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The Eye of Agamotto

The Eye of Agamotto: CL1000 material, The Eye of Agamotto is a powerful relic created by Agamotto, the first Sorcerer Supreme, to contain and harness the power of the green Time Stone contained inside. The Eye of Agamotto has the following power stunts:
-Time Control: Un ability to control the flow of time, be it on a small or massive scale, notably to turn back something to a previous state, to accelerate its time in order to apply changes that have not happened yet. If the user is interrupted while rewinding time, time freezes until the user resumes the spell. It is able to be manipulated in the following ways:
--Small Scale: Up to In ability to turn something back to its previous state or accelerate its time in order to apply changes that have not happened yet.
--Large Scale: Un ability to rewind time to undo entire events, to the point that doing so can even bring a dead person back to life by rewinding time to a point prior to their death.
-Time Loop: Un ability to lock it in a time loop, resetting its state until the wielder stops its effect. Skilled sorcerers, or perhaps users of powers from the Dark Dimension can to an extent subtract themselves to the effects of the stone, stopping the time reversal affecting oneself or noticing that one is stuck in a time loop with a Red Psyche FEAT.
-Limitations: The use of the Eye is contrary to the natural order of things, and is extremely dangerous as it can break the natural flow of time and create alternate time lines and wielding the Eye without properly mastering its time based powers can very well kill its wielder.


The Eye was created by Agamotto, using the Time Stone as a component to allow the user to safely wield it without directly touching it and suffering the adverse effects of touching an infinity stone. The container was created in the shape of an eye, hence its name. The mystical properties of the relic, as well as the spells and gestures necessary to use it, were studied by the writer Cagliostro, who wrote them down on his personal grimoire. The Eye remained in Kamar-Taj where it was discovered by Doctor Stephen Strange.

Having read one of the passages in the Book of Cagliostro about the Eye, Doctor Strange put on the pendent and tested its power on an apple, forwarding and reversing time on the object. He then used the Eye's power on the book, discovering and reading the stolen passages about the Dark Dimension and Dormammu. However, he stopped using its power as it began creating different alternate timelines, which Wong and Mordo warned against, because it could destroy the natural order.

Having read one of the passages in the Book of Cagliostro about the Eye, Doctor Strange put on the pendent and tested its power on an apple, forwarding and reversing time on the object. He then used the Eye's power on the book, discovering and reading the stolen passages about the Dark Dimension and Dormammu. However, he stopped using its power as it began creating different alternate timelines, which Wong and Mordo warned against, because it could destroy the natural order.

When he confronted Dormammu to parley, Dormammu killed him, but the Eye's power trapped them both in a time loop that would restart every time Strange died. Dormammu finally relented and accepted Strange's terms, withdrawing his attack on Earth and taking away his Zealots.

With Dormammu gone, Strange returned the Eye to its place in Kamar-Taj feeling he was not ready to wield it yet. Wong agreed, stating that walking around with an Infinity Stone in plain sight is a bad idea. However, Strange wore the Eye during his meeting with Thor.

The Time Stone