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fleeding MA Thesis work

See also: [L/D] [S/D] See also: [af/art3/pkda2001 - pizoig gaming projects] NOTE: This is release version 0.1.0 of the Iconosphere, updates will be made regularly. email: fleeding@hotmail.com Quick link to the -[PDE]- (Public Domain Encycopedia) Also on this page: {The Iconosphere a mere "re-discovery"???} {More of the Earth's 2000+ iconospheres}

Complaints Department

Applogies: We must remind you that while he doesn't come from a broken home, he (and he takes full blame; or at least enough) for creating a broken home. And he was dropped far too many times on the head, as well as suffering numerous head injuries (mostly during bicycling, encounters with moving cars (againwhile on a bicycle), and once with a tennis court that was a bit icy-ier than it looked). These are NOT make as *execuses* (i never make excuses; i give explantions as i am far to busy making art, text, and trouble to find time to "make excuses"). Regardless: please forward all comments to: Frank: fleeding AT hotmail DOT com (Zounds! There are some 2000 references to "iconsophere" and this is the first release!!!!) -- Frank. And Terrance is still worried sick, so please won't the fine folks at SouthPark release Ms. gilliam??? --42-- (operators are not standing by, they are in the thick of it -- cage74).

The Iconosphere a mere "re-discovery"???

So, is wuhz going to get the nifty nik: "iconosphere@hotmail.com" Sounds of absoluzion/illusion/; -- some frooed already nict the nik !!! So, it must be Karl Jung's fault -- and here i wuhz thinking (good hobby ;) that i was such an original genius (prob, but at least original!!!) will investigate as time permits -- zix (you know when you listen to the 4th movement of Cage's "toy piano concerto" (orch version) for about 2 hours straight you actually begin to think (know? understand?) that green is not really as 7 as the penguins might think; makes you wonder, huh? -- or naught) please use your browser's back key. or page on down!

More of the Earth's 2000+ iconospheres

At least things aren't too weird, mainly: a song ectoplasmic zix and a couple of sites, but at least the ONLY thing that wiki has is just web-crawler stuff, no entries!) hmmmm (smiles fiendishly or least thinking about a tuna sandwhich) From the Nethlands, an art project (Karl Jung again; methinks) -[
Project: Dialectical Iconosphere: Mapping vs. Translating in Contemporary Visual Arts ]- -[Wall paper by pixelcatalyst]- -[and another art project; Poland]- At least THIS one makes sense (a mistype) -[New "iconosphere" (ionosphere) discovery]- And now the poets/song-writers get into the act!! -[EctoPlasmic Iconosphere D.1]- Ah, fellow sf'r's... -[iconsf awards]- -[and their take on the iconosphere]- Teaser: The Anne Kuljian Theater will be featuring : Bicentennial Man Equilibrium Flatliners Minority Report The Crow: City of Angels Nice to see Dr. A, and Phil noticed again! Physics courses... -[]- Which leads to: -[iconosphere.com]- !! And now live from Sweeden... -[iconospherics and semiotics]- !! -[more on iconospheric symbolism]- -[]- -[]- -[]- -[]- -[]- -[]- -[]- -[]-