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Mars Journey Updates

22 February 2006

The Mars Journey website has received a lot of feedback since it's first launch in 2004. Vimjams was the original creator of Mars Journey and all of his pages on the index were written and composed by him. The Mars Journey was being written while Vimjams was fighting cancer. Sadly he passed away in April 2005 but it was his wish to keep the site going. From now on The Mars Journey site will be run by his daughter "Mars Girl". She will be creating further pages and topics about Mars and will leave Vimjams' Mars rover mystery section as it is for viewing pleasure.

Hi there!
I'm Mars Girl and I'm the
new web owner of "The Mars Journey".
If you need to contact me for
anything then click on my
picture and send me an email.

The content on this site belongs to The Mars Journey unless stated otherwise. Under copyright law no images or written information on the site be used for redistrubution, editing or copying without my permission.