by a former Mormon Apologist (Defender of the Faith)
To the Reader,

I joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the age of 18, in 1979. I served a mission (California San Jose 1983-85). I was never excommunicated. Never disfellowshipped. Never put on probation. I was a True Believing Mormon (TBM). I even wrote a book ("The Gainsayers") and authored a long casette series ("A Defense of the Faith" series...20 cassette tapes each one hour) answering Anti-Mormon claims and defending the Church. But I resigned from the Church in 1996.

Why did I resign from the Church?

I never had Word of Wisdom problems. I never committed fornication nor adultery. I never "tried" to do either. I was never excommunicated. I resigned from the Church.

I encourage you all to get a copy of "CES Letter" by Jeremy Runnells. He is a former Mormon missionary too. You can order the book shipped to you for a total of about $13 or $14 dollars (2022 cost). Read the book, and you'll know why I resigned from the Church.

I have been studying Anti-Mormon claims and Mormon Apologetics (Pro-Mormon responses to Anti-Mormon claims) intensively since 1979. I know the history, and the details of all claims and counter-claims. The only honest conclusion I can draw is this:

1) Joseph Smith was a con-man, liar, adulterer, thief, and fraud (sorry...but true).

2) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was founded upon lies (sorry...but true).

You can also read CES LETTER online if you cannot or don't want to order the book. The link is below. You can read CES LETTER in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Japanese, or Finnish.

I am not an Atheist. I am now a follower of a miracle-working Prophet named Doctor Dahesh of Lebanon. You can read my story here:

From Joseph Smith to Doctor Dahesh: Why I Left the Mormon Church and Became a Daheshist: (link below)

That free online book explains why I left the Church, why I'm not an Evangelical Christian, and why I am a follower of Doctor Dahesh of Lebanon. It is all there: if you are curious.

For Latter-day Saints reading this, read CES LETTER by Jeremy Runnells. All the facts are there. Runnell quotes from "zero" Anti-Mormon sources. He uses only approved Church histories. See for yourself. Thank you.

Darrick Evenson
darrickevenson AT gmail DOT com


CES Letter (by Jeremy to read online or order the book)
Doctor Dahesh: The Miracle-Working Prophet of Lebanona (aka Why I Left the Mormon Church and Became a Daheshist)

Accurate and Reliable Anti-Mormon YouTube Videos

50 Major Problems in Mormonism (12 minutes)
The Collapse of Mormonism: Why Millions Are Leaving! (54 minutes)
Brother Jake Explains The Book of Abraham (5 minutes...hilarious parody that is nevertheless 100% accurate and factual)
Mormons & Sex (19 minutes)
Mormon Sex Scandals and Cover-ups (1 hour...use headphones for this one because sound quality is low)
The Curse of Cain Doctrine (What Mormon Leaders Don't Want Younger Mormons to KNow)

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