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John Moran: 3D Artist

Examples of John's 3D Art and Experience


3D Animation

Examples of John's 3D Art

Click for Slideshow of John's Art

Link to SuperVillain Studios: John Moran

John Moran graduated from Platt College with an Associate's Degree in Art focusing on Graphic Design and graduated from the Art Institute of California (Orange County) in 2006 with a Bachelor's Degree in Game Art Design. He is a 3D Artist who does enviroments, modeling characters, character rigging, lighting, animation, and 3D after effects.

He worked with video game companies like SuperVillain Studios where he did environmental modeling, mapping, texturing, and lighting. He worked at Planet Wide Games as a Game Master/Administrator and Online Help-Desk Consultant for their online game, Risk Your Life (RYL) where he found and tested bugs and worked with the team on troubleshooting to fix the bugs. He is currently working with the company, Wicked Liquid (2007)doing 3D after effects on music videos, commercials, and other projects.

While working at Supervillain, he worked on game objects and environments in the game called Dungeon Seige-Throne of Agony that was released by PSP October 2006. He is interested in freelance work and would like to create video games again in the future.


Website designed by Jill Zor Moran
More examples of John's 3D animation as well as his latest environments will be posted
This website was last modified on June 13th, 2007