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(iconosphere entry) Time is a thing (flow, static, etc), much debated (see below) and is generally defined in terms of events, causality, memory, and processes. An event is something that happens and it happens at a particular time. For example, the first landing on the Earth's Moon by humans. And even that event is a bit un-time like, and brother/sister/sibling if there's ONE EVENT in human history that deserves to be un-time like, that's pretty much got to be it! It (the first landing on the moon) occured on approximatelu July 19th/20th. In some parts of the world it was 2pm while in others it was 7am. In Cape Canaveral (aka at the time "Cape Kennedy"), Florida, United States, Terra it was July 19th, while in Parks, New South Wales, Australia, Terra it was July 20th. Many who doubt the nature of time, maintain that man has yet to land on the moon and that the illusion of time (like the moon landing) is simpy "yet another hoax" foisted on the world by "them". This them is taken severally (or not) to be the Free Masons, the Priory of Rome, the Illuminati, the Rossicurians, the Mormons, the Catholics, the Jews, the Arabs, the Christians, the Warren Commision, Lt. Kije (or at least his nose), Jorge Luis Borges of San Francisco (etc), the Pope, the AntiChrist, PBS, the CIA, Ralph Nadar, Kala Anka (a known international absurdist code-named "Donald Duck", Gloria Steinem, Elvis, The Rand Corporation, an unspecified group of "reverse vampires", (and of course) "THE" Government, and even "a certain duck". It is beyond the scope this entry to go further with this, please google. We appologise for the inconvenience. Causality -(see map)- is the idea that one thing occurs and then something else happens as a result of it. For instance, a carpenter is building something and hits "the wrong nail" (ie, the thumb nail, rather than the metal nail). This cause, gives rise to the air being blued. That is, Carpenter (raises hammer (slightly), Stikes (what she/he/neh thinks is the nail), Hits thumb by mistake Jumps up and down (this is the danse portion of todays viewing) Says many, many bad words; some of which were foreign i think) - ref to "Police Academy III: Back in training". That's: Cause and Effect

The Existence/Existance (or not) of Time

The acceptance of the existinse of time is (like the various views of turtles) is often a matter of personal taste. However, from the POV of iconospheric thinking, we have: Time does NOT exist for the following POV's Absrudist - from a certain POV, time is CENTRAL to aburdism; and therefore it can't be. Artist - time is the ultimate "is is"; ie, "the is that is now". Fractalist - constructing a fractal is a reversable process. Same for chaos, catastrophy, etc. From a PHYSICS POV, we can: Just run the "film" backward. Humanist - "concern for mankind and his fate must always form the cental concern" (Albert Einstein. Time is reducible to Furturist POV. Jazzist - in a sense JAZZ is time. Is the fish the water? Is the leaf the tree? But of course, as every jazzist knows: The bird is the bird. The bird is flight. The bird is slavery. (and in the end - time?) The bird is free. Time DOES exist for the following POV's -[Futurist]- although for the futurist, the distinction between the past/present/future is an illusion; as Einstein point out: "But, a persistent one". (me thinks that Einstein was well taught/thought in -[pataphysics]- -[Scientist]- from clocks (mechanical, atomic, biological, geological, etc) to the the "chronons" of Star Trek, etc. -[Spiritualist]- an un-removable singularity. Please use the BACK key to return to your previous page; we applogise for the in-convenience. Otherwise, see also: Causality. --42--