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Now that the legal stuff is out of the way...

Mission Statement: To cut through layers of social bullshit; To promote a healthy, balanced perspective for people willing to change; To help people get out of their heads and into their hearts; To show people how to expand and grow in all areas of life, while still having fun partying and getting laid.


This site is about growing and living the life you want. I use college as a reference point for a lot of the material, because I'm in college right now. This site will help you grow and expand in all areas of your life - relationships, character, sex, partying, transcending fears, connecting with deeper aspects of life and other stuff I can't think of right now.

For the past few years, this kind of shit has been my passion, and now I finally get to really share it with people. There's a wide variety of information on this site. Some you'll like, some you won't - Take the shit you like and throw out the stuff you don't. Some stuff will be more surface level oriented, like partying, having fun, ect... Other stuff will be of a much deeper nature, like character, principles, some spirituality basics ect...

I'll be writing about whatever is currently inspiring me.

About Me:

I'm currently attending the University of Colorado at Boulder while taking quite a relaxed course load - it gives me time to do things that I really want to do, like this. The main reason I'm in college right now is because I enjoy being around people my age. I don't actually plan on finishing school; the idea of getting a degree that I'll never use really doesn't get me off. I plan on making a living doing something I love. By the way, my name is Jeff. Now we're friends, haha.

If you really want to know more about me, you can buy the autobiography of my personal growth here. The shit I talk about in that book is really fucking personal. It contains all of my deepest fears, insecurites, issues, and problems that I've faced in my family, and in my life. But it also shows how I used all that fucked up shit to grow and get to the point where I am now. According to my friends who've read it, it's really inspirational - I think so at least :). If you didn't get that link before try this one... Yea I know, shameless promoting.

You can always friend me on Facebook. Do a search for "Jeff Lipnick". The more publicity the better. *wink*

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