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Feb 14, 2006
YAY I got my test back, I got a 93!  Thats pretty damn good.  Not much else happening, though there is this boy that I kind of like, Josh.  Hes sweet and really sexsy.  He is a grade above me, but I dont see that as a problem, we sit in a group at lunch and he is really nice.

Feb 10, 2006
We had a huge test today in pre-algebra, I think I did alright but I swear with math it is impossible to bullshit an answer like it is in other classes.  Math was my best subject til I got past 7th grade ;p

Feb 9, 2006
Have not posted here in awhile, me and Jill have really been busy with school and having some fun, shes not as shy as I thought.  My dad is really being over bearing with me, he wants to dictate everything about me from what I wear to how I act.  Hes also a bit rude walking in on me without even knocking.  I mean he is my dad but Im getting dressed you should knock.

Jan 20, 2006
WOW its late, just got back from the movies with Jill we have a great time.  We saw Chronicles of Narnia, and I thought it was pretty good but Jill didnt like it.  I tell you one thing, they should have split it up like the books, made it into chapters.  Movie went from one thing to the next so fast like the makers were unsure if it was every going to make anything.

Jan19, 2006
Things went pretty good today, I talked to a few people and maybe I made a new friend!  Her name is Jill and shes in two of my classes (pre-algebra and english).  She is real nice but a bit shy.  We may go to the movies this weekend.

Jan 16, 2006
Goddamnit I hate my life!  I just don't get it, at my old school I was popular, boys always wanted o talk to me, everything was great.  Now no one wants anything to do with me.

Jan 14, 2006
Well well well what do ya know!  I just got back from the store with a new bra size  w00t I am now officially wearing a size 32 B!!!  Maybe thats still small to some bitch with jumbo size but for me I am very happy.  Maybe now they will leave me be at school.

Jan 13, 2006
I almost got in a fist fight today, some guy grabbed my tits for some reason.  I guess that to him and his little friends is a fucking joke.  He then says to me "oh sorry, didn't know you were female."  I wanted to kill him.  If I thought it would do any good i would go to the office over it, but the whole school is staffed with useless rejects.  And I think things are changing for me as my bra has become rather uncomfortable, I may just need a new size!

Jan 11, 2006
I really hate undressing for gym class, at least we don't have to shower.  Maybe I am just shy but I don't like people I don't know seeing me naked.  Plus compared to other girls in my class I am as flat as a 7 year old.  Math class today really sucked, the teacher makes me feel retarded.  Boy it sure is fun sitting alone at lunch, I think i sat there most of the time wishing my mother would get hit by a bus.

Jan 10, 2006
My first post in this blog, slittle has happened to me latly, at least so little I think anyone is going to care to read.  I hate this school the kids in it are so unfriendly, and the tachers can all go fuck themselves.  And you know maybe I havnt developed as fast as most girls but still thats no crime, assholes.