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Hairy Escapades
Wednesday, 8 November 2006

Mood:  hungry
Well, I am hungry and unimaginative today. Couldn't think of a title for this entry.
I threw away my Orange Blossom floral water. Ugh! Even the smell gave me a headache, but it also didn't do a darn toot for my hair except make it go weird. I am going to try using distilled water as a mister.
I took Nyla for a good walk today. She loves going for walks.
A terrible thing happened this week. A woman out hiking in the bushes(in some part of Ontario, not really sure where) was shot and killed by a hunter. Not intentionally of course. But it is hunting season and I guess the hunter thought it was a deer. Very tragic, for both parties really as I am sure the man did not mean to do it.
And so it goes...

Posted by planet/inmyreality2006 at 5:01 PM EST
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Tuesday, 7 November 2006
Top o'the morning to ya!
Mood:  caffeinated
Sorry, just had to use that once. My grandparents were Irish and used that expression quite alot.
Well another ho-hum day! Work, work, work and no play!
Tonight is hairwash night. I last washed hair on Saturday night with Deep Brilliance s/c(I really like that brand except for fact it used SLS, but I use it anyways, just not real often). Tonight I think I may use Curl Junkie.
This afternoon, I am hoping to get some Christmas shopping done. I'd like to go to Please Mum and see if I can get some outfits for the little niece and nephews. I like their clothes! Plus it is the only children's store in town except for Zellers.
That is my todo list for today!

Posted by planet/inmyreality2006 at 8:36 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 7 November 2006 8:38 AM EST
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Saturday, 4 November 2006
New Beginnings Part II
Mood:  lazy
This journal is going to be mainly hair related or Beagle related. I have a Beagle named Nyla and once I get this figured out I will get a picture of her up.
As for my hair, I have curly 3b hair that is thin and feels much like a brillo pad. I am on a neverending quest for products that will give me nice hair. I don't use styling stuff much. In the summer I was using leave-in but haven't been lately.
Next weekend I am going to do an oil treatment, most likely with olive oil. That is my weekend to work so it is as good a time as any. I just recently got a new heatcap so I'll be able to use heat on my hair while treating it.
Right now most of my favourite shampoos and conditioners are: Aveda Damage Remedy, Redken AllSoft, Deep Brilliance, Jason Naturals EFA, CurlFriends, Curl Junkie to name some.
I am not a CGer, I have to use shampoo and usually one with sulfate(SLES). Lots of people swear by that routine but I don't think I'd like it. Mind you, I have not given it a real honest try.
Anyways that is pretty much my routine. Oooh, also I have been going 3 days between hairwashings. I quite often get tempted to go back to shampooing daily but so far have been able to convince myself not to. In many ways, I know it is better for my hair to not wash it often, but after a day or two, my hair seems to get extremely dry. I guess I don't have much sebum.
That is all for today for sure.

Posted by planet/inmyreality2006 at 9:10 PM EST
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New Beginnings
Mood:  cheeky
This is my first blog entry. I am starting afresh. I do have a private journal I write in everyday but there are things I'd like to write here too. But I will keep it short today.

Posted by planet/inmyreality2006 at 5:09 PM EST
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