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Mr. Heren's Homepage.....w00t!

Welcome to my personal "web page," or whatever it is the kids are calling these things today :-). This site is also for school stuff. If you are in my biology or chemistry classes....this is for you!

ACADEMIC BIOLOGY: Chapter 6 Power Point. Chapter 7 Power Point. Chapter 11. Here is the handout text for Chapter's 10 and 11. I also have this review which briefly goes over all of the chapters we have covered this grading period.

CHEMISTRY: For those of you enriched chemistry kids who threw away my reviews.....this one'sfor you (Chapter's 8-9)! Chapter 10. Chapter 11.

The end.....of school is near. Watch as I celebrate in my own way! Video 1 and Video 2.

My Favorite Web Sites

Department of Geology at U fo IL
School of Integrative Biology at U of IL
For the much needed mental breaks
Awwww, EP! w00t!
The Evolution PBS website.
