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NOTE: Portions of this index/map were prepared whilest listening to/experiencing/trying to understand/learning/seeing/feeling/hearing/knowing/not-knowing/maybe knowing the concept of "LUE" using Black Star's amazing new invention called the "Third Eye Vision" (5-star dimension edition). That's liff. Abs Fra Hum Sci || || || || PROMENADE ========================= Cafe Voltaire || || || || Art Fut Jaz Spi The Promenade Galleries (Abs, Art, etc) lead to "Museum tubes" which are hyperspace by-passes that in turn lead into the "exhibit" spaces (eg, a "topic"). At any point, you may go directly to the factory floor (where the basic building blocks of the iconospheric things are located) - eg, "ma-artist". Think of these as fairly compact volumes of an encyclopaedia but directly focused upon certain (somewhat restrictedly so) topics under each axis (eg, Absurdism, Artism, Fractalism, etc). NOTE: There are both TWO and THREE letter designations for the various axises; ie, AB/ABS=Absurdist, AR/ART=Artist, etc. Fractalist, Futurist, Humanist, Jazzist, Scientist and Spiritualist. NOTE: There is no possible return from this page; well, other than the BACK key. Since it is assumed that you arrrived on this page by the process of non-linear thinking; or at least by the process of non-linear querying. ...however: [Back to the Quick Index/map] (page)

A Brief Phylogeny of Everything

Stuff (probably only partially "knowable") Other stuff (probably ab bit more knowable) Small aquatic fowl All non-possible universes All non-possible universes that (turn out to be possible) Our Universe (commonly refered to as "Reality Structure 3") Concept/Idea/Form (and most other philosophical things) Matter/Anti-matter | Engergy/Dark-Energy Vast regions of empty space Galaxies Planets, Creatures, Thoughts, and Insurance Policies, sub-atomic particles, waves, non-wave phenomenae, etc (commonly mis-refered to as "everything) The following is a quasi 4-dimensional map of the icon-o-sphere Absurdity Art Fractals Humans (see alternate map) Jazz Science Spirituality (The easiest way to "visualise" this is to "see" it in the "tetrahedral way" (a triangle-based pyramid). The vertexes (end points) of the tetrahedron are given by: Art, Science, Spirituality (the base triangle) Absurdity (the apex or the top "point" of the tetrahedron) (it's a left-handed tetrahedron, which here, i have taken the liberty of drawing upside down and as a right-handed tetrahedron) (for ease of viewing, maths (also commonly refered to as "mathematics", "matimatika", etc -- for reasons unknown) is not shown, since they pervade all things, even when those things don't exist in the "normal" sense of "exist" or "is") At the centre of the tetrahedron are of course humans who rather have an high oppinion of themselves and are thus at the centre of all things. As one of their philsophers once put it: "Man is the measure of all things.". How this would aid in the measurement of the mass of the graviton, the semiotic thickness of the un-disclosed agency of causality, or any of the other more common things still in need of measuring is beyound your current narrator's capacity to understand. Now piercing this tetrahedron is a four-dimiensional line that knows no bounds either in terms of any of the various fictions such as "time", "space", "reality" (or non-reality if you prefer). The "end points" (again a convenient fiction) of the line are of course fractals and jazz. It is hoped that this diagram will aid the user in accessing the portions of the icon-o-sphere that they wish to examine/look at/understand/not-understand/experience/not experience/etc. Any comments or questions are always welcome. Please address these to the librarian/tea-time consultant of the library in the infinite city via: Frank: fleeding AT hotmail DOT com (earth link; 2009.05.05) Updates are announced via, the blog at: http://www.myspace.com/iconospherezix Which also provides an automatic notification service as well. Only send closed-form missives as a portion of the library is being moved (when is a portion of the library NOT being moved?), and as such any non-closed-form missives (packages, letters, drawings, songs, etc) may be mistaken for part of the library's permanent (or non-permanent) collection and might not receive a response, but rather a catalog number, reviews, indical notations, references to/from/of/by/with, as well as possibly a small duck. (The duck may not be returned unless all parties can agree on a peace-full solution; Form LUE-042/3-5 must be filled out and enclosed with the duck). Please use the BACK key to return to your previous page.


Note: The semi-standard notation of "--30--" is used to indicate the end of each entry. "action" (as well as "action at a distance", etc) -- the concept of any change that produces a different state of being. The diametric oppostie is usally taken as "non-action" despite the fact that by NOT acting, events may occur as a result and thus even non-action can be seen as a form of action. The concept of action is closely related to the various forms of the "free will" argments (see topics in the INDEX under "free will"). One of the key thinkers in this area in the new millenium is/was Isaac Asimov (now, sadly deceased) who in his so-called "I, Robot" series of fictions introduced "The Three Laws of Robotics" (he consistently gave co-authorship to fellow writer/futurist John Campbell). (see entry: ["Robotics"] (under Scientist) Key among them was the idea of "unless". In once story the "strong" form of one of the three laws (of which there actually more than 3, similar to the fact that there are more than 3 laws in "The Three Laws of -[Thermodynamics]-" (in physicist; but, alas, i digress). The second law (in strong form) states: A robot may not allow injure to a human being unless compromisiing the first law (not an exact quote). In the weakened form of the the "unless" was removed. This allowed a robot to attempt murder. It could easily now drop a heavy object on a human knowing that it can reach the human and pull them out of harms way before the object reaches them. In the weakened form, the robot can then later decide simply not to act to fullfill the intent of the first law: A robot can do no harm to a human being. In this case, the robot knows that it is not harming the human, since it knows that it can act soon enough to negate the action. Thus, this gives rise to a very fruitful line of argument and reasoning concerning free will, action, the common good, laws of right and wrong, etc. That Asimov did not intend such discussions to take place is very un-likely for several reasons: 1) He was a humanist, dedicating much of his life to writing books on EVERY subject in the Dewey Decimal Library Classification system (over 500 at the time of his death), 2) Thus, he was deeply concerned for mankind (humanity) and its fate, 3) Further, he wrote two full volumes of the "robot stories" -- which are quite literally un-like any other stories of their kind at the time -- most of the "plot" of the story revolves around the "problems" that arrose in the three laws with robotic behaviour that involved conflict resolution and action directly -- in some case dealing with the potential death of humans (something which would bring "grief" to a robot, possibly driving it mad or rendiering it inert), and finally 4) it is clear that he "probably" intended these laws as a model for a utopian society for several reasons: The robot was seen as the "utlimate servant" thus, freeing humanity once and for all from drudgery work. The word robot is derrived from the Chezk word "worker" from Karel Capel's story "Rostrom's Universal Robots" -- which tells the story of autonomoton workers (robots). Asimov later augmented the three laws with a zeroth law which consisted of three higher laws. The word human was replaced with the broader word "humanity", thus action on a single human might be justified by serving a larger context of the greater good of humanity as a whole. Asimov was only partially able to explore the paradoxes and problems inherent in such a system before his death. Most obvious is the old problem of "the end justifying the means". It would appear that a robot (or an idealised human) COULD kill a human (or at very least harm them) if the greater good of humanity was somehow preserved/protected. This would at first show that violence "might" be necessary for the good of society. But, as one of his most memorable characters, Salvador Hardin ("Foundation", Volume 1) put it: "Violence is the last resort -- but, only of the incompetant." (not an exact quote). Thus, indicating that Asimov (or at least his idealised benovlent ruler -- Hardin becomes the active leader of a revolutionary group when "The Foundation" (a distant outpost in space created to presever the galaxy from the chaos of a thousdand year decay into barbarism) is threated with violence by surrounding principalities -- eschewed violence. Of course another probelm involved with action (and its counter-part, non-action -- not necessarily an "opposite" since for almost any action there are probably an infinite number of actions as well as an almost as infinite number of anti-actions, etc). At any rate, another problem is that one "makes mistakes" and that one "can not anticipate every consequence". Even a cursory use of the icononsphere shows us that due to the fractal/quantum/chaotic/random natures of the universe (see map), we can rarely predict the outcome of ANY action (in-action, etc). Thus, comes the moral problems with consequences. Even if we attempt to create rational systems (teach children, build machines, writte plays) we are certain to find that they can be mis-used, mis-understood, or at the very least ignored until it is too late (or not). Thus, comes the important of keeping track of the actions that we take, trying to "tie down" (or at least annotate) as many extraneous features, events, variables, etc as possible, as well as (probably most importantly) "learn from the mistakes of history". The author/futurist/socialist H.G. Welles pointed out that "Those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them", as well as "More and more, civilisation becomes a race between education and disaster" -- probably exact quotes. A good example of this is with the pyramids of Ancient Egypt, there is one pyramid that is a bit too steep and it collapsed. Subsequent pyramids never came close to that slope again. In the same way the classic case of the "Verizonno Narrows Bridge" ??ref?? stands as a modern example as to what happens when we don't "pre-think" our our actions. (A bridge that was supposed to be state of the art at the time (and in fact WAS!) ended up by being destroyed by a very small, rhythmic wind that "pumped" the bridge (just like when you "pump yourself forward and backward" when sitting in a swing). The resulting forces ended up completely destroying the bridge -- even though it was designed to withstand MUCH higher wind current speeds). From a fractalist/jazzist point of view (POV), this is the power of rhythm, repetition, and other forms of pattern. Note that these are two almot opposing ways of viewing things: Fractalist -- repetition of a pattern as acurately as possible With the possibility of a "slight error" -- in which case the behaviour can become chaotic and "defy" prediction, etc.... Jazzist -- pattern, which is then destroyed (or transformed) and these patterns of change are either by "feel" or by strict guidlelines of musical transformation. In either case though, not strictly random -- they can be made so using electronic methods or by carefully doing so according to mathematical methods -- usually refered to as "stochastic" (statistical music, "Markov processes", etc), etc.... Regardless, the concept of "action" (right action, non-action, etc) continue as a problem in all areas of philosophical investigation. "ducks" -- refer to file: [Ducks] --30-- "earth" -- small, blue-green planet which the creature "man" (cf/qv) inhabits (mainly). Primarily of local interest only. --30-- "humans" -- both a phsical term (see map: "man") for members of the genus species homo sapiens (Latin "wise man"). As well as a philosophical concept of "humanity" (see direct entries in the icon-o-sphere under "Humanist"). Many essays are available on the concept of "humanity" written from almost every point of view; eg, spiritualist, scientist, artist, and of course humanist among them. At the heart of the concept of "humanity" is the idea of "humane treatment" -- which has also been extended to the treatment of humans and non animals. Chief among these efforts are such organisations as the "World Wild-Life Federation", "The Socieity for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals", the oddly named "GreenPeace Group", as well as "Amnesty International". The last of these your current narrator having had close associations with for the past 30 years as an active participant, sponsor, and "freedom writer" -- i never thought to see Nelson Mandella alive again. Peace to all. --42-- --30-- "the infinite city" -- referring to either a real or imagined city where many things are possible. Modesl for this have included things like "Nirvanah", "heaven" (as well as "hell"), "el Dorado", "Kimeon" ?sp?, "civis dei" (the city of God), Emerald City (as well as all of Oz itself), etc. In the infinite city, there are infinite delights as well as the possiblity of seeing people living and dead. On notable part of the infinite city is its library and tea room (technically speaking, any meal (or not) may be consummed in the tea room of the infinite city -- for reasons unknown the tea room is refered to as the "tea room" (not necessarily as "The" tea room) as in the conversation: Entity A: "I'll see you in the morning for breakfast, then." Entity B: "In the tea room, around 8?" Entity A: "That sounds good." (this is one of the simpler such conversations concerning the tea room. There are natually enough an infinite number of such conversations. Refer to the as yet-un-written essay "Concerning the countablity (or non-countability) of the infinite number of conversations for setting a "luncheon date" in the tea room of the infinite city" and related references to be contained there-in -- some of which are already in existance. ) --30-- "library" -- a collection of things usually arranged according to some systematic scheme. A common example is a school library which contains books (printed, electronic, and facsicle), recordings (video tapes, DVD's, audio tapes, vinyl records), as well as an "index" (commonly refered to as "the card catalog" -- even though it may be stored and accessed electronically and is only rarely printed onto "cards"). Noted libraries on the planer Earth (see map) include the following: The Library at Alexandria -- destroyed and mostly in-accessible following the Roman-Christian era. The Great Library of Persia -- destroyed following the invasion during the Egyptian-Islamic era. The Great Library of the Confuscians -- (possibly appocryphal), destroyed during one of the many purges (executions) of the Confucians by one of the many Emperors of China. The Library of Batan -- Destroyed during/following the so-called "Bataan Death March". The private library of Professor Ito -- destroyed during the "re-settlement" of Japanese Amercians following the so-called "Day of Infamy". The Library and Collection of Berlin -- preserved by soldiers during the final stages of the so-called "Second World War". Although many items were damaged beyound repair, many were recovered and exist now in various collections. The painting by Gustave Colbert, "The Stone Cutters" as well as the "sculpture by dadaist Kurt Schwitters entitled "Merz House" did not survive the conflict and both are presumed destroyed -- only a few casually taken photographs of those (and many other) works remain. "The 291 Gallery" -- While technically not a library, the collection (stored in the attic of the building on 291 Fifth Avenue, New York ??ok??), for many years in the early 1900c (the so-called "twentieth century") housed the only viewable collection in the United States of America (see any current political atlas) of many avante guarde art works by such authors as Alfred Stieglitz and ??name? (co-founders of the collection), Pablo Picasso, Paul Ceszane, Matisse, O'Keefe, etc. Tragically though one of the most treasured pieces in the permanent collection entitiled "The Fountain" by the artist "Richard Muttinger" (signed simply "R. Mutt") was misplaced and/or stolen at about the same in Paris that the famous "Mona Lisa" (also refered to as "The Portrait of the Lady La Giaoconda ??spa??) was stolen. Although suspected as the possible thief of both, the artist/chess-player Marcel Duchamp was never conclusively proven to have anything to do with either event. Oddly enough some maintain that Marcel himself was the artist who created "The Fountain" (possibly a copy of the original by R. Mutt), as well as purported to have painted the "Mona Lisa" -- despite the latter's usually accepted authorship by Lenoardo da Vinci. Both "The Fountain" and the "Mona Lisa" have been much imitated by many visual artists, sculptors, writers, etc. thus increasing the burden of authentication by curators but usually to the delight of art historians, and other teachers. Other libraries too numerous include those at cities, universites, colleges, acadamies, schools, as well as small privately owned (and much treasured) libraries (more "mere" collections) of various aestheticists, scientists, theologists, pata-physicists, etc -- all paying homage to the enduring value of such a concept of a library. As a final note, it is purported that the "inventor" of the so-called "lending library" was in fact Benjamin Franklin, a rather obscure inventor in the 1700c-1800c colony of Philadelphia who is usually credited with discovering (and un-fortunately mis-labeling the polarity of) electricity. Fanciful accounts include flying a kite during an electrical story, purposefully (or not depending upon the version of the story) forgetting his wig and thus changing the course of world history, as well as supposedly being married to someone named Constance Dogood. History is full of such interesting tales concerning not only the sciences (for example the invention of the first earth-quake detector by ??namename?? in China during the ??chinese-dynesty??), the arts (the the invention of counter-point by Johann Sebastian Bach (approx ??year??) followed much later by the invention of modern Jazz notation under the dirction of the Base player Charles Mingus at a confeference of Jazzists that he called in New York in the late 1900c, as well as the invention of a rational alphabet for the Korean Language (hanguuk) by King Sejoung (of the Yi Dynesty) with the assistnace and interworking of his scholars just going to show you that it IS possible for humans (see map) to get along -- at least briefly. These and mnay other topics are accessible via the internet (usually credited as having been invented by the CERN laboratoy in France/Switzerland and Tim Berners Lee; although the inventor of e-mail is unknown, a largely bearded chap by the ironic last name of "Post" (now, sadly deceased) is generally credited with many of the so-called "post office protocols" used to make not only e-mail but the internet the mostly successfull information i-way (c) that it is today). Of course many traditional scholars, *still* prefer wandering up and down the musty halways of libraries to sitting on their duffs and "surfing" the internet. --30-- "man" -- a small, ape-like creature inhabiting (for the most part) the third planet from the star locally known as "Sol", "The Sun", "Solaris", etc. Many theories have been put forward to explain this creature and its habbits. Chief among these is the concept that the creatue was created out of nothing. One of these ideas derives from the concept of "divine creation" while a generally recognised "opposite" idea is that man evolved from a a "lower form" sharing many common characteristics with existant creatues called "The Great Apes". Other ideas involve the creation of man as a result of the inadequacies of the "first people" (commonly refered to as "the first ones", "the yei", etc) who determined that the forces of nature could ONLY be balanced by the introduction of a "fifth element" (also refered to as a "fifth direction" -- that is, as opposed to the "normal" four directions; ie, north, south, east, west) in this view man is tasked with enjoying life as much as possible, trying to understand the universe, and among certain individuals (called into being spontaneously from their "normal" existance) as "intercessors" (guides, shamans, saviours, prophets, seers, etc) who attempt to bring "balance" (as well as a greater understanding) to the thing called life. --30-- "the universe" -- Commonly refered to as "the universe of discourse". It is both a philosophical as well as materialisic concept used to refer to the vast collection of possible but not im-possible (for the most part) things. It also refers to the metaphorical concept of "universality" or "totalness" of things or any such collection (physical or conceptual) purporting to include many, many things with common (or not) attributes. --30--