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This page is a collection of jellyfish from the Cyber Pet Station Jellyfish Puzzle. If you want one of your own, that's the place to go. If you have one and are looking for jellyfish to breed it with, this page might be of use to you. Most of these jellyfish belong to other people, so I have no control over how often they are getting fed, what their names are, etc. I decided that collecting a bunch of jellyfish all in one place might be useful after spending quite a while using the 'search' function on the jellyfish menu and going to blog after blog that didn't even have a jellyfish on it. I've collected about a dozen at each level, 1-7, and I've tried to include a variety of different types on each page. Enjoy.

Oh, and if your jellyfish is on here and you want it removed for some reason, just email 'at' Having your jellyfish here doesn't hurt it - I don't have the password or anything so you don't have to worry about me messing with your baby bank or anything. All I can do is look at it swim around the same as on your blog. But if you really don't want it here, I'll remove it if you ask politely.

My Jellyfish

Other People's Jellyfish

Level 1 Jellyfish
Level 2 Jellyfish
Level 3 Jellyfish
Level 4 Jellyfish
Level 5 Jellyfish
Level 6 Jellyfish
Level 7 Jellyfish