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My Lovely Me

My name is Stephanie Anne Beard. I made this website because i was bored. And it looks really cute. I like it. Anyway...what does everyone need to know about me? First of all I think everyone should know what I don't like. Then, we'll discuss what I do like. I don't like it when people talk to me like I'm stupid, for any reason. I am not stupid and to be spoken to that way is insulting. I don't like people who are fake or think they're better than anyone else. Nobody is better than anyone else. You're just different. And if you have something you want to say about me, you might as well say it right to my face. Because if I find out you said it, I won't like you anymore. And everybody wants STEPHANIE to like them! I don't like celery. That's probably the food i hate more than anything. It's just so crunchy and nasty and eww. I don't like blocking. At my job (I work in a grocery store) when you pull things to the front of the shelves and make the shelves appear to be full, it's called blocking. And I can't stand it. It is the most aggrivating, time-consuming, boring thing I have ever done. Anyway, that's enough of what I don't like. This is what I do like: puppies, pepsi, S-E-X, chocoolate milk, pink, chocolate ice cream, french fries, money, spending money, sleeping, going to the movies by myself, music, music, music, dancing, singing, laughing, talking, US Weekly, rain, warm weather, working 7am-3pm rather than 3pm-10:30pm, blue eyes, swimming, polka dots, people, making fun of customers who don't know how to use the self checkout, well-written songs, listening to pretty voices, 3:00am because that's when I'm the funniest, talking to people I just met because they still think I'm funny and they haven't figured out yet that I'm just a retard (except Natester who knows me pretty well now and still thinks I'm the funniest person on the planet), eating, food, bacon cheeseburgers, bojangles, chick-fil-a, hello kitty, coloring, babies, buddha, pictures, taking pictures, myspace, skirts, different and bright colored shirts, giving people hugs...and there's more i promise. So, I'm not a quiet person. I love to talk and I'm pretty loud and I laugh really loud, too. One of my managers calls me 'the mouth of the store'...I'm very very outgoing. I love making new friends. But i get attached to people so easily and when they have to go away it upsets me a lot. I love love. I've been in love a total of 1 time. It didn't work out but I feel like one of the luckiest people in the world to have experienced such a feeling. I am probably the happiest person I know. I didn't use to be that way. But now, it just seems like there's nothing that can make me sad. I don't get mad easily. And if I do get mad I won't hold a grudge. I get over things pretty easily. It takes too much energy to be mad. I don't like to wear a lot of clothes. I mean I'll wear enough obviously but that's one reason I like summer time. So I don't have to wear a whole lot of clothes. I like skirts and tanktops. I really like underwear. Cute underwear. And socks. But I can't wear socks when I sleep. I bite my nails but they never turn out to be ugly. They always still grow back no matter how much I bite them. My worst habit is smoking. I've tried to stop like only once actually but it was for a bad reason that I tried. It wasn't for myself, it was for someone else. And I think you can only stop if you want to, and I don't want to. I don't drink that often. I've gotten drunk my share of times but I don't do it that often. No time, I guess, because I love it. But I do know that I can't drink Pabst Blue Ribbon because it made me sick and I only had like 4. I can drink waaay more than that and I've never gotten sick off anything else. I speak my mind. If I don't like you, you'll know it. But I usually like everyone. Britney Spears is my idol. I think she's just misunderstood. The public doesn't know why she does the things she does, and if a regular (unfamous) person did the things she did then it would be perfectly normal. But since she's Britney Spears, she's just a freak. People change and people make mistakes. Just because she's changed from when she was 17 years old and she got married and divorced and she went out and partied for like 2 weeks and got a different hairstyle doesn't mean she's a freak. I feel for her. I love to paint my fingernails. My best friend in the world is Felisa and my other best friend is Krystle

My Lovely Icons

My Lovely Songs


Christina Aguilera

Leave the Pieces

The Wreckers


Beyonce Knowles

Don't Cha

Pussycat Dolls

Who Knew


Slow Dancing In A Burning Room

John Mayer

Lips Of An Angel


Smack That
