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(iconosphere entry) bistro-maths is the brain child of the late, great Douglas Noel Adams (whose initials do not in-consequentially exist as "DNA") in his 5-part trilogy "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to The Gallaxy". The primary concept is that when the check comes due, no one ever ends up paying what they really should; some get over charged, and a particular ex-manager of mine ended up paying considerablly less than he should have -- especially since he usually the only one ordering ethanol at lunch. Thus, inside a bistro the world of "normal" maths goes right out the window (or where-ever it goes when it's not hanging around trying out how to square the circle or create articifical life using the conic sections). Please use the BACK key to return to your previous page; we applogise for the in-convenience. --42--