the ring, clapping and smiling at his "bodyguard." He lets it continue for a few moments, watching with undisguised glee as Sid brings the fans into greater and greater heights of rage. He finally raises the mic and laughs before speaking.

JD: Thank you Sid, that was excellent work…as always. Now, if you're quite done toying with these mental mice I'd like to tell you something that I know you'll like.

Sid disconnects his attention from the fans almost immediately and turns his head towards Dinucci. He jumps down from the turnbuckle and leans against it with sudden interest and raises his eyebrows as if to ask Dinucci to proceed. Dinucci nods his head and raises the mic again.

JD: I can't think of a better time to announce the Main Event for our June Pay Per View, or for that matter the name of the Pay Per View. The name of the show will be "Consequence" and it will air on June seventh. The Main Event of that program will be for the Paramount Championship.

The corners of Sid's mouth curl into an evil grin as he nods his head in approval. His expression turns from an arrogant, laid back grin to an absolutely vile form of eager anticipation for what he thinks is to come next. Dinucci notes this with a smile before continuing.

JD: That Main Event will see the current “Champion”, and I use the term as loosely as is allowable, Quentin Barnes will face either you or Harmony Taylor for the Paramount Championship. Of course, since I hold absolutely no doubt over who will win tonight when you face off against her and become the official Number One Contender to the Paramount Championship I’m sure it will be you facing Barnes for that Title. Of course, due to legal issues I can’t just formally announce that now as I would like to...but that will come in due time. What do you think of that Sid ?

Sid responds with a satisfied nod of his head and takes the mic gingerly from his boss as he looks at all the fans, who stare back in disgust.

Sid: I hate to say I told you so, everyone... but... I told you so.

He breaks out into a disgusting laughter that nearly chokes him as his face turns bright red from how hard he's laughing. He brings the mic up to his mouth again as he regains composure.

Sid: I assure everyone... There WILL be consequences for the lack of leadership and competive edge that our current "champion" has disappointed us all in. I will do everyone a favor... after I steamroll past Harmony Taylor tonight... I'll steamroll through Quentin Barnes as if he's a five feet five, hundred and twenty-five pound chick. Mark my words, you idiots. I WILL be your next champion.

Dinucci claps with glee and laughs evilly. He raises the mic again to address Sid.

JD: That's what I like to hear Sid. Now, if you would please head back to my office. I have an idea of what I will do with this Television Title, plus a few other "matters" to discuss with you. I'll be back in a few minutes.

Sid merely nods once and steps over the top rope and dropping down to the floor. He walks up the rampway with Fonda following behind and ignores the fans' hatred for him. He makes his way backstage with a childish grin and Fonda follows quietly. Mr. Dunicci watches him go with a smile, clapping through the entire departure of his enforcer. He turns and raises the microphone to his mouth again when he suddenly drops to the mat holding the back of his head. The fans don’t have any idea how to react as about half of them boo and the other half cheer. As the camera pans upward it moves up a pair of long, perfectly shaped legs, up the svelte midriff, past the marvelous upper body until it moves up the face before pulling back to show the assailant.

]DM: It’s Harmony Taylor !

JG: She’s going to regret that !

Harmony bends over and picks up the PPW Television Title, raising it over her head with a smile before dropping it back to the mat and grabbing the mostly unconscious PPW Owner. She hauls him up and says something to his face before driving a boot into his stomach and underhooking his arms.

JG: No Harmony ! Don’t do it ! Mr. Dinucci will make you regret it forever if you do !

DM: This is unbelievable ! Harmony is so hungry for respect and power that she’d even make an enemy of Dinucci !

Harmony grins, and then leaps up as high as she can before dropping onto her knees on the mat while pushing down on the back of Dinucci’s face. She drives him into the mat with so much force that the entire ring shakes and for a split second it almost looks like he’s going to be driven through it. Harmony stands up, grabbing the Television Title as she does so and holds it and the Paramount Title over her head as a massive smile spreads across her face.

DM: Harmony has both of our major Titles and hasn’t won either of them !

JG: Come on Harmony ! This isn’t right ! You didn’t win the TV Title ! It’s not yours !

DM: What happened to “possession is nine tenths of the law” Grande ?

JG: That only counts against enemies of The Empire ! Not against us !

DM: I should have expected such hypocrisy out of you.

JG: Yay ! It’s Sid ! And Fonda is right behind him !

DM: “Yay, it’s Sid ?”

Sid comes charging back down the ramp with his sister in tow but never gets the chance to lay a hand on Harmony because she slides out of the ring as soon as he gets to the apron. Fonda charges around the other side, hoping to cut Harmony off. While she’s successful in her endeavor it doesn’t quite end as she had most likely planned it as Harmony wastes no time in driving the Television Title squarely into her face, knocking her unconscious instantly. Fonda hits the floor with a thud and Harmony pauses just long enough to talk a little trash to her before throwing both Titles over the guardrail, leaping over it, grabbing them both back up and taking off through the crowd. Sid doesn’t observe most of this as he’s too busy attending to his still very unconscious boss. He finally lifts his head and notices Harmony tearing off through the audience and notes this with a disgusted shake of his head before picking Mr. Dinucci up with one arm and slinging him over his massive shoulder. He walks over to the ropes and steps over them, dropping to the floor. He walks up the ramp, obviously annoyed at Harmony. He disappears backstage and the camera swings back to the ring.

MATCH 6 Shane Kast (Team Impact) vs. Slayne Demonio (Dinucci Empire)

DM: Well, ladies and gentlemen…it looks like Harmony has stolen another Title. This time she took it from Dinucci. Knowing him he’s going to find a way to make her regret that. It was nice to see him suck canvas like that though. Now it’s time for…

The arena goes dark as a small whistling sound, like a radio's feedback, pierces through the air, which goes straight into the fast and heavy guitar riffs of "F(R)IEND" . Pyro goes off insync with the riffs until the beat cools down and Slayne makes his entrance with the singer belting out the lyrics. The fans then greet him with a barrage of trash as well as boos. Slayne pays no mind to the crowd, and just simply, and arrogantly, soaks in the moment. He slides into the ring with a silver light flashing and proceeds to make a gesture, taunting the fans.

DM: Before I was rudely interrupted, I'd like to--

JG: Ah, shut up, Donovan. Slayne Demonio just made his way to the ring. 'Nuff said.

"Re-Define" by Soil blares through the speakers and the fans react with confusion. The song plays for a few moments while Shane Kast's video package plays. After a few moments Shane Kast walks purposefully out onto the ramp with one arm behind his back and a Colin Zale t-shirt on. He walks out to the center ramp to a decidedly confused reaction and pauses at the edge of the ramp, before the decline starts. He looks all around the arena and his expression is a mixture of deep anguish and barely controlled rage. He straightens his legs out until they are an inverted "V" shape and sets his shoulders. He holds this position for a moment before suddenly thrusting his arms out to his sides. When he does so the crowd explodes into raucous cheers as a Singapore Cane is clutched firmly in his right hand. Shane tilts his hands back so that the inside of his fist is facing upwards and then throws his head back as Colin Zale once did. This draws an absolutely insane cheer from the fans, which nearly blows the roof off of the arena. Shane holds that position for a few moments as the cheers get louder and more raucous. He finally drops his head forward again and his face is red as two tears roll down his face. He finally drops his left hand and then thrusts the cane up overhead and bellows out "COLIN !!!!" to another unbelievably loud cheer before dropping his arms and strides down to the ring.

Shane finally gets down to the ring and leaps from the floor to the ring apron before grabbing the top rope and flipping himself over it and into the ring. He walks over to the turnbuckle and leaps up onto it, using the second rope to balance himself as he thrusts the cane into the air again, again to a massive cheer.

DM: Now THAT is an entrance, Bomb.

JG: Spare me.

Before Kast can get down from the turnbuckle, however, he is attacked by Slayne, who had been sneaking up behind him as he worked the fans. Slayne interrupts him with a forearm to the small of Kast's back, and then transitioning smoothly with a super back suplex to start the match! The bell is called for and the match is officially underway.

DM: A cheap shot. Why am I not surprised?

JG: You mouth off too much, Donovan... Seriously...

DM: Are you kidding?

Slayne maintains his attack by putting the boots to Kast on the ground and then pulling him up to his feet. He whips him into the corner and charges forward with a vicious clothesline that nearly turns Kast inside out. Kast hangs with his arms limply dangling against the top rope. Slayne throws a boot into Kast's gut, then proceeds to whip Kast into the opposite turnbuckle.

JG: You think Kast even stands a chance with Slayne? Think again, baby!

Slayne throws Kast towards the turnbuckle and sprints behind him. Kast thinks quickly enough to leap to the top turnbuckle and backflip over the charging super beast. Demonio hits chest-first against the turnbuckle and stutter steps backwards, only to be hit with a german suplex from Shane Kast.

DM: Yes, you may eat your words now, Bomb.

JG: Shut up.

Kast wastes no time and applies a cross facelock, applying pressure on the back of Slayne's neck. Slayne screams out in pain and finally growls angrily as he throws an elbow into the side of Kast's head, breaking the hold. Both men get to their feet at the same time, and Slayne is the first to attack with a quick T-bone suplex. Kast hits the mat hard and Slayne makes the cover. 1... 2.. Kickout at 2 by Kast.

JG: Not bad Slayne, not bad at all, my man.

Demonio attempts to follow up on the move, but Kast is too quick and crawls under Slayne's legs. Slayne turns, only to be hit with a spinning heel kick that knocks him flat on his rear. Demonio stands and is hit with a dropkick this time, forcing him backwards into the turnbuckle. He stands quickly and hits yet another dropkick. Finally, he whips Slayne into the ropes.

JG: Kast better be careful here, he might be biting off a little more than he can chew.

Slayne charges off the ropes, only to be surprised by a drop toe hold from Shane Kast. Kast stands, then jumps and leg drops the back of Slayne's neck. He waits as Slayne starts to get up to his feet, then runs to the ropes and then clotheslines Slayne. He bounces off again, hitting a tornado DDT. Slayne hits the mat.

DM: Kast is looking great so far, Bomb!

Kast bounces off the ropes again as Slayne stands, and is caught! Slayne grabs Shane in mid-stride and spins around one hundred and eighty degrees and absolutely decimates Shane with a Devour Driver!


DM: ...

As Donovan sits there, stunned, Slayne kneels beside Kast with an evil grin on his face. Slayne pulls Kast up again and wraps his arm around him, spinning around again and hitting the Devour Driver for the second time! He laughs hysterically at his work, then makes the cover arrogantly. 1.. 2... 3! Slayne wins!

DM: Wow... that was just.... unexpected

Slayne stands up and lets out a mighty bellow of victory that almost sounds like a roar. He violently yanks his hand from the referees and looks down at Shane with a look of predatory glee on his face. He pulls Shane up off of the mat with both hands and lifts him up overhead, suspending him there for a few seconds.

DM: Come on Slayne, let him go ! This is just unnecessary !

JG: This is called “sending a message”. Pay attention to it and know your place.

DM: Shut it Grande. I won’t be gagged by you or Dinucci’s pet goon squad.

JG: You’d better learn to be Donnie or we’re going to put you in your place.

DM: If memory serves me correctly, the last time you crossed the line with me I almost broke your jaw. Remember that ?

JG: Hmph. That was a cheap shot.

DM: Maybe so, but you deserved it.

JG: You mean like Shane deserved being splattered into the mat like a bug on a windshield just then ?!

DM: That was repulsive.

Slayne stands up and throws his arms in the air in celebration of flattening Shane. He looks down on his beaten opponent with a sick smile and then turns and walks over to the ropes, stepping over them with ease. He walks over and roughly shoves the time keeper from his chair, yanking it off of the ground and closing it before walking back over to the ring. He slides the chair in and then grabs the top rope, pulling himself up onto the apron and then into the ring. He advances on Shane, who is starting to stir.

DM: Someone get Security out here !

JG: Yes ! Do it Slayne ! Teach this impertinent little weasel what the price is for opposing The Empire !

Slayne raises the chair overhead to strike Shane across the back with it when the fans suddenly cheer loudly and the chair is yanked roughly from Slayne’s hands, almost pulling him off of his feet. Slayne wheels around with an enraged look on his face only to find himself face to face with the masked man who had attacked Sid the show before. The man holds the chair in hand and just stares silently at Slayne, who glares at him angrily.

DM: It’s that masked man again ! He just saved Shane from a vicious beating !

JG: Yeah, only to receive one from Slayne !

DM: That remains to be seen Grande.

Slayne gestures for the man to take a swing at him but gets no reaction in return. Slayne challenges him again and the man again shows no overt reaction to it. At this point the lack of reaction is clearly starting to annoy Slayne and he says something else to the man, only to have the man blatantly laugh at him before saying something that is obviously patronizing. A look of anger flashes across Slayne’s face, much to the apparent amusement of the masked man. The fans laugh at the reaction, but the laughter doesn’t last long as it is rapidly replaced by booing and yelling.

DM: It’s Caspian !

JG: Get him James !

James Caspian slides into the ring and comes up to his feet only to have the man wheel and absolutely demolish the chair over the top of his head, sending him back to the mat face first. Slayne takes the opportunity to drop a punch into the man’s side, driving his fist into the man as hard as he can. It seemingly has no effect on him as he turns on Slayne with such unbelievable speed and drives the chair, edge first, straight into Slayne’s knee. The chair lifts Slayne off of his feet and drops him onto the mat, where he lays clutching at it and yelling obscenities at his assailant.

DM: And... wait just a damn minute!

JG: Oh yeah, here we go baby! Sid Griffith has entered the building, ladies and gents!

DM: What a joy it is to see this baboon making his way to the ring...

The masked man turns and looks to the stage as the deafening boos explode in the arena. Sid stands with a vile glare slapped on his face. He stares down at the masked man and nods his head as if to be satisfied that the man is even in the building. He grins from ear to ear, finally, and simply stands on the stage for a good minute, maybe even two, just looking around at the jeers and gestures from the fans. He finally takes a step towards the ring and shifts his focus on his attacker. He pulls his arm up, and reveals the microphone he has in his hand. He brings the mic up to his mouth to speak.

SG: Well, if it isn't the man in black himself... Show yourself, intruder. At least I had the nutsack to look my victim in the eye before I cut his cord. He saw the face of his predator before he went into the fire. I still have yet to see the man who blindsided me. Know this. I don't disagree with your methods. You blindsided me. Big deal. But... who are you?

Sid stands for a moment as he waits for the so-called "man in black" to respond. He crosses his gigantic arms across his equally large chest as he waits for a reply from the masked man. The man stands silently for a moment before gesturing for a mic. The fans pop loudly at this and Sid’s eyes glow in anticipation. The timekeeper climbs into the ring and hands the man for a mic before nodding his head and scurrying out. The man walks back to center ring with it mic in hand, but not before driving a vicious kick into the side of Slayne’s head. He walks over and looks down at Caspian, who is starting to stir and his massive chest goes up, almost as if he’s inhaling a bored sigh. He holds his hand up to Sid as if to tell him to hold on for a second before rearing back and driving his foot into the side of Caspian’s head, knocking him unconscious again.

JG: Oh come on ! This is just assault !

DM: It’s not so much fun when the shoe is on the other foot and being driven into your skull, now is it Grande ?

The man finally faces Sid from the ring and holds the mic up. He raises it to his mouth as if to speak and stands there for a moment before lowering his arm and placing a hand on his chin as if to gesture that he’s thinking about what he’s going to say. He stands like that for a moment before acting like he’s finally made up his mind. He raises the mic to his mouth again.

JG: Go ahead and speak coward, I can’t wait to hear this !

DM: Stuff it Grande. Sid is getting a bit of his own medicine here.

The man stands silently for a moment, much to the obvious irritation of Sid before shaking his head and again lowering the mic to his side. He paces around the ring for a few moments, making sure to step on both Slayne and Caspian as he does so before returning back to the center of the ring and looking up at Sid again. He raises the mic and again suddenly drops his arm, gesturing that he’s just not quite ready to speak yet. By now Sid’s face is turning a very dark shade of red and he is clearly getting very angry at being made to wait for the answer that he demanded.

DM: This guy’s playing Sid like a fiddle and the arrogant ass is too stupid to see it ! This is great !

JG: Sid is not stupid and this guy is just being an asshole !

DM: Come on Bomb, you should be used to people acting like assholes. After all, you are one of Dinucci’s flunkies and no one is a bigger asshole than our boss.

JG: That’s not nice !

DM: The truth often isn’t nice Grande.

The man walks over to the rope, making a point of stepping on Caspian again and leans his arms over with the mic dangling from his hand. He stands tapping his lips with one finger, apparently considering his response again. He stands and does so for a few moments before finally snapping up to his full height and raising both fingers as if to say “HA, I’VE GOT IT!!”.

JG: The coward is going to speak !!!

Man lifts the mic up and then looks down at before disdainfully tossing it over his shoulder to the mat. When he does this Sid nearly explodes with rage, a rage that only builds up when the men makes a point of laughing at him, pointed finger and all. He does this for a few moments before suddenly stopping and gesturing that he has one more thing to say.

JG: What now ? Come on you egotistical punk !

The camera focuses on the man’s obscured face, where a very large smirk is almost jumping off of it. The view changes back to the behind and to the side view so that it shows he and Sid again. The man begins to move and the camera focuses on Sid’s face from over his shoulder.

DM: Holy crap ! He just gave Sid the double bird ! Sid looks like he’s about to lose his mind !

Sid nearly blows a gasket at the top of the ramp and starts to rapidly walk towards the ring. The masked man picks Shane up, easily dropping the much smaller man over his shoulder. He watches Sid for a few seconds before walking over to the ropes and stepping over them right as Sid slides into the ring. The man drops to the floor, takes one easy stride to the barrier and steps over it effortlessly, nearly being swallowed into the sea of people.

JG: Run coward ! Run before Sid takes you out !

DM: You’re such an ass Bomb. The man obviously isn’t “running”. He’s playing masterful head games with Sid and Sid is showing his inexperience by taking it hook, line and sinker.

Sid follows the man out of the ring and almost runs over to the ramp in pursuit. Sid tries to vault over the ramp only to have the fans swarm up in front of him and block him from even attempting to follow the man. He tries it again, only to be repelled once again. Sid tries this two more times before giving up in frustration and stalking around the ring and storming up the ramp to the backstage area without so much as a backwards look at the ring, where both Caspian and Slayne are both on their feet. Both men watch this reaction with visible annoyance. Their mutual annoyance only gets greater a second later.

DM: Referee Carlson just threw Slayne out of the ringside area !

JG: What ?! This is a travesty !

DM: Shut up Grande… enough melodramatics. Slayne has no business being down here for the match and Referee Carlson let him know it.

Slayne argues the point only to have the referee assertively throw him out, telling him that he’ll have him dragged out if he doesn’t leave voluntarily. Slayne glares angrily at Referee Carlson before finally lifting and throwing down both of his hands in disgust. Caspian sees this and gets in Carlson’s face only to have Carlson order him to be quiet and go back to his corner. Caspian starts to argue with him but stops when Referee Carlson threatens to disqualify him before the match even starts. Slayne finally disappears behind the curtain and Referee Carlson gestures to the time keeper.

MATCH 7 James Caspian (Dinucci Empire) vs. Saorse

DM: Ladies and gents, this is the match I’ve been waiting for see for some time now. A slight adjustment to the original card but both athletes where jumping at the chance to square off against one another, I’ve got a feeling this could be a classic.

JG: A classic!!?? A classic won’t end in 2 minutes

DM: I don’t follow you Bomb.

JG: Saorse will spend longer getting to the ring then he will spend inside of it….. Saorse lacks the killer instinct.

DM: And what would you know about killer instinct? The only place you’ve ever exhibited that is over a plate of chicken wings.

The lights go out as "Du Hast" by Rammstein hits the arena. Pyros shoot from the roof and go off on the stage.

RA: Ladies and Gentlemen… Introducing first. Hailing from San Antonio, Texas… and weighing in at 323lbs…. JAAAMMMMEEEESS CAAAASSSPPPPIIIAAANNN!!!

The crowd let out a huge boor as the lights come back on and James Caspian raises his hands, taunting the crowd the entire time.

DM: Look at this guy… no respect for anyone!

JG: That’s what separates him from the crowds my friend. That‘s what makes The Empire superior.

RA: And his opponent…

The first riffs of Bleed for Me fly throughout the arena, and the crowd rises to their feet, signs waving, as Saorse slowly paces out from the side below the PPW-tron.

RA: From Cape Breton, Canada and weighing in at 235lbs…. SAAAOOOORRRRSSSSEEE!!!

As the scene goes dark blue, white smoke rises at Saorse's feet as he begins to jump around, looking straight down before raising his arms with a roar and walking slowly down the ramp way, gazing into the ring as white smoke continues to fire up the side of the ramp as he walks.

DM: Well Saorse seems ready. He defiantly wants to kick off his official debut here in PPW with a win.

JG: I’m sure he does however I think Caspian will be too much of a task for the newcomer.

DM: I guess only time will tell.

He walks up the stairs, slowly, pauses by the ropes to look out to the crowd, then enters the ring between the top two ropes and runs over to the turnbuckle, jumping up and raising his arms out with a glare, hopping down and beginning to pace around, preparing....

Both wrestlers stand in the centre of the ring starring each other down, neither backing down, the ref indicates to that they are ready to get things going.

DM: This will be a very physical match, there’s no questions asked about that one.

Saorse turns his back on Caspian to adjust his boot before Caspian pounces on Saorse. He manages to hit him with a high and powerful clothesline to the back of the neck knocking him to the floor in the early stages of the match.

DM: Now what was that, that’s unfair?

The bell rings interacting that the match has started now however Caspian has gained an unfair advantage in attacking Saorse when he was adjusting his shoe.

JG: Why? You never turn your back on your opponent, especially one as dangerous as Caspian. Rookie or no rookie… you don’t get any where by playing by the rules in this day and age.

DM: That’s not true…

JG: Really… ok then name one person who has?

DM: Nelson Mandela.

JG: Nelson Mandela is the prime example that prison works… after all his time in prison he hasn’t committed a crime.

DM: Just call the match Bomb. Don’t editorialize…you’ll likely get PPW sued.

Caspian picks up Saorse by the hair, and throws him violently into the corner that they are nearest to. Saroase smacks the turnbuckle with such velocity that he ends up bouncing back to Caspian, who Irish whips into the opposite corner. In wasting no time Caspian charges over and squashes Saorse with a huge splash like a fly being swatted by the morning news paper. The crowd let out a sigh followed by a series of boos as Caspian takes control from the off. However Caspian tells the crowd exactly where to stick there comments by signaling the exact location on his anatomy and following it up with a hand full of course words.

DM: Wow what lovely manors Caspian has.

JG: Screw manners Donnie, manners don’t win wrestling matchers.

After mouthing off a little to the crowd Caspian charges towards the shaken Saorse by blasting him with a huge Yakuza kick to the right side of his cranium. Caspian stops and looks around the audience as if to gaze a response, a sick grin spreads across his face as he looks at Saroase lay in the corner.

JG: You gotta love a man who enjoys his work.

With Saorse on the deck Caspian runs his knee into Saroase face. His head snaps back as if he was shot in the face from point blank range.

JG: Oh yes, like a steam train.

DM: Love him or hate him folks, Caspian has been impressive so far.

Caspian once again picks Saorse up using his hair; however Saorse breaks the grip, and delivers a tremendous stinging right hand knocking Caspian back to the delight of the crowd. After landing another two to three more sharp digs to the big mans face he then throws his stunned opponent into the corner which he once found himself in. He lets out a scream that get the fans pumped up before following it up by elbows to the head. It’s more aggressive street fighting tactics rather than hands on wrestling adaptability however it has Caspian on the back foot.

DM: Well this match isn’t what we expect, for one Saroase is playing on Caspian’s terms.

After the tenth elbow and the karaoke like antics from the crowd, counting the number of blows, Saroase looks around as if unsure of what to do next. It could be a basic rookie mistake but whatever the unknown reason is it gives Caspian a lifeline, a lifeline that Caspian seizes. It could be out of desperation but Caspian picks Saroase up by his legs and slams him back down to ground hard, putting all the focus going to his lower back area. Caspian whips away some spit from the corner of his mouth and cheeks to see if he is bleeding, while standing ominously over Saroase. with that sick grin still plastered across his face. Caspian plants a succession of boots each more ferocious than the last, into the mid drift of Saroase, followed up by a boot to the throat With Saorse being in the corner he clutches the ropes as if it was his security blanket yet Caspian ignores the rope break.

DM: Come on ref! Stop this… that warrants a clean break, great ring presence from Saorse there.

JG: Ring presence! The man took the easy option there, not even any member of The Empire wouldn’t stoop that low, believe me.

DM: Ha... as if anybody would be stupid enough to believe you.

The ref pulls Caspian away from the labouring body of Saroase, however Caspian pushes the ref to one side and lays one more lethal boot to the throat before backing off pleading his innocence… making sure he isn’t deliberately disqualified. The boos ring out for Caspian, who plays up to the crowd by and drives them even more insane by kissing his muscles.

DM: Caspian antagonizing the crowd, what’s the purpose in it?. I hate this

JG: Shut up Don… Hate is such a strong word. Besides if you have a body like his you may be able to woo a decent looking woman home with you … just maybe

DM: I am happily married thank you very much.

JG: That’s not what she says.

DM: Don’t you dare cross that boundary Jim… I’m warning you.

A groggy Saorse finally gets to his feet, maybe a little taken back from the earlier punishment he has taken. The fans clap unanimously trying to spur on Saorse who throws a lazy swing at Caspian who easily reverses it into a sleeper hold.

DM: This could be night night for Saorse here…

JG: And about time may I add.

Saorse drops to one knee after Caspian squeezes tighter cutting off the circulation of blood and air as he has a height and weight advantage. Seeing that Saorse is dropping off Caspian starts to taut his opponent sensing that victory is on the horizon. Yet this only infuriates the crowds. Kick-starting them into action making them get behind Saorse faster than there were going to.

JG: He doesn’t need cheers, he needs a miracle.

The arm of Saorse gets lifted by the ref, and falls motionless to his side, sweat is now pouring of the face of both wrestlers yet Caspian’s grip is unrelenting. The ref repeats the procedure again but Saorse’s arm falls for the second time.

DM: It’s beginning to look like the lights are on but no one is home.

The crowd continues cheering however they know that this could be the end. Once again the ref tries the arm. He picks it up and wait’s a moment before letting go. No matter how hard that Caspian is supplying the pressure Saorse’s arm will not fall. It flinches, shaking violently as he refuses to die in his first real show since coming back to PPW.


Saorse battles out of the hold taking Caspian by storm by blasting him with a series of stiff elbows to the gut. Each blow causes Caspian’s grip to loosen up. After the fourth elbow Saorse seizes the moment by executing a jaw breaks that throws Caspian off course but not to the mat. The fans let out a meaty cheer as Saorse begins to be linking a few offensive moves together. He follows the Jawbreaker up with a stinging chop before a stiff kick to the gut. With Caspian creased over Saorse digs deep and pulls off a painful looking fallaway Piledriver.

DM: I’m glad I wasn’t on the end of that one.

JG: If that was any other man apart from Caspian this one would be over.

DM: What are you getting at?

JG: Only a true monster can withstand a move like that.

Both wrestlers lie on the mat, Saorse catching his breath after taking the earlier beating and Caspian after absorbing that hellacious piledriver. The referee begins the count as the Anti-Empire chants filter around the arena, in close contention to the Saorse chants, trying to help the newcomer back to his feet. Both men seem to be getting to there vertical base at the same time, as if they were carbon copies of each other. The count hits seven as the two men reach there goal. They spin trying to find one on other and as they do they begin to trade blows. The fans react with joy as the pair slug it out.

DM: This one has turned into a brawl!

JG: Haha who cares about wrestling when you can watch these guys kick the crap out of each other.

It seems to be that Saorse is getting the upper hand as he seems to be throwing two punches to Caspian’s one. Out of desperation Caspian uses his brute strength and basically pushes Saorse in the chest, sending him all the way into the opposite turnbuckle. Even as a last gasp means of attack Caspian, being so big and powerful the push was enough to wind Saorse. With Saorse in the corner Caspian charges towards him, only to run into his boot. This causes Caspian to back off as the crowd respond to Saorse’s quick whit’s and in ring presence to apply the boot to the kisser. Saorse mounts the turnbuckle, well the second rope before taking a leap of faith, nailing Caspian with a amazing diving spear.

DM: Haha I think Saorse just dismembered Caspian!


JG: Dismembered? Caspian wouldn’t be in The Empire if he would allow a fool like Saorse to “Dismember” him.

Both men collide into each other like two cars in a destruction derby. The noise is brutal as well as the aftermath as the two crumple to the floor, tangled together. Saorse adjusts his body and reaches out desperately grabbing the leg to try and seal the deal for a three count.

DM: Saorse could cause a major up set here! ONE!

JG: Come on James… Do it for Mr. Dinucci! TWO!

DM: How on earth…

JG: That’s my guy…

DM: Did he kick out of that?

You, me, the crowd, Donovan and Saorse all thought that this one was over. But somehow Caspian’s right shoulder just did not want to stay down. He looks at the referee in disbelief and around at the fans who all know how close he was in picking up the victory. He groggily gets to his feet helping Caspian off the matt by his neck. As he gets to his feet Caspian again cuts another corner digging a thumb into the eye causing Saorse uncomfortable and momentary blindness.

DM: How many times does this man have to break the rules before he is disqualified?

JG: Hey he’s getting a warning from the referee… I’m sure he’s sorry.

DM: The day Caspian is sorry for a sin he has done is the day I become President!

Like Bomb said the referee is giving a stiff lecture to Caspian, whose look says it all. He begins to smirk before turning around to lay more punishment into Saorse, yet to Caspian’s shock he is waiting for him looking more focused and pissed off than ever. Before Caspian can react Saorse drops to a knee scooping up James onto his shoulders. The fans go absolutely crackers as they see the strength displayed by Saorse. Practically everybody in the arena must be on there feet at this present moment of time, looking on in amazement.



Saorse rocks a little, his legs starting to buckle as the blood rushes to his face turning it slightly red. Although seeming to struggle Saorse digs deep and adjust Caspian’s position before dropping to the canvas with...


[JG: The what ? That doesn’t sound good.

With the blood pumping and the fans screaming his name Saorse hit’s the deck hooking both of Caspian’s legs.

DM: Is this the dream start for Saorse here in PPW? ONE!

JG: Come on Cas… He‘s just a punk! TWO!

DM: THREE!!! Ha Saorse has done it!! What an upset !!

"Bleed for Me” by Saliva hits over the PA system as the grunts of disapproval can be heard, mumbled under the breath of the Bomb.

RA: Here is your winner…… SAAOOORRRSSSEEE!!

The referee raises Saorse’s hand as the crowd go nuts, reacting to an incredible match. With Saorse celebrating a fantastic match up and himself picking up the win he switches his focus to the cheering fans while Caspian sluggishly pulls himself back up to his feet.

DM: Fantastic start to his PPW career Jim, a big win over an even bigger opponent.

JG: Yeah it was a decent performance. It wasn’t Caspian’s day though, that’s the only reason he isn’t the one whose arm is being raised.

DM: Come on bomb! Saorse deserved this victory; you don’t have to take every little thing away from him.

As the duo battle it out for verbal significance Caspian clobbers Saorse with a big boot knocking him and the referee to the ground. The music instantly cuts and is overpowered by a wash of vicious boos and jeers.

DM: Ah come on, you lost the match fair and square! Why does The Empire always have to go down this road.

JG: I’m sure Saorse will learn a valuable lesson from this. Boasting because he one match. Sometime you have to be cruel to be kind in this industry.

DM: That’s a sack of crap Jim! Caspian can’t take defeat and he’s pissed because he didn’t get the job done.

JG: Sure he didn’t get the job done there… but now he sees the perfect opportunity to correct a few wrongs. I say hats off to the man.

Caspian lays a few boots making sure Saorse stays down as trash begins to fly into the ring from every single angle. The boos increase as each blow rattle the body of Saorse. The bell sounds; however that’s not going to persuade Caspian to stop in his tracks.

DM: This is plain and simple assault, somebody needs to stop this!

JG: You such a party pooper Don. This is what PPW is all about, separating the men from the boys.

After about thirteen solid boots Caspian stops, dusting his hands interacting that he has had his fun. He drops to the mat and begins to talk some trash before rolling out of the ring.

DM: Finally, maybe there is a heart somewhere in the body of James Caspian.

Caspian heads straight to the announces table, picking up a nearby chair in the process.

JG: Haha not today Donny boy! Saorse is about to get his bell rung very loudly !! Yes !!

DM: Damn this is criminal; someone needs to get out here now!

Again the booing picks up, going that extra mile to dam near deafening. A sick grin sweeps across Caspian’s face as he looks at the steel chair, before looking towards Saorse who is starting to stir, and then back at the chair which he is gripping tightly. He nods in approval, and slowly makes his way back into the ring, enjoying every second of this punishment. He swarms over Saorse and lets out another fury of strong kicks, still badmouthing him as he does.

DM: Jesus this has gone on long enough, we get the point, just stop this!

JG: Nonsense, it’s only just began.

Caspian lets out a maniac like cackle before he raises the chair high in the air. He holds it up there for a solid five seconds before dropping it to the ground beside his feet.

DM: Phew, it’s over... Caspian has seen sense.

JG: COME ON…. Nail the toe rag!

Caspian drops to the mat, still that possessed look swept across his face. He leans forward and begins to do push ups talking trash to Saorse. The fans boo with passion as more trash is propelled into the ring. The bell sounds again but to no avail.

DM: Enough is enough. It’s one thing to attack someone from behind but to openly mock him, that’s just degrading.

JG: Haha, Caspian is one tough son of a gun, as well as having a great sense of humor. Haha that’s unheard of these days.

DM: This is just getting out of hand now.

Caspian continues to do press ups obviously enjoying annoying people to the high heavens before the lights cut out. Strobe lights begin to flicker around the arena before “The End” by Roadrunner United circulates throughout the arena sending the audience into mental mode, cheering with joy. Caspian momentarily stops his press ups looking curiously towards the ramp way.

DM: Thankfully!! Caiden Williams is here to put an end to this.

JG: Oh god not this guy! He sucks! I didn’t even know he was here tonight.

DM: Me neither Jim... But I’m sure glad to see him.

The lights come back on and the music stops however there is still no sign of Caiden Williams. You can hear the confusion by the reaction of the crowd. They don’t seem to know what’s going on.

DM: What the? Where is he?

JG: Ha no show. Maybe he seen what sort of mood Caspian was in and had a change of heart… I wouldn’t blame him.

DM: I’m sure that’s not the case, he must be here!

JG: I hate to burst ya bubble pal but there’s no sign of Caiden here tonight.

Caspian laughs cockily before continuing to carry on with his degrading antics. Again Saorse starts to flinch before the boos sweep back in. after a second or so the crowds reaction changes. A small part of the crowd is cheering while the other is booing.

JG: What’s wrong with these people?

DM: Wait a minute! Look!!

The camera pans to a certain part of the crowd where the confusion seems to be coming from.


Like Don says Caiden Williams can be seen sprinting towards the ring, rightly armed with a steel chair of his own. He dressed causal attire, White K-Swiss trainers, blue baggy jeans and a black vest top brandishing the Team Impact logo. Caspian remains doing the press ups as Caiden Skips the guard rail in a single bound before leaping up onto the apron. He leapfrogs up on the turnbuckle with perfect balance.

JG: CASPIAN... Look out!!!

The fans blaze in a state of ecstasy, cheering and shouting before Caiden leaps high in the air in a shooting star like procedure still gripping the chair with one hand. The flash bulbs of cameras light up the crowd as Williams continues to rotate in the air. As he nears Caspian he somehow manages to pull his legs up, stretching them out in a Leg drop like way but also steering the chair under his legs. With the sound of solid steel crashing over Caspian’s skull the roof is almost lifted from its supporting walls.

DM: OH MY GOOD GOD! Caiden just spoiled Caspian’s party with the Flawless Enigma into a chair Sandwich!!


JG: … That was the biggest mistake in Caiden Williams’ soon to be over career.

Caspian remains stuck between two chairs, not moving at all as Caiden gets back to his feet. At this point Saorse is also back to his feet looking a little unsteady. He looks at Caspian and then at Caiden in a state of confusion who at this point is on the middle rope showing his appreciation to the fans that are still going nuts.

DM: Caiden just saved Saorse from a beating here.

JG: All that means Don is that Caiden has just inherited a beating.

Caiden bounces down from the ropes and turns back around to see Saorse looking at him. Caiden shrugs as the two exchange words before Caiden reaches over and raises Saorse’s hand high in the air to a fantastic pop from the crowd as "Bleed for Me" by Saliva hits out over the PA system. He keeps his hand raised for a short while before exiting the ring allowing Saorse to celebrate his victory by himself. Caiden exit’s in exactly the same way has he entered the ring… walking back through the crowd, chatting to the fans, smiling from ear to ear.

DM: We’ll be right back ladies and gentlemen !

The screen fades to darkness and stays that way for a few moments. Suddenly a deep voice starts coming out of the darkness.

"In every person’s life there is a defining moment, a moment where the gauntlet is thrown down and a stand taken."

The video plays of John Dinucci, Slayne Demonio and Sid Griffith backing up over the broken body of Colin Zale as Quentin Barnes charges down to the ring, chair in hand.

"Battle lines are drawn and the struggle begins between those who stand for principle and those who stand for unchecked power."

The video shows members of the Dinucci Empire ganging up on those who oppose them, beating them mercilessly. Seconds later it cuts to a shot of Lightning pinning James Caspian and follows it up with an image of Caiden Williams brawling with Caspian.

"Outside forces use the chaos to further their own aims while others use the chaos to make a statement and take their own vengeance."

A video plays of Harmony Taylor walking up the ramp with the Paramount Title held high overhead and a gigantic smile on her face. That image holds for a few seconds before a video of the attack on Sid Griffith plays, ending with the image of the man holding Sid up by his hair and pointing at Dinucci.

"Questions are raised about the whereabouts of a hero, while those who wish to keep him held far away deride and insult him. Will he appear to seek vengeance on the destruction of his closest friend and former mentor or is he really too scared to get involved ?"

A brief image of James Spyder flashes on the screen before cutting out as fast as it came on.

"One thing is for certain…with every choice there comes a CONSEQUENCE!"

A cycling image of various PPW superstars plays before the video ends with Quentin Barnes and Sid Griffith standing face to face as a dark form with a question mark looms over them.

"Order PPW Consequence, LIVE on Pay Per View."

The commercial ends and we return backstage where Riddick Andrews is talking to Shane Kast, Lightning and Jonathan Willis. The three Team Impact Members look concerned.

RA: You’ve heard nothing?

SK: No... Look, if Dinucci had had anything todo with keeping Barnes hidden for two weeks with no-one being able to find him, he’d have been all over this show with it.

L: And I hate to say, why would he kidnap Quentin when his chosen one could be getting a shot in two weeks time...

]JW: Besides, I don’t think that Quentin is the type of guy to let his guard down anywhere near the Empire...

RA: Thanks guys...

Riddick walks away from Team Impact looking flustered. He scratches his head as a voice brings him back to reality.

V: Maybe you should look a little closer to home...

Riddick stops, he slowly turns to come eye to eye with Slayne Demonio.

RA: Slayne... It’s you isn’t it?

Slayne lets out a small laugh.

S: Please... You overestimateme....

RA: Wouldn’t be your first kidnap...

S: Touchë... Alas, no... It appears Mr. Dinucci wouldn’t enjoy the concept of me taking the lead. He likes to have his finger in every pie... Speaking of which, he was asking about Kate earlier... Where is she?

Riddick lurches forward.

S: Careful Riddick, you don’t want to lose your job over nothing...

Andrews steps back. He turns and only half faces Demonio.

S: You need to remember Quentin doesn’t just have enemies in this business... I have no idea where Quentin is. Honestly, but all I can tell you is that I intercepted a phone call for Johnny asking where Barnes was. Dinucci said he couldn’t help...I, on the otherhand, had nothing to lose...

Riddick lunges again, this time violence only prevented by the armsof Lightning and Willis...

SK: Don’t forget Slayne, while Riddick can’t lawfully attack you, we can... So I suggest you leave... And I will see you in the ring...

Slayne smiles as he walks away and Kast turns to Riddick.

RA: I... Know where he is...

We fade to black with Riddick looking, ever so slighty concerned...


DM: And here we are…. The Main Event, and I can’t wait any longer.

JG: Ohh me neither… the two greatest athletes in the business today going one on one.

DM: To be the number one contender of the PPW Paramount Title, the biggest prize if them all. The clock has struck… It’s time to see the true definition of Pure Pain Wrestling…

RA: Ladies and gentlemen. It is time for tonight’s Main Event.

The heavy guitar riffs begin and the arena is immediately filled with booing from the fans. As the lead vocalist from Pantera makes his first grunt, Sid Griffith steps onto the entrance ramp and begins walking down to the ring closely followed by Fonda.

RA: Introducing first. Being accompanied to the Ring by Fonda! He weighs in at 325lns and stands at 6feet and 8inches tall and is the current PPW Television Champion…. SIIIIIDD GRRRIIIFFFFFFIIITTTHHH!!!

Not a single fan can be seen approving Sid Griffith as he makes his way towards ringside. A child in the front row throws Griffith a thumbs down as he boos enthusiastically next to his father, doing the same with a grin on his face. Fonda looks on as Sid makes his way towards the child and grins as the kid continues to boo. Sid then turns his head and hocks a large spitball into the face of the little kid, who goes from booing to crying in mere seconds.

DM: Oh now that’s charming isn’t it. He’s such a worthy champion!

JG: Haha now that’s how you discipline a child!

DM: You’re a total asshole Bomb!

The father, livid, attempts to swing at Sid, but is stopped quickly by security. In response, Sid laughs obnoxiously along with Fonda and sticks a middle finger in the father's face before turning on his heel and rolling into the ring, much to the disapproval of every single fan in attendance. He smiles as he circles the ring, loving the hatred being sent his way before his music cuts out slowly. Fonda walks over to Sid’s corner on the outside of the ring.

DM: Ok, now we have one egotistical son of a gun in the ring we might as well bring out another one.

JG: Haha fair point, but this person looks better than Sid when she smiles…

DM: You never quit do you?

JG: Nope, I love my job to much.

As Sid is still receiving abuse in the ring the lights dim slightly before Do you hear my name by Ra explodes around the arena, to a shower of gold and silver pyro, falling from the PPW-tron.

RA: Making her way to the ring, weighing in at 125lbs. Hailing from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She is PPW resident Diva, HARRRRRRMOONY TAAAAYYYYYYYLLLOR!!!

Right on cue, as the ring announcer mentions her name, she steps out of the from behind the curtain, to a wash of boo’s and jeers. She smiles talking it all in as she confidently and elegantly struts down the ramp she occasionally stops, absorbing more of the abuse, without a care in the world.

DM: There is our resident diva, looking as

JG: Sexy?… Beautiful?…Elegant?…

DM: Arrogant… as arrogant as ever.

She looks down at her waist, where the PPW Paramount title is held, and gives it a quick tab, interacting that’s where it belongs.

DM: Look at her Jim.

JG: Ohh I am!

DM: Not like that you freak. I mean the way she is strutting her stuff with the Paramount Championship, even though that belt deserves to be around the waist of our rightful champion… Quentin Barnes.

JG: Quentin who? There are only two people that deserve this belt and we can see both of them.

DM: Do you never get tired of kissing ass?

JG: I don’t kiss ass. I just state what everybody knows but is too afraid to stand up and say it.

After winding up Sit with the belt he really really wants she approaches the ring, entering it via the steps. She blows kisses at the crowd, spurring them on as they boo harder and louder than ever. Harmony flicks her hair back in an arrogant way before loosening the strap around her waist as Sid does the same. The music dies as the two approach each other in the ring.

DM: Here we are, this is what it comes down to. Who is going to be the number one contender and earn there shot at QB to claw there way up to the top of the mountain? As much as I dislike both of these individuals there credentials say it all.

JG: I honestly don’t care who wins this match. Either one of these two will be a better champion than our current joke at the top of the ladder.

DM: Joke, you’re the joke Bomb. Just because QB is a key player in Team Impact and a highly skilled and respectable superstar doesn’t mean that you have to knock him down for your own kicks.

JG: Anyone who isn’t a friend of The Empire is no friend of mine.

DM: To be fair I doubt QB would want you as a friend.

The bell rings as the smaller Harmony Taylor doesn’t seem intimidated one bit by the far taller and muscular Sid Griffith. Sid smirks the way he does talking trash down to Harmony who just seems to be taking it as Fonda looks on. Suddenly out of the blue Harmony slaps Sid right across the face, knocking his chewing gum right out of his mouth into the third row of the audience. A pissed of Sid responds throwing a thunderous blow in Harms direction, but being the quicker of the two she manages to sidestep him. As Sid turns Harmony picks up where she left off throwing her own watered down versions of some punishing right hands. I say watered down as not as powerful as Sid’s but they could easily knock out the average man or woman.

DM: Whoa, Harm is fired up tonight. She knows exactly what is on the line and this could possible be one of the most grueling matches of her career.

JG: Indeed Don. But if there is anyone that can over come the brutal Challenge of Sid then Harmony’s your girl.

DM: You’re possibly right. But if Sid is a challenge which we all know he will be then Miss Taylor needs to keep an eye out for Fonda on the outside as well… there’s no love lost between them two.

As Sid stumbles a little, maybe blew back by the intensity shown by Harmony, she quickly pokes him in the eye with her thumb. She gets a few laughs by the fact that Sid has just been poked in the eye, but to the dismay of the referee and Fonda on the outside. The brief warning that she receives is basically water off a ducks back before she cannons Sid with a DDT that nearly breaks the ring. She goes for a quick cover but is blasted into the air before the referee can even make a one count. Sid sits up, the camera looking at his faces, an almost look of disbelief that Harmony tried that cover. As he looks on he is met by a solid boot to the back area that sounds a bone shattering crack around the arena.

DM: Oh he didn’t see that one coming! I must admit I’m a little blown back by this ruthless aggression shown by Harmony Taylor… She really is an ice queen, lacking in the emotions department. Well apart from the emotion known as anger.

JG: This is a wrestling match Donnie Darko… Not a tickling contest. Besides we know that Harmony and Sid will take every shortcut possible to reach there goal. This will be on brutal match, I guarantee that!

DM: That’s what I was afraid of…

JG: Definitely one for the record books.

With Sid arching his back in pain, and Fonda looking anxiously on Harmony bounces off the ropes before leveling Sid between the eyes with a concussion worth knee. As Sid hit’s the mat Harmony dives on top of him. Before she does anything she stares back at Fonda on the outside and blows her a kiss before licking her lips. This makes Fonda extremely mad forcing her to leap onto the apron distracting the referee. We can hear Fonda mouth something like "my brother would never been seen dead with you, you trailer park"... you can get the rest.

DM: What great tactics from Harmony Taylor there… using the hatred Fonda has for her, winding her up about her brother in order to use the distraction to her own personal advantage.

JG: Harmony Taylor, you have to love her… it would be a crime if you didn’t.

DM: I wouldn’t go that far Jim, but it’s smart that’s what it is…even if it is twisted.

With the referees back turned, attempting to talk down the livid Fonda from the apron Harmony Taylor seizes the perfect opportunity to choke Sid blatantly. One hand is wrapped tightly around his throat while the other is attempting to cover his mouth and nose, in an attempt to suffocate him. Sid tussles in a bid to allow oxygen to flow again into his body, yet Harm is making it extremely difficult to do so. After a good six seconds Fonda seems to have cooled down a little and drops back down to the floor at ringside. Harmony hears this and immediately breaks the hold rolling herself into a pinning predicament. The referee falls into position but this time manages a two and a half count before Sid breaks free.

DM: This match isn’t pretty.

JG: No, as I said before. Listen to these fans booing.

DM: Can you blame them, there here to see a wrestling match not how many rules can we break in one match!

JG: Ok, now your just being ridicules.

The fans’ booing is deafening. They boo because they are witnessing the finest act of two determined superstars that are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Its an extremely hostile atmosphere, one that Sid And Harmony will be proud of. Harmony is the first person that is back to her feet closely followed by Sid who seems to be suffering the side effects of almost being strangled in public. As soon as Sid finds his feet he is he is smashed back to the canvass with a delightful Russian leg drop. As soon as he hit’s the mat Harmony looks in a tight head scissors like hold, almost trying to pop Sid’s head right off. Sid kicks and flinches trying to muscle free. Each time the referee goes to check on Sid to see if he wants to tap Harmony grabs a hold of the middle and top rope with separate hands to gain more leverage, therefore apply more pressure which in conclusion means more pain. As soon as the referee checks back to make sure Harmony isn’t doing anything illegal she relinquishes the grip of the ropes and proceeds to talk to trash to anyone that is in range of listening to an ear bashing. That being the fans, Sid, Fonda and even the referee.

DM: Look at that Jim, its despicable. That’s a disqualification right there. Although I couldn’t say that Sid hasn’t deserved this over the past couple of months.

JG: I honestly couldn’t give a monkeys ass. There’s nothing I like more than seeing these two beat the tar out people, never the less of each other and that’s exactly what were seeing here tonight.

Again the referee turns his back to check on Sid and once again Harm grabs the rope for extra support. This time, just at the last second Fonda manages to avert the referee’s attention to Harmony who still has hold of the ropes.

DM: Haha busted!!!

JG: Awww… no fun!

The referee starts takes it upon himself to make Harmony let go of the ropes and actually kicks her hands off the ropes. This draws a great cheer from the crowd in the sold out arena. With harmony not having the extra advantage anymore, Sid gets a second win in his body and out of nowhere he starts to make his way, slowly but surely to his feet. Harmony can’t believe it, much like most of the crowd, as she hangs on for dear life. The a buzz of expectation as Sid makes it to one knee before digging deep and powering up to his full vertical standing position, Harmony Taylor hanging around his neck as if she was a piece of jewelry. Sid chuckles to himself before dropping to the mat pulling of some sort of modified Russian neck drop like move.

JG: Now that’s the Sid I know. Pulling off something from nothing… that’s definitely Paramount Championship material.

With both superstars on the mat the referee begins the count to see if this match will end as a double count out. Its funny because the once hostile crowd that were booing and jeering have almost started to change there pitch. Clapping and cheering trying to will both parties up so this match can continue.

DM: Well I’ll be dammed. I never thought I would here the day that the fans would be cheering all the way to the rafters to make sure that a match like this can continue.

JG: Maybe it’s the fact that these people are starting to see sense... respecting both Harmony and Sid at the same time.

DM: Or maybe it’s the fact that these are two incredible superstars and they don’t want to see this match end like this.

JG: Whatever the outcome… I’m right.

As the count hits seven, and the cheers becoming more and more prominent it is Sid that seems to react first. By the count of nine both superstars are up, but Sid clearly having a two second advantage on harmony Taylor, to the delight of Fonda. All of a sudden, those cheers change to boos which puts a smile back on the face of Sid Griffith.

DM: What the hell… this is the strangest reaction from a crowd I have ever heard.

JG: It’s brilliant isn’t it… You don’t know weather to laugh or cry.

DM: Um… yeah? Something like that.

Sid signals to Fonda through a quick wink and in doing so she once again leaps to the apron and for the second time distracts the referee. Sid checks to see if the ref’s back is turned which it is before looking back at Harmony. In doing this though Sid inevitably bought her a few seconds to catch her breath. As he turns he walks straight into a low blow… only not. That’s what Harm’s intention was however Sid, being a renowned rule breaker him self was somehow kind of expecting this.. She seriously must have been inches away from annihilating his twig and berries before he closed his legs, like a bear trap catching Harmony Taylor red handed in the act. Sid lets out a booming sadistic chuckle before planting her with a demon like head but and tossing her the full distance of the ring by her hair. Again after the deed is done Fonda innocently drops to the ringside floor as if nothing has happened. Sid salutes the crowd with a nice one fingered gesture that spirals the word controversy out of control. As harmony climbs to her feet Sid meets her with a huge boot that sends her crashing to the floor below. Sid goes to follow her but the referee intervenes. With Sid being held back gaining all of the referee’s attention Fonda proceeds to put the boot in ever so cheaply.

DM: Come on referee its two against one here! I know its Harmony Taylor but please get control.

JG: You see that, The Empire is a well oiled machine. They’re impossible to break.

The fans boo as Fonda must lay about fifteen to sixteen solid boots into every part of the defenseless Harmony Taylor. Sid seems to struggle, even know he knows exactly what’s going on before Fonda shoves Harm back into the ring, still to the deafening sound of jeers and taunts. With Harmony back in the ring Sid sets his eyes back on his prey. The referee retreats and gives a lecture to Fonda, like they do, but is told where to stick his judgment. Sid picks up harm by her hair, talking trash to her as he goes, claiming he is the next champion before nailing her with a huge stalling choke slam. Everyone in the arena heard the impact as Sid points to harmony, lying there crumpled on the mat before slumping over for the cover.

JG: It’s now Sid’s turn to shine, One!

DM: A great fight but Harm falls short again, Two!

Crowd: THR….

DM: Oh my god! What heart by Harmony Taylor.

JG: She didn’t did she?

DM: She did Jim. I don’t know how but somehow she managed to kick out.

Sid looks livid and bashes the mat as Fonda looks on, totally bemused that Sid isn’t the new number one contender after that. The fans cheer, obviously gaining more and more respect for the two for putting there bodies on the line. Sid slowly makes his way to his feet and once again helps harmony up in the most aggressive fashion possible. Harmony rocks from side to side, eyes glazed over, totally on Dream Street. Sid begins chuckle to himself, almost picturing in his own mind that he one step closer to the title he feels he deserves. The daydream is interrupted by a small package that Harmony pulls off sensationally. She is even close enough to the rope to grab a hold over for more balance and leverage.

DM: Harmony was playing possum… ha ha! ONE!!!

JG: No… Not like this! TWO!!!

DM: YEAHHH… NO! Somehow Sid managed to power out, even though Harmony had hold of the ropes.

JG: Whoosh! That was close. He must have been a millisecond away from the three count there.

DM: What a match!

JG: I think my heart has stopped!

DM: You drama queen. However this match continues, what’s going to happen next?

The face of the fans and Fonda tells it all. This match has more twists than Saw, the movie. Harmony can’t believe how close she was from piping Sid right here, right there.

Both superstars get back to their feet at the same time, and spin round to face each other. They exchange blows sending shockwaves through the crowd before Sid gets the upper hand. The grab each other in a tight grapple where Sid overpowers Harm thrusting her back first into the corner. As the referee comes to intervene, attempting to break the hold up Sid slams two fingers into each of Harmony’s eyes causing her to stumble back. As she rocks back Sid pounces out of the corner kicking her in the gut causing her to crease over. Without thinking Sid picks Harm up in a powerbomb like position. He begins to talk trash to the crowd as the Look on Harm’s face tells it all.

DM: This is not the best position to be in if your Harmony Taylor!!

JG: I agree, this isn’t going to be a pretty sight!

Instead of dropping to the mat in the usual Powerbomb fashion Sid falls hard to both knees, forcing Harmony’s back to bend across his shoulders as he grabs her by the bottom of his chin. Just as Harms back connects with Sid's shoulders, Sid flips the opponent backwards by use of his hand across her neck.


JG: Look at that impact Don! Harm is tough but I don’t think she Has what it takes to kick out of this one!

Sid slides across the broken body of Harmony as the referee begins to count.

Crowd: ONE!!!

Crowd: TWO!!!

Crowd: THREE!!!

"Slaughtered" by Pantera booms around the arena as Sid stands up to Celebrate being joined by Fonda.

RA: Ladies and Gentleman, here is your winner. And the official number one contender for the PPW Paramount Championship….. SSSSIIIIIIDDD GGGRRRIIIIIFFFFIIITHHH!!!!

A large chunk of the crowd boos, as Sid is hated throughout the wrestling world. However there is a small section of wrestling fanatics that cheer for the fantastic match they have just witnessed. Sid stands tall looking as smug as ever before turning to get his Television Championship. As he turns he is met square in the face with a vicious shot from Harmony Taylor. He hits the mat hard looking badly stunned as Fonda looks on in horror.

DM: Oh my god, that one just cleaned out the number one contender!

JG: Hey that was no ordinary shot. Look What Harm has in her hand.

The camera focuses in the general direction of Harmony Taylor, who stands tall with a morbid look on her face. She grins as the camera picks up on the foreign object that she is clutching as if her life depends on it.

DM: Well I’ll be dammed. Harm laid Sid out with the one belt that he wants so much! How's that for ironic justice ?!

The fans cheer as there’s nobody they would like to see suffer more than Sid Griffith. In Harmony’s other hand is Sid’s current PPW Television Title. Harmony smiles and hands it to Fonda that looks on, totally puzzled yet still sceptical. Fonda accepts the belt as harmony turns on her heel as if she is going to leave the ring.

JG: Look at that, Harmony is such a nice girl.

DM: Nice girl? She just cracked Sid’s skull!

JG: Yeah but it must have been out of frustration at losing the match. And now that’s out of her system… Well done Harm!

With that said and even the crowd in a state of confusion Harmony slams on the breaks before lunging in Fonda’s direction and nailing her straight between her eyes with the same Paramount Title that floored Sid moments ago. She hits the mat hard dropping the Television title as she goes down hard.

DM: I can’t believe what I have just seen! Harm has cleared house.

JG: And now she has both titles, the two best prizes in PPW!

Like Jim says Harmony stoops down to grab both titles. She stands looking ever so proud with both titles hanging down from there strap pointing over the immobilized Sid and Fonda Griffith. The crowds begin to cheer as "Do you Call My Name" by Ra fades in over the PA system cancelling out Slaughter by Pantera. She exit’s the ring and hops the guard rail as Sid starts to twitch in the ring.

DM: Well the Empire/Harmony story has taken another shocking twist.

JG: That’s right and this time Harmony has now walked out with her STOLEN PPW Paramount title

DM: And now the STOLEN PPW Television championship. I have to ask has Harmony dug her own grave there Jim?

JG: I honestly don’t know. But I don’t think The Empire is going to take this lying down

The cameras switch back to ringside and inside the ring the set for "The Spotlight" is set up just like the previous editions, set up with chairs and TV screens. The fans are all patiently waiting for the show to start when suddenly "Dope Show" by Marilyn Manson plays as the fans boo like crazy. The members of the Dinucci Empire walk out onto the ramp and the fans let them have it. Sid Griffith, James Caspian, Slayne Demonio, and "The Nightmare" Jared McClaine walk down the ramp. They make their way down and they all get into the ring. Sid, Slayne and James are mocking the crowd as Nightmare just stands in the ring looking around.

DM: Ladies and gentlemen, this must mean that The Spotlight is up next!

JG: And the Dinucci Empire is here!

DM: Hooray for that.

Donavon rolls his eyes after the comment.

[COLOR=green]JG: They came out there to take care of any business that could possibly happen. Considering the guest for the night!

DM: And the guest on the Spotlight tonight, none other then former WXW and PPW star, DGNR8. A name we have been hearing over the past weeks. A former wrestling star who has won many titles and...

JG: Yea yea yea...we heard it all already! And he all of a sudden disappeared and his house was burned down!

DM: This is why this whole thing confuses me. No one has seen him in two years, how could it be possible that tonight he's here?

JG: Well, Daryl says so, and apparently, he knows the man better then anyone else. Hey, he's even banging the man's wife! HA HA!

DM: This is all confusing to me, as well as to everyone else in this building.

[JG: Except for Daryl and Adrienne of course.

Suddenly, "Judith" by A Perfect Circle plays as the fans start booing once again as Daryl Cranfill and his assistant, Adrienne, walk out onto the ramp. Daryl waves at the fans and blows kisses as he struts down the ring with Adrienne following.

DM: I have a funny feeling about this. Something isn't right. Daryl said earlier DGNR8 is already in the building, I haven't seen him backstage.

JG: Me neither, but Daryl promised us DGNR8, so we should get him somehow.

Daryl gets on the apron and he opens the ropes for Adrienne. Adrienne gets into the ring as Daryl soon follows. The Dinucci Empire still stand tall in the ring. Daryl high fives and shakes the hands of all of the members. Adrienne hands Daryl a mic and the fans continue to boo. Sid flips the fans off as Daryl begins to speak.

DC: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a very...and I do mean VERY special edition of the Spotlight! Of course, I'm your host, Daryl Cranfill, and my assistant here is Adrienne and these boys here, well....they need no introduction whatsoever.

The fans boo as Sid, Slayne and James smile and nod. Nightmare just stands there, seemingly not paying attention to anything going on.

DC: Now, the reason why this is a very special edition because my guest tonight, is well....very special. This has to be the biggest guest I've had on this show since it's inception! Tonight, my guest is a 6 time World Heavyweight Champion of my former federation, WXW as well as the federation that preceded it, Sp2K. He's also held the Intercontinental Title several times as well as the Hardcore Championship, and a multiple time Tag Team Champion. He was also the United States Champion, which he won in his first match, as a professional wrestling in Sp2K November of 1999. In doing so he ended that opponent's career. And also...

The fans interrupt Daryl with a huge DGNR8 chant. Daryl stops talking and he smirks at the crowd.

DC: And also, holding titles in other federations, including rival federations. The name DGNR8 is considered to be one of the first names to pop in one's head when WXW or Sp2K is mentioned. He is also considered probably one of the greatest wrestlers to ever grace this squared circle.

The fans cheer some more and chant DGNR8. Daryl laughs and shakes his head.

DC: Not only that, but for some reason, everyone loved him. Spending his entire career has a fan favorite, a face. And he's also the husband of my lovely assistant here.

Daryl looks at Adrienne as she smiles. Daryl puts the mic up to his mouth.

DC: He then left WXW in early 2003. About two years ago, he showed up here in PPW and quickly made his mark on the federation. But after three matches, he vanished. And then his house gets burned down. And we haven't heard anything from him, until, tonight!

The fans go nuts and chant DGNR8 again. Slayne is shown shaking his head in disgust. Sid and James roll there eyes, mocking the crowd. Nightmare is still not paying attention.

DC: I present to you a video package on the career of DGNR8, before I bring him out here. I want all of you to pay close attention to this. Roll it!

The lights go dim and the Purepaintron shows static. Then "Here To Stay" begins to play as the screen shows a man with long black hair, a black goatee, wearing a black trench coat, black shirt and green camo pants walking down a ramp. The fans cheer at the site of the man as the name "DGNR8" is displayed on screen. Scenes are shown of DGNR8's first match back in 1999, then his match with his brother Blade which resulted in DGNR8 throwing his own brother off of a cage and onto the announce table and DGNR8 jumping off and landing on him. It also shows his allegiance with long time friend Casey Merrell and his rivalries and matches with some of the old stars from the old Sp2K era. It then shows DGNR8 winning the World Championship against longtime rival Chris Irvine at a huge Pay PerView and standing at his side holding the belt is none other then Adrienne. It then shows DGNR8's rivalry with Blake Hardin that spanned a couple of years and federations. Then it shows DGNR8 and Pulse's allegiance as well as their rivalries. Then the clips just show various matches and moves he does, including his finisher "The DGNR8R" which is a standing tornado DDT and the 450 off the top rope. The clip rapidly switches from frame to frame showing more highlights of his career. Then the screen goes black and a voice is heard....

"The D to the G, to that N, R, 8 IS IN THE HOUUUUUUSSSSEEEE!!!!"

The fans then goes nuts as the lights come back on. The "DGNR8" chants have started again. Slayne, Sid, and James dont look impressed. Daryl and Adrienne both have a smile on their face. While Nightmare seems frozen, staring blankly at the Purepaintron. Daryl puts the mic up to his mouth and speaks.

DC: There you have it folks...DGNR8!

The fans start to get confused as Donavon isn't happy.

DM: I thought he said he was going to be here in person tonight!?

JG: I guess he had all of you fooled! The man's probably dead get over it!

DM: This man said DGNR8 would be here tonight, but he only shows him in video form? What is this?

The fans boo as Daryl laughs. The three Dinucci Empire members laugh as well and keep mocking the fans, Nightmare, however, still stuck in a trance staring at the big screen which only shows what's going on in the ring. The screen then switches to Nightmare's face in his confused state. Daryl laughs some more Adrienne nudges Daryl and points at Nightmare. Daryl notices that Nightmare is staring at the screen. Daryl walks over to Nightmare and he speaks as Nightmare still stays stuck on the screen.

DC: Something wrong Mr. McClaine? You seem a little...I don’t know...confused?

Nightmare still stares at the screen.

DC: Something on that screen spark an interest? it DGNR8?

DM: Huh?

JG: Ok…that's going a little bit too far now, he doesn't know anything, he doesn't even know himself.

DC: I mean… you do right? He does look a wee bit familiar to you doesn't he? Just like Pulse looks familiar to you. Just like Harmony might look familiar to you. As well as myself, and especially....

Daryl looks at Adrienne and she smiles at him.

DC: Her!

Nightmare turns his head and looks at Daryl. The other three look confused.

DC: That's don’t remember anything. I forgot.

Daryl laughs and then puts the mic back up to his mo


DC: Look at the screen again.

Suddenly, a picture of DGNR8 is shown wearing his trademark trench coat, green camo pants and black shirt. Nightmare once again stares at the screen.

DC: Look familiar doesn't he? about this..

Suddenly, next to the picture, is a picture of Nightmare, wearing a trench coat and his usual attire. Upon this visual, some fans cheer like crazy.

DC: Keep looking...tell me when it finally sinks in.

Nightmare's eyes suddenly widen as it also dawns on the other three members of the Dinucci Empire. They look at the screen then in unison all look at Nightmare with a shocked look.

DM: Wait....wait a minute...what is he trying to say here?

JG: They look awfully alike....

Nightmare begins to breathe heavily and he puts his head down and he closes his eyes then opens them back up. Daryl smiles...

DC: Jared....

Nightmare looks at Daryl as Daryl demeanor changes from cocky smirk to an almost pleasant smile.

DC: I wasn't around for all of this. I was out of the country. But I did some research. When your house was ablaze, you were still inside. The house almost burned down with you in it...Luckily, you were rescued by the firefighters. Bad news, they found you unconscious and motionless....they found you not breathing at all.

Nightmare looks down and he stands frozen.

DC: As well as very badly burned. They revived you; they arrived early enough to save you. But due to lack of oxygen in your brain, you slipped into a coma. You woke up, with no memory what so ever a month later.

DM: I cannot believe what I'm hearing.

JG: I'm with you on this one.

Daryl continues to talk to Nightmare.

DC: You woke up in a hospital, and you freak out because you don’t know who the hell you are plus your face was all bandaged up. They had to do some surgery to your face to repair damages. That's pretty much why no one here recognized you that easily, you look a little different. And you pretty much decimated any doctor or male nurse that tried to touch you. You eventually were sent to a mental institute. Then you were released about a month later into the world and well, the rest is history.

The fans are shocked as are the Dinucci Empire members as well as Don and Bomb. Nightmare looks up at Daryl and he says something.

DC: What was that? Hold on.

Daryl nods to Adrienne and she gets Nightmare a microphone. Nightmare stares at Adrienne as she smiles at him. She hands him the mic and he takes it. He looks at Daryl and speaks with a cracked voice.

JM: I?

Daryl laughs....

DC: are indeed, Jared McClaine. However, you are more known to the world as.....DGNR8!

The fans pop like crazy as Jared stands very confused.


JG: NO WAY!!!!

DC: There is your answer. That is who you are. You are DGNR8! You are the man on the screen, the man who won six World Titles as well as many others in many federations. It was you who ended a man's career, and he wasn't the last one, in your first match.

The fans chant “DGNR8” over and over. Jared closes his eyes. Daryl walks over to Jared.

DC: And, since you are indeed, DGNR8....

Daryl looks at Adrienne and she steps forwards and walks closer to Jared. Jared opens his eyes and Adrienne is staring at him.

DC: Then your wife.

Adrienne smiles at Jared, and then she looks at Daryl and turns around and walks towards him.

DC: And since you are him, and she is your wife, that means we have unfinished business!

DM: Unfinished business?

JG: I like the sound of that.

DC: Yea. You see, Adrienne and I...we want to be happy. We want to be together...forever. However...we can't do that...unless you divorce her. With you "missing" all of these years, we couldn't just have you do that. Due to you going nuts and burning your house down, that kept her and I from fulfilling our dream of being together as man and wife. That's why you're here.

Adrienne pulls out a sheet of paper out of her clipboard and hands it to Daryl who shows it to Jared.

DC: This is a divorce document. You sign that, that means you two are finally divorced and you can go off and do whatever it is that you do or want to do. While her and I will live happily....ever after.

Daryl smiles and hands Jared the document. Jared looks at it then he starts shaking his head again. He then looks at Daryl and puts his mic to his mouth.

JM: You were there....

DC: Pardon?

Jared draws closer to Daryl, Daryl backs away. Jared looks at Daryl with a cold stare and he clinches his fist.

JM: You were not out of the were there… inside of my house.

Daryl looks at Jared very confused.

DC: The hell are you talking about man?

JM: YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! You were inside my house while it was burning; I wasn't the only person there! YOU WERE THERE TOO!

The fans begin to boo and Daryl starts to get a little nervous.

DC: Whoa… whoa… whoa...hold on here...are you trying to say that I burned your house down?

JM: What I'm saying is this.....YOU DID THIS TO ME!

Daryl laughs.

DC: You have to be kidding me. You don’t remember anything at all! And that's obviously the truth because you think I did all of this to you? Come on man. I left our beef back in WXW. You know that!

Jared shakes his head some more then he looks at Adrienne.

JM: You....BITCH!

The fans go nuts and Adrienne stands there shocked.


JM: Apparently, she's my wife, so it looks like I can call her anything I want!

The fans love that one as Daryl is livid.

JM: I don’t remember everything. But it's all starting to come back to me, piece by piece. And somehow, someway, I have an image in my head of you in my house while it was burning and me on the floor struggling to destroy you! As a matter of fact....I don't sleep at night...because for as long as I can remember, which isn't very long, I've always had this nightmare.....

Daryl looks a bit confused.

JM: And in this nightmare....I'm in a burning building, and I'm lying on the floor, struggling to get up....struggling to not only get up...but also I was reaching at someone...and that someone....looks a lot like you!

The fans go nuts and the 3 members of the Empire stare down Jared. The fans chant DGNR8 as Jared shakes his head some more. He then grabs the mic. And he points at Adrienne.

JM: And you want me to sign this so you can be with this asshole? This...DGNR8 character....wait...that would be me now wouldn't it? You're my wife...yet this man tried to kill your stick by him? So something tells have something to do with this as well!

Daryl and Adrienne start to look worried.

DC: Jared...wait...calm down man. Let’s talk about this.

JM: Oh...and then you had Harmony Taylor, use me as a pawn to destroy Caleb Hart! Then you set CJ Maxwell up to get his ass handed to him!

Daryl then smiles and then laughs.

DC: Oh yes....that....was a lot of fun.

Jared clinches his fist, Daryl keeps smiling.

DC: For awhile, I finally had control of the great legendary DGNR8. The same man who made my life hell! Who when I was running MY federation, you seem to have thought it was your job to defy EVERYTHING! Every rule, every clause, every stipulation. There's the DGNR8 that no one else knows and that's the man who went from federation to federation, going around thinking he owned the place by placing the rebel leader and always leading some kind of resistance to take over the federation and cause chaos! They blame me for the collapse of WWR! They blame me for XHWF! They even blame me for WXW itself. No. The reality is is all....YOUR FAULT!

The fans boo like crazy.

DC: Yea...Caleb Hart, I had nothing against him. But Harmony is a dear friend of mine, and she wanted Caleb gone, so I convinced her that you were well…you… the former love of her life. I wanted nothing in return for me helping her control you to destroy her now former husband. I just wanted to see if it was true that you are DGNR8. Well, you looked a little sloppy. I honestly thought I had the wrong guy. So I told Harmony so, and she backed off. But when you destroyed CJ Maxwell, though it was still sloppy, then that almost convinced me. But it was when...

Daryl laugh and Jared stares at Daryl with hatred in his eyes.

DC: Pulse. You destroyed him too. And as you can see from that little clip honoring you; it looked like you two were the best of friends. Oh, that's the truth. You were his mentor. Pulse, also being a six time champ, was your protégé. When he won the title for the first time, it was you who presented the belt to him. He was your best friend. And this past Mutilation, you destroyed him. And that's when I finally knew you were really DGNR8. I used you to take care of business. You were my pawn…a puppet. You were Dinucci's puppet as well.

Jared clinches his fist and he gets angrier. Jared makes an advance towards Daryl then all of a sudden, the three Empire members stand in his way. Daryl laughs and puts the mic to his mouth.

DC: Don’t come any closer. These men will not hesitate to destroy you! Now you better do the right thing. Sign that document, make this divorce final, and then we can be happy, while you can just go away. There is something in it for you. Sign that, and you'll have immunity.

DM: What? What does he mean?

JG: I don’t know.

DC: You see...sign this Jared, end this marriage. Face reality…you're no longer DGNR8. You were him. Think about it, you can't go back. Because you went nuts and burned your own house down, you killed that part of yourself. DGNR8 is dead. Jared McClaine, well, he's still alive. And you can start your life all over. I won’t buy that bar, I won’t close it down. As a matter of fact, I'll buy it, but I'll give YOU and that bartender broad the bar. I'll fund it and you guys can run it anyway you want. What's best is this, sign this, and you'll get immunity. That means, the Dinucci Empire, will not touch you. Matter of fact, you can stay a member, or you can just leave. But they won’t touch you. Hell, Dinucci has even thrown it in another clause for you. You can't get fired. You'll live in luxury for the rest of your life. But you will know longer live as DGNR8, nor as the husband of Adrienne.

Jared stares at Daryl, and then he looks at Adrienne. Jared puts his mic up to his mouth.

JM: First think I'm afraid of them!?!?

The fans go nuts and the Dinucci Empire stare him down.

JM: I want them to touch me; I want them to come after me!

Jared looks at Sid, Slayne, and James.

JM: Sid still has to cash in his chair shot. There's a chair over there. Why don’t you go and get one tough guy. And be careful when swinging that thing, you want that chair to hit my head, not yours.

The fans go nuts and chant "DGNR8". Jared looks at James.

JM: And you, what are you staring at? Didn't people use to care about you awhile back? You know...when you were the Dark Lotus?

The fans go nuts and James looks pissed.

JM: Now you're just James Caspian, just another face in the crowd, just another one of Dinucci's little whores!

James clinches his fist. Sid keeps James calm. Jared then stares at Slayne.

JM: Then there's you. You called me a lap dog, telling me I'm one of you. I said...everything is coming back, piece. I'm starting to remember something...and what I remember is this. There is no way in hell I'm anything like you. Because the difference between you and're Slayne Demonio.....

Jared gets into Slayne's face and puts the mic to his mouth.

JM: I'm the D to that G, to that motherf*ckin, N.....R.....8!

The fans go insane and chant "DGNR8". Slayne stares down Jared. Jared then turns his attention to Daryl.

JM: So me signing this...

Jared then slowly rips the document in half and then rips it up in pieces as the fans go nuts and Daryl is livid.

JM: Is not going to happen.

The fans continue the chant and Daryl puts the mic to his mouth.

DC: It didn't have to be this way. You could have just signed this, and you would have been safe. You really are DGNR8. Now that is definitely more the reason to get rid of you! It looks like death is going to have to do you two apart. Goodbye Jared, it's been fun. Boys....

Daryl and Adrienne leave the ring as Slayne, Sid, and James all surround Jared. He looks at the three and then closes his eyes and stands in the ring. James then rushes Jared. Jared then opens his eyes and catches James with a right hand as the fans cheer. Jared pounds on James with right hands then a left. Sid rushes Jared and Jared executes a spinning heel kick knocking him backwards and he stumbles over the top rope landing on his feet on the outside. Jared then turns his attention quickly to James as James rushes him again. Jared runs and executes a spear knocking James down as the fans go nuts.

DM: It looks like we really are seeing DGNR8 in action now!

JG: He can't take them all on can he?

Jared gets up and he sees Sid pick up a steel chair and slide into the ring. Slayne is in a corner watching everything. Sid stands in the ring and Jared and Sid stare down. Jared smiles and taunts Sid to come after him.

JG: That is not a good idea! Not good at all !

DM: You'll be surprised.

Sid runs and he swings the chair and Jared ducks and Sid spins around. Jared kicks Sid in the stomach and Sid bends over, Jared takes the chair out of his hand and cracks him in the head with it and the fans go nuts.

JG: That was a mistake! Now he owes you two chair shots!

Sid is stunned by the shot but doesn't fall. Jared throws the chair on the ground and then grabs Sid's head and executes a swinging neckbreaker onto the chair. Sid's head smacks the chair as he hits the ground. Jared then gets back up and he spots Slayne and they stare down. The both of them circle the ring. Suddenly, Daryl slides into the ring and he attacks Jared from behind and he beats on him. Jared recovers quickly and grabs Daryl by the throat. Slayne then attacks the distracted Jared and punches him several times. Jared and Slayne trade blows left and right. Daryl reaches into his pocket for something.

DM: Wait...Daryl is up to something!

Jared then gets the upper hand and gives Slayne repeated rights. Suddenly, Daryl punches Jared in the side of the head with his left hand. Jared holds his head and he falls to his knees. Slayne then grabs Jared's face and punches him in the face with a right hand. Slayne then picks up the chair Jared used on Sid and smacks Jared in the back with it. Jared writhes in pain as Daryl laughs. Jared struggles to get up. He gets on one knee and he reaches at Slayne. Slayne hits him in the face with the chair and he goes down. The fans boo like crazy. Jared's head is busted wide open.

DM: I can't believe this!

JG: Not even the great DGNR8 can stop The Dinucci Empire!

Slayne picks up the Jared and it looks as if Jared doesn't know where he is. Slayne then executes the Devour Driver slamming him to the mat. The fans boo as Sid and James get into the ring. Adrienne also gets in and the Empire as well as Daryl and Adrienne stand over Jared as Jared continues to struggle to get up.

JG: Why won’t he die!?!?!

Jared sticks his hand out and he struggles to reach at Daryl. Sid advances but Daryl stops him. Jared continues to crawl towards Daryl as everyone stands around him.

DM: This is just sick! Daryl is watching him crawl!

Jared gets close enough to grab Daryl's left ankle. Daryl goes to reach for Jared but Adrienne stops him and he steps aside.

JG: What's going on here?

Adrienne kneels down as Jared crawls closer, face covered in blood. Adrienne looks concerned. Jared reaches up to Adrienne. Adrienne grabs Jared's hand and slowly stands up and pulls him up with her. Adrienne holds Jared up and he is slumped over her. She looks at Jared and she hugs him as he puts his arms around her.

DM: This is just odd.

JG: I....can't explain this myself.

Adrienne looks into Jared's face covered in blood and he grabs the back of his neck and stares into his eyes. Then she pulls him closer. Suddenly, she pulls something out of her blouse and it appears to be a syringe.


Adrienne suddenly sticks the syringe in Jared's neck as his eyes go wide and Adrienne pulls away.


Jared stares at Adrienne as her worried concerned look turns into an evil smile. Jared slowly falls to his knees as Adrienne looks down on him with her hand still on the syringe. She then grabs his face and then leans over and kisses him. Then she lets go and Jared falls to the mat lifeless. Everyone in the ring staring down and laughing as Jared lies face down on the mat motionless.

DM: What just happened to him? What did she do to him?

JG: He is out; he is not moving at all! Damn! That was cold.

DM: I have never seen anything like this in my long time here in PPW.

JG: I have to agree with you on this one....

Daryl and Adrienne stand over the fallen Jared McClaine. They both look down and laugh. Then they look at each other and they kiss.

DM: This is just sick.

JG: I love this! He should have just taken the easy way!

DM: Those two are going to pay for this! This is just vile!

JG: I knew I was really going to like this Daryl character. Oh now I really love this guy! And that girl! Oh jeez she is hot!

DM: His own wife betrayed him! I know Daryl and Adrienne had everything to do with that man's misery! We just witnessed here! If they are capable of doing that, what makes you think they can't burn a house down?

JG: The man is delusional! He burned his own house down because he's crazy, and he points fingers at Daryl and Adrienne because he's crazy! What makes you think HE'S not capable of burning his own house down!?

DM: Oh I just give up! All I know is, I have a feeling that they all just made the biggest mistake of their lives!

JG: We'll see about that! Not only did the Empire take care of washed up legend Zale, but they also took care of "The Nightmare" Jared McClaine! Wait....actually...I'm sorry...what I meant to say was.....DGNR8! HA HA!

DM: You make me sick really do.

JG: Just face it Donnie, The Dinucci Empire is invincible!

DM: It all comes back around Bomb.

JG: Just cut your whining and call the end of the show. We won and your precious losers did nothing to help this putz. Live with it. They’re scared, Spyder is scared and Zale is hopefully dead. We rule PPW.

DM: I really hate you Bomb. It disgusts me what Dinucci is willing to do in order to make himself look all powerful. The man has no conscience.

JG: They’re going to put an end to this clown ! HA !

True to Bomb’s word everyone in the ring renews their assaults on the helpless Jared McClaine, pummeling him with kicks, punches and whatever else they feel like doing to him. The Referee gets in the ring and tries to stop it only to have Fonda drive a forearm into his crotch before Sid scoops him up and absolutely pancakes him on the mat with a vicious powerbomb before turning back to McClaine.

JG: This is beautiful ! There’s no one to stop this !

DM: I wouldn’t count on that because…

The broadcast abruptly cuts to black before we can find out what happened.