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VirtechU Home


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Welcome to the office of Virtech-U Alumni Relations

Can't get enough of your old school? We can't get enough of you, our Alumni and friends, either.

Stay Connected

Network with VirtechU friends using the Alumni Online Community.

We have created a bigger and better directory for our alumni with more extensive information to help you locate old friends and network.  We know you're going to like it!

Send us an e-mail if you are interested in signing up.

Printed Directory Now Available

Those of you who would rather receive the directory by mail can sign up now for a printed directory. The price is only $49.95 and is hardbound to last for years.

Don't stop the Giving!

Our annual fund drive starts soon. When you get that phone call from that struggling student, be generous! Remember, donations from alumni and friends help fund educational programs for students in need.