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Seashore Solitaire

* w. Glenda Valle


Scarlet tongues of sunset flames

Ignite the distant sky

Ocean spreads across the west

As I lie on powdered sand


Phallic shadows cast by rocks

Surround my supine form

Cat-like then I roll and stretch

Quartz sand flecks sparkle on skin.

Gazing toward illimitable expanse

Of undulating sea, above which then

A pillar shaped purple cloud

Starts shifting before my eyes.


The nascence of an orchid bloom

On vortex comes to bloom

Ascending upward toward the sky

Uninhibited there I drift.


I’m one within the cloud

And one with the sky and sea

A salty cooling cleansing breeze

Renders my spirit free

Vanishing now the blossomed cloud

On reddened sky and sea

I seem to float into my own

As naturally as can be.


Sounds subside and then I drift

Through forests filled with light

Tis there upon a dreamscape field

I hear a tinkling stream nearby.


Walking through blue bell fields

Accompanied by mountain breeze

I’m gently guided to the source

And arrive at the Lake of Dreams.

And there reflected are my eyes


Emerging then, I come awake

And gaze on evening star

Scintillating its pulsing shine

On the world I’d left behind.