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Quinten Beck

F) Gd10
A) Gd10
S) Gd10
E) Gd10
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Rm30

Health: 40 Karma: 70
Resources: Ex Pop: 20

Known Powers:

Holographic Projectors: Mn, Beck had access to a wide range of advanced realistic holographic projectors controlled by William Ginter Riva's drones, which he had then used to make illusions of the Elemental attacks, and him stopping them. With the drones, he could cause real damage, and real casualties, which made the public believe that the illusions were real. Beck's Holograms extended to showing an extension of himself as Mysterio as well, the entire battle between him and the Elementals being pre-made before then being unleashed on the public.
Pistol: Gd Shooting, 3 areas
Mysterio Suit: Beck wore this suit whenever he didn't need to fly or other such feats, like talking to someone that is in the same room with him.
Mo-Cap Suit: Beck has utilized a motion-capture suit to manipulate the holograms of his persona and to have his suit projected onto him for complicated shots, like him putting on or taking off his helmet.
E.D.I.T.H.: Beck tricked Spider-Man into giving him E.D.I.T.H. Beck used these in conjunctions with his holograms

Talents: Computers, Electronics, Holograms, Repair/Tinkering, Engineering, Leadership, Strategist

Contacts: His crew

Quinten Beck