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Iron Monger

Iron Monger

Obadiah Stane

F) Rm30/Ty6
A) In40/Ty6
S) In40/Pr4
E) Mn75/Ty6
R) Gd10
I) In40
P) Pr4

Health: 185/22 Karma: 54
Resources: Am Pop: 10

Known Powers:

Iron Monger Armor: The Iron Monger suit is an adaptation and improvement of the Iron Man Mark I armor. It is made of In material and offers the following:
-Body Armor: In protection vs. Physical and Corrosive, Mn protection vs. Energy
-Life Support: The Iron Monger suit allows its wearer to survive in a hostile environment for two hours.
-Growth: The Iron Monger suit is bulky, weighing over four tons and standing nine feet tall. Opponents receive +1cs when attempting to hit him.
-Flight: Gd airspeed (8 areas per round). If his boot jets are used as weapons, they cause In damage in a two-area range.
-Alter Ego: Stats change as shown above
Computer: Iron Monger's Armor is controlled by an onboard computer system, which is able to perform the following:
-Targetting Computer: Grants Iron Monger +2cs to Agility to fire the suit's weapons systems.
-Systems Monitoring: Displays within the helmet inform him of the status of weapons and power level.
Weapons Systems: The Iron Monger suit has the following armarments:
-Machine Gun: Rm Shooting, 7 areas
-Laser-Guided Missile Launcher: Fires up to 10 areas away, the missile itself causes In damage to an entire area

Talents: Business/Finance

Contacts: Stark Industries, Ten Rings

Obadiah Stane