[plase use the BACK key to return to your previous pageLinear Thought
(iconosphere entry)

   Write drunk;
   Edit sobre;
     - from my old days at UPI; computer geek.
       (United Press International)

Linear Thought

On this page: {Somatics} {Inter-viening blurble 1} {Words} {} {} {} {}


(Or the flows of linearity within the body itself; the "soma") We take it as read that thought may well be non-linear. It is impossible to consider that with as many neural fire-ings going on in our tiny little 3-pound universe, that our stream of consciousness (no matter how focused we might seem) is in fact a very chaotic (and indeed quantum-dependent) process. Oddly enough the body seems a very linear process on the whole working in harmony - if we may for the moment consider all of the myriad processes occuring at the *molecular* level as simply being machines running in such a manner such that their "purpose" is to maintain a stable homeo-static level of exixstance. The inter-action of these machines (eg, the whole host of bacteria on the surface of our skin "scrubbing" out foreign bacteria, UV-light damage, dry/cold/wet/etc conditions of the air immediately surrounding us. Thus, as i type these words the whole host of physical processes going on of which i am (at times) only vaguely aware of are "supporting" this process of thought/production. As if the body itself has a purpose: To be able (for this particular span of time) to allow me to create text and thus transfer ideas from my brain (mind?) to this "paper" (notepad program). And of course, all of the very non-linear "things" occuring within and without. Forcing me to re-focus my attention again and again. Rubbing my left eye as it is watering a bit, the little ceramic space heater over to the right of my foot - thus warming one side of my body while the other is quite a bit chilly. Now (for waht ; for what ever reason) rubbing my right eye - and this to say nothing of my aching back (v. slight; but there none-the-less) and the (need to space up the page to continue writing), etc, etc.

Inter-viening blurble 1

Not knowing where/how to begin - i'll just jump in: In one of thrift stores (mainly looking for something to buy and read while my mother shopped for things), i came across a very nicely bound copy (Houghton Mifflin re-print) of Tolken's Lord of the Rings; vol. 1. And bought it ($1 - imagine that; marked so low since it was in the "children's" book area). And a lady and her daughter popped into that area and the daughter was asking if she might get a "chapter book". So, i had to ask: "What IS a chapter book? I kept hearing that term..." And her daughter proceeded to explain to me about Chapters 1, 2, and three (as counting numbers) and picked up a novel and said, "Like this; most thick books are chapter books". And her Mom said, "It's to keep them from reading books with just one word on a page." Hmmm. So, this has (clearly) stuck in my mind since it's now some 12 hours later - my insomnia kicking in and waking me up at 3 in the morning. So, we go back to...


(or the text as it plays through forming a "creative" work) The new-world poet/librarian Jorge Luis Borges considers this several times in his fictions; eg, "the book of sand" and of course the now legendary "The Library of Babel". As i was typing that above, i wrote considers tis several tmes in his fictnis; et, eg, the book of time, and of course t h now legnedar ... And with nume[o]r[ou]s back spces [..aces] and such produced the [ear]]m linear text as you see it above; ie, The new-world poet/librarian Jorge Luis Borges considers this several times in his fictions; eg, "the book of sand" and of course the now legendary "The Library of Babel". (the indented text using "cut and paste; via ctrl-c, ctrl-v) As a pristine element of thought. Hardly that. And yet, this format (using a clunky old lap top - with my optical mouse on the fritz - is quite about as NON-linear a creative tool as one could want. So, what of the hand-wir [wri tten] journal? Much the same, but with more control, we sketch along with our pen (pencil?) and scratch out (erase?) the thing here or th[ere] that we changed our mind on. One only has to look at (as in "one only need look at") Beethoven's music pages with their numerous changes - and he purportedly changed music in his mind even as he was conducting it; the new score "appearing" in his mind even though it was *supposedly* fixed on the page before him and replicated (and how accurately was that done? we remember Sonenfelder ??sp?? and his happen chanse invention of lithography while approaching the very problem of producing musical scores). Or the example of extant (existant made "is") copies of various poet's text works; eg, Sylvia Plath, or Greenberg, etc) where in some cases it took YEARS to create a specific poem; Others took only as long as it took to scritch the pen across the page. And the we find things like this: Shall I take thee, The Poet said To the propounded word? Be stationed with the Candidates Till I have finer tired - The Poet searhed Philology And when about to ring For the suspended Candidate There came unsummoned in - That portion of the Vision The Word applied to fill Not unto nomination The Cherubim reveal - -- Emily Dickinson's Poem's (Final Harvest, ed/sel by: Thomas H. Johnson) [the above text via the following operations: Clicked on BEK-SOL-3 jump page (local html page on my laptop) Skimmed along the links to: INDEX Clicked on that (the TIME LINE) came up, Selected the link: ART-SQUEEK Clicked on the link: POETRY and sech Scrolled all the way down (the old MAC-2001 pages didn't have my nice [^^buttons] at the top yet)) to the bottom of the page, Clicked on: Back to the Poetry Page Scrolled up to the top; where "I KNEW" was a copy of o the poem by Emily... Cut and paste; again via my mouse-click-drag and ctrl-c/ctrl-v \soperations) hmmmm. So in order to "produce" this page, (so far) i've created the following "chaff" -- START BLOCK QUOTE =========================================== te om is onsaal-c fs thhe wng \like cook toc rewe ch o ve ttt] my het [hetzz] ly . lin] oou e on is es ) ck of e fd e t rr c. etc ae a r o\\nhing se dccul oionois ng" at END BLOCK QUOTE ============================= nite all...