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I haven't had a visitor in some time. Thanks for taking a look. Back in 2005, I started RPing on MySpace as Champion Lance, who incidentally wanted a custom cursor for his profile. Seeing as the common free image uploading sites were incompatible with .cur files, I created this Angelfire account to allow me to host my own files without paying for bandwidth, etc. As anyone who clicked on the above link already knows, I got tired of battling very quickly. I also got tired of the multitude of female characters who wanted to get romantically involved with me. Hence, the creation of my more prominent alter ego, Domino. She maintained herself as Lance's love interest, and eventually became so complex and fun to use that she overshadowed the original. I haven't RPed as Lance for years, but Domino continues to this day, even transcending MySpace and moving to Domino's custom background and such can be found on this website, though unlinked. If you're clever enough to have found this page to begin with, you now have all the tools you need to find everything else. Good day, and I hope to talk to you some time.