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KISS CD'S « previous | index | next »

1996 - You Wanted The Best.... 


1. Room Service

2. Two Timer

3. Let Me Know

4. Rock Bottom

5. Parasite

6. Firehouse

7. I Stole Your Love

8. Calling Dr. Love

9. Take Me

10. Shout It Out Loud

11. Beth

12. Rock And Roll All Night

13. KISS Tells All Interview With Jay Leno


With KISS shocking the world with the announcement of a full re-union tour in make up and costumes, the fans were hungry for something to wet their appetite until the tour hit their town. The band released You Wanted The Best, You Got The Best which was a compilation of lives songs from Alive! And Alive II. It also included three live songs that were never released before. Room Service, Two Timer and Take Me were recorded in the 1970’s and never released in any format. The album sold well and helped to feed the excitement and hysteria of what the following tour would be known for.7.5\10