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Tony Stark's Mansion

Tony Stark's Mansion was the private residence of billionaire philanthropist Tony Stark, located on a sea-side cliff along the coast of Malibu, California. The mansion was highly technologically integrated and was wired by Stark to be run by his personal A.I. assistant, J.A.R.V.I.S.. It was destroyed in a terrorist attack after Stark publicly threatened the Mandarin in front of a gathering of news reporters.

Main Floor

The main floor of the mansion contained most of the basic living areas, including a large, open foyer/living room and a kitchen. The foyer is large enough to host upscale parties, much to Stark's personal taste and style.


In the basement of the mansion is Tony Stark's workshop, where he created and stored his Iron Man Armors. A large, open area with mostly concrete walls, this area was well suited for small scale testing of Stark's Armors. Along the back wall was Tony's "Hall of Armors", a glass case where he stored and displayed his "Classic" Iron Man Armors (Mark I - VII). In addition, Stark also kept a collection of both vintage and up-to-date cars in his workshop, parked near an access ramp back to street-level.

The entire workshop possessed an expansive hologram projector system that was operated through J.A.R.V.I.S., where Stark could manipulate digital projections for a variety of purposes such as looking at documents through the internet and secure databases, or to project a 3-D model of his or anything that he was creating or studying. While working to synthesize a theoretical element based on his Father's old research, Tony briefly renovated his workshop and part of his mansion to accommodate a small scale Particle Accelerator.


Upstairs was Tony Stark's bedroom where he (and later, Pepper Potts) slept. He once fought his friend, James Rhodes, in this room while drunk.


This room is where Tony Stark went to exercise and train; the room had a variety of weights and in the center of the gym was a standard wrestling ring where Stark practiced his fighting and spars with his friend and bodyguard Happy Hogan. During his birthday party, a drunk and stressed Stark fought James Rhodes here as well, using his barbells as a club.


Outside of the house was enough space for several cars which served for parties; in the middle of the front garden, a water fountain was placed.

The Armor Vault

During Stark's period of rapid development of new Iron Man Armors following the Battle of New York, he constructed a circular, raised stage in his workshop specifically for testing new armors. The floor of the stage could open to reveal Stark's Armor Vault, a circular vault that descended several stories below the mansion, which held Stark's Iron Legion armors, stored in spaces along the perimeter of the wall. The center of the stage was a circular platform that served as a lift that could carry a specific armor to its storage space in the vault, or bring up another suit depending on his needs. The following armors were stored within the Armor Vault:
Iron Man Mark I Armor
Iron Man Mark II Armor
Iron Man Mark III Armor
Iron Man Mark IV Armor
Iron Man Mark V Armor
Iron Man Mark VI Armor
Iron Man Mark VII Armor
Iron Man Mark VIII Armor
Iron Man Mark IX Armor
Iron Man Mark X Armor
Iron Man Mark XI Armor
Iron Man Mark XII Armor
Iron Man Mark XIII Armor
Iron Man Mark XIV Armor
Iron Man Mark XV "Sneaky" Stealth Armor
Iron Man Mark XVI "Nightclub" Black Stealth Armor
Iron Man Mark XVII "Heartbreaker" Artillery Level RT Armor
Iron Man Mark XVIII "Cassanova" Stealth Artillery Level RT Armor
Iron Man Mark XIV "Tiger" High-Velocity Prototype Armor
Iron Man Mark XX "Python" Long Distance Armor
Iron Man Mark XXI "Midas" High Altitude Armor
Iron Man Mark XXII "Hot Rod" War Machine 2.0 Prototype Armor
Iron Man Mark XXIII "Shades" Extreme Heat Armor
Iron Man Mark XIV "Tank" Heavy Combat Armor
Iron Man Mark XV "Striker" Heavy Construction Armor
Iron Man Mark XVI "Gamma" Heavy-Combat Armor Upgrade
Iron Man Mark XVII "Disco" Chameleon Armor
Iron Man Mark XVIII "Jack" Radiation-Zone Armor
Iron Man Mark XIX "Fiddler" Nimble-Construction Armor
Iron Man Mark XXX "Blue Steel" Enhanced Energy Armor
Iron Man Mark XXXI "Piston" High-Velocity Centurion Armor
Iron Man Mark XXXII "Romeo" Enhanced RT Armor
Iron Man Mark XXXIII "Silver Centurion" Upgraded Enhanced Energy Armor
Iron Man Mark XXXIV "Southpaw" Disaster Rescue Armor Prototype
Iron Man Mark XXXV "Red Snapper" Disaster Rescue Armor
Iron Man Mark XXXVI "Peacemaker" Riot Control Armor
Iron Man Mark XXXVII "Hammerhead" Deep Sea Armor
Iron Man Mark XXXVIII "Igor" Heavy Lifting Armor
Iron Man Mark XXXIX "Gemini" Sub Orbital Armor
Iron Man Mark XL "Shotgun" Hyper Velocity Armor
Iron Man Mark XLI Skeleton Armor
Iron Man Mark XLII Armor Autonomic Prehensile Propulsion Armor