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Approximate Data for a Scale Model of the Solar System

NameMean Diameter (Earth Diameters D*) Average Distance from Parent Body (AU**)
Sun 109.25 26500 light years*** from Galactic Center
Mercury 0.383 0.387
Venus 0.95 0.723
Earth 1 1
Moon 0.273 0.0024
Mars 0.532 1.52
Ceres 0.074 2.766
Jupiter 10.97 5.20
Io 0.286 0.0028
Europa 0.245 0.004
Ganymede 0.413 0.007
Callisto 0.378 0.013
Saturn 9.14 9.581
Titan 0.404 0.008
Uranus 3.98 19.229
Neptune 3.87 30.104
Triton 0.212 0.002
Pluto 0.19 39.482
Charon 0.095 0.0001
Eris 0.204 67.7****

*Earth's Diameter: 12742 kilometers

**AU (astronomical unit): 149,597,870.7 kilometers or about 11740.53 D

***One Light year: 9.461 x 1012 kilometers or about 63241 AU

****High eccentricity, varies between 37 and 97 AU; orbit is sharply inclined to the ecliptic at about 44 degrees