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ZeitRaum - Space/Time

We know that we can use the iconosphere for this: Key "Reality Structure 3" Features ab = absurdist Ab Fr Parital resolution of Quantum Indecidability ar = artist \ / Non-resolution of Chance vs Necessity fr = fractalist +----------------+ Pervassive/Permissive Self-Referential Ability fu = futurist /| /| Fuzzy Logic/Gophers hu = humanist / | / | Lossless/Lossy Theoretical Structures jz = jazzist / | / | Alterity Structures allowed thru Non-Causal Narrative sc = scientist Fu / | / | Fanatical Ultra-truth Sacrifice Possible (not recommended) sp = spiritualist \ / | / | (provided for U-p2/3 compatability) +----------------+--Hu | Auto-extensibility z = imagination | | "RS-3" | | Supports both rational/irrational dichotomy conflict | Jz--+----------|-----+ (resolution not guaranteed in closed form) | / | / \ Self-volumising Content | / | / Sc Clean Ergonomic Design | / | / Clean Well-lit Restrooms | / | / Open Source Multi-user InterFace |/ |/ +----------------+ / \ Sp Ar "Reality Structure 3" (mark II) Go ahead, try it. I'll be here when you get back. (browses thru music list and decides on some "Dark Star" while waiting)...