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Lent & Mary Williams Family

Our Web Sites!

Family Blog!
Photo Album

Well I still have a lot of work to do as you see on this web site. I want to create some type of family tree but that will take a lot of time to write the HTML as you know this was all created with cheat sheets I do know a little html but if any one is faster please feel free to email me with the recipie to the thing so I can make a link to it. next I will be changing the order of the photos so you all can upload your own shots for right now I have used up all the free spaqce here. but if any one will log on and make a site some where and send me the pass words I can use space there to write on

So please enjoy and await untill I can figure out how to add a chat line right here on our web page for all the cousins to keep in contact with right here. So make this your default web page and let's keep the family ties together!
