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Hi! My name's Holly.

This is a site for my latest quest. And that is for a Luts doll. More commonly known as a "dollfie" style doll.
If you don't know what this is, it's a highly collectible resin doll originating from Japan and Korea.
With these dolls, you can alter everything about them. From body type, to eye colour, hair, or just simply their clothes.
I've been interested in these for awhile. Ever since I saw Gackt and Hyde ones online, and when I saw a couple at a convention.
Well, I finally decided to do the research. All these dolls are incredibly expensive. They're more art than "toys".
The doll base I want, is called "DELF 'BREAKAWAY' Limited." All these dolls are limited. This one, to about 200.
The base is an average Luts doll price. $570.00 American for the base. With Makeup painted on, $670.00.
Clothes for these dolls are priced just about the same as clothes you might buy for yourself.
So when I finish up, adding on clothes, new eyes in the colour I want, a wig seeing as he doesn't come with hair...
We get to the lovely little price of $788.00 American. Where we get to my dilema.
I may have a part time job (incredibly part time) and some christmas money. But I most definitely don't have $788.
The site you are about to navigate through will eventually be filled up with all my money making ideas :P
and when I get my paypal account 100% set up, I'll be aaaall ready.
What really works for me if I can get this site known, is I do art. Done some for a magazine and some commissions.
So that's mainly what I'll be offering :P Then again, if you're just a nice person, you'll donate out of charity XD
Thanks for taking the time!


*NOTE* When I Finally Get My Doll, This Site Will Move To A New URL Primarily For Art Sale!!!
