If I haven't updated in awhile it means, I could have a life or I could have a sofa.
Blog Go To


Gutentag, yes I'm finally learning German. So far I know about 20 words. I also joined a website called Busuu. It is completely awesome, but I have to use the Google translator to talk to anyone. I'm also using a program called BYKI. It is really helpful and easy to learn (mouse-over the link to see more). I've also downloaded German podcasts, because it is recommended that you Read, listen, Write, and Speak any language you want to learn. Why would I want to speak German? I'm not traveling to Germany, and I don't know anyone in real life who speaks German so what's the point? Well I've heard that learning a second language, can help you think differently and help you understand cultures and people. My other reason is, it's just awesome (if you ever need a reason Awesome is always a good reason). Who doesn't want to know another language? (if you don't your weird....I'm just kidding) Many single language speakers will probably think you are a Genius. Also if you want to learn a new skill, a second language is practical (well in some cases it is) and fun. I understand you're like pshyeah what are you selling, but it seriously is fun and you won't understand unless you try it yourself.


I'm addicticed to these little egg things. I want to know how to make them, then I will have those and dollmakers on my site. I'm currently working on a new page. I'm going to be adding a few more things and then I think I will put the link up. I might also add a page with all my dragons.

I've started to take yoga and I'm letting go of my anger. I really don't care about those (insert choice word here) that I wrote about previously, and really I'm probably partly to blame for these mishaps (only a tiny bit). So my summmer has been.....less productive than I had hoped. I planned to:
  1. Learn sign langauge
  2. Blog every day
  3. Do my science fair project
  4. Do my history fair project
  5. Write more often
  6. Learn Yoga
  7. Be nicer
  8. Wake up before 12 A.M.
  9. Keep my room clean
  10. Learn German
I accomplished a whole 4 of those. Alot better than I expected. I think I want to start keeping a goal list and whenever I'm hit with sudden inspiration, I'll write the goal down. Then when I'm really mad I can cross of all the things I've done, or if I need to get motivated. Now I have a really mind boggaling question for you, exciting vs. boring. What makes something exciting? Isn't just something unusal and great. Like an unexpected surprise, or a nice pop like bright cherry red against blan beige. Skydiving and roller coasters are probably exciting, but what makes one's life exciting and what is considered boring. I think excitment is just a rush of adrenaline, that makes you feel great, so boring would be what; a lack of adrenaline? A lack of exciting? Is everyday life boring? or is it the monotone of everyday life that makes the excitment? and if so can you not have a boring life or an exciting life because everyone requires a balance of both? Okay I lost myself after the skydiving and roller coaster bit, but I won't delete it because....(thinking of a reason).....I want my blog to be an unedited version of my thoughts, ideas, opinions, dreams. Edited means it is as humanly close to perfect as possible and I have no experience editing so I'm not even going to bother. Well that is it. Surprisingly enough I think this entry has zero negativity. Which is quite.....exciting compared to my last 2 posts.

Well alot has happened, I want Delmi to burn in hell for eternity and Jenna and Luis may join him if they like. I will never in my life eat McDonalds or other such fastfood companies, I would seriously rather starve than eat that food. They are greedy, lying, cruel, heartless, selfish, mean, careless and evil people I hate the current CEO of Mcdonalds and I wish him a very painful death like the one he has caused to many chickens. I encourage you to not eat Mcdonalds ethier. I reccommend reading "chew on this" it is everything you don't want to know about fast food.
April Fools.!.!.!.
I just figured something out (no I'm not blonde)whenever I get postive feedback about my writing I want to write more. So for those of you who hate it please tell me, then I will probably write less. I'm tired of diss'n the preps, oh well I hate them so what. I have to write a story for a school contest (contest called young authors), I'll be putting a link up ASAP but I want to write as much as I can before I lose my creative flow. (yup I weird if you don't like it click the X on the top right hand corner of the page) tommorrow I will be going to an awesome party at my friend's house. Off to write my story :)

You preps are getting under my skin. You are like a rash. And Jessica you do sooooo talk during reading, in fact you hardly ever hush. Maybe that is the reason why you aren't getting your work done. And you guys don't have to whisper in front of me every time you want to talk about how much Jenna does/doesn't like Luis. Because I don't care! There are so many things I want to say to you but this pretty much sums it up, The universe does not revolve around you preps. Okay, I had to get that out, otherwise I would probably do something crazy. I hope they aren't in my class next year. On a happier note, my social studies teacher is letting me bring up my grade. Kitten Tracks isn't working so, I'm doing updates, I've noticed I've been getting alot more hits. IDK what happened but, it is awesome.
Okay, Now Jenna and you preps I know you are going to see this eventually and I don't mind any of you except Jenna, and Jenna I don't want you to be a big whineyy baby at school telling the teachers I said bad stuff about you because I didn't. I just said that I don't like you. Which is freedom of speech, there is no school rule that prohibits me from hating you. As for the rest of you preps (which I currently don't hate) I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. But I doubt you honestly care what I think of you. I'll try to be nicer.
We get report cards tommorrow, I don't hate Jessica or Kelly as much. Luis and Jenna need to go to another planet, and I'm bringing LHC (land hermit crabs to school on thursday). I have a feeling thursday is going to be great! It will be micheal's last day before he leaves to N.Y. at least we can contact each other through the web.
Hi Micheal! This kid in my class Mike made his own website so I gave him my URL. So most of this post will be talking to him. I saw your site mike it looks awesome, alot of ads though. I'll tell you a few things you can add to it tommorrow at school. Do you like my site, I made it from scratch all by my self. I know it is hard to believe I made all of this awesomeness by my self. But hay when you don't have a life what else is there to do :)? That stuff about Jenna and luis 100% true, I hate them with every bone in my body. That is pretty much it, I'll talk to you tommorrow. I'll be putting a link up to mike's site.
Okay, I'm not that sorry and I'm not going to make excuses I'm a lazy butt and I know it. I've been busy with this virtual pet site KT. It is tons of fun. I have a very deep hatered for new kids. When they come in the middle of the year they ruin my life. Luis Fernandez if your out there I hope you are sumbitmitted to some horrible form of toture. I don't like you or your preppy friends. Especially Jenna! I don't care if you see this because it is the truth. Jessica and Kelly you guys are lazy, and annoying. Brett I don't know you, but I already hate you and James you are nice, but I hate your friends. Okay now that my rant is over, I have a new musical addiction, Frankie Valli and The four seasons. Sherry and what a Night I also like big girls don't cry (Not the one by Fergie) I think RAP IS CRAP! I got a new graphics program so I might not post dolls anymore.
I think I'm going to redo the sire for the New Year. A change would be nice. Starting next year I'm also going to post at least every other day if not every day. I think the word of the day thing needs to change too. I'm not going to bother with this stuff. The only thing that is going to be the same is the home page. You won't see anything New until the New Year. I'm probably not going to post until the New Year ethier.
I haven't been feeling good lately. Christmas is 5 days away yay. I'm playing Yatzy and I'm losing big time. I got second YAY!


I have been totally lazy. I was on my computer pretty much every day,but I didn't post.I've been making some new videos though. I found this hypercam thing that is totally awesome. Today I helped my teacher put sound on her powerpoint and just now I realized I forgot to tell her something. I can probably tell her tommorrow. I'm mad at my social studies teacher. Yesterday she told me and my friend we could present our project today. And ya know what happened she wasn't here today. I guess our presentation wasn't that important to her.

someone you don't like.

I just lost something which has totally ruined my day.
I've been working on projects. I'm so excited I their are only a few more days until winter break. I found this awesome website that donates rice to starving children. You can improve your vocabulary too. So far I've donated 3,000 grains of rice. It is addictive. I'm going to put a banner up under the global warming thing. I want to do something like that. It would be hard to get started. Maybe after Christmas I could start. I need money to get my own domain name and stuff, I only have enough for about 3 months. So I have to continue saving. I'm looking for ideas to draw people, but even then I can't sell anything. This is so complex. Because If I do pay for the 3 months and no one comes it will be a waste. If if I do start a program like that one I will need money for my site and I couldn't take money that is supposed to be donated. I just got an idea!

Slindding mess up

I've been semi busy. I like weekends they give you time breath brfore you have to get back in the rush. I'm going to my friend's house to work on a social studies project. Nothing interesting has happened lately. I think I might make a video on global warming.

staphamoddajoan synonomous to jibberish.

WoW.The only thing halfway worth mentioning is this lab I did in science. We mixed corn starch and water and it made this really cool paste stuff. It didn't fizz like baking soda and vinegar. It was like glue only it washed off easy. In math my teacher said that she saw me at the mall and I ignored her. Ya I really want to say hi the my teacher over the long weekend. I get enough of them during the week. Besides, I would just be reminded that I had to go to school on Monday.

If you find any material on global warming, it usually says blah blah blah too much carbon in the atomsphere blah blah blah but we can do blah blah blah blah blah to save the Earth THE END. I want to write a book that goes like this blah blah too much carbon blah blah blah blah we're all DOOMED. The end I'm serious stop reading it's over your going to die enjoy the last few years of your life before it get's too hot. I think it's too late too stop global warming I'm not giving up though. I recycle, I don't litter (and I yell at other ppl for doing so),I buy organic T shirts and that's it but I can do more and I'm trying.

I'm reading this book (Code orange by caroline b cooney) and it is about this boy who might get small pox and they talk about bioterrisom. I don't get why someone would hate another living being so much they would kill them. I can understand not liking someone (I have the most annoying little brother any1 has ever met) but to the point you want to kill them???? But the sucide flyers that flew into the twin towers didn't even know the people they were killing, I doubt they cared. As long as they killed someone they were happy. I didn't know any1 who died there, but one of them might have had the cure for cancer and another one might have had an idea to save energy and another one might have accheived world peace. We will never know, because some coward who hates this country decided to fly that plane into a tower. He might have been a decent contribution to the world if he would have half way cared about the people he was killing. He had a brain that is one thing that makes human different from every other speices on Earth. It is "highly developed" and all this other stuff. I know we are different from other speices and our brains are awesome, but so far look where they have gotten us. Animals are ignorant to anything but their needs, they do what they have to, to survive. Their brains aren't evovled enough to try and find cures for their diseases (can you imagine a Zebra in a lab coat). Animals can exist among each other with peace and they keep the natural cycle in balance. Humans come along we are fine for a few thousand years than BAM! we are causing ecological problems left and right. It would be fine if that were our only problem, but noooo we can't even exist among each other with peace.

I think I wrote enough for 4 days. LOL
Today's word is: liquidatious
(liduid-whid-day-sh-us) means to be liquidy

Happy Thanksgiving. I think thathanksgiving is a dumb holiday. There is no point. No one gives a flip about some dumb pilgrims. The only reason it is a decent hoilday is because we get off school.

Today's word is: wham
pronounced ham it means ham. Very creative.

I'm typing 100 mph. :) I haven't done any of my hw. We are haveing ppl over tommorrow and I was cleaning my room, my clock was unplugged, I lost track of time. There will be no word of the day today. sorry I'm in a hurry.
I had to do a playing test in band today. I was so nervous. I had to play all by myself in front of the class and I messed up a couple of times. I'm watching GSN whammy! My math teacher reminds me of the host of the weakest link. They both scare me sometimes. That's pretty much it. I hope my counter is broken because no one has visited :( since a month ago.

Today's word is: Lozzer
It means the same thing as loser.

Today hasn't been very good. My iPod is all messed up because of the stupid update I loaded onto it last night. I can't get itunes to open ethier. It is a pain in the butt. My crab Eeorye came up from his molt. he looks so cute. His color is more reddish than before. b4 he looked gray. It was because the pellets he was getting in the pet store didn't have enough calcium. his annteanes are longer and he looks happier. He will probably be looking for a new shell soon.

Today's word is: atarded
This kid in my class made it up, he says it means the same thing as retarded. I think it sounds dumb, but I can't think of anything.

Today was the same as yesterday. Sims 2, Homework and TV. In between I ate. I have nothing much to say. I read this book Yearling by majorie rawling or something. I liked the book until the end, when the boy had to shoot his pet deer. It was totally unexpected. It was alot like old yeller.

Today's word is:woofer
It is another word for dog.

I've been playing Sims 2 for PS2.It is so much fun. I also did my science fair project. Right now I'm watching The Santa Claus. Nothing to intersting has happened.

Today's word is: fluffer It means one who farts alot. It comes from the word fluff which means fart.

I have lots of home work and I was doing my homework when I looked up and saw a spider right in fornt of my crawling up it's web. I didn't panic right away, but after about 3 or 4 seconds when it finally sunk in. That was the most excitement I've had today.

Today's word is: Fartfignugon
this is also one of Emilie's words too.


I like this pic. I changed my mind and I am making a dollmaker. I will also make a dollmaker tutorial. It probably won't be running until this weekend, or two weekends because I have to do my science project. I have to do my research, but I feel like being lazy. Today one of my teachers found a green catipillar it is a polyhermous pillar' (I don't think I spelled that right). It is so cute and bulbbery.

Today's word is: Fartknocker
This is my friend Emilie's (Emily) word. It is also in Max Keebler's big move.

I want to put graphics on my page because they make it look prettiful. Something funny happened in class today. We are studying Mexico which in the continent of North America. We were talking about climate and geographical features, when someone blurted out, "What about the Sahara desert?" it was so funny. I sure hope they were kidding, because I'm in advanced placement classes. I like this pic of the doll with guitar. I want a guitar, but have no clue about them. I'm trying to save up for one, but so far I have about $20. I don't think that will buy a guitar. For right now I'm fine with my clarinet, bob. I have to do a science fair project that is due in 2 weeks (I'm a procrastinator), so I will probably due a seprate page with that. If I can I will make a video. I'm supposed to be doing math homework, but I don't feeeeeel like it.

Today's word is: Prettiful
It means ful of prettiness.

My brother went to his friends birthday party. I tried to play happy birthday on my clarinet, but I messed up 3 times. I don't understand how at the begginning of the year your teacher's tell you, "I don't give HW over the weekend" and then you get HW, it's like WTH(What the heck)?

a wingadoodle (wing-a-doodle) is wacky weird person.

I finished walking max and then I started watching TV. That's what took me so long. Isn't Max so cute, If you click on the Icon you can view his dogster page. Dogster is like myspace for your dog it is lot's of fun. Your "dog" can talk to "his/her doggie friends". It is lot's of fun.

Today's word is: dogger
It is what I call my dog max. It means cute dog.

Today is my Grandma's Birthday. 29 forever right Grandma. :) I learned how to play happy birthday on my clarinet. Yesterday I was kinda' mad I'm very pestimistic and I'm trying to be more optomistic. Today someone in band class asked me If I was "a goth" because I had black nail polish. I felt like saying "no I'm not 'a goth' and if I was I would prefer not to be called 'a goth' okay." Instead I told him, "this was for my halloween costume. I was a vampire." The nerve of some people. I think that kid has issues though, he was singin' "You are the one I want" and another song from Grease. I'm watching spider-man 3 right now and it is a pretty good movie.

Today's word is: Chillax
I heard someone say it and it means to chill out or relax.

I abosoulutely hate it when people say, "I'm French, German, Dutch, English, Polish and Scotish." I want to punch them and scream in their face, "YOU'RE A FRICKIN' AMERICAN." I'm surrounded by a sea of ignorance. On the news they were saying, "Beach erosion in Florida has caused residents to evacuate." WELL DUH! If you choose to live by the beach the sand erodes. These things called wave take the sand and move it, then the buildings go bye-bye. Another thing, some people are like, "There is no such thing as global warming." But yet these past years have been the hottest years on record. I serouisly think we should kill stupid people. Our population is too large, and we are basically killing ourselves, with pollution. The amazing (or stupid part which ever way you want to look at it)is that we learn all this stuff in our textbooks and our teachers tell us it is our job to save the planet. 1) no one listens to me (except my parents when I get a chance to talk to them) and 2) It will be too late by the time someone lends an ear. WE are DOOMED.It will be too late by the time I have any real power. Everyone dismisses me because I'm a kid. I'm know stuff that most people have no clue about. I also hate it when your talking with your teacher and they give you a phony smile, It's like their saying "I'm only listening to you because you won't shut up." I would rather they not smile at all. I also hate being classified as a nerd, geek, weirdo(maybe I'm just a tad weird :) JK) dork or other various names because I'm smart. I think it's because people are jealous, so I just tell my self that, but more often than not it just doesn't work. I wish I could skip grades, because if you give me the information I will understand. I'm on a Gifted Team and honestly almost everyone in my class is dumb, I understand everyone makes mistakes, but if this is the elite of our school I can't (well actually I can sometimes) even imagine what all the other classes are like.

Today's word is: Goshness
It means Goodness and gosh in one word!
P.S. I've been told I have the leadership qualities of Adolf Hitlor, I take that to mean my heart is a brick of ice, but I could never be like him, that was horrible. Every should be able to choose their religon. You can choose if you're stupid or not. (unless you were born with a learning disablity)I just want to say I love animals more than I love my fellow humans. It is their innocence, and lack of highly developed brain.

I know it isn't halloween yet, but I wanted to post this in case I don't post tommorrow. I love these dolls! I will be putting a doll page and maybe a dollmaker. Dollmakers take a long time to make. It took me about two or three days to make a not so hot looking one. Today was crazy sock day and everyone loved my awesome socks. I'm thinking of making hundreds of socks and then every Monday will be crazy sock day. I don't think I have the courage to wear crazy socks. That also sparked another idea, since socks are so easy for me to make I think I should make a bunch in different sizes and sell them. I could probably just guess random numbers and they would fit people, cause everyones different. I'm learning about Edgar Allen Poe. He is actually quite an interesting guy. Three women he loved died of teberculoeses (TB, I know I didn't spell that right). I thought he was just some boring poet guy. OMG I just figured something out. I was hearing beeping noises and I thought it was my phone but I just saw the ice cream truck. That was totally random, my randomness gets high by the second.Anyways I'm thinking of giving away dolls like the one above, but I have to work a few things out.

Today's word is: Purple-Spider-Biter
This is someone who bites their nails. (totally random I came up with it my self.)

I'm making a sock. It will be my first sock that I finished. I have started three other socks, but I didn't finish them. It is for drug free week at my school. It is a red sock and there isn't really anything too speacil about it. It is a knee high sock. I will post pics when I'm done. Have to get back to knitting, bye.

today's word is:Randomness
This is how random you are.
Ex. My randomness is very high.

I don't have alot to write. I went to a resturant called Crispers it is so good it is my favorite place to eat. I came up with a hypothesis : Rap music damages your brain. I have no evidence of this, yet. This hypothesis was founded off my pure hatered of rap music. I wouldn't even call it music it is just people talking really fast. I have the song solider boy stuck in my head. I have no clue why every one likes rap it is just loud and annoying.

Today's word is halloweenish
(I made up this word myself)

I was sort of busy yesterday. I was watching TV and doing my home work so I could of wrote something, but I'm becoming seriously lazy. I don't think I was to busy to press the ON button wait 10 seconds and write 5 sentences. I'm getting mad for not posting every day. I hate inconsistancy (Even though I can't spell the word). I decided I'm going to have a word of the day and I want every to try and use this word as much as possible during the rest of the day.

Today's word is: (drum roll) Pshyeah
(P.S. this is not my word, this is scotty vanity's word I'm listening to I like your hair and I thought of it. If you don't know who Scotty Vanity is you can search for him on youtube.com and myspace.com)

I was lazy yesterday, and I didn't even turn my computer on. I was watchin TV. Right now I'm watchin' grounded for life. I don't have much to write. Nothing really interesting happened. I watched Incredible Human Machine. It is so awesome I recommend you watch it. Bye Bye
I was on my computer all day yesterday,but I didn't post. I guess I was being lazy. I can't be lazy anymore because then my site will fall behind. I've been thinking of puting polls on every page and then having a poll page with all the polls. I like polls they're lot's of fun. I like graphs, charts, maps, etc.

I figured out how to illusion knit I was doing it the right way, but I didin't knit enough. I should make a knitting page with pictures of my projects. My hermit crab power point will be on the web soon. here is a hermie video I made.

It has been almost a week since I last posted! The reason Great Expectations. I hate that book and if it weren't a library book I would burn it or put it in the recycle bin. Sorry Charles Dickens, but why did you write that book? The Christmas Carol is way better. If any of you out there like this book(which probably isn't very many) I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. We are all entitled to our own views. In other words if you don't like what I'm saying you can click the X at the top of the page. I don't mean for that to sound harsh or anything.

I'm trying to learn to illusion knit, it is difficult. I can't figure it out. I haven't had very much time ,because said nameless book I was forced to read, stole all my time :( So if anyone knows how to illusion knit and you could explain it to me that would be great :)

Have a fantabulous Friday!!:))

Nothing too interesting happened today. I did some homework, but I don't feel like reading great expectations. It is soo boring. I have to read it or I won't get a very good grade in reading. I also have to finish a project in English. I would appreciate it if my visiters (you) would tell me how you found my web site.
I'm soo happy, the week is over! Tonight I'm going over to my neighbor's house andwe are having a board game night. It sounds like fun. Other than that, I'll be doing my homework all weekend. I'm soo happy I've got 2 more visitors. I think I want to see how many people like my site and how many people think it is ummm.....dumb. I don't feel like making another poll so I guess I will have to wait. I want to make a dollmaker or at least some dolls, but I don't want to put any more downloads on my computer. That's all for today have a fun-filled-friday
I don't think keeping a blog is hard. It's not like anyone is grading what you write or anything. It only takes me about five minutes, to type about five sentences. It isn't because I'm a slow typer, it's just hard to get an idea.

I hate it when web owners don't update their sites. I understand you have stuff going on, but seriously, I'm not going to go to a one year old site that never updates. That's why I have my blog. That way people(s) know you haven't forgotten about your site. I like my new site layout. It is Awesome.Awesome.Awesome. Well, that's it for today.

Look at my awesome weeme.

It is so cool you should go make one. I've just decided I hate mathomework. yes it is one word mathomework not math homework or math home work mathomework. Ya! that is the second word I made today. Goshness is the first word I made today. OMgoshness! I'm creative like that. SMRT is the new way to spell SMART.
WOW! I had alot of Homework to do today. Well not really, it just took me so danged long. I think I'm going to make a list of great words and make that a seprate page. This genious idea sparked tonight when I was writing a paragraph (which is 14 to 15 sentences!WTH) about this picture I saw in class today. I didn't think it was real work writing a paragraph about the picture. It was really pretty. I think I went off topic. I would type up my paragraph, but I have no time. Wow I wrote alot. I would love to be an author, but I don't think I would be very good at it. I should just stick to reading books.
I decided to move the playlist. It took too long to load. I'm going to give it it's own sepreate page. Bob says hi (bob is my clarinet's name). Has anyone read twilight? If you didn't you should go read it. It is my favorite book. Beware, after you read twilight you might not be able to read any other book(No other book can compare to Twilight).
I haven't been on in awhile.I was doing important stuff though, execpt Friday(10/5/07). I have two major projects in Language Arts that I've been working on. I also found this website that has songs you can put on your own site. I have no clue where to put the playlist though. I will probably make a seprate page just for the music. I decided to put the music right here. These are most of my favorite songs.
I added a web help page. I'm probably going to put random things about the internet on there. Maybe some HTML codes. I'm thinking of doing a give-away, but I can't ship anything so it will have to be internet based. I could e-mail the winner a knitting pattern. Please email any suggestions. Thank you anonymous person(s) who are visiting my site. :)
I don't know who visited my site, but thank you anonymous viewer. I'm currently editing my guestbook. So visitors can leave comments. For now you can e-mail me comments if you want. I'm trying to write daily, but yesterday I had to read for an hour. So Hi pplz out there tell all your friends about my site.
I like the homepage how it is. I think I should probably put a poll of some sort, or some other little thing. I wish I could get rid of the pop-ups, but I don't want to get an upgraded website.
I'm hoping that I can get the home page setup today. For those of you that don't know I'm updating the site. I'm converting to CSS, and I'm not using a template this time. I'm trying to get a FAQ page going, so email me any questions.
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Kitten Tracks
Free Rice
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