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GodSmack IV Review The fourth studio album from multi-platinum rock band Godsmack showcases the vision and power of the band. The band was able to create songs as a whole and it has added additional chemistry to an already terrific sound. Sully Erna produced the record himself however after a year of fighting inner demons; he left much of the songwriting to his band and the result is a rootsy rock album. The metal edge still exists on tracks like No Rest For The Wicked, and the groups 5th #1 active rock single Speak, but this time fans can look for a steady and sure-footed effort complimented by drummer Shannon Larkin’s ability to leave openings for dizzying excitement by Tony Rambola and bassist Robert Merrill. The only complaint may possibly come from harder edged fans seeking the harder riffs constantly. The tender communication by vocalist Erna captures themes of loneliness, alienation, hope, and spirituality. Shine Down which was originally performed without the harmonica segments, is a song that develops quickly into a sharply dramatic thoughtful piece that has a real message of strength. This album has emotional and structural continuity which can oddly only be accomplished by allowing a group to be spontaneous.