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Here are the pictures from the MMMers who went to Las Vegas
for the Wonderful, Wonderful Christmas concert,
December 21 & 22, 2005!

**I would like to personally thank Stranger in Paradise for the web
space at Planet Mathis which allowed me to post your pictures here.

TCS1981 sent the first group of pictures, 28 of them, thanks so much. The first picture is of a
billboard she and NotForMeToSay and 12th of Never saw on the drive into Las Vegas.

Stranger In Paradise exploring the Hilton theatre where Johnny will perform.

TCS1981 at the doorway of the theatre.

NotForMeToSay and Stranger at the theatre.

And it's NotForMeToSay and TCS at the doorway.

Stranger, JuneBug and Mez doing one of our favorite things.....gathering at the hotel restaurant.

12th of Never, NotForMeToSay and Partridgelady
(yeah, the one with the partridge in a pear tree on her sweater) at the cafe.





Gil is John's faithful guitarist, many years now.



At Ceasars we're shopping...Stranger, JuneBug, Partridge and Mez.

Our second favorite thing after eating is lining up !!!
It's Mez, NotForMeToSay, 12th, JuneBug, Stranger and Partridge.
By the way, this is the first night concert.

We're baccckkkkk, only TCS has joined us on the left.

This next group of 3 pictures come from the camera of My Foolish Heart, we thank you very much.

For this song, John announced to the audience that he had to have the words in front of
him as he only sings this song once a year....I believe it was "Christmas Time Is Here".

The next group of 12 pictures is from Woo2 and we finally have her picture
included in the group, whew, thanks to Yew, Woo.

Bowing in the shadow of the light, to the crowd.

Leaving the stage with a candy basket from Mez.

This unbelievably handsome man is John's brother, Ralph Mathis with Happy Mez.

Stranger, NotForMeToSay, TCS and 12th back at the Paradise Cafe after the concert.

On the left, way in the back is Somewhere, June, TCS and 12th. On the right is Somewhere's wife, Shi,
Partridge, Stranger and NotForMeToSay, all having a snack attack.

12th was always being served a nice plate of goodies.