Kaz's World:: Dark Shadows - Leviathans
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Barnabas follows Kitty Soames (Lady Hampshire) as Josette from 1897 to 1795 but is returned to the present while on his way to meet Josette at the Old House he was returned to the present by the Leviathans.
He awoke but is lying paralyzed on the altar in the woods outside of Collinwood.
Josette believing that Barnabas betrayed her took posion.

Barnabas is used by the Leviathans in their quest to displace mankind and return their ancient cult to supremacy.
He is giving a mysterious box.
In the present Julia who has returned from 1897 is waiting for a sign from Barnabas when she finally meets Barnabas she is mystified by his strange behavor.

Megan and Philip Todd open and Antique shop and meet Julia and Carolyn.
The Todds are to the caregivers of the Leviathan ceature.

Paul Stoddard returns to town and he meets with Carolyn.
Paul 18 years before struck a deal with a mysterious man as he was leaving town with the promise to repay with his most precious possession which he realizes is Carolyn!

The Leviathan creature arrives in four stages, Baby Joseph, Alexander Todd, Michael Hackett and finally Jebez Hawkes who marries carolyn.

To keep control of Barnabas Oberon told him that he had control of Josette in 1795.
Barnabas has a dream and Josette told him she knew of no Leviathans.

Jebez Hawkes wanted to be a mortal and he smashes the altar.

The ghost of Peter Bradford is seeking revenge against Jebez for killing Vicki in 1796 but is stopped by Angelique who's husband (Syk Rumsom is a Levithan) and sent back to his grave.
She made a shadow to follow and kill Jebez but later told him to place to place it on the heart of Nicholas Blair to destroy him.

Jebez is killed by Sky Rumsom as they struggled at the foot of Widow's Hill while Carolyn looked on.

Barnabas who became a vampire again for disobeying Leviathans made Sky shoot himself.

Barnabas bit Megan Todd and she became a vampira after she bit Roger Willie help destroy her.

Before Barnabas could bite Maggie he enters parallel time (1970pt).


Since this storyline used many of the then regular cast members here is a list of the characters that were added for this storyline.

Oberon :: Haza :: Paul Stoddard ::
Megan Todd :: Philip Todd ::
Mrs. Hutchins :: Audrey ::
Alexander Todd :: Michael Hackett ::
Jebez Hawkes :: Sheriff Davenport ::
Sky Rumsom :: Bruno ::
Ghost Of Peter Bradford ::
Nelle Grumsom ::




Dark Shadows
©Dan Curtis Productions
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©Kaz ~;~

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