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  LeechGames Productions

Last Updated 07/21/06

Team Pics


Welcome to LeechGames Productions

WELCOME TO THE NEW LEECHGAMES PRODUCTIONS. We have remodeled the entire website. There is Nothing left of the Old Site. Everything is new.


Newest Members

Date: July 21, 2006
Posted By Xer0_Vip3r

Hey guys the site is now up and we are open for business. was a failure however that's not knocking us down. We are as strong as ever. Currently we are using the Old Angelfire server. That is until we can get the domain. For some odd reason I couldn't get the Domain to work. I got pissed off and I'm just going to cancel the order. Also if anyone has a picture that you want to submit for the LEECH GAMES PIC OF THE WEEK please send me a pic to my email.
Also Clerks 2 hit theaters today. I will be going to see the movie tonight. Also the forum will be up sometime next week. Please stay tuned for more updates. Also we are taking donations. If anyone would like to help us financially then send me a email and we can work out a method of payment.


Date: July 20, 2006
Posted By Xer0_Vip3r

Welcome to the New
We have been working really hard here at LG HQ. This is the new Layout and once again we have changed Servers. will from now on be updated each week. We have lost 2 members but we are still holding on strong. I would Personally like to welcome Steipenwulfe back to the team. He will be helping me Lead the Team. For those of you who have been LG Fans since the beginning, you know that Steipenwulfe was the original owner and is the Founder of Leechgames. I would also like to welcome Addikted2death. he can be found on Xbox Live playing Halo 2.

I also have a new email address. All my contact information is on the contacts page.

Date: May 16, 2006           
Posted By Viper.

Leech Games will be hosting a LAN Party this Friday. We will be playing HALO 2...Like always. The stats will be recorded. Hopefully we will have a great turn out. Remember this is only available to LEECH GAMES Members Only.

Date: May 13, 2006           
Posted By Viper.

E3 2006 is now over. This past week has been awesome. Even though we totally missed out on E3 this year, there were some kick ass games that were announced there. Of all the games shown at the conference, HALO 3 and FABLE 2 are the ones that stood out the most.  Both Halo 3 and Fable 2 will be released on the XBOX 360. Most of the games coming to the Next Gen consoles look kick ass. Some of the games include METAL GEAR SOLID 4. which is coming exclusively to the PS3,  Also coming to the next generation consoles is SQUARE-ENIX's FINAL FANTASY XIII.

Stay tuned for more information on the games shown at E3. Due to my work schedule I haven't had the time to research all the games shown. If you know of any awesome games shown at this years conference please drop me a line at DOOMSDAYMASSACRE@HOTMAIL.COM

Date: May 5, 2006               
Posted By Viper.

This is not the permanent layout of the site. I am working hard on getting a new flashier layout done. It will look awesome when I am done with it. Just bare with the "Plain" Look for the next few months. I promise that the site will have a complete overhaul come this holiday season. I know that is a little ways off, but I am not going to lie to you about when the sites going to be done. So far the project is going to be on a "When it is done, it will be up" status. I was looking in this months issue of Super Street Magazine and I came across a really awesome R34 article. The R34 had over 900 HP! I recommend going out and buying the issue. Its the one with the 800 HP Toyota Supra on the cover.

Date: April 30, 2006              
Posted By Viper.

Welcome to Leechgames. Let me tell you about who we are. We are a small group of gamers. We are located in the small town of Manchester, Tennessee. We get together and hang out almost every day. We are mainly gamers, but there are also some members that are involved in our sub-division that I like to call LEECH GAMES RACING. Please visit each of the links in the directory. Visit the History page to find out how Leech Games was started. LEECH GAMES is owned Viper. In co-operation of Chucklez. I am Hoping that LEECH GAMES takes a full start this summer. We will be competing in HALO 2 and other various games over PC and X-Box. We will post our stats on this website under the Stats section. We will also be posting Warhammer 40k Ideas and paint schemes.



Imperial Bunker by Gamesworkshop
Photo by Xer0_Vip3r
Painted By Xer0_Vip3r (2003)

Team Photos


Look at my new online photo album filled with pictures from my vacations, sporting events, and my family.  

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This site was last updated 07/21/06