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Night Journey               


Passing silently across the dark Mississippi hills

Crimson sunset falls across trees

Cool piney air blows through the window

Silvery creeks curve off into the blackness

With sand banks pale yellow

Cars flow down hillsides, their headlights blinding me

To the shadowy shoulder whizzing by

Native American flute music plays on the radio

Soothing, haunting melody suspends me in time

The road unfolding like a path to some sacred place

Endless banking and swinging around curves

Through the limitless void of darkness


She sits beside me speaking quietly of life, death, and rebirth

Her syllables flow melodiously from her lips

A river of wonder, passion, love

Hungry to know what lies out there beyond the veil

Her soft voice caresses my mind

Sending me to a place out of time

A celestial sphere of shining light

Where eternity stretches out limitless, and majestic

Human reason cannot lead me into this mystery

She touches my hand with divine warmth

Like an angel of mercy she leads me from the wilderness

Into myriad worlds


We pass refineries ascending the interstate

Gliding down the concrete skyway

I pass through the city oblivious to the lights of buildings

As they shimmer in the night air

My thoughts escape the bounds of the city

Encompassing multitudes of worlds

As I descend onto the street

Lined with stores, gas stations, ephemera

The kaleidoscopic world dances by

Trillions of atoms vibrating in a chorus of wave patterns

City life buzzing to the fields of energy

Thousands of people trickling through the labyrinth of streets

Like corpuscles flowing through a maze of arteries

In a cybernetic organic body melded with circuitry


People moving through the mechanized hive of humanity

Like angels flying in formation

Through a celestial sphere

Beyond care, fear, or pain

The apotheosis of humankind

We are children of the stars, divine but mortal

My heart flutters

As the stream of humanity vanishes into the ethereal night

Leaving traces, residues of energy

In the arc of light emanating from the street lights

Ghosts, ectoplasms of the eternal

Endless palpitations of life

The light flashes green