Greets froodz! First off, i'd like to personally thank all of you for enduring my rather odd behaviours (hmm, thinks to self: humxabsxart (person) --> clown ?? possible, mojit bweets). Regardless. As many of you will know, i've started on the second version of the Iconosphere (the iconocosphere formally known as "THE iconosphere", now known as "iconososphere-zix, version 0.1.2 aka "iconosphere-42" or "zix-42"). Anyways, i've started work on second version, and one idea that came up (in a side area of research of reviewing the ideas behind "vector spaces" (see map). So, there are these things called "triple products" - (put discussion of tensors here). So, it came to me as to how we draw 3-dimensional things (put rest of dev hist stuff here) and then move down Anyway: Sci x Abs x Fra (physics) -> thing unfortunately i don't have either a TERM or a symbol for the thing yet. The enclosed is a close up of it. the sub-functions of each axis are: Sci-maths-of-vector-space Abs-metaphorical-thinking Fra-different-ways-of-adjusting-dimensions physics The idea is that since we can have non-orthogonal vector systems (ie, as opposed to xyz, or even "scaled" xyz systems) -- eg, spherical co-ordinate systems, oblate-spheroidial (!), eliptical-prabolic, etc (about 21 such systems). So, what if the axises weren't even all of INTEGER dimensions (symbol I), but possibly fractal (f). I'm refering to these as MIXED dimensional spaces. So, we "normally" have things like this: r / z |phi/ | | / | | / ______ / \ |/ / theta / \ .---------- x y But, BOTH of these systems have integer dimensional axises; ie, the x, y, and z axises are based on dimension 1 (exactly, no decimal) Hence they are both of the form: I | | / \ / \ I I Now, what about creating a co-ordinate system for (c, h-bar, and G) - speed of light, plank's constant (divided by 2pi), and the Gravity constant. Normally, we would *assume* that all axises are of integer dimension. However, WHAT IF (nice quesion, eh?) "G" is a fractal thing (not whole-dimensional). We get the image enclosed (which i've the taken the liberty of using a spiral for the G axis (i've been studying a bit on Bode's law and it's relation to possible archimedial spirals, e, pi, etc -- prob not a good fit for G to be "mapped" by a spiral; oh well: c'est la vie (c'est les maths?). Thus, the idea would be: h-bar | | / ( __ (supposedly a spiral; forgive the "L" as a / ( L \ crook in the curve). c (____) G f | | / \ / \ I I That is a "3-space" consisting of three axises whose dimensionality is INTEGER, INTEGER, FRACTAL. -- well that's it. Not much of a magic trick, i realise. But, being as tired as i am (too much late night satellite TV will do that to you), oig! nite all, Frank.