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Maiden Earth

Kerouacean visions besiege me in night sweats
Sailing across the rippling continent in days of yor
I experienced the earth spirit bared of raiment,
Aglow with the golden heat of creation
New Mexico cast it's aura upon my permeable mind
Sinking deep into the nexus of my pleasure centers
Now I dream of returning to the Indian earth
And redeeming my passion
In orgiastic bathes of mountain sky light.
To drink in the desert colors
In cascades of brown, red, and black.
The spirit of the desert calls to me in night dreams
With seductive urgency.
Enticing me with soft brown adobe curves,
Which beckon like a woman
To sink into euphoric contemplation of the essence
Which is feminine.
My prayer feathers dance in the wind
In supplication to her
Her seduction enfolding my masculinity
In feminine trance rhythms
In whispered dreams
She haunts the night