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Inner Journey

Who are you?

Our "self" is unique to us. We seek "self" in all things we do, whether sitting quietly contemplating a sunset or interacting with a group of people. But where does it come from?
Nature vs we react, how we perceive or are perceived, how we communicate.....the myriad of things that make up "self".....are they genetically determined or nurtured through upbringing? Born into the world, what determines if we are the quiet perceptive infant or the energetic attention seeker. Any parent will tell you that one child is different then the other(s) when they first interact with the world. We are born with "self". How that "self" manifests itself in the world is through nurturing, the influence of the environment, the pressures of life.
Astrology is a tool that allows us to see the "self" we are born as. It serves as a map, a path, a journey. Fulfillment comes from within, by taking the journey to "self".
Enjoy the journey!

The Path

