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Illuminated soul, glowing love

Old man whiskey stained shirt

Reflecting years of drunken sorrow

Sleeping on sidewalk, covered in print

The papers headlines reading,"2000, boom year."

Gentle face soft lines etched in portrait of saint

Simplicity realized in daily meals at the soup kitchen

Golden years dreamlike

In the French Quarter mystique

Finding human kindness in quarters

Dropped in quaint stove pipe hat

Eyes misty in fogged contemplation

Of childhood picnic neath the old oak tree

Blissful lapsing into timeless meditation of God's

Unlimited love of trees, flowers, children

Wishing he was twelve sitting in front of Victrola

Listening to Louis Armstrong in the soulful night

But content to hear Dixieland

As staggering tourists trip over splayed legs

Ah, what dreams light the night with lightening

In the phantom evening of the apocalypse

His thoughts wander over the land of Canaan

Following Abraham's bearded visage

Over ruins of ancient cities

Lost in the wilderness of visions

The signs of the end are everywhere

The lost souls seeking oblivion

In smoky bar rooms

Women selling their precious wares

To men already dead

Sad eyed children pulled by parents

Through the valley of the shadow of death

Strip joints drawing soul weary men

Into paradise of the mind

People bought and sold on the auction block

Just like from time immemorial

He thinks he is an old horse, beaten and tired

His final ride into the sunset

Marked by trumpets blaring Basin street blues

As fallen angels lead him

Across the shrieking sirens

Into the Promised Land